First, Thom, this must be an example of mental telepathy because this is what I've been thinking.
But, as I probably said yesterday, those inaugural "contributions" or "donations" could constitute bribes to candidate orr to # 47 Trump, actionable against the donors.
Each of those bribes could be crimes, exposing the donors to huge penalties and jail time. If convicted of bribery of a public official under 18 U.S.C. 201(b), the penalties include up to 15 years in prison and a fine of up to three times the monetary amount of something of value offered to the public official.
By rights, all of the money, should be the property of the US Treasury. Because Trump was a candidate, the OGE rules have applied.
If trump made $55-60 billion last Saturday night, by rights that money should go directly to the Trreasury.
MLK’s triad of societal ills of poverty, war, and materialism, has been superseded by pure and simple greed and resource hoarding by the morbidly rich.
It’s time for the people to take back the Democratic Party and win big in 2026 and 2028.
In another venue, we've been discussing that we need a "shadow" president. Some people are already demanding impeachment -- not that it would work -- but it would gum up the works. Could flip Congress in 2026.
But we want our country to suceed. We don't need to hurt ourselves. Hopefully, stuff like the infrastructure bill, CHIPS, etc will keep the economy sound..... We need to document that Democratic success.
I am being bombarded with his tacky merch in my junk folders. Why is there no push to call these Emolument Clause violations and hold him accountable? Our system must be overhauled.
Thank you so much for your succinct explanation of the Foreign Emoluments Clause and the yet mystery of why it was never fleshed out to protect us from what is presently happening. Also, thanks for yet another very clear picture of Trump’s new con game on the world financial stage.
This is the new organized crime. It’s not just being perpetrated in the US, it is an attempt to corner the world, and control so much wealth, that he and his associates can declare themselves kingpins on a global scale.
These megalomaniacs, like Trump, Musk, Putin, and so many more, are presently in a loose partnership, to set the stage that will no doubt, break apart relatively soon and reveal themselves for who they truly are, crime don’s in control but also in direct competition. And like some virulent viruses these entities are raging through our systems as both our “leaders” and manipulators on the world financial stage.
Not only the trump crypto! Bitcoin is the way to bribe without being identified. Why do you think von trump wants to legalize those crypto shit “currencies”? They must be banned pdq!
What's the difference between meme currency and baseball cards? When there is no hard value for a thing, but rather it's worth only what someone will pay for it, it is wrong to characterize it as a currency. That's open fraud and counterfeiting. Trump should be prosecuted by the Treasury Department, but of course, now they're in on it, too.
At his age, Trump surely does not need more money - dirty or clean. My hunch is that he cannot stop scamming because of the rush he gets from getting away with it. That would explain why he views people with honor as suckers and losers. Ironic, perhaps, Trump is even scamming master scammers like Musk, Bezos, and Zuckerberg - what a rush!
If history repeats, and there is a mountain of evidence that it does, we are likely to see the American oligarchy overthrown. We all read about Europe overthrowing their monarchs (oligarchs with crowns and the Pope's blessing). The only question is when and how. Since the justice department will be impotent for the next 4 years - violent revolution is gaining in likelihood without a significant emergence of the deep state.
Admiral: The pursuit of wealth is an addiction, as bad as gambling, which is the hardest addiction to break. And those that are in constant pursuit are like sharks.
Sharks do not breathe, their forward movement forces water through their gills. A shark caught in a net suffocates. Trump,Musk, Zuckerburge,Bezos, Cook, saks, all of them are addicts and sharks.
The only way that this regime, and it is not an administration, can collapse is from an internal power struggle as the factions that made it possible, set aside their alliance and struggle for primacy.
We've seen signs. The interests of the racist, white natonalists are diametrically opposed to the techbro's, agribusiness and the chamber of commerce.
The alliance of Opus Dei, 7 Mountains Dominionism, Southern Baptists, and New Apostolic Reformation will fall apart as each seeks to be the dominant Christian Authority in the new secular state.
