And even if there is no war, our children are now paying the price for the GOP’s embrace of this hate and bigotry — and the guns that go with it — every single day
One correction to Bill Weir's account. Harlon Carter, who led the NRA takeover and turned it into an authoritarian group, was 17 years old and committed the stabbing of the Mexican American teen in the 1930s. Carter was a native of Burleson, Texas, and his father had taken a job with the agency then known as Immigration and Naturalization Services and moved his family closer to the border with Mexico. Carter was convicted of the murder, and his conviction was reversed on the sort of technical issue hardliners love to deplore if it happens to someone else. Carter then changed his name to Harlan Carter to disassociate himself from his previous crime. The irony is that if Carter's conviction had been upheld, he never would have been able to own firearms and join the NRA, let alone convert it into a political and lobbying group for gun manufacturers.
It's been apparent to me for a long time living in a 70% Maga world that the answer is yes. Guns and large pickups are the way white men "protect" themselves from others and show us how "powerful" they are.
The KKK had several million members starting in the 1920's and nothing has changed. Living in GA again and all you have to do is scratch the surface and the older, white men just hate Black people. It's in the white southern man's DNA; Neil Young says it all. IT'S ALL FEAR. When I was imbedded in the KKK and the Nazis, I had a hard time figuring out, 'Why hate Jews so much too?' FEAR. Jewish people have a reputation for being commercially successful and having close-knit communities. Neither of which are 'bad' at all! Again, FEAR; fear that they will be more commercially successful and will 'take over.' What a load of ..... Anyhow, FEAR. False Evidence Appearing Real.
There is a myth among the right that Jews secretly run the world through finance and international trade. Most of us know that Frances II, waged war on the Templars because he was in such debt to them (they were the first InternationalBankers) that he couldn't repay the debt.
Edward I became indebted to London Jews, he coudn't rapay that debt either,so he expelled them from England.
There was a gentile bank in England, the Fugger Brothers (yes that was the name), that basically kept the crown heads of Europe afloat, Ferdinand and Isabella, reneged on their debt,thus collapsing the Fuggers bank. So they turned to the Jews, borrowed money, and then knowing that they couldn't kick repay the debt,as they could not the Fuggers, issued an edict expelling all Jews and Muslims on the very day that Columbus set sail on his 1st Vogage.
This expulsion of Jews has naturally created a world wide communication network, where they shared political and commercial intelligence and news, for self protection.
Who wouldn't want to protect yourself from people who accused you of killing their god, killing babies to drink their blood. Persecute a people and you create a self fulling prophecy.
What I cannot wrap my head around is wealthy and influential peoples of a historically persecuted peoples, aligning themselves and supporting their persecutors. Is that the Stockholm Syndrome or what.
Also tangled up in inferiority complex regarding the educated. The age-old "sin" of being too smart. (crafty, shifty....) Nowadays, of course, the "conservative" dogmatics have noticed that the more educated tend toward rational, humane policies and beliefs. Horrors! Notice their solution to the warning against repeating evil is to not know about it in the past.
The right wingers thousands of years ago noticed the educated were more intelligent and thought rationally so they rounded them up and got rid of them. That is what they want to do here in America currently.
And/or control the indoctrination: Hillsdale College or Jerry Falwell U, anybody? Betsy DeVoss for dis-Education, for heaven's sake? I hang out a hope that the book-banning intensification will produce a typical adolescent reaction that what you don't want me to see is the paramount thing that I must see!!! But I'm old: TikTok and Candy Crush are maybe obliterating the time and attention space.
It is also reminiscent of Germany in the 1930s. I often think that white male supremacy is also an indication of white male fear of losing their “manhood”. Big guns are simply a phallic representation of their true fears. I don’t mean to reduce this to a level that seems “pornographic”, but it does coincide with white mens fear of their loss of power over everyone, especially women. Just a thought from an 80something who has been watching the decent of America into Fascism for most of her life.
In my humble opinion, I see the fascist rich globalist capitalist manipulating the poor racist fascist to get rid of all of the left wing intellectuals and all of the useless eaters. When that is over, the rich fascist will use the military to oppress the poor fascist, because the rich fascist just want young healthy cheap workers of any race, not a bunch of fat white psychopaths.
Don't be too humble. I think one of the most gruesome ironies about the Trump phenomenon is that his worshippers are oblivious to how much Trump despises them. One aspect came out in the casino days, when Trump would walk through from time to time for promotion and because of the adulation rush, but the gamblers would want to touch him for luck, and that grossed him out.
