The sublime beauty of yesterday's news is that even if trump wins on appeal and all those communications are ruled off-limits in a trial, everything is now in the public domain and in plain view. As lawyers will sometimes say in courtroom dramas, "You can't unring a bell." And the supreme irony is the timing, all a result of trump's legal team forcing delay after delay. Hoist on his own petard, eh?

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That's good. A petard has a certain scatological implication.

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Like, Vlad the son of the Dragon implications.

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Fabulous read

I would just add

Following are donors to pinocchio






NY Times CEO


Wall Street Journal Owner Rupert Murdoch

New Your Post Owner Murdoch

Reagan fast tracked citizenship to Murdoch so he could own American media outlets

to help his "administration’s ‘public perception’ program aimed at winning support for an aggressive policy of ‘regime change’ in Central America."


Regan scrapped the Fairness Doctrine

"requiring broadcasters to devote some of their airtime

to discussing controversial matters of public interest,

and to air contrasting views regarding those matters."

It takes a village of enablers.

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Thank you for the eye-opener, Miru. I didn't realize it is that bad.

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Talking of CEO's the following is what I "mined" from google and opensecrets.org

Blackrock, Vanguard and State Street are money management institutions, that represent many, many investors including other institution, and the major media.

The Chairman and CEO of Blackrock is ps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Larry_Fink

In 2022 Larry Fink contributed to Republicans and Democrats, but mostly to Mike Crapo, R-ID

In 2024 Black Rock has spent

$542,592 in contributions and $1,300,000 in lobbying

OTE: The organization itself did not donate, rather the money came from the organization's individual members or employees or owners, and those individuals' immediate family members. Organizations themselves cannot contribute to candidates and party committees. Totals include subsidiaries and affiliates.

The biggest recipient was Hakeem Jeffries, followed by Jon Tester,DNC, Nikki Haley, Sherrod Brown, Mark Warner and Kamala Harris (in order) then Steele, Bryan, Chrissy Houlahan and Jared Gordon.

Chairman and CEO of Vanguard is Salim Ramji, a Blackrock veteran.

Salim Ramji, when with Black Rock contributed ,mostly to Black Rock Funds Service Group which then contribured evenly to Republicans and Democrats in 2022 and 2024

Vanguard has contributed over $639,000 to Federal candidates 2019-2020

$346,000 to Democrats $292,000 to Republicans. Not known is their contributions since 2020

The Chairman of State StreetGroup is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ronald_Logue , the CEO of State Street,works for the Board of Directors and is Ronald P.O’Hanley

In 2024, State Street has spent $89,323 in contributions and $690,000 in lobbying

$10,000 to Kamala Harris, $3,000 to Donald Trump

The most current records at Opensecrets.org for Ronald Logue are 2002, in that year he contributed $35 to Ronald Reich, which was the smallest contribution. He made

Ronald P O’Hanley has donated to both the RNC and DNC, fairly equally, but most of his donations are to Republican candidates.

Iwould be interested in 2022 and 2024 stats for most these corporations and individuals.

I've already post who owns who of CNN, CBS, ABC and MSNBC/NBC

All are owned by other corporations and to get to the real owners, I had to google who owns that corporation. For instance NBC is owned by NBCUniversal (as is MSNBC), which is owned by ComCast, which is owned by private and institutional investors, like Blackrock and Vanguard.

The largest private shareholder of ComCast and it's Chairman and CEO is Brian L. Roberts.

CBS is owned by Paramount Global which is owned by National Amusements which is owned by Sumner and Shari Redstone.

ABC is owned by the Disney Company, which is owned by Vanguard,Blackrock and individuals the top individual investor is also Chairman of the Board and CEO Robert Iger.

Christ Licht is the CEO of CNN

Almin Karamehmedovic is the President of ABC News

Wendy McMahon, is President and CEO of CBS News

Rashida Jones is President of MSNBC

Bear in mind that the Presidents and CEO's of this programs were hired by the ceo and board of directors of the parent organization to produce a product that is approved by the parent organizations board of directors.