There is no outside force that can displace them. It took the industrial and logistic might of the US and the human waves of Soviet Russia to displace Hitler, and atom bombs and the threat of Soviet invasion to displace Tojo and Hirohito.
There is no international countervailing force Tom.
There is zero chance of a revolution from within, 40-50% of Americans support the the patriarchal, theocratic, racist fascist regime.
And they are your next door neighbor, are heavily armed, and are actually aching to do more than just "own the libs"
The magic of Trump is that he doesn't try to hide his corruption. He announces his intent in advance and the does it. It's as if a bank robber calls the CEO of a bank and announces that intends rob a branch of the bank at noon and please have the money ready. The CEO says OK will do.
Above all, the ability for Trump (and Melania) to be able to make money from the Presidency highlights the weakness in the Constitution and any subsequent laws that the President of the United States cannot make a profit from holding office. Has this not already happened with Trump hosting domestic government employees and foreign dignitaries in his hotels at elevated taxpayer cost? That the Democrats have not been able to stop this shows lack of effectiveness in appropriate laws. The British Constitution relies on it whole body of laws and refers little to a single document that was written over two hundred years ago. I believe it is a more fluid means of adjusting to modern times than referring to an antiquated document repeatedly as if it were a Bible when the founders had no concept of computers artificial intelligence, cars, planes, electricity in homes etc.
$TRUMP tokens are another example of Der Fuhrer thumbing his nose at the constitution. His pardoning of the thugs who ransacked our capitol is another attack on the rule of law. What will happen when a court tells him he can't do something and he does it anyway? Just another nail in the republics coffin or the final shove into the grave?
It is remarkable and unfortunate that nothing in our codes has proven sufficient to deal with the epic corruption of the Repugnican Party. Of course, it would be beneficial if any of the Democrats who see the problem and wish to address it were in positions of power within the Party.
47 is a greedy pig, always has been. His only concern is making as much money as possible. Since he was a lousy businessman and bankrupted almost everything he tried (how is it possible to run a casino into the ground), he needed another solution and found it in the presidency. Guaranteed that he will milk it for all that he can get and if it leaves our country in ruins, well so be it.
Like some nightmare or crazy fairy-tale, a little less than half of the voting public remain "asleep" while the rest of us watch this train-wreck happen. We can only do what we can Constitutionally do.
The working people sucked into his realm are about to find they are sleeping with the enemy. Trump screwed everyone that came to DC for the festivities, but the rich stayed toasty for the day. Elon did his Nazi salute and gas-lighted folks without actually denying it (read Vanity Fair article). Now THIS corruption literally goes viral.
Thanks Thom. Making up money or fake products can cast a spell, but it doesn't last forever. Is it 2026 yet?
"the most corrupt president in American history?" Maybe so, but I would pay more attention to you if you were equally "critical" of Biden, Obama, the Clintons, and the Bushes. I do not see how anyone can consider them to be "Honorable."
Who cares what you pay attention to Tim. Obama, Clinton, Bush are history, water under the bridge, what they are doing has zero affect on us today, or the future.
The problem is here and now. The fascist regime of the billionaires and their racist, nationalist religious fanatic allies.
Paying "attention" to Obama, Bush,Clinton is as useful as paying attention to McKinley, Garfield, and Coolidge..
Until we take responsibility for the past (that sounds "woke"), and quit honoring and following liars -- who have caused this mess -- we will never get out of it!
Apparently you care what I say, or you wouldn't respond to it.
And this and other substacks are continually reminding us that History is being "rhymed" -- as Mark Twain would say.
I do not expect you to read this, attention span problem, and you can only read that with which you agree.
Don’t Let Them Frame War As Politics.
The establishment is still performing Kabuki in a shelled-out theater
JAN 22
It has been reported that while arguing with his staff over which J6 terrorists were too violent to pardon, the President of the United States said “Fuck it! Release ‘em all.”
