Keith Olbermann pointed out that Lincoln ignored the Constitution (I believe it concerned habeas corpus) in order to save the union. Michael Moore's recent podcast devoted much of the show to Hartman's article about the treasonous Republican presidents since Eisenhower. I certainly appreciate what I learn from Hartman's report and show every day. I just learned about Nazi Germany's Enabling Acts from today's report, and how similar the SCOTUS decision on the immunity of the President is. It gave me chills.

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As Churchill might say ,

“ The battle for common sense is over, the battle for humanity is about to begin “.

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Biden should nest the suspension of the Supreme Court and many of its decisions this term in some “official act”.

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The Supreme Court has no means to enforce it' rulings, Alabama and Texas j have already ignored the Supreme Court.

It's legitimacy lies on the willingness of the people to honor it's rulings.

Meanwhile I fully expect Biden and the Dems to sit on their ass while Democracy is being dismantled. Because they are too moral, to save it.

SCOTUS just gave Biden powers,but he will not use those powers.

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This is why we deserve what we are getting. The Dems and the people will not fight. If we do not fight to protect what is ours, we lose it.

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Democracy is too important for the entire citizenry who cherish it to be passive objectors. And since the Dems and its party members and everyone else whose rights have been chipped away for the past 50 years refuse to play the actual game on the table, the other side keeps winning the game, and now, they have won the war… because we refused to play. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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I will do all I can, but I think it’s too late, Thom. We should replace the plaque on the Statue of Liberty with one reading “Arbeit Mach Frei”, as that is where we are heading. My sadness and revulsion know no bounds, watching the arrogant and corrupt SCOTUS majority laugh as they act as a Star Chamber bent on destroying all that has been good, even aspirationally good, about our country.

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We' still have the capacity to overwhelm them at the ballot box. Millions of unregistered folk trend heavily Democratic. Register them to save democracy. Gen Z can outnumber them.


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Yes Mr. Solomon, and recent polls show that 59% of registered voters think Trump is unsuited to be president. You are correct. There is still hope at the ballot box. No doubt the MAGA crowd will still try to invalidate the election, even if Trump loses by a vote of 59% to 41%. So the fight will not be over even then.

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You didn't catch the interview with Bannon evidently. They have it all gamed out this election, from armed poll watchers to MAGA election officials, to motions drawn up, using the lessons learned from 2020, With people sitting on courthouse steps with those motions, ready to file.

They even have electors picked out and ready to show up at the State Capitrol, unlike last time when the showed up after he real electors were admitted.

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Yes I’m really really surprised everyone keeps talking about voting anyone out. There is no fair election this time. They have replaced every sec of state and invested them with the power to throw out any votes they want in enough states to make a dem win impossible.

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The question is, why? Why are our journalists, senators, president all mouthing these words like vote and we can save our democracy?? 1) it’s gone already, the word is “restore” at the very least, it really should be “build”, and 2) Biden has now been invested with the ability to arrest the scotus judges for corruption and vacating their judgements, taking federal control of the election process, etc etc. that’s all we have left. That’s it. A dramatic act of rescue. Nothing else, including voting will make a difference.

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Therefore, why isn’t anyone saying this across the front page of the newspapers? Or the media? Or anywhere? Why isn’t Biden doing anything? And why haven’t the Dems ever done anything to stop this?

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I write postcards and letters for other organizations, but I'm wondering if you can tell me about field team 6 … Do you write your own message or do they provide you with a script? Thank you in advance for any information you can provide.

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Yes, I did watch that earlier today. Thank you. It didn't cover my question, but I'll dig deeper tonight.

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With or without a new Trump Presidency, it will take 10 or 20 years to unravel and redress the harms done to our modern functioning state by the Supreme Court in the last 2 weeks (or longer if you consider Citizens United). Speaking as a public health physician, intimately aware of the systemic behind the scenes regulations and activities that support civilized and healthy life, between the castration of federal agencies, the endowment of new Presidental powers and the oligarch's right to horrendous profits and lawyers, the security in life will disappear across our country. The Dobbs decision already did this for many women and there are many angry victims, but we are turning only to the slow and uncertain legal and electoral systems of redress. When will there be a tipping point?