If you have time for a really deep dive, then google members of the board of directors of parent organizations and see who they are, who they represent, and on what other boards they sit.

Tis worthy of a Masters thesis.

Show me who signs your paycheck and I will tell you what opinions you hold.

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Vanguard employees donated mostly to Democrats.


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NOTE: Organizations themselves cannot contribute to candidates and party committees. Figures on this page include contributions and spending by affiliates.

However the Vanguard PAC is another question: The Vanguard PAC has contributed as I said above. It is not know their contributions in 2022 and 2024


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Harold Daggett's longshoreman's strike (to "light a fuse") to blow up the economy is Donald's October Surprise (one of many).

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I read that the decision to strike was made by the union leaders including Daggett. The members didn’t vote to strike. If true is this legal or another crime that Trump and his mob will get away with? My head is exploding!!

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My wife just informed me that there is a picture of the President of the Longshoremans union and Trump taken after the event in PA in which glass cut his ear.

I also just read that the top longshoreman make over $200,000 a year and were offered a 50% raise and refused it, Apparently they are Luddites, there is the threat of automation

senior longshoremen can make more than $200,000 a year while factoring in overtime pay. The shippers of the U.S. Maritime Alliance had offered to bump that compensation up nearly 50 percent in their new contract; the union turned them down.

Why? Partly because the union wants even more money. But they also want suppliers to lock in agreements not to allow any part of the complicated process of loading and unloading container ships to be fully automated. They’re dead serious about this: “Talks between the I.L.A and port operators broke off in June,” the New York Times reports, “after the union said it discovered a gate at a port in Mobile, Alabama that was using technology to check and let in trucks without the involvement of dockworkers.” https://www.thebulwark.com/p/donald-trump-cant-escape-january-6th-jack-smith-liz-cheney

The Luddites were skilled artisans who feared that new machinery would reduce their wages and the quality of their work. They were not against technology in general, but rather the ways that factory owners were using it to exploit them

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Thank you for filling in information that I didn’t have. Hoping the strike ends very soon!

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Corporate media is trying to sell a product and not report on uncomfortable truths about our world and nation. It would reveal a sad compromise with laissez faire and racist forces that has mired our national progress since the beginning. It’s a sad reality.

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I knew these things and yet , seeing it on paper from a trusted source, gives it a noxious credence.

This of course is what the ‘ media’ should be doing right along.

But the Media is also corrupted by Republican allegiance , and cannot bring itself to tell the truth.

In a country where the GOPitifuls, have trashed our Health Care System. Have refused for years to fund infrastructure maintainance, refused to fund the Arts and ignore the Sciences , we now have a Country w Third World features.

Not to mention some very twisted but wealthy Magas , like the Federalists Society and the White Heritage Foundation who have written the script for the 2025 plan for Authoritarianism , whether you like it or not . We’ve cozied up to Russia, ( yes , Republicans, you)

Our Maternal and Child Welfare is the lowest of the developed nations.

Health Care / insurance Corruption. Now there are Corporations who have taken over and destroyed good practice who are also selling their own Insurance for their Hospital networks .

Gee, conflict of interest much? Yes it surely is .

Now we stoop lower yet, no funding for public schools , for our children’s future . Routine lies about vaccinations . Guns everywhere , kids in schools drilling in the event of a shooter with the intent to wipe out kids in a school .

We have a GOP candidate for the presidency who has been passed through all of the tenets of our Constitution written to curb criminals and anarchists from running for office . From the Fourteenth Amendment, neutralized by yes , the Dirty Six on the Supreme Court.

Who then went on to anoint this sleazy traitor with immunity from his crimes including his attempt to overthrow a free and fair election. They know who they are and exactly what they’ve done

They violated 53 yrs of precedent with Rowe v Wade . Overthrowing women’s rights , causing the deaths of many women seeking to get the treatment they required to save their lives . These women in many cases have other children to care for but now they’re dead .

So in truth Republicans and the last Republican president especially have destroyed our country . The Media doesn’t work any more , the Healthcare system is broken . Doctors are at risk of jail if they do what’s medically called for.

