The Emperor has no clothes and history will not be kind to him. Today the NYT has apparently felt the pressure from the kickback of their assault on Biden and published an editorial "Trump Unfit to Lead." I think that the tide is turning and neo-fascism is being repudiated, not only in the USA but worldwide. Let's keep up the pressure and remove Trump and his clan from office this November. Vote blue!

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AMEN x infinity!!! If even the NYT is starting to get off the Trump train... well, this is a good way to start my day.

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Well Chris, I would not be too quick to be doing a victory dance because the NYT published an opinion that seemed to back off on Biden stepping down.

In November of 2023 I posted an easy to follow guide to the 2025 Plan. Now suddenly Democrats have discovered this Trump inspired “Mein Kampf” with more specifics clearly outlined in the over 900 pages as the guide to Fascism in America.


Well, “we have met the enemy and they are us” - Pogo

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I think that you meant Mein Kampf inspired Trump, not Trump inspired Mein Kempf.

I doubt that he read it, I don't think he can effectively read the teleprompter.

I don't like kvetching on things of which I am uninformed, so I have read Adam Smiths, The Wealth of Nations, Karl Marx's Das Kapital and Adolph Hitler's Mein Kampf, as well as the Communist Manifesto and other controverisal books and documents, I went through a box or two of tooth picks to keep my eye lids open while doing so.

I doubt very seriously, that Trump has read anything, unless there were audio books available, certainly not Mein Kampf.

Leni Riefenstahl's Triumph of the Will was nothing as to the will it took to read Mein Kampf.

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Why nobody brings this fascist raiklin to justice? You cannot threaten officials and other citizens of death,in public, without legal consequences. This is no free speech at all. I really wonder what is exactly going on in this country!!

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I was thinking the same thing. FBI, or at least his local police dept needs to pay this whacko a visit, ASAP. After the election, however it turns out, will be too late.

Publicizing the fact that he has a hit list is evidence of Raiklin's murderous intentions and arrogance (although it also seems stupid to announce it).

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I got your yellow journalism piece posted on FB but was slapped down on the report prior to that. My husband managed to post the PDF version, though. THANK YOU for your continued crucial reporting. As horrifying as the state of things are, at least I feel armed with knowledge which I continually pass on to my friends, particularly my younger ones who are spreading the word to their families and young friends. As Joyce Vance says, we're in this together.

You are greatly appreciated as my ray of light in the darkness.

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I just posted it to FB. Will see what happens..

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I copied and pasted to FB. It's still up and, so far, no nasty messages from the FB police. Hope yours stays put, too.

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When Thom was in Europe I wondered if Trump wins and if Hartmann must leave the US for his own safety if he could do his daily show from Europe. Hmm...Radio Free Europe broadcasting to the US.

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Unfortunately Raio Free Europe has come under one of trump's politically installed people. I read about it too long ago to remember the exact information. I just recall that trump's appointee was hobbling it in some way. Forgive my memory please.

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Fantastic post, Thom.

While the Dems continue the circular firing squad, the president did an excellent job with the NATO conference, and his AFL/CIO speech was amazing – – without a Teleprompter. Meanwhile, tfg finally surfaced at one of his little fascist rallies and was an absolute, complete, total, sweaty mess. The most interesting part – – as in, “May you live in interesting times“– – was when he gave a shout-out to Don Junior, remarking, apropos of nothing, that Junior has “a beautiful wife.“ The problem there, of course, is that Junior is not married. He has been engaged for a long time, but he is definitely not married. Tfg then compounded this astonishing error by referring to Junior’s non-wife as “Lara” — which is, of course, the name of Eric’s wife. You'd think tfg could remember who she is, being as how she's the head of the RNC, but no. And people are worried about Biden's brain?? We need to hang together and keep Trump as far away from the White House as we possibly can.

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Where is the New York Times when you need them?

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Right?! 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ I learned about this bizarre rally from the David Pakman show.

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I think we all know where they will be if Trump wins. While the courts argue if it was an official act, will even the building be left standing?

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Further evidence that TFG is out of his damn mind. Why no media hysteria about that? As for the 'beautiful wife' comment...yuck!

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Ivan the Terrible Raiklin might have a "deep state target list" but he'd be wise - and obviously he isn't - to consider that his entire list of individuals now have him as a strong point of interest. He's potentially become a "target list" consisting of only himself. What an absolutely reprehensible dipshit.

As for Israeli-developed Pegasus spyware, created by NSO Group, we can all look forward to a present and future of 1984-like eyes and ears inside our lives - operated by the highest bidder.