Over 200 prisoners, including the leaders of the Proud Boys and Oathkeepers, Enrique Tarrio and Stewart Rhodes, were set free to create Trump’s Brownshirts and seek retribution on their enemies.
Trump also signed 200+ executive orders attacking every marginalized group in the country. Tom Homan, a psychotic racist who spoke at Mike Flynn’s Rod of Iron Ministries event, is preparing for raids in schools, hospitals and churches. Elon Musk did a Hitler salute at the inauguration — “and a very belligerent one too.”
Nevertheless, the plucky corporate media is still hanging on to the idea that this is all politics. Here’s what Fox, I mean MSNBC, looks like this morning.
“Politics” as we knew it is over. The power of the US government is in the hands of amoral psychopaths beholden to Christian supremacists, neo-Nazi tech bro plutocrats, and a Russian war criminal. Framing this as an “administration” in a two-party system is a lie. This is war. On us.
Here is Russian state media favorably comparing Trump to Lenin, mocking Ukraine because Trump blocked military aid, and confirming for their audience that “the richest and most influential man on the planet threw a Sieg Heil” at the inauguration.
Source: Russian Media Monitor
Trump pardoned Ross Ulbricht — a vile criminal who took a hit out on someone and dealt hundreds of millions of dollars in illegal drugs, child porn and stolen personal identification on the Dark Web — because the “Libertarian Movement… supported me so strongly.”
“Make no mistake: Ulbricht was a drug dealer and criminal profiteer who exploited people’s addictions and contributed to the deaths of at least six young people… and as today’s sentence proves, no one is above the law.”
Congress, a supposedly co-equal branch of the federal government, is just the Duma now. The Republican Party no longer exists as a political body. It’s just a front for war on the United States of America. The Supreme Court is a theocratic crime cult happy to go along with the end of democracy because it will create a vacuum for their religion and make them even richer.
But nevertheless, the feckless press is pretending that Biden’s DOJ, who couldn’t figure out how to prosecute anyone above Proud Boy for four years, for the most documented crime in history, thinks Trump’s pardons are “appalling.”
As someone who was trying to warn that J6 was not just a protest ahead of time — that it was not just a bunch of MAGAs who got riled up, I can tell you it was a plan, created by the same people who stole the 2016 election. The “appalling” thing is that the FBI and DOJ did absolutely nothing to stop it, or punish the people who planned it.
In order to understand what’s happening to America, and across the world, you cannot use the system that has been corroded in the process. You cannot look at this scenario in a political lens and come up with solutions. What has happened is that “politics” — the exchange of ideas to come to a collective solution — has been removed and replaced with coercive psychological warfare that creates a reality that benefits our enemies.
But as I wrote 3 years ago, when I said WWIII started in 2015 the day Mike Flynn traveled to Moscow to sit beside Putin and the head of RT:
Psychological warfare has two primary objectives:
1. To diminish the enemy by causing chaos and changing popular sentiment through propaganda
2. To prepare the battlefield for kinetic war
The first objective has been achieved. The second began when the jailhouse doors opened up yesterday and the violent criminals who beat cops and tried to hang the Vice President outside the Capitol were told they did nothing wrong by the President.
Do not let them tell you this is politics anymore. The establishment and corporate press that allowed themselves to be corrupted to this point are no longer trustworthy.
The correct frame for this is war. And the only solution is to win it.
A much better framework by which to understand current events is "Biblical Prophecy:" Alexander the Great fulfilled it, and so will Trump. And Trump is anything but the savior of the world -- he's not even "Cyrus" -- much more like Nebuchadnezzar, who went crazy for 7 years. But, the God of the Bible is in control and His Word will be fulfilled in His Timing and the United States of America will fulfill His Purpose. And all, any of us have to do, is believe it and do our part. BTW, nobody gets away with anything!
That was before my time. But, I know that they didn't catch all the communists: Ronald Reagan admitted that he was one. But that is what communists do -- they pretend to be something else. Reagan said all the right things, but as far as I could tell, he didn't actually do any of them.
