Anyone suing to halt this particular Executive Obscenity?

Also: always, always, always - "every accusation is a confession".

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Jon, I believe Marc Elias might be, but I'm not sure.

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Always always….is a confession -What do you mean?

Think of all the people falsely imprisoned for accusations.

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Every accusation made in *bad faith* against the truth and the people by bad faith actors (the GOP is one of these) is a deflected confession of performing the precise action of the accused. Simply put, when "They" say "The Left is burning everything to the ground and that's why America is suffering" (accusation), yet "They" are the ones responsible for much of the burning (confession). It's like committing a crime and blaming someone else.

Someone smarter than me could give you a more thorough explanation.

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No need to explain more. I get it—tactics my ex-husband used. Gaslighting is what the GOP does well.

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I totally understand your statement Jon. And no need to fact check Trump. Just know that the opposite of what he says IS the truth.

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1 gazillion percent!

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If it were subconscious then I'd say it's Freudian. But I believe that it's quite calculated.

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For those that believed it was all just words and scare tactics by Trump prior to election ; it was and it is , and it’s happening , just the same .

He’s also counting on prosecuting/persecuting these people will terrify anyone that thinks about opposing him .

Additionally , somehow it’s undoing his own crimes. No. It won’t .

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Why doesn't anyone ever say, apart from revenge, Trump's aim is to devastate and subordinate America to Russia?

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Orban, Putin's window to the west, visited Mar a Lago and has been in communication with Trump. Project 2025 is Opus Dei from start to finish, and modeled on Orban's takeover of Hungary.

Putin has successfully captured America and now has Europe in a vise.

Wait until the Protestants like 7 Mountains Dominionism and New Apostolic Reformation catch on to the game.

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Ye, like Trump is subordinate to Putin.

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Yes. He is. Putin has kompromat on Trump and, highly likely, most of the RNC leadership.

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Overnight the orange man has turned the US into a third world country. And where are the conservatives that know and realize this? They are hiding under their desks hoping no one notices. President mush says, fall in line or we will primary you, WTF .. stand up as an adult and say bring it on .. he can’t primary everyone .. if he tries, don’t you think you will survive it if your doing a good job? And if you loose maybe you shouldn’t have been there in the first place .. or wait .. maybe you never intended on doing anything other than being a greedy bought and paid for politician .. ahaaa the picture gets clearer …

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I think that Garland was an institutionalist fool. Or a plant/mole.

Trump is quite mad.

Musk's maternal Grandparents were hardcore nazis, not neo-nazis, but OGs, 1940s vintage.

The nation is currently sans law or order after the pardon/release of cop killers.

60% of White males and 53% of White females are sadomasochistic, having voted for a crazy person.

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Worse Okie, Garland was and always has been quite right of center. Vetted to Obama by Orrin Hatch R-UT, who was the most extreme right winger in the senate at the time, and he worked as a moderator for the Federalist Sociey, he did his best not to prosecute Trump and was successful in not prosecuting the J6 conspirators in Congress, and was glad to prosecute Hunter, but never a though to prosecuing Ivanka and Jr.

An instiutionalist? No way A plant, a mole? No he was a fox invited into the henhouse by Biden and for which Biden paid a personal price, and America has paid a horrible price, because of Garland we know have Trump.

It was Garland who moved the documents case to Florida, when the crime actually occurred in DC, and Garland who appointed Aileen Cannon as presiding judge.

Garland has always been on the side of the Federalist Society, and Biden is responsible for appointing him.

Hindenburg appointed Hitler Chancellor and look what happened.

Biden appointed Garland AG and look what happened.

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In today's Just Security News letter (justsecurity.org) there were the following

"The Justice Department yesterday ordered an immediate halt to all new civil rights cases or investigations and indicated it may back out of Biden-era police department monitoring agreements, two internal memos reviewed by the New York Times show. Glenn Thrush reports.

