Thanks for the heads up, Thom.

We have got to keep our eyes on the horizon - difficult as it may be amidst fires raging around us set by previous rightwing offensives.

We cannot afford to be distracted, demoralized, or depleted. Heads up, eyes open, bodies moving through this - forward, not in circles.

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"It’s why it’s so vital that next year sees the Supreme Court expanded, term limits imposed, Clarence Thomas and Sam Alito impeached, court-stripping legislation put into law, and a binding code of ethics on SCOTUS passed and enforced."

I'd offer pretty long odds against any, let alone all, of those things actually happening.

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Yes, we're all excited about Harris. SHe's better than the elderly, demented narcissist, but she still is part of the two party duopoly. Clinton, Obama and Biden played along with the oligarchs and so will Harris. Promises are easy. I'm not putting money on any of these changes. It's depressing.

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If Kamala were to ask Biden publicly to fire Garland, that would raise the suspicions of the oligarchs, so let's just hope she's really sane, and will begin shoveling the manure out of the last 45 years of right wing voodoo economics! We don't really have a choice now do we?

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No. We don't much of a choice, as we are backed into a corner. But she already came out and said she will put a Republican on her cabinet. She will get no extra votes with that statement. We don't need ANY of them in the cabinet until they get their act together and pull themselves out of their extremist fever-dreams.

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I think putting a GOP in her cabinet who is not a cult member and who can't do much harm, is a wise move on her part. I think it will get a few more votes for her and it will make the left look more tolerant! (Godly?)

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Maybe you are right; No die-hard Trump supporter will change on the promise of a Republican in the cabinet. I think whatever non-crazy, cult-induced Republicans (very few) who are going to switch to Kamala, already have. People I know - highly intelligent people - who are Republicans have told me, "I wish I had a better candidate, but I don't have a choice." They have a choice, just one they won't acknowledge. I don't really believe in "undecided" voters. They are like unicorns - everywhere, but imaginary. They know who they intend to give their vote, they just like to feel like powerful deciders. I'm exhausted with it all. I know where my vote is going and nothing Harris or Trump can say or do will change that, short of murdering someone. And, as we know, Trump could likely get by with THAT on Fifth Ave.

We can expect the most vile lies, innuendo, smears and propaganda coming out from the Republicans over the next two months and none of it will make any difference except to harden the hard core even further.

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Yes, I am getting burnt out on all the lies as well. I think that's what the billionaires want us to do. If Kamala wins, I'm spending the next 4 years, if I live that long, preparing to grow my own food and living off the grid! Having to explain to people why a dictatorship is not a good idea, gets very tiring and annoying to me! Especially when they don't listen! Shouldn't they be taught that in school?

I don't believe the Republicans had any plans to make life easier for Americans with their voodoo economics of the Reagan area.

When you're hungry and poor you will work for peanuts and you are easier to boss around and the boss feels more powerful. That is one reason why I believe most churches like poverty over prosperity. The rich and the religious leaders can pick and choose who gets discriminated against and who gets a decent job and who gets the rack... That is the right wingers Utopia!

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Start your soil now my friend. I am a Master Gardener so I know what of I speak. It takes at least 2 years to get soil fertile enough to grow food. Build your beds now and start improving the soil with compost, worm castings and a legume cover crop that has been innoculated. You can look it all up on the internet. People who think, "If the (*&# hits the fan, I will just dig up my back lawn and grow my own food. No you won't., unless you buy lots of Organic Fertilizer which is not cheap and may not be available. Learn to grow survival crops, dry beans, corn, winter squash and potatoes. That is all you need. BUT it takes 100o bean plants to grow enough beans to keep a family of 4 in soup. START NOW everyone.

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Aw, c'mon...tell us how you really feel. Don't be shy. LOL. Thanks for putting it all together in one post! The oligarch-owned media ignores all the information you've presented because they are looking for clicks so as to sell advertising and drooling for the next tax cut.

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Sep 3
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The terribly sad truth seems to be that nearly half of us want the "Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Parents Both Also had Dementia." And THAT is the real problem.

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Thank you. In reading this I am reminded of an episode of Boston Legal During dealing with a case regarding religious liberties Spader’s character (Whose God is it Anyway, Season Three Episode 5) said:

“I don’t know about you but I’m getting a little tired of the religious freedom thing. When did religion get such a good name anyway. Be it the Crusades, the reformation genocides, the troubles in Northern Ireland, the Middle East, mass slaughters in the name of Allah, the obligatory reciprocal retributions. Hundreds of millions have died in religious conflicts. Hitler did his business in the name of his creator. Religious extremism, it’s our greatest threat today, a holy jihad. If we’re not ready to strip religion of its sacred cow status, how about we at least scale back on the Constitutional dogma exalting it as all get out….