Many of our current problems began to multiply under him. And Trump could be following in his steps, but I am watching.
Bandwagon fallacy Tim, bandwagon fallacy. There are billions of Muslims, by your lights that means that Islam is the one true religion, because Muslims outnumber Christians.
Didn't we see this coming as well as all the other garbage that is going on. Bribery, so tell me if a Maga supporter tries to bribe a highway patrol officer to keep from getting a speeding ticket can that supporter avoid prosecution by saying he was speeding to see trump at a rally? I mean he would be doing something in support of trump right so doesn't it follow that he can slip the cop $100 to get off. Now the cop on the other hand will have to do a Texas 2-step to obtain a get out of jail free card unless he just says he's a deputy of trump. That works doesn't it?
First, Thom, this must be an example of mental telepathy because this is what I've been thinking.
But, as I probably said yesterday, those inaugural "contributions" or "donations" could constitute bribes to candidate orr to # 47 Trump, actionable against the donors.
Each of those bribes could be crimes, exposing the donors to huge penalties and jail time. If convicted of bribery of a public official under 18 U.S.C. 201(b), the penalties include up to 15 years in prison and a fine of up to three times the monetary amount of something of value offered to the public official.
By rights, all of the money, should be the property of the US Treasury. Because Trump was a candidate, the OGE rules have applied.
If trump made $55-60 billion last Saturday night, by rights that money should go directly to the Trreasury.
Key words Daniel: "If convicted" First off the question: "Who will charge them? Pam Bondi?
Who will investigate? Kash Patel?
Who is going to rule against Trump? SCOTUS?
Who is going to even try, much less arrest them?
Trump now has the legal ability to do anything he wants. And he can and will pardon any of his cronies.
A law is only as valid as enforcement.
They have a lot of laws on the books, that are as worthless as toilet paper, which is actually worth something as it cleans the bum.
Qui tam.
I believe you're referring to the rule of law. That's gone; has been for years.
As a temporary mascot of the first unified transnational mafia, donald is going to cash in on being the Don in Chief - DIC.
Already has.
MLK’s triad of societal ills of poverty, war, and materialism, has been superseded by pure and simple greed and resource hoarding by the morbidly rich.
It’s time for the people to take back the Democratic Party and win big in 2026 and 2028.
In another venue, we've been discussing that we need a "shadow" president. Some people are already demanding impeachment -- not that it would work -- but it would gum up the works. Could flip Congress in 2026.
But we want our country to suceed. We don't need to hurt ourselves. Hopefully, stuff like the infrastructure bill, CHIPS, etc will keep the economy sound..... We need to document that Democratic success.
I am being bombarded with his tacky merch in my junk folders. Why is there no push to call these Emolument Clause violations and hold him accountable? Our system must be overhauled.
Thank you so much for your succinct explanation of the Foreign Emoluments Clause and the yet mystery of why it was never fleshed out to protect us from what is presently happening. Also, thanks for yet another very clear picture of Trump’s new con game on the world financial stage.
This is the new organized crime. It’s not just being perpetrated in the US, it is an attempt to corner the world, and control so much wealth, that he and his associates can declare themselves kingpins on a global scale.
These megalomaniacs, like Trump, Musk, Putin, and so many more, are presently in a loose partnership, to set the stage that will no doubt, break apart relatively soon and reveal themselves for who they truly are, crime don’s in control but also in direct competition. And like some virulent viruses these entities are raging through our systems as both our “leaders” and manipulators on the world financial stage.
Not only the trump crypto! Bitcoin is the way to bribe without being identified. Why do you think von trump wants to legalize those crypto shit “currencies”? They must be banned pdq!
What's the difference between meme currency and baseball cards? When there is no hard value for a thing, but rather it's worth only what someone will pay for it, it is wrong to characterize it as a currency. That's open fraud and counterfeiting. Trump should be prosecuted by the Treasury Department, but of course, now they're in on it, too.
