I try to maintain a sense of normalcy as I go through motions of running my business. I fail, miserably. I fail to the point of not knowing what to do, period. I have no sense of how things work, of how business will be...of anything. One week after the election, I am feeling far, far worse than I did as I learned the results.
Every position filled in the administration solidifies the vision of reality that will be on place on inauguration day. Less than two months of any SENSE of normal as I have defined it during my lifetime. After that, all guidelines and guardrails that have held everything together are eliminated. Rules of law are being rewritten.
As Billy says in The Year of Living Dangerously: "What then must we do?" All manner of "resist" exhortations abound. It seems so laughably silly, but these sources are trying their hardest to hold on to THEIR sense of reality. A whole bunch of smart people are doing their best to help people like me maintain in the face of radical uncertainty. Which is the new normal. All rules of conduct, everything. Do I have to adopt the operating system of "take it as it comes?" "One step at a time"? Sanctuary and sanity do not seem to be available, so indeed: What then must we do?
I find no solace in being among like-minded people in this nervous breakdown sort of time. It actually makes it worse.
"The Year of Living Dangerously" is the only movie I ever paid to see twice. The second time I had my pad and pen to write down Billy's dialogue. Billy was me. When he went to his files and took out one of them that didn't seem to have relevancy to the political situation he was embroiled in -- I remember a dying child -- it was because he handled "whatever showed up in his path." The world has shown up in my path now!
I am wondering if anyone has given any thought to an underground or surreptitious communication network to keep people informed of secret or unannounced actions or abductions by the new fascist regime? It does not seem at all unreasonable to paranoid to prepare for the worst and be defensive. I have no idea what kind of possibilities might exist or how a system would operate and do not believe I would be able to be involved.
It will be necessary to out-tech and outsmart the techs working for the fascists. I cannot imagine what kind of network is possible outside of one based on direct people-to-people contact and a lot of trust. We should all assume we are being closely monitored.
One thing that Tim Walz excelled at was extolling the benefits of living in blue Minnesota. Why don’t the blue state governors join together to create a communication platform on radio, tv or social media that inform’s viewers/listeners about the best benefits that each state delivers to its constituents?
Stocks in private prisons have been going up! I have a "what if" to propose to this group. What if the promise to deport millions of immigrants is just a ruse to have private prison built at an extraordinary scale?
~~~~~ Think of it as legalized slavery! Build prison barracks close to locations where illegal immigrants are a large portion of the population because they work in the fields, or meat packing, dairies. There are already buses & vans that take workers to the fields, it could be just another money maker for the oligarchs in charge of prisons, a subsidiary to the prime business of incarceration. It will be like the concentration camps of Nazi Germany handily placed next to railroads & large corporations important to the economy.
~~~~~Just a thought, but surely I'm not the only one to think that they ginned up their followers to believe that all those illegals would be deported but that they know full well that they are needed & why not take care of 2 problems at a time. Remove them from wherever you want but keep them to pay them even less than they earn now doing the exact same job, only this time they will have overseers with long guns!
How brilliant -- a way around spending that inordinate amount of money on deportations, that wouldn't be the inflationary thing that could get Trump's base angry enough to turn on him for doing something that would increase prices they have to pay.
I'm done with the Forensics and the Dooming and Glooming! Its actually better for us to start working on our mental health to prepare for the difficult road ahead. Laughter helps a lot and I can recommend this movie about two Seattle -based folk musicians who will put smiles on your faces:
Mental health is not the problem. Trump has promised and Trump is delivering. Incredible how many liberals have their head in the sand.
I am sure there were wise men who were smiling and telling Jews to think positive as they climbed abord cattle cars.
The last thing we need are air headed Judas goats.
Kevin Roberts said: The revolution will be bloodless,if the left allows it.
Executive orders are drawn up, probably signed and waiting to be dated, The cabinet and staff have been picked and even if not approved by the senate, they will be appointed as acting,and thus can serve 270 days until approved by the senate, but that will only be a formality by that time.
