Thanks, Peggy. As a paid subscriber, you can reach me by just hitting "reply" to your daily email with the daily rant; it comes straight to my email box. I'd suggest you delete your post here, as it has your private numbers on it. If you haven't done that by later today, I'll do it for you.
Thanks, Peggy. As a paid subscriber, you can reach me by just hitting "reply" to your daily email with the daily rant; it comes straight to my email box. I'd suggest you delete your post here, as it has your private numbers on it. If you haven't done that by later today, I'll do it for you.
Thank you, Thom. Any interest in my papers? Spectrum people are wide open to the right brain which accesses knowledge from a broad open range, actually the quantum field. Not always good with the left brain linear world of letters and numbers, and social language, they can be reclusive and do poorly in our over-focussed left brain educational and societal world, unless they are allowed to follow their gut inspirations, passions and talents, which then also enables their left brain skills to shape their offering to the world. We need to change all of education in this direction, for all people should be open and using the intelligence of both of our brain hemispheres, following inner passions and talents, the heart playing into this for good, also. Very rejected, bullied and abused spectrum kids, old enough to recognize and retaliate for this treatment, were the shooters at Columbine, Sandy Hook, and Parkland.
Thanks, Peggy. As a paid subscriber, you can reach me by just hitting "reply" to your daily email with the daily rant; it comes straight to my email box. I'd suggest you delete your post here, as it has your private numbers on it. If you haven't done that by later today, I'll do it for you.
Thank you, Thom. Any interest in my papers? Spectrum people are wide open to the right brain which accesses knowledge from a broad open range, actually the quantum field. Not always good with the left brain linear world of letters and numbers, and social language, they can be reclusive and do poorly in our over-focussed left brain educational and societal world, unless they are allowed to follow their gut inspirations, passions and talents, which then also enables their left brain skills to shape their offering to the world. We need to change all of education in this direction, for all people should be open and using the intelligence of both of our brain hemispheres, following inner passions and talents, the heart playing into this for good, also. Very rejected, bullied and abused spectrum kids, old enough to recognize and retaliate for this treatment, were the shooters at Columbine, Sandy Hook, and Parkland.