
Thom Hartmann - a human who somehow matches his otherworldly talent with unrelenting effort, not to the exclusive benefit of self, but to the betterment of all. That's the dictionary definition of Thom - at least the dictionary in my heart.

"As concerned as I was and am about Biden’s failure in the debate, I’m horrified by how our media continues to frame this election around personality rather than policy and the future of democracy in America and around the world."

I couldn't agree more with this statement by Thom, though I might swap the term "personality" for "entertainment value".

Our media has chosen treasure over truth for a long time now, and delivers accordingly. And as such, it's up to all of us to seek truth and context, wherever it may live. The Hartmann Report is exactly that place.

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Heather Cox Richardson reports that as of yesterday morning, the New York Times had published 192 pieces on Biden’s debate performance: 142 news articles and 50 opinion pieces. Trump was covered in 92 stories, about half of which were about the Supreme Court’s immunity ruling. Although Trump has frequently slurred his words or trailed off while speaking and repeatedly fell asleep at his own criminal trial, none of the pieces mentioned Trump’s mental fitness.

So far nobody has asked to measure the respective sizes of candidates' telomeres, or asked for memory testing. From a clinical perspective Biden has been the best president in the last 75 years. A clinical history can be predictive of future performance.

It's up to us to spread the truth. Stats show that Gen Z get most of their news that way. The DNC has a "social ambassador" program using REACH to disseminate info. https://democrats.org/share/

FT6 uses social storming. https://social.fieldteam6.org/toolkit/815435f9-454f-446d-a1ce-5fd7a4188713

Here' are the orders for today. Enlarge the base. https://danielsolomon.substack.com/p/enlarge-the-base

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Daniel, if Biden is the best president we've had in 75 years, why isn't Trump in prison and about 147 right wing insurrectionist in there with him? Why are we facing down a dictatorship. Why haven't we added more people to the Supreme Court and why do we have a republican Congress?

I will give Biden an A+ for handling the economy but an f- for defending democracy,which is even more important in my humble opinion, as we are facing going back to the dark ages! I'm all in favor of Kamala Harris or a new face. Even if we lose because we're going to lose with Biden with this rich-owned press working towards enslaving us and turning us into another failed third world capitalist catastrophe! I think it is entirely possible that Biden has been compromised being a Reagan Democrat!

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But now he is a king according to the Extreme Court. See my program above.

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He chose Garland, the buck stops there!

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There is nothing more alarming, more threatening than Kevin Roberts, Heritage Foundation's Project 2025, and it needs to dominate the news until Nov 5th if we have any chance of surviving

Here are two paragraphs from Heather Cox Richardsons' substack for today

On July 2, Heritage Foundation president Kevin Roberts assured Trump ally Steve Bannon’s followers that they are winning in what he called “the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be.”

In March, Roberts told former Trump administration official and now right-wing media figure Sebastian Gorka about Project 2025: “There are parts of the plan that we will not share with the Left: the executive orders, the rules and regulations. Just like a good football team we don’t want to tip off our playbook to the Left.”


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Project 2025 is already well underway with the Supreme Court’s “legislative” agenda: Dobbs, overturning the Chevron Doctrine, and now the executive immunity case. The Court apparently is working on an agenda to prepare the ground for Project 2025 by removing judicial barriers. The immunity case is nothing short of the Nazi’s enabling act in 1933.

One could wonder if Biden had been more strident about expanding the Court from the get go whether more restraint would have prevailed.

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Dobbs was Opus Dei and the Dominionists dipping their toe in the water, to break surface tension and to see if they could get away with taking a plunge.

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They've been at it as long as I can remember. Nixon tried to appoint Confederates. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Nixon_judicial_appointment_controversies

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Thom — If you still have time in Riga, a suggestion is to visit the KGB Museum and report that to your audiences. The deep feelings against the Russian Federation in the Baltics have a history. The repression by the Soviets was often worse in the Baltics than the other countries.

Concerning Project 2025. It is already underway with the Supreme Court’s “legislative agenda”. The latest immunity decision is essentially the 2024 equivalent of the 1933 Enabling Act in Germany. It readers are not frightened of a having a Paul von Hindenburg repeat in the U.S. they should wake up.

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EXACTLY, Dr Doug! I wrote a bit about this in a comment on this thread … These people are desperate to NEVER be that vulnerable to Russian domination again.

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6

The Latvians get a 10 out of 10 for dissing Putin right in front of the Russian embassy with their brilliant art-work! Ditto for the Estonian restaurant sign, because Putin is tracking Hitler and his SS.