That the right wing hates Jews is obvious from NAZI Tiki Torch event in Charlotsville, VA
That Soros is code for Jew, hence Jewish comspiracy should be obvious
Whilel at the same time, and shamelessly, some of the biggest supporters of these neo NAZI’s are Steven Miller, Addelsons, Marcers, Steve Wynn, Weisselberger, Michael Cohen till he got burned, financiers. Rupert Murdoch and, even a wealthy Jew, Barre Seid, left his entire estate of 1.6 b to the Federalist Society.
Apparently there is no cognitive dissonance among these wealthy and influential Jews who financially support the anti Jewish neo Fascists, nor the wealth and influential Jews who are the target of the same.
And while at it, lets include the Trump humping American Descendants of Slaves.
As a lifelong hardworking LAW ABIDING TAXPAYERS, I’m disgusted, deeply saddened and fearful of these EVIL DEMONIC folks allowed to be in positions of power. I fear Americans future, appreciate feedback?
Lead by Wayne LaPierre, Harlan Carter, Republicans reality to proclaim that their version of America is the America of the 1930’s, when white men ran the country, women were men’s playthings, gay and lesbians were in the closet (whats will Graham & mcConnell going to do?), Jews kept their heads down, and racial minorities “KEPT THEIR PLACE.” We The Lifelong Hardworking LAW ABIDING TAXPAYERS, must fear this is America now since the NRA, WHITE SUPREMACY believe that flooding America with guns I they’re RIGHT. REPUBLICANS insist on SEMIAUTOMATIC, and ASSAULT WEAPONS-OF-WAR in the hands of Americans civilians. They’re, after all, asking armed white men to join up, to prepare to KILL their fellow Americans to embrace this hate and bigotry.
Yup! The Black men are coming for their women, the "Jews" are coming for their money, and the Democrats are coming for their guns.
This faction of white guys were convinced THEY are America. Surprise, people have done the math, TV shows have shown diversity, and women will pick whoever the hell they want including other women.
No longer in charge, not needed, they'll show us their power---their fire-power! The lapel pins are just another way to do that. It's a big FU to the progressives. What it really does is show everyone they are as asinine as Ted Nugent.
The best part about America is it can change with or without white guys in crisis. They are not the future, and they damn well know it. Let the circular firing formation commence!
Do you think the Founding Fathers intended us to be slaves to the Second Amendment, frozen to inaction in the face of the slaughter of our children? It's time to revisit District Of Columbia v. Heller
One correction to Bill Weir's account. Harlon Carter, who led the NRA takeover and turned it into an authoritarian group, was 17 years old and committed the stabbing of the Mexican American teen in the 1930s. Carter was a native of Burleson, Texas, and his father had taken a job with the agency then known as Immigration and Naturalization Services and moved his family closer to the border with Mexico. Carter was convicted of the murder, and his conviction was reversed on the sort of technical issue hardliners love to deplore if it happens to someone else. Carter then changed his name to Harlan Carter to disassociate himself from his previous crime. The irony is that if Carter's conviction had been upheld, he never would have been able to own firearms and join the NRA, let alone convert it into a political and lobbying group for gun manufacturers.
It's been apparent to me for a long time living in a 70% Maga world that the answer is yes. Guns and large pickups are the way white men "protect" themselves from others and show us how "powerful" they are.
The KKK had several million members starting in the 1920's and nothing has changed. Living in GA again and all you have to do is scratch the surface and the older, white men just hate Black people. It's in the white southern man's DNA; Neil Young says it all. IT'S ALL FEAR. When I was imbedded in the KKK and the Nazis, I had a hard time figuring out, 'Why hate Jews so much too?' FEAR. Jewish people have a reputation for being commercially successful and having close-knit communities. Neither of which are 'bad' at all! Again, FEAR; fear that they will be more commercially successful and will 'take over.' What a load of ..... Anyhow, FEAR. False Evidence Appearing Real.
There is a myth among the right that Jews secretly run the world through finance and international trade. Most of us know that Frances II, waged war on the Templars because he was in such debt to them (they were the first InternationalBankers) that he couldn't repay the debt.
Edward I became indebted to London Jews, he coudn't rapay that debt either,so he expelled them from England.
There was a gentile bank in England, the Fugger Brothers (yes that was the name), that basically kept the crown heads of Europe afloat, Ferdinand and Isabella, reneged on their debt,thus collapsing the Fuggers bank. So they turned to the Jews, borrowed money, and then knowing that they couldn't kick repay the debt,as they could not the Fuggers, issued an edict expelling all Jews and Muslims on the very day that Columbus set sail on his 1st Vogage.
This expulsion of Jews has naturally created a world wide communication network, where they shared political and commercial intelligence and news, for self protection.
