Of course this all fits with their brain function information from studies. Authoritarians think in black and white terms. They do not do nuance. Often they must experience a situation, or a problem must land on THEIR doorstep before they acknowledge it exists. They shoot from the hip, so to speak. And this inclination to make quick decisions is at the heart of all they believe. That is why they don't do the research; they have already made-up their minds in a heartbeat. Then being the conservatives they are, they will not likely listen to reasoned, nuanced alternatives.

In fact, all of the above is why they reject us, our research, our experts, and our leaders who want to get together and make a decision only after careful consideration of the facts. They live by their gut, and they call what we do "dithering".

Since the beginning, every culture has a mythology that involves a "trickster". Divide and conquer is often their strategy.

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I like using parental controls on parents-No hope of countering this force of the gullible , the disaffected, the billionaries, corporations and corrupt politicians who manipulate them -We are toast! move to Canada, at least they have free health care!

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Yes! If you click on the link in the Daily Take you'll see step-by-step directions on how to set the parental controls to block Fox for your geriatric parents... ;)

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Any hope boils down to suffrage, and suffrage is pretty well torpedoed in plenty of states to get the fix in. Joe Manchin was already a card-carrying member of the oligarch club, but I wonder what enticements seduced Kristen Sinema, to screw Democracy? The voting rights acts are down the plumbing, and so is the idea of America.

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I gained some excellent insights today; great report. It reminds me that, while you're not "Father Thom", you've gained some very helpful wisdom from your life journey. Thank you.

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Dr. Lindsay Chervinsky wrote a history about this also. Interesting article:


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I love Thom and have all his books. This authoritarian need of people also attracts the ruling class to exercise--police, military (standing armies sent to kill--no better than Russian state (Syria, all Mideast etc...all war crimes we have committed) and behind the scenes corporate manipulation of truth. We have to seek out non-corporate news, take the status quo with a grain of salt, question everything including democratic leaders. Biden is no saint and has done as much to continue Trump as he has undone Trump's destruction of democracy. He could do so much more from lifting the poor, homelessness, health care, student debt, post office etc. ENVIRONMENT is a staggering failure. His cabinet is half-filled with the same bottom feeders with just enough good appointments to offset negative opinion. The Kochs fund PBS science programs as an example. I could go on all day. We have to fight on all levels. The truth will not win until a generation or two in the future, way too late to save us. Can you imagine selling new public lands for fossil fuels? Even Sen Warren doesn't have a climate change category to contact her.

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Good points, Thom, but I'm surprised you never (or I failed to notice) mentioned the role of religion, where whatever god is involved is the father figure, who is of course omniscient, omnipresent and infallible. God can do no wrong, so whenever something great happens, the pious always thank their god, but of course, he never gets the blame when things go wrong - because his idolators are afraid to criticize him. Always, there is another entity (or scapegoat) that gets blamed. Sound familiar?

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Spot on. It would have made the article too long, but you're right.

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How many people have raised their fists into the air in defiance of "the father god" for what they see as suffering & grieving brought on by him? Those of us who, like myself, put our faith in "father/mother god" (God cannot have a gender, since all such divisions are one, and are only used to help our feeble minds to understand such a being), we know there's much more contained in the backstory than just a human desire to allocate blame.

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