Tom, you need to contact Madow, joy reed, Lawrence O’Donnell, anyone who is decent on CNN and all the Sunday talk shows. You need to be on the air. Also Bill Maher. This needs to be shared with anyone who will broadcast this piece. I am sick after reading it because it will happen!

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You know it, I know it, Thom knows it, but lamentably many, even Thom readers, are in denial.

I am not sure about the biracial thing, unless Trump declares Clarence Thomas and his black Trump humpers, white and thus immune, maybe carve out an exception for the likes of Candace Owens, Tim Scott, Kanye, Herschel Walker et al.

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He will use the grandfather clause for those who give him what he wants, like Thomas.

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I doubt it. The White Nationalist State, described in The Turner Diaries(which Prof. Kathleen Belew says is the White Power movement's guide) will get rid of Thomas too, and his wife Ginny as well for having married him. That is the goal, the utopia to White Nationalists, is to eradicate all non-pseudo Christian, Cis-gendered, non-"White" people from the earth, and their supporters. Women who do not get with the program will be gone too.

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What is so important about this piece is that so many people lack the imagination and information to envision what a fascist state looks like as applied to us.

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I AGREE!! PLEASE DO! Thank you for being such an EXCELLENT, INTELLIGENT and THOROUGH EDUCATOR! You should replace Welker on Meet the Press. She has turned out to be a disappointment in exposing the “truth”.

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It would be a good idea to have a plan for November if he somehow wins.

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Unfortunately, this is an accurate take on exactly what Trump will do if he gets back into the White House. The one thing he isn’t lying about is his desire to make himself dictator and to destroy constitutional government. The plutocrats who back him will discover the hard way that they can’t control Trump any more than German plutocrats could control Hitler.

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The plutocrats will quickly discover what they did in Russia about 2008. Their wealth is subject to confiscation and they will be imprisioned if they do not please the "Dear Leader". The phrase "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely" comes to mind.

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Yes, it does.

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We can only hope that he has a Big Mac attack while celebrating his bigly win in NH...

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His dementia seems to be getting worse! Nikki Haley and Nancy pelosi, over and over again, prove is unfit.

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A normal level of orientation is typically documented as, “Patient is alert and oriented to person, place, and time,” or by the shortened phrase, “Alert and oriented x 3.” If a patient is confused, an example of documentation is, “Patient is alert and oriented to self, but disoriented to time and place.”

He mistakes the New Hampshire voters for his juries, confuses Haley with Pelosi. Doesn't know where he is. He can't stop himself from attacking E. Jean Caroll, Obama, etc. He posts in the middle of the night.

After about 10 years of listening to experts and watching his posts, he is disoriented X 3, or as we used to say in the trade "nutsy koo koo." .

Nikki Haley questions Trump’s mental competence in lead-up to New Hampshire’s primary


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"Patient is alert and oriented to person only, with delusions of grandeur." That would be my first impression nursing notes.

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He thinks he's still president.

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He’s lied about the election constantly and thought he deserved to win, even though he didn’t. We can’t afford to have him back in power.

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He’s made it clear he wants to destroy our polity and is out for revenge.

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I have an anecdote. Fortunately awhile back, my 90-ish Auntie was meeting with an attorney to change some bits in her Trust. Experienced lawyer did a "mini-mental" for CYA. Almost first question is : "Who is the President?" My Aunt looked sly and hesitated: other Aunt, a volatile sort, hollered "Obama!" Which appropriately got her ejected from the room! What I knew was, the family closest to the Trustmaker Aunt were fanatic Birthers. All the old lady was hung up about was, was Obama REALLY the President! :) :)

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Don’t forget “de-bank” (whatever that’s supposed to mean).

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Frightening! Guess I better renew my passport. But, where to go?

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I had begun to wonder about making an old friend who was dual Canadian/USA citizen an Offer He Couldn't: no not that kind; but he died. Oh, well. Too old to make too many waves anyhow.

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It would be every bit as ugly if it were to happen. VOTE or don’t blame Thom.

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What if voting has been so thoroughly compromised by the GOP that it makes no difference? They have no intention of letting a little thing like an election stop them.

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You’re exactly right and that’s why they have to be pounded down, hard, in vote outcome.

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In horseracing, they "handicap" by making the better horse carry more weight. A pretty good analog for the mechanical and systemic obstacles you have in mind. How many polling places need to be closed? How many people with names similar to voters in other states need to be kicked off the roles? Student ID's not allowed, but gun permits welcome. The drop box is now in a building that locks the doors from who knows to who knows when. You got "caged" because you didn't respond to the post card. They told you you had paid your debt to society and register you, but now they're handcuffing you. It goes on and on. Added pound on added pound on your back....

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While some of that is possible, I think too many Americans would resist for it to work, though that resistance could be violent and widespread enough effectively to destroy the country. Which TFG and his cultists wouldn’t really mind, being fans of chaos and anarchy and disliking the responsibility of actually governing. But unremarked on is, ironically, our greatest guarantor of our representative democracy: our military. Sure, it has a lot of TFG fans in it now. But the leadership still strongly believes in our Constitution. I suspect that things like what Mr. Hartmann fantasizes would prompt a coup, followed by a quick return to civilian control after TFG and other traitors had been dealt with, probably in a summary and severe manner. It is admittedly weird and scary to hang my hopes for our country’s future on the possibility of a military coup to save its institutions. But that’s how bad I think it might get.

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Resist with what Roy? Protest marches? Candle light vigils?