The Trump White House yesterday told three Democratic members of the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board to resign or be fired, sources say. If successful, the move would paralyze the bipartisan watchdog agency that investigates national security surveillance activities that can intrude on individual rights. Charlie Savage reports for the New York Times. [Editor’s note: readers may be interested in Andrew Weissmann’s analysis of the move.]

Trump on Tuesday revoked a decades-old executive order banning discrimination in federal contracting, the White House said in a memorandum yesterday. Dareh Gregorian reports for NBC News.

The Trump administration yesterday sent home approximately 160 civil servants working for the National Security Council amid a “full review” screening their commitment to Trump’s agenda, sources say. Zeke Miller and Aamer Madhani report for AP News; Ellen Nakashima and John Hudson report for the Washington Post.

President Trump’s acting agency chiefs yesterday called on government employees to report anyone continuing to do diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) work in defiance of a Trump executive order, threatening “adverse consequences” against those who do. Brittany Gibson and Marc Caputo report for Axios.

The House yesterday passed the Laken Riley Act, a bill that will require immigration authorities to detain undocumented immigrants accused of theft-related crimes, if signed by Trump. Mariana Alfaro and Marianne LeVine report for the Washington Post.

Trump is preparing to send around 10,000 troops to the U.S. southern border to assist Border Patrol in implementing orders to shut off asylum access, according to a briefing document seen by the Washington Post. The order directs border agents to block entry on grounds that migrants have passed through countries where communicable diseases are present. Nick Miroff, Dan Lamothe, Maria Sacchetti, and Marianne LeVine report. [Editor’s note: Readers may be interested in Mark Nevitt’s analysis of the declaration of a national emergency on the southern border.]

The Justice Department on Tuesday directed federal prosecutors to investigate and potentially bring criminal charges against officials who do not cooperate with Trump’s mass deportation plans, a document obtained by the Washington Post shows. Maria Sacchetti and Jeremy Roebuck report.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) will refer to foreign nationals as “aliens” following an order from the agency’s leadership, according to an internal memo obtained by Axios. Stef W. Kight reports.

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) yesterday filed a lawsuit alleging that Trump’s bid to expand “fast track” deportations without a full hearing violates federal law and the Fifth Amendment’s due process clause. "

Trump has upended and shredded the constitution, through control of the cabinets and executive orders.

What is our way out

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With the exception of Thom and a few others none of us may be important enough to be on the Nixon-like enemies list that Trump and his dead souls are creating. But en masse we can be too many to be ignored. It takes a lot of effort to keep going--the battle with such people never ends--but giving up is never an option. Courage, my friends.

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You don't have to be on a list docrhw Weil, all you have to be is a member of a target group, class or population.

Trans are already the Jews, trans and migrants. By the way Barron Trump was born Mar 6,2006 and Melania did not become a citizen until Jul 28, 2006 so Barron doesn't have birthright citizenship per Trump's EO.

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It appears she held a green card at the time and such cases are covered under his rotten Executive Order. So that argument doesn't work William. It would be fun if it did.

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drats of course they would craft an EO that excluded Trump.

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What does that matter to Trump et al.?

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Nothing matters to Trump except Trump, and he needs to retain at all costs, the loyalty of his base. His base has the politicians in his party terrified of being primaried. The whole country is populated by self servers.

I watch Nature and Nat Geo series. Yesteday watched a cheetah run down an antelope, while she was chasing the antelope the rest of the herd was running like hell, she had her eye on a target, once she caught it, the herd settled down, and continued munching on the vegetation as if nothing happened. The cheetahs belly was full, the herd was safe for a time, are humans any different?

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Canada is looking pretty sweet as a destination right now ...

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Firing-up the tools to complete Project 2025. You know the Project that The Dear Liar/Leader denied knowledge about, but hired its authors.

Trump has been up to his eyeballs in Russians and relying on them for his wealth for a very long time. Putin has the proof, and that's how he is now pulling the strings. It is what he has over Trump---every phone call, copies of all the classified documents, and bank records and receipts for the payments.

