I will Alis; for they are all I have. Because, you see, the deaf, dumb and blind take on all hues; although the illness appears more pronounced among certain types for different reasons. Ignorance and denial are, likely, the most "democratic" things in this world; especially in the place known as The United States of Amerika.
Thank you for your supportive comment and observation.
Socrates said that "the beginning of wisdom is a definition of terms."
White privilege is the privilege to define what white privilege is.
Whilst you white folks pontificate.
Perfect. Keep teaching, Rohn. Don't give-up on the ones that listen.
I will Alis; for they are all I have. Because, you see, the deaf, dumb and blind take on all hues; although the illness appears more pronounced among certain types for different reasons. Ignorance and denial are, likely, the most "democratic" things in this world; especially in the place known as The United States of Amerika.
Thank you for your supportive comment and observation.