Pat Goudey OBrien gave an apt and chilling description in her comment today of how a country run by a psychopath uses torture to beat the populace into submission. It's worth a second read. We need to understand this history.

We can never lose sight of the fact that Putin is KGB/FSB to the very bone. His father was a paid informant. Putin knew EXACTLY how to make money. Now he literally has all of Russia's money and people at his disposal. That is what he has done for the last 25 years, use them as disposable OBJECTS. Trump and Project 2025 authors have precisely the same planned for Americans. Steal the money, hand business over to THEIR oligarchs, and murder their enemies.....that's the playbook.

So much of Project 2025 will happen behind closed doors, but it will eventually reach everyone's doorstep. THAT'S what the Europeans know and remember. Good lesson from them and you, Professor Hartmann.

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Kansas Supreme Court overturns laws limiting abortion access.

The high court rejected a pair of state laws Friday, one that created special licensing requirements for abortion providers and another that banned a second-trimester abortion procedure known as dilation and evacuation. The court said the first law exceeded requirements for comparable medical professionals. In rejecting the second law, the court said the state's constitution protects personal autonomy

All of us need to keep talking about Project 2025 and Agenda 47 and maybe the media will finally get on it and move on from the latest bright shiny object, which is Biden (lazy, corrupt bastards)

If we do there might be something to the Hundredth Monkey Effect

The hundredth monkey effect is an esoteric idea claiming that a new behavior or idea is spread rapidly by unexplained means from one group to all related groups once a critical number of members of one group exhibit the new behavior or acknowledge the new idea.

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These countries already know how monstrous a regime like Putin’s can be toward “captive” countries. {And, yes, I know our country has behaved very badly, as well, toward countries we have dominated and mistreated, but I submit the Iron Curtain practices were on a whole other level.]

I am an editor, and two projects I have seen discuss the experience of people under a Russian thumb, and they are vastly more chilling than you might imagine. One such project involves a voluminous record of the treatment of people in “hospital” settings and under incarceration with the intention of achieving what amounts to re-education, or more succinctly, brain-washing. It describes the practices used to bring on psychological breakdown and complete capitulation in people held under these conditions. The document describes how to create a sense of total helplessness and unpredictability, and how to destroy any ability of one person to trust another person — not a perceived “friend” or ally or caregiver — NO one.

Those in control of every aspect of a person’s existence in these facilities use deprivation and planned betrayal to breakdown psychological stability.

I had to stop reading it - it was so chilling it made be physically sick and depressed, and there was no overt torture described.

Eastern Europe and those countries that were under Soviet control know full well what is possible under the likes of a Putin who has few or no controls on his power. His background and philosophies are of that ilk.

Another book describes life in Austria during WW II, including abject fears of the Nazi regime, but ALSO how monstrously the troops invading from Russia had treated civilians. We hear such stories out of Ukraine today.

We here have no idea what it could be like to live under such regimes — neither fascist autocracies nor so-call communist autocracies — they are the same under the skin, monstrous and controlling of the people’s every action and thought.

Europe has experience. They are behind the Ukrainian bid to hold back Russian expansion. That is no surprise.

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Pat, you describing brainwashing describes religious parenting as well? Total control!

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To some extent, in some of the more strict sects — these log books and individual records were so horrible and chilling that they kept me up nights. Such insidious cruelty … I understand why Eastern Europeans do not want to be aligned with Putin.

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Sorry to report that most of the ethnic groups from the former Soviet bloc countries living here supported the orange antichrist in 2016 and 2020.

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They know not what they do — they are afraid of “communism” {aligned with “socialism”}, the words used to demonize liberalism, and they do not see that what abused them was autocracy and despotism. I think Europeans have a “close up” view of what faces them … Look at what just happened. The “Ultra Right Wing” fascist element of Hungary sent their leader, Victor Orban, to sit with Putin, the “communist.” And only weeks ago, Orban came to sit with Trump.

Despots can arise out of what we tend to call “the left” AND “the right,” and when it shows up, it’s impossible to see any difference.

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Unfortunately, they hate Blacks more than Putin.

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For sure, racism may well enter into so much of this.

But the countries that are rushing to join NATO to keep Putin at bay do know what they are up against.

The Fascism that is now pushing back into the continent, and the racism that accompanies it, is certainly distressing, though.

Our tiny planet has only so many regions where human can survive, and those are being attenuated by climate change.

So many difficult situations we face … struggling to get people to recognize reality is exhausting.

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I think Biden should continue his campaign but be prepared, if needed, to turn it over to his running mate Kamala Harris. We already voted for her! And she is probably just as capable, especially with his backing and resources, to run things and confront Trump, as a former prosecutor. She also polls better at present against him. And she could get Dems out from under Biden's Gaza Problem!

