47 is a greedy pig, always has been. His only concern is making as much money as possible. Since he was a lousy businessman and bankrupted almost everything he tried (how is it possible to run a casino into the ground), he needed another solution and found it in the presidency. Guaranteed that he will milk it for all that he can get and if it leaves our country in ruins, well so be it.
47 is a greedy pig, always has been. His only concern is making as much money as possible. Since he was a lousy businessman and bankrupted almost everything he tried (how is it possible to run a casino into the ground), he needed another solution and found it in the presidency. Guaranteed that he will milk it for all that he can get and if it leaves our country in ruins, well so be it.
47 is a greedy pig, always has been. His only concern is making as much money as possible. Since he was a lousy businessman and bankrupted almost everything he tried (how is it possible to run a casino into the ground), he needed another solution and found it in the presidency. Guaranteed that he will milk it for all that he can get and if it leaves our country in ruins, well so be it.