"It’s why it’s so vital that next year sees the Supreme Court expanded, term limits imposed, Clarence Thomas and Sam Alito impeached, court-stripping legislation put into law, and a binding code of ethics on SCOTUS passed and enforced."
I'd offer pretty long odds against any, let alone all, of those things actually happening.
"It’s why it’s so vital that next year sees the Supreme Court expanded, term limits imposed, Clarence Thomas and Sam Alito impeached, court-stripping legislation put into law, and a binding code of ethics on SCOTUS passed and enforced."
I'd offer pretty long odds against any, let alone all, of those things actually happening.
Yes, we're all excited about Harris. SHe's better than the elderly, demented narcissist, but she still is part of the two party duopoly. Clinton, Obama and Biden played along with the oligarchs and so will Harris. Promises are easy. I'm not putting money on any of these changes. It's depressing.
If Kamala were to ask Biden publicly to fire Garland, that would raise the suspicions of the oligarchs, so let's just hope she's really sane, and will begin shoveling the manure out of the last 45 years of right wing voodoo economics! We don't really have a choice now do we?
No. We don't much of a choice, as we are backed into a corner. But she already came out and said she will put a Republican on her cabinet. She will get no extra votes with that statement. We don't need ANY of them in the cabinet until they get their act together and pull themselves out of their extremist fever-dreams.
I think putting a GOP in her cabinet who is not a cult member and who can't do much harm, is a wise move on her part. I think it will get a few more votes for her and it will make the left look more tolerant! (Godly?)
Maybe you are right; No die-hard Trump supporter will change on the promise of a Republican in the cabinet. I think whatever non-crazy, cult-induced Republicans (very few) who are going to switch to Kamala, already have. People I know - highly intelligent people - who are Republicans have told me, "I wish I had a better candidate, but I don't have a choice." They have a choice, just one they won't acknowledge. I don't really believe in "undecided" voters. They are like unicorns - everywhere, but imaginary. They know who they intend to give their vote, they just like to feel like powerful deciders. I'm exhausted with it all. I know where my vote is going and nothing Harris or Trump can say or do will change that, short of murdering someone. And, as we know, Trump could likely get by with THAT on Fifth Ave.
We can expect the most vile lies, innuendo, smears and propaganda coming out from the Republicans over the next two months and none of it will make any difference except to harden the hard core even further.
Yes, I am getting burnt out on all the lies as well. I think that's what the billionaires want us to do. If Kamala wins, I'm spending the next 4 years, if I live that long, preparing to grow my own food and living off the grid! Having to explain to people why a dictatorship is not a good idea, gets very tiring and annoying to me! Especially when they don't listen! Shouldn't they be taught that in school?
I don't believe the Republicans had any plans to make life easier for Americans with their voodoo economics of the Reagan area.
When you're hungry and poor you will work for peanuts and you are easier to boss around and the boss feels more powerful. That is one reason why I believe most churches like poverty over prosperity. The rich and the religious leaders can pick and choose who gets discriminated against and who gets a decent job and who gets the rack... That is the right wingers Utopia!
Start your soil now my friend. I am a Master Gardener so I know what of I speak. It takes at least 2 years to get soil fertile enough to grow food. Build your beds now and start improving the soil with compost, worm castings and a legume cover crop that has been innoculated. You can look it all up on the internet. People who think, "If the (*&# hits the fan, I will just dig up my back lawn and grow my own food. No you won't., unless you buy lots of Organic Fertilizer which is not cheap and may not be available. Learn to grow survival crops, dry beans, corn, winter squash and potatoes. That is all you need. BUT it takes 100o bean plants to grow enough beans to keep a family of 4 in soup. START NOW everyone.
Aw, c'mon...tell us how you really feel. Don't be shy. LOL. Thanks for putting it all together in one post! The oligarch-owned media ignores all the information you've presented because they are looking for clicks so as to sell advertising and drooling for the next tax cut.
