So the Cheney’s have stepped up. Where are the Bushes and M Romney? And other prominent so called Republicans? You can’t sit this one out boys and girls. Pick a side: Democracy or christofascism. History will judge you.

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Sep 7·edited Sep 7

The state of Georgia is going after a low functioning probably not too bright father in a dysfunctional family for failing to do what the Georgia state government failed to do. They are going to punish an adult for what a child did, yet they are going to try the child as an adult. Which is it? The Republican Party is the DIY party. In other words, It’s the F-U Party you’re on your own but if you mess up you’ll be thrown in jail and your 14 year old child too. This passing of the buck needs to stop. Georgia has failed. Georgia is responsible. The reason guns need to be regulated the way cars are is because there are families like this. Many many of them and they are leaving a bloody trail of tragedy.

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Governor Brian Kemp is ultimately responsible.

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If "not too bright" and "dysfunctional family" give one a pass when it comes to prosecution, we're in big trouble. GA isn't the only problem here. Social services are under-funded everywhere, and the impulse to dismiss every warning either with "it's not that bad" or with "we don't have the staff to deal with it" is probably universal. And in case anyone hasn't noticed, the overwhelming majority of mass shooters are XY-chromosome people, many of them under 25 and most of them white.

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Hey Nick, Everything Trump Touches Dies. You, Nick, like all who have gone before and all who will come after, are just not special enough to avoid the curse of ETTD. Tell your friends.

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1. Arlington Cemetery Worker.

The government, not an individual victim, is the party in a criminal case.

2. Trump “lost the election by a whisker” is a confession and an admission that could cost him bigly in his several Jan 6 civil cases. He has no immunity in civil cases.

3. Oklahoma. We watch I've Had It every day. https://ivehaditpodcast.com/ They represent the concurrent majority of Okie women.


4. Still time to save democracy. https://www.fieldteam6.org/all-volunteer-ops/volunteer

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Thanks, Thom some good stuff and ad stuff and now we know. Liz Cheney and her dad welcome to the common sense, called the Kamala affect. I said all aboard! This and happiness too. When we fight. we win!

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I'm glad to see that the Cheneys stepped up and while I respect Liz, I have zero respect for her father.

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Can’t you see your way clear to up your respect-o-meter a tiny notch to acknowledge that something pop Cheney did was good?

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There is a difference between appreciating a single action by someone and having any respect for them.

Dick Cheney lied us into the Iraq war, which cost $1.1T and the lives of over 4,400 US servicepersons and ~500,000 Iraqis.


A better question is, how can you have any respect for someone who did that?

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Ditto. Since the 1/6 commission I've been very interested in where Liz goes from here. Dick, OTOH, I hold out little hope for.

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Sooooo, I guess, voting for Trump now since he admits he lost by a whisper, is voting for a lying traitor to the constitution? That hasn't changed his cults minds much, except for Nick? There may be hope for Nick yet. He was only 18 at the time, but what about the voters who support Trump that are 85 years old? Will they now not vote for Trump?

The dems need to make a commercial and bombard the swing states with his confession! And ask, did you give this man any money?

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When was the last time being guilt-tripped changed *your* mind?

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Every little bit helps a little bit— and sometimes it helps a lot. It’s possible it could help just one person to think about it and ask themselves if they could be wrong.

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Let them explain to their children why they support a dictatorship! I'm sure the younger generation is going to like that.

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The members of the younger generation who stand to inherit their parents' -- usually their fathers' -- position will probably like it just fine.

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Fathers are obsolete nowadays. That white male privilege does not exist in most cases.

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"It would have been good to know that before I, in 2017, dedicated my life to this as an 18 year-old in college." This quote from Fuentes reveals the cultish devotion of Trump's followers. This man squandered 7 years of his for a lie and now has to come to grips with that realization.

For as much of a hateful, homophobic racist as Fuentes is, it's still pathetically sad that he devoted years of such zealous dedication to a conman. I hope he takes this as an opportunity to learn and grow.

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Nick wanted it to be true so much that he ignored 30,000 warning signs.

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Merchan bent over backwards in Trump's favor, he did what he could for the defense, and he has bent over backwards but not penalizing Trump of his contempt of court, defiance of gag orders, and now the penalty phase.

What does it take liberals to pull the wool out of their eyes, and see Merchan for what and he who he is, if not corrupt and complicit then a coward.

This is what the judiciary is reduced to in America, Cowards, Complicit and corrupt.

Blind justice, laugh my ragged ass off.

And a few token cops go to jail,, while most criminal cops walk free.

There is a two tiered "justice" system in this country.

The motto you see on the side of some patrol cars, to serve and protect, is only part of the motto, they serve and protect the establishment, not the citizens. The citizens are their source of income .

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Justice is as imperfect as we are, William.

It may only be in the hereafter that the Gilded Toadstool ™️ will be properly punished. St. Peter will have closed the Pearly Gates long before he gets there, and I’ve heard that Old Scratch doesn’t want any competition. Purgatory for eternity sounds about right, if you believe in that kinda stuff.

