To everyone everywhere:

Please read this Thom Hartmann piece. Then read it again. And keep rereading it until any and all skepticism or hesitancy is flushed away regarding the imperative of President Joe Biden winning the 2024 election.

Like everyone, I too have gripes and concerns and objections to things President Biden is doing or has done. Let's be honest. But he is a human being - just like you, just like me - performing exceptionally at the near impossible job of keeping our vessel of freedom and democracy on course amidst an unprecedented global hurricane of right-supremacy.

These are hard times for the decent, the empathic, and the sane of heart. I understand, and live the frustration and the agony. The GOP have long been setting the table for all the pandemonic sludge now being force slopped on our plates - and blaming President Biden for it.

So I welcome the GOP and company to sit at the table and share in this feast of shit they alone have prepared.

It's Biden 2024 or democracy nevermore. Period.

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I wish everyone would read this and consider that this is possible. Many would dismiss this as fear mongering by the left. Sean Hannity begged Trump to say that he will not be a dictator, and he basically missed his cue, intentionally or not.

I don't see the media helping enough with the messaging (a little), and I don't think social media or other internet mediums are enough. Thom recently mentioned a "Movement" and I agree that it could be the best way to get people's attention. But how to get one started...?

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It's Biden 2024 or democracy nevermore. Period

Now that is a bumper sticker. I don't have the resources, but does anyone who reads this have, I will gladly buy one, The Biden Campaign and DNC are guilty of misfeance if they don't use it.

Act Blue should give it to every contributor.

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I wish that was enough. The right, the Russians, qanon, or whoever always spin it that Biden is already a dictator. This always blurs the lines for the people that don't pay attention. They just think that the left say this, so the right say this...so on and so on. The spin and misinformation is so powerful.

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True. Biden a dictator, what a laugh, my problem with him is that he is a amelierater, bipartisan qualities he learned in the Senate, that is a reason why Senators should never be presidents.

There is the myth of compromise so popular in the detached elite,like the senate,and look what bipartisan compromise has wrought, a threat to democracy. The right is united in ideology, hate, fear, bigotry, while liberals twiddle their thumbs, believe in compromise, and spend too much time bleeding their hearts. And what has that wrought Trump 45, a hostile congress and Trump 47.

Our troops didn't disembark on Normandy beaches, waving banners of peace. Our citizens didn't take to the streets defending the fascists. There were no demonstrations accusing the military and our government of genocide against the Germans, as our bombers leveled German cities, and killed millions of German civilians.

Then again I lived through an era, which the modern crop of tools and fools, haven't even read about.

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President Biden knows how the system works. Trump wants to make the system serve him and his whims, no matter who is harmed in the process.

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True Kathy, but Biden's approach is not working. It is like he was wearing gloves, fighting by Marquis of Queensbury rules and stepping into a cage match with an MMA fighter.

Michelle Obama "bragged" when they go low we go high, however there is a Scotch ballad that goes, "you take the high road, I'lll take the low road and I'll be in Scotland afore ye"

The Democrats and Biden has best go on the offense and fight the right on their terms and grounds, or it is the end of the grand experiment.

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I understand your point, and I agree they should go on the offense.

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Thank you, that's all I have been saying. Unfortunately going on the offense is not in the DNA of the DNC, or President Biden, especially with his experience of 34 years in the senate and being mentored by racist Dixicrats

Those who praised bipartisanship and comity, will rue the day when Trump becomes 47 and carries through with his threats, notice I didn''t say if.

Maya D'Angelou said "When a person tells you who they are the first time, believe them" Alas the corporate media is either cowardly, compromised or complicit, and apparently so is the DNC, If they and Biden do not get off the pot and grow a spine, the DNC might as well, close it's doors and sell off it's furniture and building.

The time for wishful thinking and hope is over. Time to acknowledge this is a real war, and if we don't fight it with overwhelming force, it's over. I take Trump at his word, this is our last election ever if he wins. He has the House, maybe the Senate after 2024, he is riding high in the polls, not just the primary, but in the general.

It will take a miracle to save our skins, and I don't believe in miracles, just hard work and effort,, and I really don't see that, just fluff and wishful thinking.

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Biden has called out Trump frequently since 2015. Biden still points out that Trump is a danger to our society and to democracy. Biden said last week that Trump wants to be a dictator. what more do you want him to say?

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Not just Biden but the whole of the Democratic party, over and over again, louder and louder in different ways until the corporate media gets off its ass, stops this both sides ism, and stop covering Trump. The retard hogs the news, the media hangs on his every word, because there is no such thing as bad publicity. Trump needs to be ridiculed, exposed for being a buffoon, a moron, a pervert, a grifter, not for saying crap that Hitler and Mussolini said (well that too) but ridicule is what takes him down.

