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Appreciate Thom’s fact based historical information in all his articles as well as pointing out the battle for sane policy- making out there for us. But I agree with other commentors that we are in an information bubble of our own on this site and unfortunately the information desert out there in right wing land and the MSM controlled “news” on the airwaves never go into much detail regarding the real world consequences and damage of regressive right wing policies. I am beyond angry at the fascist idiot Republican Party and their power grab to destroy democracy as we know it. Those of us whose parents fought in WW2 should be outraged and voting as if our life depends on it. Is the current generation aware and listening enough to pay attention to the misogyny and bigotry of the current excuse for a political party in their whole -hearted worship of a serial sexual predator/ rapist, conman, and business fraudster? I hope sanity and the rule of law prevails in our country and the younger generations push back forcefully by voting “no Republican ever in charge of anything again “ in all future elections.

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Disagree we are in an information bubble, all Libs', lefties, Democrats know what is going on the world as it is well covered by the corporate media, what we don't need to read, hear or watch is right wing b.s., vomited from the likes of Fox, OANN, NewsMax, Blaze, Bannon it is the same b.s. over and over, lies and misinfo, we learn nothing from them, but expose ourselves to brainwashing. the story of a liberal turned Trumper https://www.thebrainwashingofmydad.com/

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Many of the voters are UNEDUCATED. They don’t read, research or view media that provides unbiased news. They are influenced by emotion. That’s why they like Trump - he’s colorful and makes jokes.

They are also under the false illusion that he is rich, and he will make them wealthy.

A voting age person I spoke with doesn’t even know whose running. Another was complaining about gas prices (I paid $2.79/gal. the lowest in years).

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I boil water down to the point where you can see the sand. You are talking of the Tik Tok, X, Reddit, Instagram, Telegram--cell phone generations, and the old geezers like me who are glued to Fox, People can't be molded by propaganda, unless they are already headed that way.

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Dec 16, 2023Edited
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WTF are you talking about Marlo. Where do you come up with this crap.

I never watch Fox, never, ever, at my age I would die of a heart attack, so how in the hell did you get that out of my comment. Dude you need reading comprehension lessons.

More proof that our schools are failing us.

When I said old geezers like me, I didn't mean that I watched Fox, I was saying that I was an old geezer, and old geezers like me watch Fox,

If you actually read my comment, and had reading comprehension skills, you would know that I was not a Fox viewer, FFS those are the ones I disdain.

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I read “the old geezers like me who are glued to Fox”. It was a misunderstanding. Sorry.

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Sorry. Misread your comment.

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No problem, it is the problem with the internet. Too much to read, we tend to glance at a page or comment, find something that triggers us and off we go.

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I know. I have so many emails I am running out of space. I repost Thom’s articles. Excellent!

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I use google mail and I move all of Thom's articles to a folder named Thom Hartmann, but first I open his email in my browser. I can create a folder for any ongoing reports that I feel are of interest.

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So do those folders take up “space”? Does Google charge you for storage?

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