Everyone should get to believe in his God, pray to his God, worship his God of course. But to impose him on others, to victimize others in his name? The founding fathers set out to prevent persecution, not license it…

At a certain point we have to say “enough with this freedom of religion crap. Yuck, yuck, yuck. I know, I’ll get letters….”

I completely agree with him, and you.

I am a retired Navy Chaplain and semi-retired priest, a a published historian, serving in a very small Old Catholic Denomination. I worked for one of these guys in the early 1990s and can tell you of the corruption. The preacher is still alive and has been a big supporter of Trump and MAGA politics. His name is James Robison.

We need to tax these churches and very profitable “ministries”.

BTW, I am the author of “Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory: Religion and the Politics of Race in the Civil War and Beyond”, published by Potomac Books of the University of Nebraska Press in October of 2022. It traces the role of the Christian Religion in slavery, secession, the Civil War, Jim Crow, to the present day with Trump ans MAGA. If you would read it and consider mentioning it sometime, I will send a copy to you.

Keep up the great work and stay safe amid MAGA.

All the best,

Steve Dundas

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Steve, I turned against religion at a young age because I could see exactly what you're talking about. I could see the evil in these local preachers, there were so many of them that I wrote all Christians off. But Christians like you and Thom who don't hate the truth and who do want to serve good and God and be rational, have opened my eyes to the possibility that not all Christians suck!

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Darn maybe somebody will give me back my "LIKE." Wasn't "Boston Legal" an unexpected joy!

I will totally look up your book! My humble observation is that religion gives social power to some for whom the power is addictive. Or even matter of course, as reported in the history of the 1870's in the book: "Other Powers," by Barbara Goldsmith. Part of the history that EVERYBODY should know is the corrupt progress of Henry Ward Beecher, the most glamorous preacher of his generation, and also the grossest lecher who ever cruised through the end of his days blameless. Yes, also daddy of Harriet Beecher Stowe. But also if you want to know about the "Comstock Act."

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This is all the end result of "Saint Reagan's" destruction of the country.

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I too feel it’s imperative to rein in the current illegitimate Supreme Court. The one tactic that will fail is using impeachment…we all saw how effective that was with the former president, and he was as deserving as can be. The dilemma arises from the anti-democratic impulses of the ongoing insurrection calling itself the Republican Party. Having manipulated the machinery of Congress to install their Heritage Society®️SC majority, they hold the cards for saying what the Constitution means, and have repeatedly done so, contradicting what it says. This is a Gordian knot, and we need a Democratic champion to be our Alexander in the White House and at the DoJ.

Jim Stewartson’s idea is the least confrontational…simply order the Supreme Court closed from Election Day until after January 6th. No appeals allowed, preventing the corrupt majority from thumbing the scales and repeating the 2000 ploy. Assuming a Democratic sweep, follow this up with a more controversial action…declare Alito and Thomas’ seats vacated for “bad behavior” and strip Roberts of his chiefdom. Replace them with a new Chief and another new justice who support the full Constitution…as it was amended during the Second Founding, and restore some semblance of order by reversing the worst of the Roberts Court. CU, Heller, Bruen, Dobbs, Trump. Shelby should be taken care of by passing the John Lewis VRAA.

I hope Harris’ DoJ is our Alexander. Unlike Obama in 2008, she inherits a good economy and no active war, so she can focus on the many domestic issues that need attention. A Harris administration should “stay the course” on aid to Ukraine, but in Israel policy, another Gordian knot needs cutting. The ongoing slaughter being done with our weaponry has to stop, up to and including an arms embargo if that’s what it takes.

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Very good comment Lewis.

I do have a problem with a Gaza solution though. The Israeli right, the settlers and their version of Zionism, is indeed a (not the) source of troubles, and they need to be bitch slapped with jail time, that goes for the Likkud and it's right wing allies - Israel's MAGAts before there were MAGAts. I know what is driving them, the same thing that is driving their Muslim opponents, religious paroxysm, the same thing driving the current version of the Republican party.

But the Palestinians and Israel have a problem. It is HAMAS and Islamic theology that Israel has committed sacrilege by defiling sacred Muslim soil. The soil upon which the holy and sacred Haram al Sharif, Dome of the Rock, and al Aqsa mosque sit.

Just as all of Saudi Arabia is considered sacred Muslim ground, because of Mecca and Medina, so is Israel because of Haram al Sharif and al Aqsa Mosque.

Ismail Haniya: "We are a mujahid nation, a nation that makes sacrifices, a nation of Jihad. Our cries are of Jihad for the sake of Allah. This is a nation of martyrdom and martyrdom-seeking, a nation of Jihad for the sake of Allah.

