Kyle made his wish come true. Two months prior, he wished he had his gun...He didn't come across similar situation by accident. He didn't just happen to have his gun this time...This was kept from the jury. Juries can get real mad at this kind of censorship. Judge will die with blood on his hands after Kyle-baby kills again...
Kyle made his wish come true. Two months prior, he wished he had his gun...He didn't come across similar situation by accident. He didn't just happen to have his gun this time...This was kept from the jury. Juries can get real mad at this kind of censorship. Judge will die with blood on his hands after Kyle-baby kills again...
Kyle made his wish come true. Two months prior, he wished he had his gun...He didn't come across similar situation by accident. He didn't just happen to have his gun this time...This was kept from the jury. Juries can get real mad at this kind of censorship. Judge will die with blood on his hands after Kyle-baby kills again...
Judge Schroeder already has blood on his hands for what he has unleashed. There will no doubt be many more deaths long before Rottenhaus kills again.