The sublime beauty of yesterday's news is that even if trump wins on appeal and all those communications are ruled off-limits in a trial, everything is now in the public domain and in plain view. As lawyers will sometimes say in courtroom dramas, "You can't unring a bell." And the supreme irony is the timing, all a result of trump's lega…
The sublime beauty of yesterday's news is that even if trump wins on appeal and all those communications are ruled off-limits in a trial, everything is now in the public domain and in plain view. As lawyers will sometimes say in courtroom dramas, "You can't unring a bell." And the supreme irony is the timing, all a result of trump's legal team forcing delay after delay. Hoist on his own petard, eh?
The sublime beauty of yesterday's news is that even if trump wins on appeal and all those communications are ruled off-limits in a trial, everything is now in the public domain and in plain view. As lawyers will sometimes say in courtroom dramas, "You can't unring a bell." And the supreme irony is the timing, all a result of trump's legal team forcing delay after delay. Hoist on his own petard, eh?
That's good. A petard has a certain scatological implication.
Like, Vlad the son of the Dragon implications.