The terribly sad truth seems to be that nearly half of us want the "Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Parents Both Also had Dementia." And THAT is the real problem.
"It’s why it’s so vital that next year sees the Supreme Court expanded, term limits imposed, Clarence Thomas and Sam Alito impeached, court-stripping legislation put into law, and a binding code of ethics on SCOTUS passed and enforced."
I'd offer pretty long odds against any, let alone all, of those things actually happening.
Yes, we're all excited about Harris. SHe's better than the elderly, demented narcissist, but she still is part of the two party duopoly. Clinton, Obama and Biden played along with the oligarchs and so will Harris. Promises are easy. I'm not putting money on any of these changes. It's depressing.
If Kamala were to ask Biden publicly to fire Garland, that would raise the suspicions of the oligarchs, so let's just hope she's really sane, and will begin shoveling the manure out of the last 45 years of right wing voodoo economics! We don't really have a choice now do we?
No. We don't much of a choice, as we are backed into a corner. But she already came out and said she will put a Republican on her cabinet. She will get no extra votes with that statement. We don't need ANY of them in the cabinet until they get their act together and pull themselves out of their extremist fever-dreams.
I think putting a GOP in her cabinet who is not a cult member and who can't do much harm, is a wise move on her part. I think it will get a few more votes for her and it will make the left look more tolerant! (Godly?)
Maybe you are right; No die-hard Trump supporter will change on the promise of a Republican in the cabinet. I think whatever non-crazy, cult-induced Republicans (very few) who are going to switch to Kamala, already have. People I know - highly intelligent people - who are Republicans have told me, "I wish I had a better candidate, but I don't have a choice." They have a choice, just one they won't acknowledge. I don't really believe in "undecided" voters. They are like unicorns - everywhere, but imaginary. They know who they intend to give their vote, they just like to feel like powerful deciders. I'm exhausted with it all. I know where my vote is going and nothing Harris or Trump can say or do will change that, short of murdering someone. And, as we know, Trump could likely get by with THAT on Fifth Ave.
We can expect the most vile lies, innuendo, smears and propaganda coming out from the Republicans over the next two months and none of it will make any difference except to harden the hard core even further.
Yes, I am getting burnt out on all the lies as well. I think that's what the billionaires want us to do. If Kamala wins, I'm spending the next 4 years, if I live that long, preparing to grow my own food and living off the grid! Having to explain to people why a dictatorship is not a good idea, gets very tiring and annoying to me! Especially when they don't listen! Shouldn't they be taught that in school?
I don't believe the Republicans had any plans to make life easier for Americans with their voodoo economics of the Reagan area.
When you're hungry and poor you will work for peanuts and you are easier to boss around and the boss feels more powerful. That is one reason why I believe most churches like poverty over prosperity. The rich and the religious leaders can pick and choose who gets discriminated against and who gets a decent job and who gets the rack... That is the right wingers Utopia!
Start your soil now my friend. I am a Master Gardener so I know what of I speak. It takes at least 2 years to get soil fertile enough to grow food. Build your beds now and start improving the soil with compost, worm castings and a legume cover crop that has been innoculated. You can look it all up on the internet. People who think, "If the (*&# hits the fan, I will just dig up my back lawn and grow my own food. No you won't., unless you buy lots of Organic Fertilizer which is not cheap and may not be available. Learn to grow survival crops, dry beans, corn, winter squash and potatoes. That is all you need. BUT it takes 100o bean plants to grow enough beans to keep a family of 4 in soup. START NOW everyone.
Aw, c'mon...tell us how you really feel. Don't be shy. LOL. Thanks for putting it all together in one post! The oligarch-owned media ignores all the information you've presented because they are looking for clicks so as to sell advertising and drooling for the next tax cut.
The terribly sad truth seems to be that nearly half of us want the "Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Parents Both Also had Dementia." And THAT is the real problem.