The right wing is the master of ridicule, and weaponizing language, They turn liberal into a dirty word, which sets Democrats running for holes like a cockroach when the light is turned on.

The right wing created a phrase Trump Derangement Syndrome, when in fact it is the cult that is deranged, so turn the phrase back on them. Biden and the Democrats need to copy the Republicans fight fire with fire, go on the attack, never apologize,, double down, never go back.

The wimpy "when they go low we go high" is why they have the initiative, and it is at odds with human nature.

The Scottish diddy applies: You take the high road and I'll take the low road and I'll be in Scotland afore you.

Attack, attack, ridicule the moron, say it out loud, he is a moron, has dementia, ignorant and uneducated and is unable to speak a coherent sentence, he speaks like a 3rd grader, attack his strengths, and his oratory his rhetoric is his strength with the weak minded, fearful and insecure.

The German press never attacked and ridiculed Hitler, they took him serious and tried to counterpoint him, that didn't work, and it doesn't work with Trump. But the man has a fragile ego, is very insecure and that can be used to whack him off at the knees.

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Totally! He's been showing us who he is when he's handed power and so many of us didn't want to see it. He's talking directly like Hitler because he idolizes people like Hitler, Putin, and Kim Jong-un. And yet the other day on MSNBC I heard someone asking, "Why would he want to be compared to Hitler?" He wants to be compared to Hitler because he wants to be Hitler.

Most people find that hard to believe because they don't have the former guy's mind. They don't understand severe personality disorders like sociopathy and psychopathy where the person has no capacity to care about anybody but himself alone. On top of that he is psychologically organized around revenge, determined to destroy anybody and everybody who opposes him in anyway. And now he has his secret terrorist group at his beck and call and all the publicity he wants, to direct their attacks.

Putin and Orban destroyed all opposition in their countries and they are Trump's role models. And that's just for starters.

So yes, when Trump tells you who he is and what he plans to do, believe him now and stop him now.

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Agenda 47 appears to be punctuation to Project 2025. While one is the wish list of all bona fide evangelical Christians, the addition of trump’s sadistic intentions answers the question that asks what another trump term would be like. Thom provided us the answer. It would be a dystopian nightmare.

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The things Thom mentioned are only the things his base approves of. They will be surprised when he confiscates their social security, minimum wage, guns, organs, keeps the border open and takes all social spending money, except for the women who have babies. The billionaires always need more slaves and soldiers.

We are up against the mainstream media, the department of Justice, the billionaires, the corporations, the phony right wing religions, the military, the FBI, the CIA and all other police agencies.

The goal of the fascists, is to steal all of our stuff so they can live comfortably while about 7 billion people on the planet are totally miserable.

The fascists will not provide food, shelter, housing, medical or clothes for the poor either, so they will have to figure some other way to dispose of them. Putin is doing a very good job, in their eyes.

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Thank you for educating us with current events and past history. We need you now more than ever. And we all need to share this valuable information with our family, our friends, our representatives (foremost!) and the media.

I think a lack of education has gotten us in this mess.

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Living in the dystopian world that Trump is creating for us, even though we did not elect him to be president, funded by the Evil Billionaire Boys Club is exhausting. I cannot even imagine if this agenda goes through, although as a student of history I can.

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I agree wholeheartedly with your every thought on this.

Many will certainly dismiss this as fear mongering. These are the people who don't believe they're entitled to the same bad fortune as everyone else on Earth. I sincerely hope they don't discover their unspecialness by way of catastrophe.

The corporate media is not helping much at all. We need a fair press that is free of fear and favor. And social media as we know it is synonymous to

the maturity and volatility a middle school cafeteria.

We absolutely do need a movement, as Thom says. How we go about that I have no idea...

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The movement is beginning, John, but it may not be enough. The fear mongers have had fifty years to get to where they are now.

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Too many people don't pay much attention and/or have tuned it out. Many think that it is just politics as usual. If they realized what was really going on, more would be willing to join in the fight.

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Unfortunately the tuned out and the politically burned out still show up on Election Day and vote with disgust for the system and with their gut, which means they vote, uninformed and in complete ignorance against whoever is the easiest to blame - that’s usually the incumbent and the candidate losing the message war. Americans have a long history of voting against their own best self interest. Add to that any single issue voters, who have no need to stay informed because they vote for the candidate that supports their one issue regardless of the candidate’s other positions. Add to that the negative vote voter, which is a big problem for the Democrats. These are voters that only see the negative of their former political party; the working class blue collar white voter that’s just trying to keep food on the table for their family, cursing higher prices. They don’t care about fringe issues like LGBTQ rights, protecting forests, BLM, who chums up to Putin, water pollution in some far away state, climate change, and EV jobs in a new factory across the country. It’s the money that doesn’t stay in their wallet past pay day that concerns them and Biden hasn’t told them how he’s going to fix it for them; in direct plain language terms, for their town, their job, their money.

