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To drive turnout, Democratic leadership and their spokespeople need to connect the dots from the machinations of the ultrarich and all-powerfull to low wages, high prices, lifetime debt, crime, ill health, lack of education, media disinformation, the gutting of democracy, the destruction of the the planet, and to most other regressive policies and terrible outcomes. The final dots, the biggest ones of all to connect, are what exactly the Democratic Party will do about it all and how they will help the common woman and man and their families struggling to survive in the face of such huge obstacles and pitfalls.

That's their job, and to do so IN PLAIN ENGLISH!

And the job of the Republican Party is to scatter the dots all over the table, take away everyone's pencils, and speak upside-down, inside-out Pig Latin.

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I tried to translate "tough luck sucker " into pig latin, but oh well...I don't remember a time when "regular folks" didn't vote against themselves because they were afraid somebody else might get something, or they really fell for the propaganda that monopoly equalled cost-saving efficiency. (Yeah, for somebody, but not them!) The fascists win the slogan war, hopelessly. So sorry.

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"ough-Tay uck-lay ucker-say!" aye-May uncle-ay aught-tay u-say ids-kay ig-Pay antin-Lay. Our-ay oldiers-say oke-spay i-tay oo-tay on-cayuse-fay ah-thay ermans-Gay. (My uncle taught us kids Pig Latin. Our soldiers spoke it to confuse the Germans.)

Haha, it's kinda wierd trying to write it out, as it's meant more for verbal communication. I'm pretty rusty now, but when you get the hang of it, you can speak it amazingly fast, and, usually, only the American ear will catch it. Foreigners who learned English as a second language can't make sense of it -- maybe a word here and there but not the entire meaning of the thoughts being expressed. Pretty cool.

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