Retribution and Project 2025 will keep everyone busy while they finish moving any money they can into their money-bins. It's part of their grand heist. Don't be fooled by any up-coming sanctions or tariffs on Russia. We depend on them for virtually nothing (.04% of our economy).

The sadistic joy of the prosecutions is a perk of the heist. Trump is a psychopath and Musk is a Nazi. That salute was natural. Using the court system is like breathing to Trump.

Thanks Thom. Just like you, we believe our eyes and ears.

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It’s time for the people to take back the Democratic Party and win in 2026 and 2028.


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Back the Democratic Party?No. Take over the Democratic Party like the Llibertarians and Tea Party took over the Republican Party

The Democratic party as it exists today is part of the problem.,, it slops at the same trough as the Republican party, or tries to.

Are you paying attention to what our Democratic Party leaders are up to today, they can't line up to kiss Trump's ring fast enough.

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“…take back…”

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No, I mean take over. To take back the Democratic party is to leave the Democratic party as the farce it has been.

Before LBJ the Democratic party was a party of racists labor. After LBJ the racists moved to the Republican party, Clinton betrayed his base, not just labor, but gays, women, labor, everyone

AFter the 1968 election I stopped voting, because I realized that the two parties were merely opposite sides of the same coin, and they drank from the same trough.

I only registered again when Trump came down the escalator and opened his foul mouth. I couldn't register to vote fast enough, and then the Democratic party put their thumb on the scale for Bills wife Hillary, whom I trust as far as I could throw her, and has the charisma of my recliner., at least Obama had charisma, compared to Hillary so did Bernie.

Biden did not win in 2020 so much as Trump lost, record turn out to turn Trump out of office, A head of cabbage could have beat Trump in 2020.

There has not been and will not be an honest post mortem on the 2024 election.

There were 90 million less people who voted in 2024 than in 2020.

Gen Y and Z males either didn't vote or 60% of the black and Hispanic males voted for Trump.

There were enough Muslim votes in the three swing states of Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania that if they had voted for Harris we would not have had Trump. but their first loyalty was to the ummah, so they either followed their Imam's who endorsed Trump,or they didn't vote for Harris.

If Biden hadn't supported Israel after the cowardly terrorist attack of Oct 7th, he would have lost the Jewish vote, instead he lost the Muslim vote.

American politics is all about identity, culture and not about economics, GDP, inflation, the price of eggs as the corporate media keeps telling us.

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Agree with all - except the 90M figure - more like 2M.

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I was able to vote for the first time in 1966, when I turned 21. I continued to vote, and will until the inevitable. I always voted, so I could vote the down-ballot, even though I couldn't vote for some of the Democratic presidents.

I saw a blurb on CBS last night, where Muslims voted for the Felon, because Biden/Harris didn't stop the carnage in Gaza. That after admitting Trump basically tried to ban them from the country in his first term.

And White women. 53%, I've read, voted Trump. That makes no sense.

Your last paragraph spells it out perfectly.

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Jan 23
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I agree Terry, I am of the same Generation, born 1939, and our place is in rocking chairs spoiling our great grandchildren (I'm doing my bit)

But it isn't just our generation that is the problem. Institutions are like living creatures, they have traditions, an ethos, a history, and they nurture their young like humans and animals nurture and teach their young.

Example: I am an atheist, yet I was raised a Christian, I have been inoculated or infected with Christian concepts and values. Although not a believer, I am institutionally a Christian. I celebrated Xmas,not Chanukah or Ramadan.

I don't go to Church, but I also don't believe, like Jews do, that women should sit in the balcony at Temple or as the Muslims do, that women should sit behind a screen in mosque.

And I don't believe as Muslims do that adulterers should be stoned, or that thieves have their hands cut off, or that gays should be killed or women have to wear hijabs or bee keeper suits.

