The only tangible consequence of history's sad chapter on Trump-style fake populism that could possibly be construed as, at least, indirectly beneficial for succeeding generations is that it finally and fully exposed beyond any doubt the truth of the GOP as the right arm of the world's wealthiest and most powerful faction of elitist auth…
The only tangible consequence of history's sad chapter on Trump-style fake populism that could possibly be construed as, at least, indirectly beneficial for succeeding generations is that it finally and fully exposed beyond any doubt the truth of the GOP as the right arm of the world's wealthiest and most powerful faction of elitist authoritarians, who are passionately opposed to sharing power with the little people scurrying about under their feet.
The "masters of the universe" have been preparing for decades, if not centuries, their distorted version of a white, Christian democracy-in-name-only, which in reality is basically a plutocracy serviced by servile workers regardless of faith. In our time on the stage, the forces of greed and bigotry are in the process of implementing their final solution for multi-cultural, multi-racial democracy and the eradication of its institutions à la Steve Bannon's "deconstruction of the administrative state." Our democratic institutions are only as good and strong as the people working within either to destroy or to improve them.
So all that is extremely valuable information going forward. If humans are to realize a happier, more productive future that is in balance with nature, it's a crucial step just to realize first (so many don't) the deadly pitfalls of tribal politics in all its glory -- a cynical and nihilistic message based on fear and hate and division rather than on tangible policies that would benefit everyone regardless of society's perceived ranks and statuses of the deserving and the undeserving.
We cannot ever allow oligarchs anywhere near the reins of political power! That was true at the time the founders forged the Constitution; it is true today; it will be true tomorrow and forever after. Hopefully, our children and their children will have learned lesson 101 of a functioning democracy: Do not elect someone fundamentally opposed to democracy. Who knows what jargon will be used by our descendants, but "no-brainer" works for now. "Duh" does too. "WTF is wrong with you!" The list is long...
The only tangible consequence of history's sad chapter on Trump-style fake populism that could possibly be construed as, at least, indirectly beneficial for succeeding generations is that it finally and fully exposed beyond any doubt the truth of the GOP as the right arm of the world's wealthiest and most powerful faction of elitist authoritarians, who are passionately opposed to sharing power with the little people scurrying about under their feet.
The "masters of the universe" have been preparing for decades, if not centuries, their distorted version of a white, Christian democracy-in-name-only, which in reality is basically a plutocracy serviced by servile workers regardless of faith. In our time on the stage, the forces of greed and bigotry are in the process of implementing their final solution for multi-cultural, multi-racial democracy and the eradication of its institutions à la Steve Bannon's "deconstruction of the administrative state." Our democratic institutions are only as good and strong as the people working within either to destroy or to improve them.
So all that is extremely valuable information going forward. If humans are to realize a happier, more productive future that is in balance with nature, it's a crucial step just to realize first (so many don't) the deadly pitfalls of tribal politics in all its glory -- a cynical and nihilistic message based on fear and hate and division rather than on tangible policies that would benefit everyone regardless of society's perceived ranks and statuses of the deserving and the undeserving.
We cannot ever allow oligarchs anywhere near the reins of political power! That was true at the time the founders forged the Constitution; it is true today; it will be true tomorrow and forever after. Hopefully, our children and their children will have learned lesson 101 of a functioning democracy: Do not elect someone fundamentally opposed to democracy. Who knows what jargon will be used by our descendants, but "no-brainer" works for now. "Duh" does too. "WTF is wrong with you!" The list is long...