"[The people] make a great sacrifice. They sacrifice their children, their sons, for the sake of Palestine and for the sake of the land of Islam and the Muslims. The might of the nation of Jihad is revealed on the land of Palestine, as well as in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Sudan, and in all the fronts of confrontation with the enemies of Allah.

"This is a nation whose beating heart knows no feebleness or confusion. Its beating heart is Palestine and the Palestinian people. It is the nation of martyrdom and sacrifice."

We are called a nation of martyrs,” said another top Hamas official, Ghazi Hamad. “And we are proud to sacrifice martyrs.” He promised more attacks: “There will be a second, a third, a fourth.” When asked whether he sought the annihilation of Israel, Hamad matter-of-factly replied, “Yes, of course.”

The HAMAS covenant calls for the annihilation of (the nation of Jews) Israel

And their sacred text,the hadith of al Buhari says that the Day of Judgement will come when the Jews are annihilated.

So what is the answer. How does Israel defend itself from the threat of genocide? And how are the perps who started tis on Oct 7th, caught and punished?

Let's not delve into history, for we have to go back to Amenhophis IV of Egypt in 1430 bce when Abdul Shipa was governor of Egypt and pogroms against the Jews under the Ottomans.


Modern day troubles started in November 1948 when Israel's Arab neighbors attacked it and tried to annihilate, and please don't tell me what I already know about the Hagganah, and Irgun

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"We are called a nation of martyrs,” said another top Hamas official, Ghazi Hamad. “And we are proud to sacrifice martyrs.”

Well, actually they are proud to sacrifice the lives of both Palestinians (mostly) and Jews (the end goal.). They are not so intent upon martyring THEMSELVES, of course, which is while they are holed up in Qatar.

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Of course not. Those who recruit martyrs, don't believe that shit themselves. Martyrdom for thee but not for me.

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No, the modern troubles began after WWI when the victors carved up the Middle East. It began when those same victors of WW2 decided to plunk down a new nation that had not existed for 2000 years down on top of an existing nation of people who had been on the land for over those same 2000 years creating their own holy sites that overlapped those of the Jews, the Muslims and the Christians and said this is our country now get off the land. What did the founders of modern Israel think would happen? Did they think the Arabs would just let them take Palestine without a fight?

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I totally vote against Farrar in this context! The last time there was a Jewish territorial hegemony was maybe the Maccabees, 100+ BCE. Only the dregs of European colonialism arbitrarily "returned" Palestine to arbitrarily designated Jews. (Who could argue with good intentions?) But to the extent that the propaganda was, the land was mostly barren, only barbaric nomads wandered dusty arroyos: BS!!! Our North American natives were exterminated and remnants dispossessed only 500 years ago. Same excuse: just barbarians whose lives don't count. But the half-jew/ half-catholic man I knew, who managed to dodge Hitler through the War but visited relatives in Israel, was horrified at the idea that Palestinians were not legitimate inhabitants who were to be integrated into, not ostracized.

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Thank you for your antisemitism.

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Good summation of the historical underpinnings of the Establishment Clause. I take one exception: there is NO federal legislation the Supreme Court can't overturn, because the Roberts court has already perverted the 1st A and will continue to do so. (In 303 Creative, they allowed businesses to refuse to do business with gays on religious grounds, and in the football coach prayer case they essentially dismantled all meaningful separation by reframing religion as free speech.) No matter what Congress passes, federalist society justices will impose their religious spin on the 1st A regardless of the lack of precedent (See Dobbs and Loper). Expanding the court, impeaching Alito and Thomas, and passing an ethics code with teeth is the only solution. Even though the right wing bloc will also try to strike those reforms (Alito has already said as much), the effort will set up a separation of powers argument that Congress will likely win.

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What is left for these criminal faux religious marauders?

If they have their way every leader in every part of government will be these twisted fascists that play at being dictators of all dogma associated with “ Religion” .

It’s the ‘ put women in their place ,’ dogma.

“We will decide your choices in life . And they will certify us as the Narcissistic Church leaders in charge of

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"It’s the ‘ put women in their place ,’ dogma." You have the right of it; nothing more, nothing less.

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Women and every group or person they don't like.

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Agreed, but our hands hands are tied until we regain with the with senate in the house and the presidency. In the meantime the Repugincants will be up to no end of dirty tricks to subvert the will of the will of the people. Be vigilant!

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The case was filed August 28 in Tyler, Texas. https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/storage/pdf/2024-08-28-complaint.pdf

Antidote? Evangelicals for Harris. https://www.evangelicalsforharris.com/

Better: Sweep the election. Blue tsunami. https://www.fieldteam6.org/

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If any of this happens, we will know that we picked the right woman for the job!

And if GOD is listening, it's for your good and ours. You know politics has nothing to do with heaven, and I bet Donald Trump and his cult is the best proof of that in a long time.

