Trump followers are a bunch of delusional alcoholics who .... Please don't let this anger, resentment and vitriol get to you today. Here's our Native American message today:

"These are our times and our responsibilities. Every human being has a sacred duty to protect the welfare of our Mother Earth, from whom all life comes. In order to do this, we must recognize the enemy - the one within us. We must begin with ourselves..."

--Leon Shenandoah, ONONDAGA

The outside is merely a reflection of our insides. My mind is designed to tell me that I'm not crazy for thinking what I am thinking. Even if I have angry thought, my mind is giving me excuses and reasons why it is OK to think what I'm thinking. I need to be knowledgeable about the laws of harmony and balance. I cannot twist the laws to serve me but I can adjust my life to serve the laws. This is the law - I am here to serve the earth. The earth is not here for me to misuse and abuse.

Oh Great Spirit, allow me the insight and knowledge of how to live in harmony and balance with my surroundings. Grant me change from within.

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As some have already commented: So, what do we do about it? Who is organizing an equally focused, hard-ball campaign with well-framed messaging that tears the fascist program out by the roots?

Not the tired, Democratic planners or their polling consultancies that are afraid to take on the big money behind the big lie.

As long as the national Democratic Party feels playing it safe with a Republican-lite approach can work, the road to disaster is wide open.

I have been looking for people who will play hard ball for 50 years and have yet to find them.


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I would love to help democratic party create an ad in response to that. I think any number of the Substack writers and their communities could draft something in response.

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No doubt, but then there is the question:Will they use it. The DNC is milquetoast and has always been Republican lite. I believe it is true, you can't teach an old dog new tricks.

More than Republicans the DNC hates progressives. They would oust the squad in a heartbeat if they could get away with it.

I'm back to my old song, The DNC paddock is full of tired OLD race horses, who have paid their dues and stood in line, collecting credentials, waiting to be called to the starting gate. There is no horse in the paddock that sports leftist populist ideas, because the megadonors of the party are scared to death of anyone who would raise their taxes, regulate and enforce those regulations.

I resent having vote against someone like Trump, or the fascists registered as Republicans.

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I suspect a part, a large part, of the struggle is getting the message we want to put out there to the folks who are vulnerable. In this era of extreme birufcation and the failure of our federal government to enforce the Fairness Doctrine (if it even still exists) means media outlets can engage in totally one-sided news presentations, choosing what to report and how to phrase and frame those reports. It may be very difficult to get reasonable responses out to be heard by the folks who only hear the poison.

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Check me out (Thom recommends me): "Suzanne Taylor’s How’s About Saving the World?" https://suzannetaylor.substack.com/s/changemaking-now/archive?sort=new

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There are some (in fact, many) Dems who would like to play hardball, but they have been put down by the centrist Dem committee that has too much power and votes more like Republicans. I would point to several on the House Committee investigating the Jan 6 insurrection.

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I can accept what you are saying because I have been paying attention since Nixon. Ok. How do we stop the big lie?

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I wish I knew.

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Protests don't seem to work anymore, donating to candidates, ditto. I don't think that Dems are bad at messaging, but the issues are complex and require context. Both require more of the author & reader than headline news. My suggestions are 1) news organizations provide context 2) news orgs call out unsubstantiated “facts,” 3)children learn critical thinking skills so the can tell truth from bs, 4) Civics taught in school so that at least kids can name the 3 branches of government.

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Tell a bigger truth.

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Yes, even though it seems distasteful, and uncivil perhaps, progressives have to keep calling out Republican (and centrist Democrats') outright lies, exaggerations and spin with equal volume, vigor and persistence...even though it's uncomfortable.

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That's not the bigger truth. Calling them out is what we do and nobody cares except us. The bigger picture is the nature of being human where our capacity is to be caring and loving and fair -- and we are slowly working our evolutionary way toward it, except were too good at destroying ourselves to just wait. There's a big evolutionary move to make from being takers to givers and that's what we should be working on -- teaching humanity a creation story that's consistent with modern science. Change our story adn we change our behavior. It's what I write about -- and Thom recommends: Suzanne Taylor’s How’s About Saving the World? https://suzannetaylor.substack.com/s/changemaking-now

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Well said as usual, Thom. And you are right that there are many examples of this process in history. Hitler also told his troops they were protecting their fellow Aryans in Norway from a British invasion, and Napoleon explained that his invasions of Spain and Russia were to free the people from autocratic feudal regimes. What makes it so difficult to fight such rationales is that they may contain a grain of truth—England was planning to occupy Norway and Spain still had the Inquisition—but others, like Putin’s justification for his war, are flat out lies given to a credulous public. And after a while such lies take on a life of their own, since like those paying and paying the “Nigerian prince” it is very difficult for people to admit that they have been scammed.

As usual, all that can be done is to use logic and repeat the facts until the system collapses. Both Napoleon's and Hitler's invasions of Russia ended so badly that their leaders never recovered their auras of invincibility, but look at the damage that each did! Meanwhile intellectual reasoning is a terribly weak reed against those whose actions are based on their emotions, especially if those are fear and a need to be part of the winning group.