There are no checks to Project 2025, They own Congress, the Executive, the Judicial and the cowardly and corrupt 4th estate.
What resistance exists in the Judiciary will evaporate in the face of fascist force.
In 1933 there were 4,000 papers in Germany, by 1938 only 1,000 and all took their lead from the Volkischer Beobachter
It is done, the only salvation we have is that Biden uses the power given him by the Supreme Court, immunity for official acts, and derail the train in the last two months, but he won't do it, because he is inept as is his advisors.
Me Sandra, and my community is isolated and democratic. I have a great governor, he Pritzer and Newsom are passing laws, issuing orders to fend off the fascist attack,.
Alas Washington and California have military installations and Trump will, have no doubt, mobilize the military to achieve his goals. and he will have fired the Joint chief of Staffs and Generals that won't take an oath to him, and replace them with toadies from the ranks of careerists and Dominionists. I wouldn't be surprised if he appointed Mike Flynn's brother Charles as Chairman of JCS.
That would be the local press or whatever is left of it. They have already caved to the Red fist. City hall has gone silent too. I am guessing lawyers are on the list. Darkness has been the dusk we have experienced since 2016... the flashlights have been disabled.
It's all very very good. So horrible we are getting mad, at last. Off our butts. I can feel a connection to others as I never have before. It's like an open wound and we are all in it -- the kind of thing disasters call up. This is a disaster and we are all called up!!!!! Please, everyone, subscribe to my Substack, and Thom, read it regularly, with thanks for recommending it. Maybe do that again. Even cross-post to your subscribers:
It takes disasters to get massive changes to happen
Genesis was the creation story invented by men who rebelled against sharing power with women during the millions of years of evolution that have formed our mammal brains. Working against our nature to accommodate men(not all) who will never be able to tolerate equality for all, in harmony with Mother Nature and one another.
This is OUR version of Hell. Trump's version is Adam Schiff being elected President and Jamie Raskin and Kamala Harris replacing Clarence Thomas and Sam Alito on the Supreme Court!
Stocks in private prisons have been going up! I have a "what if" to propose to this group. What if the promise to deport millions of immigrants is just a ruse to have private prison built at an extraordinary scale?
~~~~~ Think of it as legalized slavery! Build prison barracks close to locations where illegal immigrants are a large portion of the population because they work in the fields, or meat packing, dairies. There are already buses & vans that take workers to the fields, it could be just another money maker for the oligarchs in charge of prisons, a subsidiary to the prime business of incarceration. It will be like the concentration camps of Nazi Germany handily placed next to railroads & large corporations important to the economy.
~~~~~Just a thought, but surely I'm not the only one to think that they ginned up their followers to believe that all those illegals would be deported but that they know full well that they are needed & why not take care of 2 problems at a time. Remove them from wherever you want but keep them to pay them even less than they earn now doing the exact same job, only this time they will have overseers with long guns!
Yellow journalism in brought us to Trump‘s version of hell. And the south before Civil War, they would terrorize the area looking for escape, slaves, or runaway slaves as my parents always said we might’ve won the Civil War but we lost the battle now we’re going back to the pre-Civil war.
“Welcome to trump’s version of hell”
What did you expect from the antichrist?
I try to maintain a sense of normalcy as I go through motions of running my business. I fail, miserably. I fail to the point of not knowing what to do, period. I have no sense of how things work, of how business will be...of anything. One week after the election, I am feeling far, far worse than I did as I learned the results.
Every position filled in the administration solidifies the vision of reality that will be on place on inauguration day. Less than two months of any SENSE of normal as I have defined it during my lifetime. After that, all guidelines and guardrails that have held everything together are eliminated. Rules of law are being rewritten.
