What did Fox and other media know about potential violence at January 6, 2021 and when did they know it? Bannon is going to jail for contempt, but the real offense is that he have may been part of a conspiracy. Same with other "media" figures.

I had expected that the Jan 6 civil suit plaintiffs would have considered adding Fox and other media who knew there would be violence but sent perpetrators to the Capitol as parties. At a minimum, the broadcasters should have been deposed as potential witnesses. IMHO the extent of monetary damages could be huge.

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While crude to say, the only thing wrong with Rupert Murdoch is that his mother didn’t abort him. He has done more to damage the West and humanity in general than anyone else in my lifetime, and that is saying a lot, given that I am 76. Hopefully he will claim his eternal “reward” before his Frankensteinian creation, tfg, seizes power again in November, as I fear will happen unless the stars align properly and people of goodwill get off their behinds in recognition of the existential peril he represents. Maybe we’ll get lucky and tfg will join Murdoch in facing Charon at the River Styx before November. If only…

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Twenty years ago, when I was still a practicing physician/psychiatrist in West Michigan, I used to joke with my Black patients, who made-up about 40% of my 1,500 active cases, that the only thing that had happened in America since the Civil War was that, now, slavery had expanded well into the White under-class, us "wage slaves" and the corporate overlords. The whole Jan 6 Coup was the result of the White majority being convinced, falsely, that they/we were rapidly becoming a minority and, so, we Whites had to "take America back" at any cost. In fact, if anyone still cares about the truth, 66% of the US is "white", 13% Black, and 19% Hispanic. BS is the new coin of the realm and corporate controlled "social" media is to thank.

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My wish, should we survive the anthropecene extinction which is looming that we become a nation of brown people. some of my grandchildren are working on it. Maybe this nonsense will quiet down, but I fear that if we do, then blue eyed people will be the subject of discrimination, superstition.Like Albino's are targeted in some parts of Africa, as "medicine"

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Ironically, the uniformed among us do not realize that the "replacement theory" is BS. 66% of Americans, at last check, are "white", 13 % "Black", 19% are Hispanic, so roughly 2% "other", even though Our Mad King (wannabe) Donald and his fraidy cat sycopants have created the entire MAGA coup attempt to preserve "white" Americans. Furthermore, racial intermixture, as in the vast majority of Americans today, promotes what any agriculturist knows as "hybrid vigor". Gee, I wonder if that's why there are so many gifted brown athletes, and Black and White and Red and Yellow, of course?

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People forget the other advancement of slavery in our country: the prison system. (Working on the chain gang....) If you know the numbers and percentages, it'll hurt in the gut area.

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I was unaware of Reagan’s role in paving the way for Rupert Murdoch’s “success” on these shores. The damage done to America by Saint Reagan seems endless.

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The first goal of the billionaires is to get enough of them elected so that they can destroy the Constitution and democracy once and for all!

In order to do that they need to get elected first. They have figured out that the right wing religious racists are the easiest to manipulate. Donald says he loves them and they actually believe him? But once in total control, they will treat all races equally, and let them all be homeless, no medical care, water or sewer or clothes...

The billionaires who have never lived paycheck to paycheck have no idea how much abuse financially being poor can cause humans, especially children. Financially abused children oftentimes grows up to be violent criminals. No or very few toys for their birthday or Christmas or money for sports or watching their family getting evicted for lack of rent or cars repossessed or wearing shabby clothes and having a bunch of crazy relatives is a lot to overcome and it all begins in the womb! The plans of these new world order tyrants will be to either let them all starve to death or exterminate them, regardless of race. Either grovel at their feet or die. We are on the road to feudalism, again! We need to persuade the racist idiots who vote for Donald to not vote at all if they can't stomach Biden!

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That’s it. It’s really more about money and power. The MAGA billionaires control enough of the media so they can control the people they exploit by using fear of the communist liberals, racism, misogyny, and xenophobia. Trump has been their best salesman. Behind Trump, they won’t pay taxes, have any regulations, get rid of unions, and make corrupt, monopolistic deals among themselves. Who’s going to stop them? The Supreme Court??

