I'll tell you what else taxes Corporations did, they supported the Arts, Charities, Museums and local Communities. Community events like Boys & Girls Clubs, Scouts, Fourth of July Parades all for good advertising and good will. I still remember the Texaco Opera Hour on Classical Music Radio. All gone. Instead of being a part of Community…
I'll tell you what else taxes Corporations did, they supported the Arts, Charities, Museums and local Communities. Community events like Boys & Girls Clubs, Scouts, Fourth of July Parades all for good advertising and good will. I still remember the Texaco Opera Hour on Classical Music Radio. All gone. Instead of being a part of Community, Corporations are the parasite that sucks everything of value out of Communities.
I'll tell you what else taxes Corporations did, they supported the Arts, Charities, Museums and local Communities. Community events like Boys & Girls Clubs, Scouts, Fourth of July Parades all for good advertising and good will. I still remember the Texaco Opera Hour on Classical Music Radio. All gone. Instead of being a part of Community, Corporations are the parasite that sucks everything of value out of Communities.