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The thing with Schedule F, EO 13957, is that Trump used it to embed his cult into vital cabinets, like DOJ, and in particular US Attorney David Weiss, and the EO also enabled him to replace civil servants with his cronies, and the schedule F employees were now protected civil servants, that is the difference between Trumps EO and Andrew Jacksons cronyism, his appointees were not protected.

There is irony here, because President Biden's first act was to issue anEO 14003, that among other things, negated Trump's EO 13957. Whiich he could have used to fire all of Trump's appointees, including David Weiss, and the hundreds of other Trump acolytes embedded in DOJ, NSA, DOD, HSA, in his final days in office.

Weiss served as Acting U.S. Attorney for Delaware again during the administration of Donald Trump following the resignation of Oberly. He was subsequently nominated to officially fill that position, and on February 15, 2018, his nomination to be the United States Attorney was confirmed by the Senate by voice vote. He was sworn in on February 22, 2018. But that is a political appointee, and political appointees are not protect civil servants, Trump made him a protected civil servant with his EO, and then used the EO to fire the civil servants his schedule F appointees replace, by simply declaring them as not meeting accepted performance standards

Read EO 13957 here:https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2020/10/26/2020-23780/creating-schedule-f-in-the-excepted-service

Situation: Declare a civil servant as not meeting the Presidents standards, fire him and replace him or her with a crony.

Biden's negation of Trump's EO, has come back to bite him when Merrick Garland, another bipartisan mistake, appointed David Weiss, who jumped up and basically said, "choose me coach" as Special Counsel to prosecute a civilian citizen.. Hunter Biden.

Has any Special Counsel ever been appointed to prosecute a civilian?

President Biden is the author of his own travails.

There is a difference between Jackson's patronage system and Schedule F.

For one thing the patronage system still exists in the form of Senate confirmation

David Weiss page on wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_C._Weiss

Read wikipedia keeping in mind that anyone can edit it, and those with an interest in right wing politics keep articles of their ideological interest on a watch list, and are notified of any edits, which they can then revert or modify.

That is what happened when I tried to edit the pages on Nixon and Reagan, to show their treason.

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I take Trump at his word, and everybody else should do so too. I didn’t make my oaths as an attorney to Trump.

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It's safe to say none of us want to see Trump elected. But what you and Biden liberals fail to understand is that millions of Americans are so marginalized and desperate, or have experienced so much stress under any president, that Trumpaphobia does not touch them. They see Biden's inaction on voting rights and criminal justice reform. They see his unfettered militarism which you enable and reinforce. They see him caving to Joe Manchin and greenlighting major oil and gas pipeline projects when he promised to (but he never caves to the wishes of progressives of course). The Muslim population (and many others) see him aiding and abetting genocide. Just because Trump is awful does not mean that people will automatically gravitate to someone who is a danger to their existence as well. And many who are marginalized do not feel any difference in their existence whether it's George W, Obama, Biden or Trump. Talking about Trump and the Republicans all day accomplishes nothing as most of us are acutely aware of their malfeasance and we can do much more to change the trajectory of Democrats than Republicans. If we actually call them out and think critically rather than doing contortions of moral compromise to protect them.

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It's not JUST Americans who feel 'marginalized and desperate' it is also all the people in the world who want PEACE in order to get on with our lives.

America decided LONG ago that nobody was better than them: America produces With China the most egregious emissions the world has ever seen.

Meanwhile the incarcerated people in the US are possibly? the largest on this earth.

This is NOT a Democracy and has not been for a long time.


Who made the US in charge of 'policing' the world?

Bases in the S Pacific. US in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden with their warships?

NOT many American people have even visited China or Russia? Why? Propaganda.

It's easy to make one Empire nastier than others.......if people in the US are too afraid to even go there.


I live in Europe and I am eternally DISGUSTED with Euorpeans willing to follow the US !

Screw you all. I care about every person in the world who just wants to go about their lives. I am one of them.

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I was under the impression that guns were allowed in the US in case something like this happens? What will the citizens do with these guns? I imagine there are MORE people than police!

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Armed citizens are nothing against the military, if the military will follow a dictator's orders.

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Gloria. That is what I have been asking for years?

What will the Military do?

I have just been reading what TRUMP says he is going to do which INCLUDES the Police.

Read Patrick Lawrence.