As Billy says in The Year of Living Dangerously: "What then must we do?" All manner of "resist" exhortations abound. It seems so laughably silly, but these sources are trying their hardest to hold on to THEIR sense of reality. A whole bunch of smart people are doing their best to help people like me maintain in the face of radical uncertainty. Which is the new normal. All rules of conduct, everything. Do I have to adopt the operating system of "take it as it comes?" "One step at a time"? Sanctuary and sanity do not seem to be available, so indeed: What then must we do?
I find no solace in being among like-minded people in this nervous breakdown sort of time. It actually makes it worse.
"The Year of Living Dangerously" is the only movie I ever paid to see twice. The second time I had my pad and pen to write down Billy's dialogue. Billy was me. When he went to his files and took out one of them that didn't seem to have relevancy to the political situation he was embroiled in -- I remember a dying child -- it was because he handled "whatever showed up in his path." The world has shown up in my path now!
Not exactly, because "Hell is empty, and all the devils are here."
Absolutely Brilliant, Louise, I smell a Book of Poems in the Air this morning ☕ Thank You 🙏 and will reStack ASAP 💯👍🤗
Martin Niemöller
First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist
Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me
I am wondering if anyone has given any thought to an underground or surreptitious communication network to keep people informed of secret or unannounced actions or abductions by the new fascist regime? It does not seem at all unreasonable to paranoid to prepare for the worst and be defensive. I have no idea what kind of possibilities might exist or how a system would operate and do not believe I would be able to be involved.
I am going to explore what is forming… lull before the storm…
It will be necessary to out-tech and outsmart the techs working for the fascists. I cannot imagine what kind of network is possible outside of one based on direct people-to-people contact and a lot of trust. We should all assume we are being closely monitored.
One thing that Tim Walz excelled at was extolling the benefits of living in blue Minnesota. Why don’t the blue state governors join together to create a communication platform on radio, tv or social media that inform’s viewers/listeners about the best benefits that each state delivers to its constituents?
Stocks in private prisons have been going up! I have a "what if" to propose to this group. What if the promise to deport millions of immigrants is just a ruse to have private prison built at an extraordinary scale?
~~~~~ Think of it as legalized slavery! Build prison barracks close to locations where illegal immigrants are a large portion of the population because they work in the fields, or meat packing, dairies. There are already buses & vans that take workers to the fields, it could be just another money maker for the oligarchs in charge of prisons, a subsidiary to the prime business of incarceration. It will be like the concentration camps of Nazi Germany handily placed next to railroads & large corporations important to the economy.
~~~~~Just a thought, but surely I'm not the only one to think that they ginned up their followers to believe that all those illegals would be deported but that they know full well that they are needed & why not take care of 2 problems at a time. Remove them from wherever you want but keep them to pay them even less than they earn now doing the exact same job, only this time they will have overseers with long guns!
I’ve had the same thought. They will also be arresting dissidents and anyone who Trump wants to exact retribution on.
How brilliant -- a way around spending that inordinate amount of money on deportations, that wouldn't be the inflationary thing that could get Trump's base angry enough to turn on him for doing something that would increase prices they have to pay.
from J.P
The Kingdom of Moronika
Give me your idiotic teeming masses
Whose minds are as slow as molasses.
Welcome the birdbrains, jackasses, and imbeciles
Into every room of every workplace and domicile.
Don’t waste any time or money in school
That’s only for useless tools and utter fools.
Who still believes in the power of books
Rather than the unchallenged rule of crooks?
Behold the leaders of the unfolding idiocracy
And give up “democracy” for autocracy.
Salute the glorious banner of Moronika
After obsessions with aliens, Tonya and Monica.
We’ve seen a missing intern, burning skyscrapers,
My Pet Goat, President Doofus, dying newspapers,
Homemade bombs, the rise and fall of Saddam,
Just one !?*&^ thing after another. Damn!
And now all hail Emperor Gluteus Maximus!
He and his crack legions are dragging us
Back bigly into the glorious golden past:
It will be unsurpassed, a great blast!
So good!!!!!