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I know. First time I've heard of Pegasus, but it's scary as hell.

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They can't win through persuasive arguments, because they can't sell their selfishness to the public; and they can't win in a court of law, because neither the law nor the truth is in their favor. So they use violence, threats, and censorship--sheer force. Winning is their everything, but since they must resort to oppression and lies to "win", they are proving to all what losers they really are.

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The laws and truth won’t matter if Trump is elected.

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Has Raiklin "named names," because if he has the threats are probably actionable for damages?

“[I]ncludes numerous Democratic and Republican elected officials; FBI and intelligence officials; members of the House Select January 6 Committee; U.S. Capitol Police officers and civilian employees; witnesses in Trump’s two impeachment trials and the Jan. 6 committee hearings; and journalists from publications ranging from CNN and the Washington Post to Reuters and Raw Story — all considered political enemies of Trump.”

If the threats were sent directly, could be crimes, "terroristic threats" under state law. https://code.dccouncil.gov/us/dc/council/code/sections/22-407

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He has named names, but for the safety of people, Raw Story has chosen not to disclose it as I understand.

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Daniel; It doesn't matter what the law is because there prosecutorial discretion, as I found out. The prosecutor simply chooses not to prosecute their friends. But thanks. It's good to know what the law is.

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That's why I love civil law. Any grievant can sue.

If I were king re criminal law, any lawyer could be a "private attorney general."

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If this becomes an issue don't you think the Catholic inferior Court of America will take action against those who are perpetrating against the new fascist state?

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He didn't name them, but he did specify the J6 committee members, so that part is clear, and should be enough for law enforcement to look into.

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All Republicans are neo Nazis now 💯

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#NeverAgain is now

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We may have to rely on patriotic police to refuse to carry out these orders. The alternative, if stuff like this really starts happening, expect left wing vigilante militias to form in self-defense, creating a justification for the right wingers, leading to a spiral of violence. That suits the MAGAts, especially Bannon, who wants to destroy our institutions and create chaos and anarchy. If we want to make that less likely, we have to have a blue November. There will probably be still be violence from the other side, but we will be in charge, not them, so it can be controlled. Horrid to have to be putting these things in writing, but that is where we are.

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Keep dreaming.

If we have to wait on “patriotic police” we’re seriously screwed.

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I do not have any faith in the police to have restraint or judgement. They tend to be militaristic types in general in my experience.

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To you and KL—I wasn’t expressing expectation, only the merest hope, and a marker of how desperate that situation would be. If this vengeance plan starts, we may be looking at coup territory. At least a goodly portion of our senior military are in fact patriots. They came close to it last time the Abomination was POTUS.

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BILLIONAIRES lying MSM sez Joe should drop out but Trump is ok. MSM is an enemy of the American people.

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I suggest the book Strongmen: Mussolini to the present which provides a blueprint of what is described in this article. I feel Hitler is coming to our doorsteps. What I find disturbing here in Los Angeles is the numerous Jewish friends and acquaintances who are fully aware of their past history being Trump supporters!! Additionally the silence on the part of the current administration not to aggressively take on, attack and oppose the 2025 platform put out by the GOP is further disturbing . There should be more steps like that announced by senator Cortez calling for the impeachment of two members of the Supreme Court . Fear is the brother of death! Already the weak response of this administration indicates that they are fearful of taking on the GOP ! The vigorous response to the abortion issue is also needed on all issues trampling on our rights. We already have an autocracy when the hard work of a legitimate court and jury can be cast aside and shut down by one ruling.

Student of Howard Zinn and collaborator with Chomsky

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Nasrin I was a fan of Chomcsky till I found out he was a Putinist, ok Russophile, Tankie, old time Marxist with a lingering affection for all things Russian including Putin.

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The media is already working for ending Biden's run. They act as if such is normal activity. Like the fed not lowering interest rates as they do for Republican administrations. We simply have to stand our ground when principles are at stake. Biden has proven able to govern. He was never a performer in campaigning or speeches. But proven abilities out rank entertainment. The threat to democracy could not be clearer. Biden won before and will win again. It is really hard to win from an incumbent. Trump is a loser. He will lose again.

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What was it you wrote about a few weeks ago about a ' October Surprise'? Maybe the surprise is coming a little early. It is beginning to look like the MAGA cult is starting to get ready to pull out all of the stops to get into power now at any cost.

I am with you in that I stand behind whomever makes it out of the DNC as the official candidate at this point. As I mentioned to someone yesterday, Kamala Harris is starting to look good at this point.