The good work is supposed to be its own reward, but a grateful nation would certainly be glad to extend the tax credit Thom mentioned.

Be sure to save your receipts, preachers and church officials.

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They are losing this war. There is a huge exodus from churches all over the world. I am sick of these religious nuts cramming their religion down our throats.

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Yes they are losing control of their flock, but don't worry the billionaires are coming to their rescue, by buying up the government and changing the Constitution and voter suppression...

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As Bob Johnson says, they are not losing the war, only butts in pews. Christianity can be forced upon a population that doesn't want it, as been shown time and time again throughout history. They simply need to control the levers of power, and the oligarchs are buying that for them.

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….. in charge of all your pitiful little lives. What did Trump say that he mistakenly believed.” I Alone can fix it “

Well look where that’s gotten us.

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It was always explained to me that we don't tax churches because of separation of Church and State. But now I have to wonder why we don't just tax all religious establishments as we tax all other organizations. As long as we tax them equally across all faiths and denominations, it should be plenty constitutional.

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I see it as a device to keep them out of politics. I don't want to abolish the non-taxation part, I want to enforce the staying out of politics part.

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I regret that I have but one "like" to give for this comment.

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These people have been thoroughly brainwashed that Democrats hate America, are "Marxists Communists" (when not being busy being godless socialists), worship Satan, drink the blood of children, want completely open borders, and, if female, hate all men, will have abortions as a lark and want to murder babies after they are born. Talk to some of them, they truly believe these things. The reason they believe is that oligarchs have poured money into right-wing, extremist propaganda. Who pays for doctored images and videos showing Hillary chopping the heads off babies (yes these exist?) Brainwashed people are easy to control. It's the money, honey.

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Any group that wants to raise the babies up to be irrational thinkers and to believe in the supernatural is a threat to mankind!

Being control freaks is in the nature of these preachers and being Godly is not in their nature. Being vindictive, hateful, dishonest and sadistic is in their nature.

Since anyone can start a church, I think I need to start an agnostic Church, which will be attacked by the Christians same as the Muslim Church or any other Church they don't like, even other true Christian churches! This is a very fine way to destroy America, where united we stand, divided we fall! I'm sure enemies of America will like to watch Americans kill each other!

As an agnostic, we are more concerned about, if the people have what they need to survive, we don't delve into social issues. We want plentiful food, medicine, education, shelter, sustainable growth... To rationally try to end human suffering and serving good! While the right wingers want to scramble the toddler's brains and make them cannon fodder for life, while living in a dickinsonian society, where a nation like China could easily destroy them, if the preachers don't cause a civil war first!

We must tax the churches and keep these sociopathic grifters away from the government as far as possible! If possible because they almost all love their guns more than their families and their Nation and their God! Because they are irrational in other words insane, but cult is proof of it!

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Nit to pick…a Dickensonian society would be people speaking in blank verse. A Dickensian society is a place where people struggle to subsist in a capitalist hellscape of suffering and oppression.

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Dickens, "A Christmas Carol," edited for length: “At this festive season of the year, Mr. Scrooge,...... Many thousands are in want of common necessaries; hundreds of thousands are in want of common comforts, sir.” “Are there no prisons?” asked Scrooge. "Plenty of prisons," said the gentleman. “And the Union workhouses?” demanded Scrooge. “The Treadmill and the Poor Law, then? .... “I was afraid, from what you said at first, that something had occurred to stop them in their useful course,” said Scrooge. ....Returned the gentleman, “a few of us are endeavouring to raise a fund to buy the Poor some meat and drink, and means of warmth. We choose this time, because it is a time, of all others, when Want is keenly felt, and Abundance rejoices. What shall I put you down for?” “Nothing!” Scrooge replied. “If they (happen to) die,” ....“they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population.”

In current context, It occurred to me that the same sentiment applies to a woman who has a medically challenged pregnancy: "...if they happen to die...."

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The religious right wants to create a Theocratic Dickinsonianism society by the way.

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only one person can disprove a belief.....the believer.....belief is insulated from any threat because it 'exists' in the sanctuary of our thoughts.....if a person passionately believes that 2,024 years ago a zombie out on a weekend told his followers at a meeting place to spread the truth around the world so that they too can avoid death and that roughly one half of the world's adults take some form of this thinking seriously then good luck trying to talk them out of it

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even though i mock, the essential christian messages of kindness towards the poor and humility are difficult to improve upon......trump has made good christians and good republicans very uncomfortable.......i think most people need some belief that life has a grand purpose or needs justification even though other species seem ok without it.......that need is a great weakness and the narrow, intolerant beliefs enable our most atrocious acts

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I believe we should leave the planet a better place than we got here for our young people!

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