At his age, Trump surely does not need more money - dirty or clean. My hunch is that he cannot stop scamming because of the rush he gets from getting away with it. That would explain why he views people with honor as suckers and losers. Ironic, perhaps, Trump is even scamming master scammers like Musk, Bezos, and Zuckerberg - what a rush!
If history repeats, and there is a mountain of evidence that it does, we are likely to see the American oligarchy overthrown. We all read about Europe overthrowing their monarchs (oligarchs with crowns and the Pope's blessing). The only question is when and how. Since the justice department will be impotent for the next 4 years - violent revolution is gaining in likelihood without a significant emergence of the deep state.
Admiral: The pursuit of wealth is an addiction, as bad as gambling, which is the hardest addiction to break. And those that are in constant pursuit are like sharks.
Sharks do not breathe, their forward movement forces water through their gills. A shark caught in a net suffocates. Trump,Musk, Zuckerburge,Bezos, Cook, saks, all of them are addicts and sharks.
The only way that this regime, and it is not an administration, can collapse is from an internal power struggle as the factions that made it possible, set aside their alliance and struggle for primacy.
We've seen signs. The interests of the racist, white natonalists are diametrically opposed to the techbro's, agribusiness and the chamber of commerce.
The alliance of Opus Dei, 7 Mountains Dominionism, Southern Baptists, and New Apostolic Reformation will fall apart as each seeks to be the dominant Christian Authority in the new secular state.
There is no outside force that can displace them. It took the industrial and logistic might of the US and the human waves of Soviet Russia to displace Hitler, and atom bombs and the threat of Soviet invasion to displace Tojo and Hirohito.
There is no international countervailing force Tom.
There is zero chance of a revolution from within, 40-50% of Americans support the the patriarchal, theocratic, racist fascist regime.
And they are your next door neighbor, are heavily armed, and are actually aching to do more than just "own the libs"
The magic of Trump is that he doesn't try to hide his corruption. He announces his intent in advance and the does it. It's as if a bank robber calls the CEO of a bank and announces that intends rob a branch of the bank at noon and please have the money ready. The CEO says OK will do.
Yeah, just like he pretty much admitted he stole the election. Unbelievable!
Above all, the ability for Trump (and Melania) to be able to make money from the Presidency highlights the weakness in the Constitution and any subsequent laws that the President of the United States cannot make a profit from holding office. Has this not already happened with Trump hosting domestic government employees and foreign dignitaries in his hotels at elevated taxpayer cost? That the Democrats have not been able to stop this shows lack of effectiveness in appropriate laws. The British Constitution relies on it whole body of laws and refers little to a single document that was written over two hundred years ago. I believe it is a more fluid means of adjusting to modern times than referring to an antiquated document repeatedly as if it were a Bible when the founders had no concept of computers artificial intelligence, cars, planes, electricity in homes etc.
$TRUMP tokens are another example of Der Fuhrer thumbing his nose at the constitution. His pardoning of the thugs who ransacked our capitol is another attack on the rule of law. What will happen when a court tells him he can't do something and he does it anyway? Just another nail in the republics coffin or the final shove into the grave?
It is remarkable and unfortunate that nothing in our codes has proven sufficient to deal with the epic corruption of the Repugnican Party. Of course, it would be beneficial if any of the Democrats who see the problem and wish to address it were in positions of power within the Party.
47 is a greedy pig, always has been. His only concern is making as much money as possible. Since he was a lousy businessman and bankrupted almost everything he tried (how is it possible to run a casino into the ground), he needed another solution and found it in the presidency. Guaranteed that he will milk it for all that he can get and if it leaves our country in ruins, well so be it.
What will it take to break the spell?
Like some nightmare or crazy fairy-tale, a little less than half of the voting public remain "asleep" while the rest of us watch this train-wreck happen. We can only do what we can Constitutionally do.
