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A major reason why Republicans get financial and moral support at the precinct level, up through the national level, is because they play the fear card. When people feel threatened they dip into their wallet, and fall out to vote.

When Democrats come to recognize that, then the power dynamics will shift.

People aren't motivated, vote for, what has happened in the past, or what you are going to do for them, what motivates them is the fear of what is going to be done to them, and the belief of what is being done to them.

I will sum up the election of 2024,as follows: "They owned the libs" That was more important than even their pocket book.

Hitler came to power,not because he promised to create jobs,but because Germany, was a demoralized, broken, basket case with no national pride after the treaty of Versailles.

Hitler promised them that they would rise up and gain respect among nations, and regain their place in the world as a power to be reckoned with.

It is identity politics, and that is the basis of MAGA, Make AMERICA great again.

Hitler was Make Germany Great Again.

A persons identity,sense of self, is woven from many things, their gender, their sexuality, their religion, their race, even avocation, vocation, education, and sports, but ultimately with a nation, and a nation is not political boundaries as we have been taught to think.

Europe is famous for their football (soccer) riots, especially when nations are involved.

That is because the fans find their identity,or a portion of it, in a football team.

Republicans use identity to tap into that chauvinistic fear. Democrats do not. When we do try, like trying to ring the alarm bell that fascism is taking over, we are ridiculed, because the enemy is amorphous, faceless.

Whereas he Republicans create a bete noir that has a face and is personal, parental rights, books, education = children, crime = minorities, nake hegemony = feminism, gay rights, trans people.

And the face of fascism is Trump and Musk, and they hold themselves forth as a bulwark against the things people fear.

We need to take the battle to them, we need a metaphorical Jun 6,1944.

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Dems should run TV ads, NOW, showing moms and dads living in poverty, in misery, because of severe cuts in Social Security. Lying sick in bed for lack of Medicare coverage.

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Great idea. Run ads, scary ads, all year long, just not at election season.

Inculcate fear and disgust in the public, mimic the Republicans.

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Real information that will show people the real effect the GOP policies will have in their lives. We don’t have to lie and create false scenarios. The reality is scary enough

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I never said lie. As you said, the truth is bad enough, but it is messaging and framing it right enough to scare and piss off the public.

in other words breaking through the sound barrier.

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Running a lot of TV ads is how the DNC has been getting the message out. If money is scarce, how about first building precincts and other wise supporting action at the local level?

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GOP creates the fear, then runs on it

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There's no shortage of playing the fear card on the Dems side either. The problem for the Dems is that they are reactive. The first to instil fear wins.

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About the only fear card the Dems have played is fascism and that is amorphous, too general,not personal enouogh Dr Gilbert,

The Republicans have a whole suit of fear cards, and they are personal and they throw them out like the are playing 52 pick up.

There is a big difference between the Dems and Repubs when playing the fear card.

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"Politics is television with the sound turned off." attributed to Karl Rove.

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