I'm done with the Forensics and the Dooming and Glooming! Its actually better for us to start working on our mental health to prepare for the difficult road ahead. Laughter helps a lot and I can recommend this movie about two Seattle -based folk musicians who will put smiles on your faces:
Mental health is not the problem. Trump has promised and Trump is delivering. Incredible how many liberals have their head in the sand.
I am sure there were wise men who were smiling and telling Jews to think positive as they climbed abord cattle cars.
The last thing we need are air headed Judas goats.
Kevin Roberts said: The revolution will be bloodless,if the left allows it.
Executive orders are drawn up, probably signed and waiting to be dated, The cabinet and staff have been picked and even if not approved by the senate, they will be appointed as acting,and thus can serve 270 days until approved by the senate, but that will only be a formality by that time.
There are no checks to Project 2025, They own Congress, the Executive, the Judicial and the cowardly and corrupt 4th estate.
What resistance exists in the Judiciary will evaporate in the face of fascist force.
In 1933 there were 4,000 papers in Germany, by 1938 only 1,000 and all took their lead from the Volkischer Beobachter
It is done, the only salvation we have is that Biden uses the power given him by the Supreme Court, immunity for official acts, and derail the train in the last two months, but he won't do it, because he is inept as is his advisors.
Who in your community do you know that will be waiting for a door to be busted in at Midnight! ?? Devils always wait til dark!!
Me Sandra, and my community is isolated and democratic. I have a great governor, he Pritzer and Newsom are passing laws, issuing orders to fend off the fascist attack,.
Alas Washington and California have military installations and Trump will, have no doubt, mobilize the military to achieve his goals. and he will have fired the Joint chief of Staffs and Generals that won't take an oath to him, and replace them with toadies from the ranks of careerists and Dominionists. I wouldn't be surprised if he appointed Mike Flynn's brother Charles as Chairman of JCS.
That would be the local press or whatever is left of it. They have already caved to the Red fist. City hall has gone silent too. I am guessing lawyers are on the list. Darkness has been the dusk we have experienced since 2016... the flashlights have been disabled.
It's all very very good. So horrible we are getting mad, at last. Off our butts. I can feel a connection to others as I never have before. It's like an open wound and we are all in it -- the kind of thing disasters call up. This is a disaster and we are all called up!!!!! Please, everyone, subscribe to my Substack, and Thom, read it regularly, with thanks for recommending it. Maybe do that again. Even cross-post to your subscribers:
It takes disasters to get massive changes to happen
Turmoil is grist for creating a utopian world
Genesis was the creation story invented by men who rebelled against sharing power with women during the millions of years of evolution that have formed our mammal brains. Working against our nature to accommodate men(not all) who will never be able to tolerate equality for all, in harmony with Mother Nature and one another.
This is OUR version of Hell. Trump's version is Adam Schiff being elected President and Jamie Raskin and Kamala Harris replacing Clarence Thomas and Sam Alito on the Supreme Court!
Stocks in private prisons have been going up! I have a "what if" to propose to this group. What if the promise to deport millions of immigrants is just a ruse to have private prison built at an extraordinary scale?
~~~~~ Think of it as legalized slavery! Build prison barracks close to locations where illegal immigrants are a large portion of the population because they work in the fields, or meat packing, dairies. There are already buses & vans that take workers to the fields, it could be just another money maker for the oligarchs in charge of prisons, a subsidiary to the prime business of incarceration. It will be like the concentration camps of Nazi Germany handily placed next to railroads & large corporations important to the economy.
~~~~~Just a thought, but surely I'm not the only one to think that they ginned up their followers to believe that all those illegals would be deported but that they know full well that they are needed & why not take care of 2 problems at a time. Remove them from wherever you want but keep them to pay them even less than they earn now doing the exact same job, only this time they will have overseers with long guns!
Yellow journalism in brought us to Trump‘s version of hell. And the south before Civil War, they would terrorize the area looking for escape, slaves, or runaway slaves as my parents always said we might’ve won the Civil War but we lost the battle now we’re going back to the pre-Civil war.