The working people sucked into his realm are about to find they are sleeping with the enemy. Trump screwed everyone that came to DC for the festivities, but the rich stayed toasty for the day. Elon did his Nazi salute and gas-lighted folks without actually denying it (read Vanity Fair article). Now THIS corruption literally goes viral.
Thanks Thom. Making up money or fake products can cast a spell, but it doesn't last forever. Is it 2026 yet?
"the most corrupt president in American history?" Maybe so, but I would pay more attention to you if you were equally "critical" of Biden, Obama, the Clintons, and the Bushes. I do not see how anyone can consider them to be "Honorable."
What we really need is another "Paul Harvey."
Who cares what you pay attention to Tim. Obama, Clinton, Bush are history, water under the bridge, what they are doing has zero affect on us today, or the future.
The problem is here and now. The fascist regime of the billionaires and their racist, nationalist religious fanatic allies.
Paying "attention" to Obama, Bush,Clinton is as useful as paying attention to McKinley, Garfield, and Coolidge..
Get current Tim.
Until we take responsibility for the past (that sounds "woke"), and quit honoring and following liars -- who have caused this mess -- we will never get out of it!
Apparently you care what I say, or you wouldn't respond to it.
And this and other substacks are continually reminding us that History is being "rhymed" -- as Mark Twain would say.
Yesterday is as irrelevant to today, as was the Conquest of Alexander.
But, I do understand, Tim, you are a right wing troll and the only tool in your box is beating up on Dems.
You would be better served by masturbating Tim.
I am going to do something here: I am going to extract from Mindwar
I do not expect you to read this, attention span problem, and you can only read that with which you agree.
Don’t Let Them Frame War As Politics.
The establishment is still performing Kabuki in a shelled-out theater
JAN 22
It has been reported that while arguing with his staff over which J6 terrorists were too violent to pardon, the President of the United States said “Fuck it! Release ‘em all.”
Over 200 prisoners, including the leaders of the Proud Boys and Oathkeepers, Enrique Tarrio and Stewart Rhodes, were set free to create Trump’s Brownshirts and seek retribution on their enemies.
Trump also signed 200+ executive orders attacking every marginalized group in the country. Tom Homan, a psychotic racist who spoke at Mike Flynn’s Rod of Iron Ministries event, is preparing for raids in schools, hospitals and churches. Elon Musk did a Hitler salute at the inauguration — “and a very belligerent one too.”
Nevertheless, the plucky corporate media is still hanging on to the idea that this is all politics. Here’s what Fox, I mean MSNBC, looks like this morning.
“Politics” as we knew it is over. The power of the US government is in the hands of amoral psychopaths beholden to Christian supremacists, neo-Nazi tech bro plutocrats, and a Russian war criminal. Framing this as an “administration” in a two-party system is a lie. This is war. On us.
Here is Russian state media favorably comparing Trump to Lenin, mocking Ukraine because Trump blocked military aid, and confirming for their audience that “the richest and most influential man on the planet threw a Sieg Heil” at the inauguration.
Source: Russian Media Monitor
Trump pardoned Ross Ulbricht — a vile criminal who took a hit out on someone and dealt hundreds of millions of dollars in illegal drugs, child porn and stolen personal identification on the Dark Web — because the “Libertarian Movement… supported me so strongly.”
“Make no mistake: Ulbricht was a drug dealer and criminal profiteer who exploited people’s addictions and contributed to the deaths of at least six young people… and as today’s sentence proves, no one is above the law.”
So much for that.
Trump announces Ulbricht pardon, DOJ announcement 2015
Congress, a supposedly co-equal branch of the federal government, is just the Duma now. The Republican Party no longer exists as a political body. It’s just a front for war on the United States of America. The Supreme Court is a theocratic crime cult happy to go along with the end of democracy because it will create a vacuum for their religion and make them even richer.
But nevertheless, the feckless press is pretending that Biden’s DOJ, who couldn’t figure out how to prosecute anyone above Proud Boy for four years, for the most documented crime in history, thinks Trump’s pardons are “appalling.”
