The things Thom mentioned are only the things his base approves of. They will be surprised when he confiscates their social security, minimum wage, guns, organs, keeps the border open and takes all social spending money, except for the women who have babies. The billionaires always need more slaves and soldiers.
The things Thom mentioned are only the things his base approves of. They will be surprised when he confiscates their social security, minimum wage, guns, organs, keeps the border open and takes all social spending money, except for the women who have babies. The billionaires always need more slaves and soldiers.
We are up against the mainstream media, the department of Justice, the billionaires, the corporations, the phony right wing religions, the military, the FBI, the CIA and all other police agencies.
The goal of the fascists, is to steal all of our stuff so they can live comfortably while about 7 billion people on the planet are totally miserable.
The fascists will not provide food, shelter, housing, medical or clothes for the poor either, so they will have to figure some other way to dispose of them. Putin is doing a very good job, in their eyes.
The things Thom mentioned are only the things his base approves of. They will be surprised when he confiscates their social security, minimum wage, guns, organs, keeps the border open and takes all social spending money, except for the women who have babies. The billionaires always need more slaves and soldiers.
We are up against the mainstream media, the department of Justice, the billionaires, the corporations, the phony right wing religions, the military, the FBI, the CIA and all other police agencies.
The goal of the fascists, is to steal all of our stuff so they can live comfortably while about 7 billion people on the planet are totally miserable.
The fascists will not provide food, shelter, housing, medical or clothes for the poor either, so they will have to figure some other way to dispose of them. Putin is doing a very good job, in their eyes.