Most of all the absolute disdain for our laws and our values are primary and foremost the absolute worst legacy of this Republican , Maga, politicians and the Supreme Court Dirty Six are the worst of all: ‘Justices ‘ appointed by Republicans are cunning liars . They know it but damn it’s good money to be crooked in GOP circles right now.

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I don't like feeling helpless, and yet I do. This is the first political post I’ve read in two weeks. I backed away from all things disturbing because of the crushing feeling in my chest. I won't watch any more videos of “the man who shall remain nameless” because I need no more affirmation that he’s unhinged. Thanks for reminding people about Jimmy Carter and Reagans shenanigans. Keep up the good work.

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Almost there myself. Too nervous about next month, worried about Ukraine and the Middle East as well. Especially worried, and almost certainly, that a red win in November will bring us POTUS Vance sooner than later, an even worse nightmare than the faux orange flatulent felon. Doing what little I can to help blue candidates in close races and the national ticket in swing states. Being a Californian, I feel a bit helpless as our votes count so much less than those in Wyoming, or North Carolina, or other far less populous states. My only solace is that I am in fact a Californian, and not in Kern or other red counties here.

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The tyranny of the Electoral College is that your vote, and mine, are worth only a small fraction of a vote from Montana or North Dakota. That’s why it must be abolished. I had hope in the Popular Interstate Voting Compact, but it hasn’t gotten enough support yet.

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My wife thinks I'm getting a little paranoid, but I am wondering about the possibility of a much bigger October surprise. I don't think it will happen, but still.... Putin, seeing his asset Trump about to go down in flames, sets off a small tactical nuke in the Ukraine, allowing The Donald to claim he's the only one who can save us from World War III. Or the Russians (and perhaps Chinese) come in strongly on the side of Iran, again letting Trump say he can "solve this" before the Middle East blows up. I'm not saying Moscow is crazy enough to play such games with the world, but I wouldn't put it past them either. Trump, of course, is stupid enough to buy into anything that may let him win, even as a puppet.

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The elephant in the room is the poorly disguised contempt that Republicans and their wealthy patrons have for democracy, the law, and the people. They work to undermine elections because they feel that governing is their entitlement, not subject to the will of the people. Therefore, cheating, lying, and stealing are justified in order to maintain their "rightful" place.

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Brilliantly written - listened to you reading it - your vocal tones made it even more powerful. Shameful that our country continues this mess, decade after decade.

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All this, and today’s LA Times does not even have one article about this. Have the editors joined the cult?

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CORRECTION: My sincere apologies! There is a small article from the AP on the bottom of page 5 that I missed early this morning. Sorry.

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Who’s who in Trump's Jan 6th insurrection? Follow along with this interactive relationship map.


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Add Cruz, Hawley, Ron Johnson and a group of Congress members, including Mike Kelly, R., Pa. Add Ginny Thomas and several former Thomas law clerks.

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Shout it from the rooftops

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How many deals has Trump made with Putin and Netanyahu to keep the wars going? If Harris wins will Putin go nuclear? If Trump wins Putin will be given Ukraine and war will be averted. That is until the invades Latvia, and there will be no NATO there to defend it.

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Gosh, Thom, I'm in reverence of your tutelage. Thank you so much, sending best wishes. Vote Democrat up and down the ballot!

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It's October. Trump is surprised by his significant other.

Melania supports Roe V. Wade. https://www.npr.org/2024/10/03/g-s1-26134/melania-trump-memoir-donald-trump-abortion-position

Channeling Gomer Pyle. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2TnkJ8_BmSI

In Gomers' memory, please send "not suckers or losers" to military, veterans' orgs, historical sites as comments daily to flip Trump 2020 voters. https://votevets.org/

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I just now received my Harris/Walz signs to put on the lawn with my husband's "I'm a Veteran: Not a Sucker or a Loser" signs.

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Out Vote Vets bus is in its way to Newport News and then Fayetteville, North Carolina.

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Get rid of this corrupt gop and its maga goons once for a generation. Vote blue!

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