As someone who was trying to warn that J6 was not just a protest ahead of time — that it was not just a bunch of MAGAs who got riled up, I can tell you it was a plan, created by the same people who stole the 2016 election. The “appalling” thing is that the FBI and DOJ did absolutely nothing to stop it, or punish the people who planned it.
In order to understand what’s happening to America, and across the world, you cannot use the system that has been corroded in the process. You cannot look at this scenario in a political lens and come up with solutions. What has happened is that “politics” — the exchange of ideas to come to a collective solution — has been removed and replaced with coercive psychological warfare that creates a reality that benefits our enemies.
But as I wrote 3 years ago, when I said WWIII started in 2015 the day Mike Flynn traveled to Moscow to sit beside Putin and the head of RT:
Psychological warfare has two primary objectives:
1. To diminish the enemy by causing chaos and changing popular sentiment through propaganda
2. To prepare the battlefield for kinetic war
The first objective has been achieved. The second began when the jailhouse doors opened up yesterday and the violent criminals who beat cops and tried to hang the Vice President outside the Capitol were told they did nothing wrong by the President.
Do not let them tell you this is politics anymore. The establishment and corporate press that allowed themselves to be corrupted to this point are no longer trustworthy.
The correct frame for this is war. And the only solution is to win it.
A much better framework by which to understand current events is "Biblical Prophecy:" Alexander the Great fulfilled it, and so will Trump. And Trump is anything but the savior of the world -- he's not even "Cyrus" -- much more like Nebuchadnezzar, who went crazy for 7 years. But, the God of the Bible is in control and His Word will be fulfilled in His Timing and the United States of America will fulfill His Purpose. And all, any of us have to do, is believe it and do our part. BTW, nobody gets away with anything!
You are a waste of time. You don't read responses, just continue with your bullshit. Do you know who else liked Alexander the Great. Muhammad.
Your hero is criminal, a liar, an adulterer, a grifter, a traitor, he is the anti christ if anyone was, and you adore him. You are a son of satan Tim.
He grifts and defrauds his own people, and he has absolutely no respect nor concernfor his followers,but he is glad to use you idiots.
Apparently you didn't read what I just said about Trump either. The anti-christ will also fulfill God's Word. As will you.
Paul Harvery was an asshole.... By analogy......
There are millions of Americans who disagree with you! And it is you who insists that we 'respect" you? You make that very difficult.
By comparison, in terms of corruption...and criminality, Trump stands alone.
Paul Harvey bought Joe McCarthy, Bircherism, and other bull.... Sounds like you do too.
That was before my time. But, I know that they didn't catch all the communists: Ronald Reagan admitted that he was one. But that is what communists do -- they pretend to be something else. Reagan said all the right things, but as far as I could tell, he didn't actually do any of them.
Many of our current problems began to multiply under him. And Trump could be following in his steps, but I am watching.
Daniel, Tim is either an AI bot, or a religious fanatic. I've tried to have discussion with him, they go nowhere, long in the tooth,long in belief.
There is no conversing with a cult, the only thing that can be done is to troll the troll.
Bandwagon fallacy Tim, bandwagon fallacy. There are billions of Muslims, by your lights that means that Islam is the one true religion, because Muslims outnumber Christians.
And there are thousands of Muslims who convert to Christianity every day, at the potential cost of their lives.
That he was and that is the Rest of the Story.
Didn't we see this coming as well as all the other garbage that is going on. Bribery, so tell me if a Maga supporter tries to bribe a highway patrol officer to keep from getting a speeding ticket can that supporter avoid prosecution by saying he was speeding to see trump at a rally? I mean he would be doing something in support of trump right so doesn't it follow that he can slip the cop $100 to get off. Now the cop on the other hand will have to do a Texas 2-step to obtain a get out of jail free card unless he just says he's a deputy of trump. That works doesn't it?
Gosh it's fun to play in the mud isn't it?