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I have not been the only one to see the parallels to the Nazis. So much about what is going on now is reminding me of the Nazi rise to power. I am a teacher because I know that the youth are our future, and as such, they are extremely important. We currently have two young people in our household who are old enough to vote, and are registered to vote, and they will vote. They have been raised to believe people can marry across colors, and with whatever gender they choose, and to respect people's gender identities, and to believe in abortion and birth control, and also to see the good in people, because they know a lot of good people. They know that the USA is not the center of the earth, but it is influential enough to affect every country when it makes big decisions. My daughter worked for the Biden campaign so she would get to finish high school with her friends in the USA. She has just graduated and already voted in the first election she could, which was a mayoral run off election. Now she is going abroad for university, but is going to be sure to vote in the 2024 election. We are already discussing what she has to do to be able to vote from abroad. The youth is our future and our hope. We should be talking to them whenever we can about what is going on in the world.

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It is now time to start firing up the ads that speak the truth and point out their lies. Why did Trump give trillions of tax dollars to the deep state globalists? The right wing deep state globalists are responsible for our national debt, global warming, huge deficits with China in trade, union busting legal and illegal immigrants, attempting to overthrow the United States government, unaffordable healthcare, unfunded wars....

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I am with you on the desire to do so... Some of us, in the past, have tried. However, generally, the people who access (that is: pay for) the media vehicles got cold feet. In the past, one that was brave enough -- ACORN -- was destroyed by a right-wing false flag operation.

Daily KOS goes for the jugular, but is unfortunately a scattered collection of folks playing on social media, with no focus or targeted action plan. And if you cross their committee's odd picture of what is Progressive, they ban you without a word of explanation.

What is needed, in no particular order, are: Money, an organization with experienced, sensible leadership, a clear vision of goals, a way to reach out to and choose those who should be supported, an organized team of people with marketing and sales experience, a deep discussion toward framing, and then messages off those frames... oh, and more money.

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Yes, indeed, this is so discouraging and dire -- but here is action out there too -- follow Simon Rosenberg (substack Hopium Chronicles) -- he is trying to build a movement -- we are all Information Warriors, we need to talk to EVERYONE and use our socials, etc, ALL THE TIME. Deep Canvassing. Talk to the Little League Coach, PTA moms, neighbors, etc., etc. REPEAT THE GOOD STUFF ABOUT BIDEN, THE ECONOMY, ETC. He's working on a National Youth Voter Registration Drive (adopt a high school, etc.); help Victor Shi, Voters of Tomorrow, etc. etc. WE CAN DO THIS!

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The GOP suck up (to their Corporate Masters) and sh*t down on those they disdain: The Others, and esp. their own constituents.

The GOP are middle managers who play fast and loose w/ the truth and people's mental health.

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I played a game while in college during a polly sci class. It was called SimSoc or simulated society.

It taught me that the goal of any society is worth fighting for against smaller local tyrants or larger political warlords (GQP). This country needs a blue wave in November in order to drive the MAGATS and their conspirator believers back into their hidey holes. I hope we are ready for the coming war.

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Yup---If you tell one, make it a doozie!

That ad just keeps punching you in the face. That's exactly what Trump loves and teaches his cult members to do. He's a psychopath.

An amygdala is a terrible thing to waste. Adrenal glands, look out! They are coming for you too.

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Goebbels (I think) also said that people will believe a big lie quicker than a small one.

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It was Hitler in Mein Kampf, he also was a projectionist. Hannah Ahrendt said that autocrats telegraph their intentions by first accusing others. Hence in Mein Kampf he accused the Jews of authoring the Big Lie, then he goes on to employ it in virtually every speech.

Trump did the same, now out of desperation he is not speaking in code,but saying the thing out loud.

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I need to re-capitulate all Thom's arguments. I am going to copy and read again this article on the Big Lie and the last one on the Senator, both about fascism, which rivets me, partly because I am half Jewish (against AIPAC). I have enough time until 2024. I can do it. As Thom used to say at the end of every program, Click, it's up to you. I need to be an expert on fascism.Sincerely Harriet

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I just came uponHeather Richardson’s writing for today. That is filled with truths about Biden and his policies. And very positive.

Im sure there are many honest writings from progressives that might counter some of the Lies that fascist Republicans and their mentally deranged leader , DJ T.

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It isn't just damaging it. It's threatening to end it.

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I never mentioned my background besides working at GM more than 20 years. I was a leftist. Although I relate to Thom's SDS days (I was in there also) I was hard-assed atheist in a group. I think I still like Thom's mention of what seemed like a new-age religion, I have to give it to him: He doesn't pull punches on explaining how corrupt and racist are these politicians who he names, so as I often mention, I would even be afraid of repercussions. So more power to him. Sincerely HarrietElliott

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