LINDA, This is my latest post to Thom hartmann. I should have been more specific in my reply to you. It wasn't what you revealed. It was what Greg Palast revealed and you brought to light. Mr. Hartmann, my apologies, in reviewing an earlier report by you, I found you actually warned about voter suppression. Timing is everything, and thos…
LINDA, This is my latest post to Thom hartmann. I should have been more specific in my reply to you. It wasn't what you revealed. It was what Greg Palast revealed and you brought to light. Mr. Hartmann, my apologies, in reviewing an earlier report by you, I found you actually warned about voter suppression. Timing is everything, and those with the voices that can make a difference failed us, Again, I support what you're doing and admire your ability to relay it to the rest of us.
LINDA, This is my latest post to Thom hartmann. I should have been more specific in my reply to you. It wasn't what you revealed. It was what Greg Palast revealed and you brought to light. Mr. Hartmann, my apologies, in reviewing an earlier report by you, I found you actually warned about voter suppression. Timing is everything, and those with the voices that can make a difference failed us, Again, I support what you're doing and admire your ability to relay it to the rest of us.