Even though an atheist I subscribe to the Jesus of Matthew 25, not the Jesus of Luke 19 and Luke 22,or the ghastly Saul of Tarsus.

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Welcome to Wonderland where up is down. The Mad Hatter is running the country.

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As # 45, he weaponized DOJ, first against Mueller, who btw was a timid Republican who failed to take his statement, and then against Congress.

My office heard OFCCP cases. "On January 21, 2025, President Trump issued a broad executive order titled “Ending Illegal Discrimination and Restoring Merit-Based Opportunity” (the “Order”), which among other things, rescinds Executive Order (“EO”) 11246. EO 11246 is the underpinning for government contractor race and sex affirmative action program requirements. The order also instructs OFCCP to immediately cease:

(A) Promoting “diversity”; (B) Holding Federal contractors and subcontractors responsible for taking “affirmative action”; and (C) Allowing or encouraging Federal contractors and subcontractors to engage in workforce balancing based on race, color, sex, sexual preference, religion, or national origin.

"In line with other actions taken with respect to diversity, equity, and inclusion (“DEI”) initiatives, President Trump’s executive order also instructs agency heads to “include in every contractor or grant award” a term requiring the contractor/grantee to “certify that it does not operate any programs promoting DEI that violate any applicable Federal anti-discrimination laws.”

One of my former clerks is a judge with the EEOC, hearing primarily inter government appeals. I assume their agency is dead, although they handle cases involving age discrimination, national origin discrimination, etc. .

We had approximately 26 kinds of whistleblower cases that in practice have aspects of discrimination. In most, the major theme may be safety or honesty, but discrimination is a minor theme. We heard about 22 kinds of visa cases, and likewise discrimination can be a minor theme.

Down here in Baghdad By the Sea tens of thousands of naturalized citizens may be in jeopardy. This started when Trump was $45. In January 2018, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) stated its intention to refer approximately 1,600 additional citizens to DOJ for prosecution. In its 2019 budget request, ICE revealed its intention to review the files of 700,000 U.S. citizens. https://immpolicytracking.org/media/documents/ACLU_Fact_Sheet_on_Denaturalization.pdf

USCIS removed Humanitarian Parole, complicating access for migrants from Cuba, Venezuela, Haiti, and Nicaragua. Perhaps a hundred thousand visas became void on Tuesday. The elimination of humanitarian status probably brings the sponsors of the people who just lost their visa rights into gun sights. https://www.npr.org/2025/01/20/nx-s1-5268986/trump-humanitarian-parole-immigration

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Fetal personhood? Does that mean they can vote?

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It means the mother gets two votes. three if twins, four if triplets, etc.

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Not until after the 20th week, when limbs and digits begin to move. /s

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Or pay taxes! Or get aid?

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The Justice Department is now the Department of Trump’s Personal Vengeance. It will make its Nazi counterpart look positively good by comparison. It took years for Hitler to fully seize control of it.

Keep up the fight, be safe and watch your six.

Steve Dundas

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Well I don't know about you but I feel safer already!!!! ; (

With the Proud Boys getting their hero back & offers of personal tours of the Capitol by Lauren Bobert. I wonder if she's going to show them how to get to the "safe rooms", "safe areas" in the Capitol so that the next time the "Heroes/Hostages" lead an attack they'll know exactly where & how to get to their destination. I wonder if she gave them directions directly to Nancy Pelosi's office or maybe a helpful map? I've heard & read this statement a lot over the trump years that "You can't fix stupid!" Evidently not but "Stupid" can sure be elected to office can't it?

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No doubt Drump will target his enemies list with appointees that bend the knee towards him. No doubt even those that have pardons will still be targeted with new allegations of no evidence. Repubs never care about reality and any excuse will be plenty for them. Meanwhile, nobody thinks the Galactic Federal Council has all the power it needs to uphold the rights of the people. I am sure those on the ground will find help most welcome. The Chosen One the king of the world is here.

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