You fail to realize the power the executive has. He can appoint his own cabinet, even if they are acting, appoint lackey Generals and Admirals in the Pentagon who will follow orders and they do exist, many have been brainwashed in the academies by Domininionsim.

Law enforcement are "conservative" they already see the world in terms of us (good guys) against them (bad guys).

In 1932 the National Socialist German Workers Party had 3,000,000 brownshirts, that scared Hindenburg and the government so much that he appointed Hitler Reichschancellor..

The population of Germany was 66 million, that means that at least 5% of the population were Hitlerites. 47% of VOTERS are Trump humpers and potential Brownshirts.

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Possibly we could see Biden invoke the Insurrection Act before January. That would not be a good thing and would likely fracture the country.

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However, brother Farrar, as dismayed as I am at too many of my fellow citizens, I think "47% of voters" is overstatement. Maybe 47% of what I call the "remnant" Republican Party? Awful enough. The problem is, has voter suppression and selection gone so far that whatever percentage they are of the general vote is over-weighted to the "breaking point?"

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I guess I sort of hoped the military proselytizing had faded since the kerfuffle over the Air Force Academy at Colorado Springs back in 2005, but it just seems to have gone on the "back burner." https://www.reddit.com/r/atheism/comments/pxwbkn/us_air_force_academy_instructor_asks_cadet_if_he/?rdt=57032

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There still are dominionists and Christian Nationalists in the military, but I don’t know how large their numbers are.

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The militaries around the world, always side with the rich and the right wingers? Trump will be commander in chief after all!

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Cadet Bone Spurs gets his wish!

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😱 This paints such a frightening scenario that I stopped reading after two paragraphs. Will try again later.

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I got through it, but sending sympathy. Your aversion reflects your recognition that it's all too believable. So take credit for being in touch with reality.

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This article accurately portrays what Trump will do, so it is frightening.

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What if Trump loses bigly??

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How we all wish, but ....

Realistically it will be more of squeaker either way, with even more disputed results than 2020. I think the given here will be regardless of a big lose by tRump, a squeaker of a lose by tRump, or a 14th Amendment disqualification in some states or nationally, we can count on lots of violent civil unrest from the Proud Boys and their likes, other white nationalist groups, mass evangelical rallies, and red state governors not calling out their national guard in response or the various guard units taking orders from a Biden Pentagon. Eisenhower mobilized Army units to protect civil rights. This time if Biden does the same in response to civil unrest, don’t count on some guard units and civilian militias to put down their arms. It’s going to be ugly.

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The magats will get fooled again? No way.

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Thom, I love your column and liberal orientation. However, you are falling in to a pit of setting forth for most followers a paranoid reactivity to Trump. Your creativity is running you. I would rather that we boringly put together just how, as specifically as you mentioned, that the Biden administration can take Trump down. I just find the ultra-liberal group desperately reactive and giving Trump way too much attention. Then there is no bandwagon for Biden, just a paranoid backlash to Trump. The question is "what can we do" to create more a positive movement for Biden? And I know, your readers will object as to being too simplistic. But if we compare the attention Trump gets for all of his character flaws compared to some constructive Biden decisions, he is way out ahead.

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I don't think Donald Trump will be the one giving orders, because he is too senile already. The gop and right-wingers Utopia is sadism for those they hate. They obviously hate feeding the poor, caring for the mentally incapacitated that they and their family unit, and churches created. The only reason they care about the Earth's environment is that, if they don't care about it, nature will kill them.

I don't expect the rich to export young healthy cheap workers of any race, but I do expect the right wingers to let millions of useless eaters, either starve to death or be put in extermination camps! They will have to repeat that cycle constantly as their sick society will keep creating more lunatics.

Biden and Garland are responsible also. The GOP is no longer a political party, they are a terrorist organization funded by foreigners.

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Time to get rid of the conman. Definitely I fear, before it is too late. Death to fascism! No pasaran.

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Wait...What? I thought Biden was destroying the country, especially with his Open Border policies! (said with a lot of sarcasm)

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Open borders was a major part of the Libertraian parties campaign plank in 1980 when David Koch ran for president.

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I had understood that Charles Koch was for immigration, but I didn't understand why until I recently read how it would benefit them. It is almost the Right's only talking point (so keep the status quo). For a while it was always the same rhetoric about runaway inflation, high gas prices/war on oil, botched Afghanistan withdrawal, war in Ukraine, blah blah blah same talking points.

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Open borders = cheap labor. It is no rocket science.

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This is beyond frightening. Applying for other citizenship as we speak.

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Where? I’d like my extended family to do the same. It’s a daunting process.

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unless you have a quarter to half a million dollars to bring with you, and can build a job producing business there aren't many decent places to migrate to.

And those that exist, will close their doors when faced with a mass migration.

Myself I prefer Panama or Costa Rica. Spanish is easy to learn and is a beautiful language., and you don't need winter clothing or a snow shovel.

Beat the rush, get there while the doors are still open.

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I’m going with Greenland, where a house on a hill will soon be beachfront property in high demand by the world’s billionaires.

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I know you're doing everything possible to get Biden elected Thom, including shouting down those who cite history that doesn't support your case, but your scenario requires the military to go along with Trump and from what I'm reading on Defense One and other sources they are more aligned with Biden's external warmongering than Trump's domestic chaos.

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Putin's mouthpiece rears his head again.

Get lost Boris.

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If the likes of PeterThiel, Wall Street, andTrump humpers read this, they will have an orgasm.

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