I haven't noticed the GOPpers writing bills to take care of all the babies or mothers. Maybe they are not planning to have sex anymore. One wonders.

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This certainly seemed imminent the moment Clarence Thomas opened his trap shortly after Dobbs. Too many of us have been distracted and in complete denial.  I have some opportunity in the next few years to decide if I want to leave the city of Baltimore for any reason and find a new place to live, and this sort of development makes me want to consider going to Texas to fight this patriarchal resurgence in its heartland...

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We can use all the help we can get here in Texas to fight not just Abbott, but the entire Republican clown car. I live in Ted “Cancun Cruz’s” district, so I’m especially nauseous all the time.

I was truly sick the day Abott won election again. Knew it was coming, because districts are so gerrymandered here, but it still made me sick and infuriated. Beto would’ve done great things for this state and it’s people.

Instead, we have draconian governance, good ol boys, doing everything they can to put women “in their place.” Nothing to fix the power grid, help the housing shortage, and on and on it goes.

It’s all performance theatre and backwards thinking.

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Ugh. Sounds really hard. Hang in there.

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This is another clear statement that the judiciary needs to be expanded and restructured:

-- term limits

-- independent and enforced ethics requirements

-- expanded number of supremes

-- realignment of appeals districts

-- randomized assignment of cases to districts (to eliminate cherry-picking of judges)

-- elimination of legislation by the judiciary with 'designer cases' (e.g. independent legislation theory)

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This is a terrifying and insane measure. Texas is the birthplace of more outrage than any other state I can think of. Used to be AL or MS or FL. Abbot is a pox.

I am impressed that Sandhya would sacrifice herself to help turn TX blue. I moved to NC because I like it AND because I hoped to help turn it blue.

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Speaking of idiotic, misogynistic and fascist actions. So many in Texas want to secede from the Union. Yesterday, on YouTube, I briefly watched a Texas knuckle-head declare that if Texas were to secede from the Union, it would have the 3rd largest military and 4th largest economy; compared to what, I don't know. Perhaps, I missed that part.

His reasoning was that their National Guard is under the command of their governor and NOT the US President. Well, I guess he's never heard of a President "nationalizing" a State's National Guard, which puts them under the President's control. Nor did he take into account just how intertwined the Texas economy is with the US as a whole.

First, the US would NOT allow Texas to take over any federal property, civil or military. And, on the off-chance a negotiation were to be allowed, the cost to Texas to take over federal properties would bankrupt Texas. Plus, what other country would agree to recognize Texas' independence without the US's blessing?

Add to all of that, the money Texas would have to repay for all of the improvements made to their roadways, schools, police, fire, medical facilities and personnel, and the welfare monies (social and business) they've collected from the federal government over the years. Just like most GQPTP-run States, Texas is one of those States that receives more in federal dollars than they sent to Washington. In other words, Texas is its own "welfare state." they're just too obnoxious to admit it.

If Texas, as a whole, wants to be free and independent of the US, maybe, we should just let them; after they pay the US all the money they'll own us. Then, we could sit back and watch them fail. Their only recourse would be to declare war on Mexico, invade it and then try to send its citizens further south, into Central American countries. Then Texas would build its own border wall along its new southern border. (Like Mexico would let that happen.)

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While 2023 just arrived in the rest of the world, Texas decided to go back to 1953. The sad thing is that only the poorer young ladies will truly be denied. Any youth with means and connections will manage. These sicko politicians are helping to create more and more young voters for us LITERALLY.

I can imagine black-market and cartel activity on the rise in these repressive areas. Someone will figure out how to supply them---for a price!

If you are taking any meds at all or know folks that do, please check out: Homepage of Mark Cuban Cost Plus Drugs https://costplusdrugs.com. Very user friendly and you might find some really low prices for birth control and other medications. The idea is to break the strangle hold on the industry and bring prices WAY down.

I hope Thom or staff takes a look at this website and considers giving him a call to appear on his show. He has been doing interviews on it; he says: "We started this company as an effort to disrupt the drug industry and to do our best to end ridiculous drug prices.".

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Thom's insights always seem spot on to me. And the criticisms of the extreme right are never overblown, in fact, Thom is always a gentleman, even when he's pissed off as hell. I don't know how he stays so calm.

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