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10 or 20 years? How about NEVER.

SCOTUS will end up handing the presidency to Trump via "one vote per state delegation", and we will never again have a fair and open election. The right has realized that their position is a losing one, but as "the end justifies the means" will do whatever it takes to win in perpetuity. They take a carpet bomb to the gunfight, while we continue to bring a tray of cupcakes.

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Yup, we're the cupcake people! What do make of college students making useless symbolic protests about the cruel Hamas, while our country is being stolen out from under them/us?

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Most of them have been hoodwinked into existing in Social Media only and the ‘influencer’ mindset. I’m unimpressed with their shallowness and self-centeredness.

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Here is what will happen. Trump will have his autocracy, it will bea theocracy.

When the dust settles the various Christian cults, that celebrated their victory, and in short order their will be tension, even a war, between them as the squable for primacy,favor, money and power.

Meanwhile. America stumbles towads being a third world nation, as Project 2025, and Agend 47, clog the veins of this once great nation

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We are actually at a point where national renewal on a scale not seen since the Civil War is likely to happen. Rather that thinking that the constitution provides the definitive answer, people had better be thinking of how movements such as the end of apartheid in South Africa or the end of communism played out. There is substantial risk as we enter the 4th Turning.

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2

So if the powers prosecuting Trump were all to drop their cases, what would stop them from going on TV and saying "Hey America, we'd like to show you the evidence we have against DJT"? I'd especially love to see a one hour special on NBC/CBS/ABC with Jack Smith laying out all the evidence in the documents case. He'd probably have to get some clearance from CIA/NSA/FBI to disclose some of the stuff, but think of the gigantic stain that would put on DJT. Show the depth and importance of the docs he had, show WHY it was illegal to have them, and show WHO he let have access to them. Show the American people what a traitor DJT is. When I've seen Smith talk, he seems to be VERY good at explaining things in basic terms. It might have the same effect as Comey's BS press conference about Hillary's emails just before the 2016 election.

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That's not a bad idea.

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If Biden does not use his newfound power to immediately arrest all of the ringleaders of the insurrection and the corrupt Supreme Court, he is worthless and has been worthless and needs to be replaced by the August Democratic convention!

A good man would defend democracy so his children and grandchildren could live in an environment where there is hope for a future!

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SCOTUS has proclaimed themselves final arbiter of what's an "official" act, i.e., anything Trump does is official and anything Biden does isn't.

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That’s why he has to arrest the 3 corrupt ones and vacate their rulings

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I don’t understand? Isn’t President Biden now immune also until January? Can’t he do what HE wants? Like force judges off scotus? Overturn all their rulings?

Let the trials proceed!!!!

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i am not prescient and I am not happy about it, but I felt from the onset that the AG should have tried all the henchmen first. Immunity has been a problem.

That said, there is a window that a couple of issues that may remain in the DC case. Chukan has to hold suppression hearings, but it is possible that the interference with the electoral college counts may remain. DOJ probably has to withdraw everything else.

IMHO Garland made seral tactical miscalculations -- charged Trump with the wrong statutes. I would have prosecuted the henchmen first and brought cases against Citizen Trump -- when immunity does not apply. He left the presidency Jan 21, 2021. The statute of limitations has not run on insurrection.

18 USC §2383. Rebellion or insurrection. Probably 5 years.

Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

To this day, Citizen Trump is giving aid and comfort to insurrectionists who have been convicted.

Meanwhile based on the core powers of the executive branch, there is no reason why the AG cannot subpoena all the members of SCOTUS, their friends and families to investigate bribery and perjury.

What about the unitary executive postponing the date of the elections until all involved in the investigation are tried or cleared?

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Also Trump's immunity defenses do not apply in the civil damage suits still pending. There is no reason to delay those cases. Trump's exposure is huge.

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Garland didn't make mistakes, he thew the game.

