Thanks Thom,

Fox is the primary symptom of the cancer, but it is not THE cancer.

How is it that oligarchs, like Murdoch, were able to create tools for spreading their poison and use it to divide an distract us from the real cancer? What system enabled this?

Over the decades, America's current, third-batch, of authoritarian oligarchs, along with their puppet politicians, as you have documented in you Hidden History books, have undone many protections for our democracy.

The cancer attacking our democratic political system is , as Professor Richard Wolff points out, our authoritarian (employer/employee) economic system. On the one hand, this corrupted economic system has empowered the oligarchs with extreme wealth that has allowed them to purchase and reward politicians. On the other, these political puppets, like McConnell, Manchen and Sinema, have further empowered the oligarchs with more excessive wealth through legislating tax cuts, increasing our WAR budget and maintaining corporate welfare. The oligarchs, with their extremely excessive wealth, are working, for the third time since 1861, to reshape or political system in their own authoritarian image using the media they own.

We're in a cycle, as you have discussed, where oligarchs attempt a coup, lose the battle, learn from their coup rehearsals and try again. We need a permanent end to this cycle, not just regualtory push back to square one to start over. Their accumulation of wealth from our authoritarian economic system needs to be permanently disabled. Unlike previous attempts that just re-regulate an authoritarian system. The oligarchs know how to remove those restaints.

A more permanent fix that includes elimination of their wealth and prevention of any future accumulation. We need a wealth tax to neuter the oligarchs now. We need, as Professor Wollf promotes, more democracy in the workplace at the heart of our authoritarian economic system. We need to repeal Taft-Hartley, allow union representation votes without corporate delay, add significant union membership on corporate boards of directors, and enable replacing most non-democratic employer/employee business models with employee owned business models - coops. We also need to eliminate profit from our MSM, like FreeSpeech TV.

Employees of coops will not send their own jobs overseas. Employees of coops will distribute their profit in a more democratic manner and eliminate the possibility of an oligarch in their midst. Employees of coops will not pullute the communities they work in.

Authoritarian capitalism is our cancer and curring this cancer is done with a permananty infusion of democracy in the workplace. Just as we need a democratic political system we need a democratic economic system to reinforce that political system.

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What is there left to say about Fox News and Rupert? Murdoch is a sociopath billionaire whose success depends on a certain portion of the public that's eager to be lied to. It's a match made in hell. They view the world in a binary fashion, they want quick decisions, solutions, and no dithering. A big strong man will know what to do; investigating is not necessary.

Isolation is not an option because of that free-speech-thing everyone loves. Besides, getting rid of Rupert and his FOX will not get rid of the monster they have created---their audience.

The fans will refuse the medication if it involves a good dose of reality. Just like our American history, reality sucks, so they would rather listen to lies.

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How do yo cut out cancer that wants to erode our democracy. You do it with getting the information out that is true. When you think of all the toxic waste of the media, then you have to try to clean up the sledge. If we are to get rid of the cancer we must dig deep so we can know where the cancer started and I know it begins from deep down inside where you have to cut it out.The cancer is also trying to eat away at our voting rights as well. Thom after hearing Joe Madison on your program today I know we have a lot more to worry about with really getting this done. Toxins are hard to get rid of, but our democracy shouldn’t be. Thom, the road is paved with gold for good and I believe that. Democracy never sleeps or stops, Thom.

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