Curiously John Adams may have had a mental disorder as does Trump. People have speculated he was manic-depressive. The only good news is that the two of them were not reelected.

The Republicans were at a perfect intersection where they could have turned away from Trump's highway to hell and taken the road to redemption. Dumbest political move ever! In fact, you could wonder if they have forgotten what a loser Donald is and always has been. A majority of Americans are more than ready to put that diseased SOB in their rear-view mirror along with the other virus.

It is time to roar a bit in the 20's, even if we have to start with a low roar and work our way up!

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At one time the Republicons had a sellable platform. Conservative, low taxes, small government etc. That has all gone out the window with Trump. Now they are the party of lies, deficits and no legislation. They complained about the squad and elected the likes of Beobert, Gaetz, Greene, Hawley etc.

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Another great history lesson about faction behavior that continues to be hidden from our students. Adams used his executive powers to do things adverse to the rights of America's citizens and the interests of American communities, and he did it to promote his own agenda at the expense of the general welfare. Just like Trump.

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Thom I love your show and your views, but I don't listen to your ads...or ..radio / T V ads.I mute them or leave the room. Way too many ads everywhere. !

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