No, I mean take over. To take back the Democratic party is to leave the Democratic party as the farce it has been.
Before LBJ the Democratic party was a party of racists labor. After LBJ the racists moved to the Republican party, Clinton betrayed his base, not just labor, but gays, women, labor, everyone
No, I mean take over. To take back the Democratic party is to leave the Democratic party as the farce it has been.
Before LBJ the Democratic party was a party of racists labor. After LBJ the racists moved to the Republican party, Clinton betrayed his base, not just labor, but gays, women, labor, everyone
AFter the 1968 election I stopped voting, because I realized that the two parties were merely opposite sides of the same coin, and they drank from the same trough.
I only registered again when Trump came down the escalator and opened his foul mouth. I couldn't register to vote fast enough, and then the Democratic party put their thumb on the scale for Bills wife Hillary, whom I trust as far as I could throw her, and has the charisma of my recliner., at least Obama had charisma, compared to Hillary so did Bernie.
Biden did not win in 2020 so much as Trump lost, record turn out to turn Trump out of office, A head of cabbage could have beat Trump in 2020.
There has not been and will not be an honest post mortem on the 2024 election.
There were 90 million less people who voted in 2024 than in 2020.
Gen Y and Z males either didn't vote or 60% of the black and Hispanic males voted for Trump.
There were enough Muslim votes in the three swing states of Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania that if they had voted for Harris we would not have had Trump. but their first loyalty was to the ummah, so they either followed their Imam's who endorsed Trump,or they didn't vote for Harris.
If Biden hadn't supported Israel after the cowardly terrorist attack of Oct 7th, he would have lost the Jewish vote, instead he lost the Muslim vote.
American politics is all about identity, culture and not about economics, GDP, inflation, the price of eggs as the corporate media keeps telling us.
I was able to vote for the first time in 1966, when I turned 21. I continued to vote, and will until the inevitable. I always voted, so I could vote the down-ballot, even though I couldn't vote for some of the Democratic presidents.
I saw a blurb on CBS last night, where Muslims voted for the Felon, because Biden/Harris didn't stop the carnage in Gaza. That after admitting Trump basically tried to ban them from the country in his first term.
And White women. 53%, I've read, voted Trump. That makes no sense.
No, I mean take over. To take back the Democratic party is to leave the Democratic party as the farce it has been.
Before LBJ the Democratic party was a party of racists labor. After LBJ the racists moved to the Republican party, Clinton betrayed his base, not just labor, but gays, women, labor, everyone
AFter the 1968 election I stopped voting, because I realized that the two parties were merely opposite sides of the same coin, and they drank from the same trough.
I only registered again when Trump came down the escalator and opened his foul mouth. I couldn't register to vote fast enough, and then the Democratic party put their thumb on the scale for Bills wife Hillary, whom I trust as far as I could throw her, and has the charisma of my recliner., at least Obama had charisma, compared to Hillary so did Bernie.
Biden did not win in 2020 so much as Trump lost, record turn out to turn Trump out of office, A head of cabbage could have beat Trump in 2020.
There has not been and will not be an honest post mortem on the 2024 election.
There were 90 million less people who voted in 2024 than in 2020.
Gen Y and Z males either didn't vote or 60% of the black and Hispanic males voted for Trump.
There were enough Muslim votes in the three swing states of Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania that if they had voted for Harris we would not have had Trump. but their first loyalty was to the ummah, so they either followed their Imam's who endorsed Trump,or they didn't vote for Harris.
If Biden hadn't supported Israel after the cowardly terrorist attack of Oct 7th, he would have lost the Jewish vote, instead he lost the Muslim vote.
American politics is all about identity, culture and not about economics, GDP, inflation, the price of eggs as the corporate media keeps telling us.
Agree with all - except the 90M figure - more like 2M.
I was able to vote for the first time in 1966, when I turned 21. I continued to vote, and will until the inevitable. I always voted, so I could vote the down-ballot, even though I couldn't vote for some of the Democratic presidents.
I saw a blurb on CBS last night, where Muslims voted for the Felon, because Biden/Harris didn't stop the carnage in Gaza. That after admitting Trump basically tried to ban them from the country in his first term.
And White women. 53%, I've read, voted Trump. That makes no sense.
Your last paragraph spells it out perfectly.