Who wouldn't want to protect yourself from people who accused you of killing their god, killing babies to drink their blood. Persecute a people and you create a self fulling prophecy.
What I cannot wrap my head around is wealthy and influential peoples of a historically persecuted peoples, aligning themselves and supporting their persecutors. Is that the Stockholm Syndrome or what.
Also tangled up in inferiority complex regarding the educated. The age-old "sin" of being too smart. (crafty, shifty....) Nowadays, of course, the "conservative" dogmatics have noticed that the more educated tend toward rational, humane policies and beliefs. Horrors! Notice their solution to the warning against repeating evil is to not know about it in the past.
The right wingers thousands of years ago noticed the educated were more intelligent and thought rationally so they rounded them up and got rid of them. That is what they want to do here in America currently.
And/or control the indoctrination: Hillsdale College or Jerry Falwell U, anybody? Betsy DeVoss for dis-Education, for heaven's sake? I hang out a hope that the book-banning intensification will produce a typical adolescent reaction that what you don't want me to see is the paramount thing that I must see!!! But I'm old: TikTok and Candy Crush are maybe obliterating the time and attention space.
It is also reminiscent of Germany in the 1930s. I often think that white male supremacy is also an indication of white male fear of losing their “manhood”. Big guns are simply a phallic representation of their true fears. I don’t mean to reduce this to a level that seems “pornographic”, but it does coincide with white mens fear of their loss of power over everyone, especially women. Just a thought from an 80something who has been watching the decent of America into Fascism for most of her life.
In my humble opinion, I see the fascist rich globalist capitalist manipulating the poor racist fascist to get rid of all of the left wing intellectuals and all of the useless eaters. When that is over, the rich fascist will use the military to oppress the poor fascist, because the rich fascist just want young healthy cheap workers of any race, not a bunch of fat white psychopaths.
Don't be too humble. I think one of the most gruesome ironies about the Trump phenomenon is that his worshippers are oblivious to how much Trump despises them. One aspect came out in the casino days, when Trump would walk through from time to time for promotion and because of the adulation rush, but the gamblers would want to touch him for luck, and that grossed him out.
That the right wing hates Jews is obvious from NAZI Tiki Torch event in Charlotsville, VA
That Soros is code for Jew, hence Jewish comspiracy should be obvious
Whilel at the same time, and shamelessly, some of the biggest supporters of these neo NAZI’s are Steven Miller, Addelsons, Marcers, Steve Wynn, Weisselberger, Michael Cohen till he got burned, financiers. Rupert Murdoch and, even a wealthy Jew, Barre Seid, left his entire estate of 1.6 b to the Federalist Society.
Apparently there is no cognitive dissonance among these wealthy and influential Jews who financially support the anti Jewish neo Fascists, nor the wealth and influential Jews who are the target of the same.
And while at it, lets include the Trump humping American Descendants of Slaves.
Article by Thom Hartmann & Kaiser insights…
As a lifelong hardworking LAW ABIDING TAXPAYERS, I’m disgusted, deeply saddened and fearful of these EVIL DEMONIC folks allowed to be in positions of power. I fear Americans future, appreciate feedback?
Lead by Wayne LaPierre, Harlan Carter, Republicans reality to proclaim that their version of America is the America of the 1930’s, when white men ran the country, women were men’s playthings, gay and lesbians were in the closet (whats will Graham & mcConnell going to do?), Jews kept their heads down, and racial minorities “KEPT THEIR PLACE.” We The Lifelong Hardworking LAW ABIDING TAXPAYERS, must fear this is America now since the NRA, WHITE SUPREMACY believe that flooding America with guns I they’re RIGHT. REPUBLICANS insist on SEMIAUTOMATIC, and ASSAULT WEAPONS-OF-WAR in the hands of Americans civilians. They’re, after all, asking armed white men to join up, to prepare to KILL their fellow Americans to embrace this hate and bigotry.
Yup! The Black men are coming for their women, the "Jews" are coming for their money, and the Democrats are coming for their guns.
This faction of white guys were convinced THEY are America. Surprise, people have done the math, TV shows have shown diversity, and women will pick whoever the hell they want including other women.
No longer in charge, not needed, they'll show us their power---their fire-power! The lapel pins are just another way to do that. It's a big FU to the progressives. What it really does is show everyone they are as asinine as Ted Nugent.
The best part about America is it can change with or without white guys in crisis. They are not the future, and they damn well know it. Let the circular firing formation commence!
Do you think the Founding Fathers intended us to be slaves to the Second Amendment, frozen to inaction in the face of the slaughter of our children? It's time to revisit District Of Columbia v. Heller