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Couldn't get to Unfox My Cable Box via internet or Facebook. I'd really love to Unfox my TV.

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They should be able to piecemeal our accounts. Why should we be forced to pay for programs that we don't want?

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I want cable and satellite to be cafeteria style. Select your channels and that is what you pay for, but they force he whole shebang down your throat.

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As I see it, the families of everyone killed or injured during J6 have standing to sue Fox News for wrongful death, conspiracy to violate civil rights, and negligence per se, since Fox deliberately spread lies about the election and knew or should have known their falsehoods would lead to violence.

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In today’s Washington Post a featured article on Vought explains not only his role in the Trump J6, but his role in authoring ‘a strategy he calls ‘radical constitutionalism’” as part of the 2025 Plan. “The left has discarded the Constitution, Vought argues, so conservatives need to rise up, wrest power from the federal bureaucracy and centralize authority in the Oval Office.”

These are the Christo Fascist maniacs who are bent on creating Trump as the Leader. One who will never leave office.

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Mudsill works right in line with Fox that the majority of American's need to live in poverty to ensure that there are tons of millionaires to pay for the pro business worldview where advantage is always given to the super rich economic royalists. This condition has been achieved as Reagan economics has decreased the middle class from 2/3 in 1980 to 44% of today 2024. Right wing hate radio & tv must be banned as they are in Canada. The division and fascism is a threat to peace in the world.

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The frog in the pot of water metaphor remains appropriate, this “report” is a clear description of one of the main mechanisms turning up water’s heat.

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By the way, Trump is a textbook psychopath. Not a sociopath.

The difference is in the relationship to reality!

Trump had a very slim grasp and relation to reality that only comes into play when needed. Mostly he lives in an imaginary reality he has created to make him and us all believe he is more smart, powerful and wealthy than he really is. Ask his Putin private handler, Boris, who never leaves his side to make sure he is mouthing the right “message” or “talking points” in full totalitarian repetition! Which, clearly, is all trump is intellectually capable of.

Think: Charlie McCarthy and Edgar Bergen and you have exactly the correct picture!

Whose Russian lap are puppets Tommy Tuberville, Josh Hawley, Matt Gaetz , Marjorie Green, Ron Johnson and Mike Speaker sitting on? Who’s pulling their strings and lining their pockets?!

Not hard to guess, is it?

How do you think that’s working out?!

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The sociopath violates norms, standards and laws: the psychopath does not recognize their existence.

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Just as corporations aren’t people and don’t deserve free speech protection, politicized organizations aren’t religious and don’t deserve tax exemption status.

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I think we need to start looking more deeply at some of the possible underlying causes of such high levels of dysfunctional behaviour in Trump, Trumpism and his corporate, governmental and public supporters .

Recent neuroscience is showing that childhood trauma can activate the Amdygla to produce an oversupply of Cortisol and Adrenaline , the fight, flight or freeze hormone, sufficient to alter the neurophysiology of the growing brain so it becomes dissociated from reality and creates an alternative reality characterised by fear and anger. Trump had a severely intergenerationally transmitted child hood ,as do up to 30% of the US population in some US states, this figure from the ongoing Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) research project .

Neuroscience is also showing that these dysfunctional people do not have the necessary prefrontal cortex production of Serotonin and Dopamine to enable them to significantly engage in rational debate nor the empathy or relational capacity to hear and take in the other point of view!

This very significant percentage of brain disordered people resonate with Trumps fear and anger and thus create a self sealing bubble of an alternative reality with possibly disastrous consequences for us all. Hitler used the same dynamic according to prominent psychiatrists at the time but they did not have the benefits of modern neuroscience research

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Dr. Miklashek, a board certified psychiatrist on this page, has diagnosed Trump many times and relates his conduct to fear that he would lose his mommy at age 2, when his brother Robert was born and he is therefore emotionally immature. Terrible 2's. Consistent with your diagnosis.

I don't think he is fit to stand trial, let alone run for public office, has diarrhea of the mouth which undermines national security, and is probably a threat to himself and to others, and should be evaluated for civil commitment. https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/involuntary_civil_commitment


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Great piece, Thom.