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Thank you. He was a plant from the very beginning. That Biden did not fire him by 2021 indicated to me that this was a stitch up. As much as Biden and Obama did wonderful things- neither did anything to prevent the obvious loss of our democracy through gerrymandering to the loss of voting rights to the pervasive corruption running our govt. they had the ability to do so and did not. If not intended to help the right wing, then it was negligent. They failed their duty to first protect our democracy.

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We are simply beyond the ability of a two-tiered justice system to deal with the issues. A sensible social movement needs to emerge to essentially force the rewrite of the constitutional order. Not an easy task and one fraught with issues and risks of hijack by the monied interests.

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Note to Democratic “leadership”: The time for dignified, restrained moderation, coupled with pragmatic triangulation, appears to have passed.

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After reading Project 2025, I knew they would take any steps available in their effort to implement as much of the plan as possible prior to the election. They want sweeping changes to the government beginning on day 1 of the new administration.

Since the plan calls for halting all current FBI investigations for review and terminating those with a political basis, the court's ruling provides a smooth path for them to accomplish this for Trump.

The court's ruling pisses me off, but it's not surprising.

What other steps will be taken to ensure that Project 2025 becomes the blueprint for our government?

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SCOTUS has already implemented the most appalling deed by killing the Chevron decision and putting all federal decisions in the hands of judges rather than individuals who have the required knowledge about departments such as the environment, the SEC, and health iissues.

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This will also lead to many Gratuities for Judges. It might be their favorite grift.

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Very true. This is not their first volley.

What do you think will be their next step, if any?

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The Christian right is like the dog catching the car.

Project 2025 will destroy everything that made America great. Diversity.

There plan is that of communism in its basic form. Cultural communism

I can see it turning in on itself, eating it's own

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One slight constraint on our new Presidential immunity is that those that a President might order to carryout his crimes will not be immune from prosecution. As all military veterans are trained, soldiers are accountable if they obey an unlawful order. The President may be immune from prosecution for his crimes but the members of "Seal Team Six" will not be.

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Being a veteran and having served as an MP, I get this. BUT, there is that pesky little pardon and clemency situation. Trump has already used it for military personnel.

The tricky thing with a psychopath like Trump is that he is fickle. His word is not his bond. Pity the poor service member that would fall for his promises.

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The Nazis claimed they were following orders but we're still found guilty at Nuremberg.

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Getting creative here with the new powers of The Monarchy:

I think America is sick enough of SCOTUS' Tyranny that we'd be fine if the president would lock the doors to their Star Chamber, and not allow them to convene a term until he or she feels like it.

People will sleep without FEAR of SCOTUS destroying the country and our rights.

Remove the padlocks only after substantial SCOTUS reforms are in place - Term Limits, Court Expansion by 4 justices, Biennial Appoints, and firm Ethics Rules.

The president could suspend or "simply delete" the 22 Amendment:

Allow Barrack Obama to run. I'd bet the country on him winning.

...Well, no matter who runs, WE ARE betting the country on it.

Regardless, I don't think this SCOTUS or Trump is going to respect the 22nd in 2028.

-My fantasies of course, but at least to me, they produce positive results while not harming anyone.

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I hope smarter people than the ones who had the bright idea of a debate (motive?), are now relieved and

Joe takes charge of how he uses his newly gained power.

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Joe - Convene a task force for a “New Constitution 2025” as a part of your newly granted royal powers. You should then declare its effective date as November 4, 2024 with new elections to be held in January 2025.

We know what to do—parliamentary system, term limits for all, publicly funded elections. Just take over many of the ideas from Bernie Sanders and put them into a modern constitution.

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Seems the kings on the court do not remember the outcome with King George. America knows how to deal with kings of the world. What is new is that the Supreme Court that made itself kings in 1803 but hid until fatal Dred Scott has now made the President a king to share their hubris. The end of kings ruling in America will be swift and clear.

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Trust that Trump does most desperately not want to run against Biden.

He was right about being a loser then…

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What if Biden and Trump are on the same team and have been the last four decades? Trump is new to team GOP sedition. But he is the only con man that can turn a bunch of brain dead self pitying right wingers into a angry army!

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