The U.S. is becoming rudderless in a rising sea state so someone need to steer this boat soon before it ends up on the rocks somewhere before November.

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I agree, there's a coordinated programmed effort to distract us with arguing about Joe every single place I go to & Roberts already announced that there are parts of their plan democrats are not allowed to see. My first thought is immediate takeover & never bother about an election. I too ask why no one in the current administration seems to have a sense of urgency.

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I am sure there is a lot of scrambling and scheming behind closed doors all over the country as the elitists try to figure out how to take over the U.S. government from either party. It is at the point now that no matter who takes the helm, the ship is going down. The hull has too many holes in it now to be salvaged anymore. A lot of the rich rats are leaving the country and the political elite are consumed with fighting over control to the point that we the people are being squeezed so hard between them that a recession has started and is picking up steam. Layoffs are picking up so the unemployment is ticking higher.

The U.S. is slowly dying. If the democrats keep the conn on the ship's bridge, the end will come slower but if the MAGA cult takes over in January, the end will come very quickly.

I just plan to watch and wait it out. I will be making decisions to protect myself and my family on the fly in the coming months. I am not on that list, yet.

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I want to get out, but it is not easy if you do not have &$$$

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That is the conundrum. You need a lot of money to move yourself out of the country for more than a couple of days. The only ones doing it successfully are the ones working for non-American companies or rich retirees. Most European countries have rules about Americans showing up unannounced to buy up real estate and behave badly. Mexico is starting to clamp down on this as well now.

I will take my chances and try to survive the collapse here. At least I know the terrain better.

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Seriously, it's like the fire alarm is ringing and leading Dems are dithering about who should go out the door first. smh

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Thom, I know you say "dispair" is not an option, but I have to say I am there at this point.

Give me some hope!

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I mean "despair" not dispair...

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There’s always hope. And a hell of a lot of pissed off women. I’m still fairly optimistic about this fall, no matter what happens with Biden…

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Thanks. You do tend to peel me off the ceiling. I am here in Vermont and this AM Peter Welch came out with his statement about Biden. Whatever happens, it needs to haplen fast because the more we perseverate about Biden or not Biden the less we focus on Trump. Howard Dean spoke with Ari Melber on MSNBC last night and summarized it well.

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So right now on Free Speech TV Norman Soloman is talking about how even the state of NY is in play with Biden on the ticket! Where are you at this point on all of this?

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I’m with whatever decision Biden makes. 100%

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Well, of course, so am I, but I guess my worry is can he actually win? So much media malpractice and frankly, once again, Dems panicking and wating their own.

When the Access Hollywood tape came out, it should have been disqualifying, but GOP rallied around Trump for the most part and look what happened. I just don't know.

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"Dispair" was a typo...

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My embarrassing run-on sentence at the top of the comments wasn't a typo. It was just poor composition due to hurrying to walk my dog before the rain came. I didn't make it.

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Katherine, I alternate between anxiety and rage, but don't allow despair to set in. We need to fight back.

Find a way to get involved in the fight any way you can, maybe by texting, phoning Dem voters as a volunteer with your local Dem organization.

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Thom these people and the GOP party are not “NEO” anything, they are Fascists, authoritarians, Christian Taliban, and they are Nazi’s. As soon as you and the rest of the media start calling them exactly what they are, the better off we will be. I do not see them being soft on this if these aholes get back in power, people will be jailed and people will be killed. This has what they have told and promised there voters, so the cannot lose their support by not doing it. But they want it just as much as their brainwashed voters do. This Country has been in jeopardy since by the GOP since the coup attempt they tried to organize against FDR. These people need to investigated and locked up. And no I do not think the DNC is going to be of much help at all. They are so worried about the environment, and pronouns and who has gotten their feelings hurt, than they are about the the damn threat that is staring them right in the face, that sits next to them on a congressional committee! None of that bullshit can be worried about, or can do anything about, when you are locked up and rotting in a camp, or you’re dead. People need to wake the f**k up and start smelling f**king reality. If the DNC knows Biden is going to lose this November, they need to tell him so, then tell him to drop out of the race, If he refuses, then the party drops his ass like a bad habit. Because the stakes are that damn high and failure is not an option at this point. If Biden blows this, and the DNC let him, they will both live in infamy. Because this country will be lost and there will not be a second chance to un f**k it. And if none of you like what I have to say, or how I say it, tough shit, I do not want to hear you left-wing cry baby shit either, all I want to hear is how do we stop these a-holes!

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