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The movement that would be required to offset or overcome the years of malicious preparation by this nasty group of White Wealth Supremacists

Seems not yet to be structured .

These traitors have been working on destroying democracy for years .

We are all finding it difficult to know where to turn .

The truth is these people , are as awful as we have ever known and their blatant lies propelled them right into the camp of Putin , Orban and the rest of the fascists with power.

Did anyone think it was strange when the Republicans invited Orban as their keynote speaker to several of their conventions . Putin and and Trump. Trump is just as evil because of his fascination with nasty political power .

And his absolute need for approval by alleged strongmen who are as corrupt as he is . That started several years ago when Democrats still thought , mistakenly that they could ‘reach across the aisle ‘ .

That aisle has been bolted shut by these scheming Republicans and their mentors, the Federalist Society and their other putrid supporters of wealth and power regardless of cost to the rest of the country and the world . One piece of advice Mr Hartmann gave to us was to check your voter registration status . Don’t wait . Put things in order.

There are so many removed from rolls and refused the right to vote because no one believed that the Republicans were as ugly as they are and as willing to shut down everything that doesn’t support their campaign of violence lies and destruction.

These people are not builders they are destroyers . Everything they touch is destroyed and we refused to believe our eyes and ears.

But we know now and it’s time to do something about it .

You’re right I’m not sure where to go either but we need a society of people who detest the destruction of our country our democracy and stand for building unity based on compassion and respect for all .

Easy to say . Harder to do . But in fact we do have the numbers . Now we need more education about the reality

Of where they are trashing our lives and our Democracy and go after them

They have total disregard for rights , the law and the courts .

They do what they want and waste no time questioning the legality .

They’ve installed by appointment many cowardly unethical judges.

But there are also people in this position who still know right from wrong we need to gather those of us who want to build justice for everyone together .

Start by getting info about voting status and help others to find out about theirs.

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Patrick Lawrence has written many articles. What are you referring to?

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Arrived today so the last one!

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Putin would like America to have a civil war. He doesn't care if it is totally destroyed.

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Neither would Jenny.

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You know something Daniel Solomon.

I do NOT want any wars neither am I a Putin apologist BUT I am finding it very difficult to view American politicians better than Putin!

Some of the comments on here are getting truly nasty. I am trying to stay sane in a world that is cracking up.

It does not help anyone to be nasty to each other.

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I found it, but I am skeptical about how reliable it is.

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Very reliable. Look him up.

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He appears to be credible, so that news is alarming.

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Every bit of news is earth shaking at the present. Trying to keep my head above water.

Be safe.

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Is asking people to vote enough? I have heard it said many times that voting is only the very least thing we can do, and that "democracy is not a spectator sport" means that people must do more than the very minimum. This is a five alarm fire. I'm wondering if we can organize educational meetings conducted by well-informed people and with these kind of facts and literature as emergency antidotes to misinformation, disinformation, and pure ignorance. Democratic lawmakers have meet-and-greets and various public meetings to promote themselves. Why not serious educational efforts to spread the word? It doesn't look like we will see many people protesting and marching in the next 11 months.

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Agent Orange (aka DJT) is :

a. Clearly Demented

b. A Crook

c. Sociopathic

d. A Wife Rapist

e. A Daughter Luster

f. An Ahistorical Loser

g. Commie Curious

h. A Liar

i. And so much more

Ad nauseum

The real question is . . .

What is wrong w/ the GOP majorities and minorities who fuel his lunacy w/ money and votes?

Wherefore comes this nationwide will to self-destruct?

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I always find it hard to find a way to talk to those that buy into the right wing simplistic thinking. How do you talk to someone that believes they are right? Not sure there is a way. More important to get the low information Democratic voters to bother to vote. At least you do not have to educate them on basics. It would help if the Dem party would help by offering 3 or 4 economic items and repeatedly campaign on them so everyone knows what is the offering is to make a difference.

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Screw you all. I care about every person in the world who just wants to go about their lives! ?

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That’s we would all prefer, Bob. But that’s not the world we live in anymore.

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Kathleen, I was replying to Jenny s comment. See obviously deleted it.

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She obviously deleted it!

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Then stop being so nasty!

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Vote Blue!!! We need to start fund a PR firm to get out the message.

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I fully agree with you Bret on the first half.

My nonprofessional opinion says human nature and/ or our relative level of comfort and convenience here in the US does not easily lend itself to the displeasure of confronting crisis.

Getting out the message of what's really going on is also quite challenging due to the ownership of most if not all efficient mediums of communication - by the very people opposed to a truly democratic society.

As is self-evident, I am a bit of a bummer - I realize this, but I don't think I'm wildly off base. I also believe there are ways and means of change that are just outside my field of view.

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