"Court-stripping"- as authorized in Article III, Section 2, Clause 2 - also can be used to fix the massive list of "Egregiously Wrong" decisions of the Roberts court and earlier judicial travesties, including Citizens United, Shelby vs Holder, Buckley vs Valeo, and to prevent Scotus from gutting future legislation on voting rights, gerrymandering, and the very important Scotus Term Limits coupled with scheduled retiring and hiring, similar to election schedules.

In preparation to do this, coordinated, good "messaging" will be needed. So in the beginning, how about choosing more palatable euphemisms other than "Court Stripping"?

That sounds like it came from the same folks who put the fear in everyone with "defund the police", and of course, "court packing". Instead, somethings like, Stop the - Scotus "Overreach," Scotus "Takeover", Scotus' "War on Personal Freedom."

Or, Message to Scotus: "Stay in your lane!"

... You get the idea. Frank Luntz might be proud if we find and use "Words That Work."

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So gratified for someone to just call them "religious fanatics!" "Conservative" is so weak in this context, yet so much the media's fallback label. Let's point out that the tyranny is 100% one-sided: nobody is demanding mandatory abortions, mandatory birth control, or forced religious conversion to Christian denominations or other religions that have different teachings about when God wills that the female is merely an incubator. I like "zealot tyrants."

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The SCOTUS is not above the law. Constitutionally, the only power in the USA that has the power to control them is the US congress.

If we only had a congress.

I wonder where it went.

Nobody has heard from our congress in 50 years.

Why, when the corrupt SCOTUS legalized judges and other politicians selling themselves in Buckley v. Vallejo 1976, if the USA had a congress they would have immediately passed laws making political prostitution illegal and added one sentence "THE CORRUPT FASCIST SCOTUS CANNOT RULE ON THIS LAW, ONLY SEND IT BACK TO CONGRESS WITH COMMENTS FOR CONSIDERATION".

Fix the congress so that they DO THEIR JOB.

The idea of an ethics standard is fine except it's pointless since there is no way these SCOTUS criminals are committing crimes because THEY DON'T HAVE AN ETHICS STANDARD. Again, fix the congress and THEY need to fix the corrupt SCOTUS.

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Well ladies, give 'em an inch and they will take over your life. I think they will get around to the rest of the population too.

No one living on our dime should be allowed to feel they are not accountable. Why would an honest jurist want to perpetuate even the appearance of corruption. Can you imagine what it must feel like to be on the inside watching your colleagues taint the institution you hold dear.

I'd like to see age limits for everyone in all three branches. What about one of the Inspector Generals that could also cover the Supreme Court?

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