If the Dems were to deal-out Kamala, we would lose the minorities and women. Who better to continue to spotlight the premiere issue of this campaign, abortion care?

Now here are some other notions, but responsible ones, on how President Biden and/or his VP replacement might use the splendid new powers granted by our Extreme Court, in rendering all their recent decisions and indecisions.

Executive Action 1: Arrest the Supreme Court bribery/extortionists, or at least "Recuse" them from recent cases. This could have the effect of invalidating their "victories," possibly including Citizens United. Extortion is the act of taking or demanding bribes, an abuse of power that is precluded by the Constitution's basic intent.

(Note: until now the Majority's acceptance of gifts, subsidies, travel, etc. sounded almost frivolous or harmless. But since it has resulted in the overthrow of our Constitutional country to make us an Abomination Nation, severe action against them is demanded. In the eyes of Americans, they are the LEAST popular villains and it would be applauded.)

Judicial Action 1: Imprison Trump the maximum term for all 34 of his business record falsification convictions. (BTW: Since when is an Extreme Court ruling retroactive?)

Investigative Action: Secure Mar-a-lago as a crime scene, and other locations as well to search for more stolen government secrets.

Executive Action 2: Arrest all complicit insurrectionists who hold public office and detain them for trial.

Executive Action 3: Seize Fox News and detain its ringleaders for participation in a foreign Australian-owned subversive organization. Fox can broadcast their hearings and trials. Consider similar restraints for Sinclair Broadcasting.

Judicial Action 2: Prosecute all the Supreme Court "InJustices" who have consented to the illegal usurpation of Executive and Legislative powers by the Judiciary Branch under the Constitution, including the Chief Injustice John Roberts.

Judicial Action 3: Dismiss all Federal jurists who have supported extremist violations of the Constitutional Separation of Church and State by federally funding religious schools, madrassas, etc.

4: And prosecute House Speaker Addison Mitchell McConnell III for stealing Supreme Court appointments from President Barack Obama by failing to exercise his Constitutional duty.

These are just some ideas for a Biden-Harris Unitary Executive.

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Very, interesting travels Thom. Democracy is on display I see. Thanks Thom! We need to always continue the fight for democracy. Go Mr. Z!

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Jul 7·edited Jul 7

No matter what kind of an ogre Putin may be, after our senseless invasions of one country after another ever since at least Vietnam, one should be a bit more circumspect about yet another "just" war (which, if you know anything about the events leading up to Russia's invasion of Eastern Ukraine, you know we did our damnedest to provoke) than Thom obviously is. And don't take my word for it: countries collectively representing over 2/3 of humanity have refused to condemn (or endorse) Russia's actions. Myself, I'm merely concerned that our "the only good Putin is a dead Putin" mindset will spark WWIII. After which I can assure you you'll be feeling a bit less passionate about Ukraine -- which any idiot could have seen wasn't ever going to join NATO without starting a war we weren't going to "win" before the nukes start falling in the first place.

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Beautiful pictures Thom! All men (and women) in their right mind desire good! (Plato said that, I added in their right mind though). Trouble is, since the 1960's the responsible have been reproducing less than the irresponsible. It is not that the right doesn't want to evolve, it is that they can't evolve. The circuits in their brains have been short circuited by believing in the supernatural and not truth and science. We use to keep the loonies pretty well fed, but with Reaganomics (neoliberalism), the standard of living has plummeted, and now the zombies are foraging for food!

When Biden says the economy is doing great, it is compared to Trump, but currently housing is unaffordable since the new world order right wing globalist autocrats quit investing in American manufacturing and instead started buying American real-estate. This helps turn the right-wingers into zombies! Biden should be attacking neo- liberalism and raygunomics and cnnn for allowing lies which is cheating, and trumps lack of good character and promoting self supporting poor farms, geothermal energy, self supporting penal colonies, ending overpopulation by stopping immigration, agnostic villages.... but he is too far right. Kamala Harris may understand, if she grew up in poverty. She probably didn't, she wouldn't get so close to being president if she actually suffered.

First order of business was to lock up the traitors to the constitution and Americans. Biden failed! Biden should have stopped immigration, if the immigrants were agnostics! Biden would have called them communists and stopped them. ! But agnostics don't flee to religious nations, the religious flee to them! Then conquer them, and flee to? Till whole planet has gone supernatural denial ism! Next stop for this train-wreck if we can't stop Trump is Armageddon. What a present to the children and grandchildren! Only right-wingers are capable of doing it and blaming everyone else. It all makes sense to the narcissistic mind!

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