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No Derek I don't believe in that kinda of stuff, nor I accept that Justice is imperfect as we are, becaus thumbs on the scale are not indicative of imperfection.

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The way I look at it, Marchan trumped Trump's martyr card.

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I've heard an interesting conversation with Andrew Weiss today on MSNBC, by deferring sentencing Merchan is as you say,taking away his martyr card, but it could also mean that there is a 50 50 chance that he won't have to pay, the penalty.

There is something that bothers me, Neither the E Jean Carroll defamation case, nor the case before Merchan has anything to do with or eventouches on Presidential immunity, so why did Merchan delay the case in the first place, and E Jean Carroll has not collected one dime, neither will the state of NY.

The penalty in Carroll case could have and should have cost him his NY Trump tower, and yet nothing.. Again it appears that there are thumbs on the scale, and in fact Rudy is getting away without a scratch. A judgement is jack quat unless it is enforced and these judgements have not been enforced.

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I don't know but I bet they are a lis pendens on all his properties, so investors won't touch him with the proverbial ten foot pole.


The real news vis a vis Trump is the crashing of Truth Social stock and his exposure for fraud indictments. BTW it was initially funded by a Russian oligarch.

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I had to google lis depends, suit pending, and my understanding is that anyone who buys it, assumes the liability associated with it.

What a subterfuge, have a lis depends on your property and you keep your property. So Trump and Rudy will retain their property, and there is no way for the state or E. Jean Carroll to collect, so the whole exercise did nothing more than create jobs for lawyers, prosecutors and judges.

Trump keeps his property and thus doesn't have to pay the judgments

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Sep 7·edited Sep 7

Boy-O-Boy did that free dinner with Trump cost Nick Fuentes!

Seriously, he will be on more than the No-Fly List the rest of his life. He will be on lists that we have not heard of, because Homeland Security, the FBI, and the Justice Department don't tell the public all their methods.

Thom's dusty old SDS file is sitting around somewhere. My recent efforts to prevent a fossil fuel project generated something; The Guardian had an article about that.

Nick Fuentes just turned 26 and his uh-brain just got "lit". He's still not the kind of woke we would like, but he sure as hell woke-up about that psychopath he dined with. There is a reason Trump talks about the "late-great Hannibal Lecter", he has invited the whole country to BE his "dinner". Bet he thought you were delicious, Nick!

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Trump tricked all of his followers into aiding and abetting an insurrection! Like the guy you help by taking to the neighborhood grocery store and he robs it, now you are an accomplice! Are the cult going to double down or will they apologize? The cult is perfect, they never apologize! Now they are traitors!

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That’s the best no-good-deed story I’ve ever heard.

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So much of the shitpile we're in is a result of inaction by Merrick Garland, who makes Neville Chamberlain look like Attila the Hun.

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If I were Trump, (but brighter,) I'd not consider Merchan's postponement a win.

MERCHAN: (to himself) If I give him the sentence *I* feel he deserves, everyone will SCREAM "Election Interference!!" Best I wait 'til after the election.

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Thom, I was just thinking about all the sacrifice and honor that those brave men who lay in Arlington Cemetery and then I think of all the cowardly and very selfish and disrespectful act he did is the reason I think he should be held up for the treacherous act he did on such sacred grounds Thom! He does not represent anything good Thom only selfishness . Really is a dishonorable act to the sacrifice of all these men and women who really know what honor is all about. Thom, just thinking. Disgraceful.

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I wouldn't want to be Trump! It sounds like the white supremacists are angry with him, and they try to run the prison. Trump has been suffering from dementia for many years, and the msm have been holding his cane and saying, there is nothing wrong here, this man is fit as a fiddle!

Trump still has a chance to steal the election, so we can't quit donating until he is locked up! The movement behind him, the billionaires mostly, want Vance as president, he is young, an idiot, lacks principles and will make them a good puppet! They think anyway. We know how those guys change over time, then they destroy the goose that lays the golden eggs when they take charge.

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Regarding "The map is not the territory": You have explained here very well why schooling as we know it, "common core curriculum", the expository traditional teaching methods which are necessary in such schools, and compulsory attendance laws are all misanthropic, mis-educational, and harmful. Please apply the theory and refrain from praising schools which are authoritarian, undemocratic, and dangerous.

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Sky, who’s Nick? Also ETTD? Is that Everything t’rump touches? Shudder.

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dies also.

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🤣good one there, Bob.

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Someone should accompany Darth Vader into the voting booth to ensure he is actually voting for Harris. Remember he “had no doubt” that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction! That mega lie caused the lives of a million Iraqis. If I were the Harris campaign, I’d say keep your vote! At least Trump is not a war criminal ….YET!

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Trump closed all but one base in Afghanistan and set up the 11 American soldiers that died leaving. I consider that to be a war crime? Only 64 American servicemen died in that war when Trump was president.

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