America doesn't run on Dunkin' (Donuts). It runs on hatred. It's Race Crazy.

Trump tapped into that known, if suppressed, motherlode of White Hate. As did everyone's favorite foreigner, the Wizard of Oz: Ruppie M. — Whatta CRUEL, VICIOUS, SICK Grifter!!!

Hate is such an addictive distraction, so binding an adhesive for the majority race, it's like normal neurosis. (Why were Southern, antebellum elites so wonderful, so genteel and so gracious? They left all of their hatred and godawful negativity, at the whipping post. They pretty much ran out of steam, i.e., steam to fuel antisocial, nasty, uncouth, or ill-bred behavior.)

But, irrational hatred's also 100% specious — I hate, therefore I am. And, as character traits go, race hate's way over on the "Nuts" side of the spectrum.

A kind Racial Tourette's.

Think: Michael "Kramer" Richards at the Comedy Store in LA, 20 years ago. Or DJT anytime.

Or . . . this loon: https://nypost.com/2024/06/05/us-news/dad-stopping-superintendent-from-shaking-daughters-hand-at-graduation-sparks-cries-of-racism/

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I ask this with apprehension as I rear it will be taken wrong, But the subject or Rupert Murdoch again raises the question of what is he really all about.

The Observer paper is owned by Jared Kushner, and managed by Ivanka in that light I share the following"


This year’s “Jewish 100” includes the billionaire media tycoon Rupert Murdoch, French philosopher Bernard-Henri Levy, British Secretary of State for Justice Michael Gove, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ivanka Trump (who is married to the publisher of the Observer). These five, along with the 95 others, were honored and celebrated at the gala because they were deemed by The Algemeiner to have a “positive influence on Jewish life.”

I would like to see organizations like the ADL disavow him for his contribution to the destruction of Democracy in Australia, Britain and the USA.

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I've told you many times that Murdoch was financed by the Saudi royal family. Putin is an antisemite. I never heard of Algemeiner until you pointed them out, and I'm a card carrying Semite. I note that George Soros and none of the SCOTUS justices, law school deans, university presidents, etc are on the list, but John Hagee, an antisemite and nutsy koo koo Roseanne Barr are. https://rac.org/press-room/hagee-quoted-blaming-jews-holocaust-yoffies-letter-calls-explanation

The ADL is the B'nai B'rith Anti Defamation League.

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I know that Daniel and it is with great r trepidation I [, made that post. I have the greatest trouble wrapping my head around black MAGAts, Gay MAGAts, Hispanic MAGAts and Jewish MAGAts, by MAGAts I mean those who would sell out their people, sell themselves for a handful of silver and prominence.

I do not recall you telling me that Murdoch was financed by the Saudis' I do remember he was chastised for being an anti semite when he expressed disappointment that Jewish media owner, didn't back Israel. Which I felt was strange as his complaint seemed to be very pro Israel.

When it comes to democracy and the rule of law. I am very black and white, there are no shades of gray, only people who stir the pot and muddy the waters.

My problem is with Quislings, and I would like to get inside of their heads,and thus ascertain their motivations. They run the gamut from trans (Bruce Jenner,. Peter Thiel), black, Hispanic and Jewish. The female hand,maids of Gilead are legion.

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Excellently clear and truthful piece, as always, Thom. Thanks.

Hate, greed and lies are a powerful force, especially now that they’re led by a grifter sociopath, the Uber wealthy getting wealthier via Citizens United, narrow-minded Christian Nationalists, and supported by a cadre of wannabes (SCOTUS majority and MAGA hench boys and girls), and millions of grifted and gaslit Americans. And all as our environments succumb to hundreds of millions of wasteful humans and “their” greedfully pragmatic corporations.

I have some optimism, with many nobly and ably resisting all that, and so many more that build and maintain what we have to share today and in the future with so many that are great, good, and not so good or great.

I also believe Biden gets that, and is doing all he can, mostly quite successfully for the vast majority of our country, and like-minded others around the world.

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