"Ever since the Reagan Revolution, the phrase “big government” has been on the lips of Republican politicians" isn't quite accurate. The John Birch Society and its sympathizers railed against big government during my youth in the 1950s & 60s. They may have been the lunatic fringe of the Republican Party back then, but a part of it they…
"Ever since the Reagan Revolution, the phrase “big government” has been on the lips of Republican politicians" isn't quite accurate. The John Birch Society and its sympathizers railed against big government during my youth in the 1950s & 60s. They may have been the lunatic fringe of the Republican Party back then, but a part of it they most definitely were. Reagan's great accomplishment was to paste on a slick, Hollywood veneer.
My dad's mother was a member of the John Birch Society. The rest of the family thought she was crazy. Ironically, she had no problem spending her Social Security or being on Medicare.
"Ever since the Reagan Revolution, the phrase “big government” has been on the lips of Republican politicians" isn't quite accurate. The John Birch Society and its sympathizers railed against big government during my youth in the 1950s & 60s. They may have been the lunatic fringe of the Republican Party back then, but a part of it they most definitely were. Reagan's great accomplishment was to paste on a slick, Hollywood veneer.
My dad's mother was a member of the John Birch Society. The rest of the family thought she was crazy. Ironically, she had no problem spending her Social Security or being on Medicare.