
Thanks, Peggy. As a paid subscriber, you can reach me by just hitting "reply" to your daily email with the daily rant; it comes straight to my email box. I'd suggest you delete your post here, as it has your private numbers on it. If you haven't done that by later today, I'll do it for you.

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Thank you, Thom. Any interest in my papers? Spectrum people are wide open to the right brain which accesses knowledge from a broad open range, actually the quantum field. Not always good with the left brain linear world of letters and numbers, and social language, they can be reclusive and do poorly in our over-focussed left brain educational and societal world, unless they are allowed to follow their gut inspirations, passions and talents, which then also enables their left brain skills to shape their offering to the world. We need to change all of education in this direction, for all people should be open and using the intelligence of both of our brain hemispheres, following inner passions and talents, the heart playing into this for good, also. Very rejected, bullied and abused spectrum kids, old enough to recognize and retaliate for this treatment, were the shooters at Columbine, Sandy Hook, and Parkland.

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Thanks for this column, Thom, I've felt that way about solar for a long time. What a waste of valuable space (in the form of solar farms or generating plants, and electrical transmission lines,) when so many homes and buildings and already paved-over areas could have their own power sources - in conjunction with existing power facilities (But of course, the existing power interests want to be our only sources of power.) With improving (and less expensive) battery storage, most people could have more power security and independence, although utility-based electric energy might be cheaper - at least for a while.

As far as solar farms - whether private or public - are concerned, much of the land in and around the panels would be partially shaded (by the panels) and usable for growing certain kinds of (less sun-loving) crops, or for other activities...and such uses are already being studied. Personal (or communal) power would be a win-win for many Americans and people elsewhere. Thanks for letting me bend your ear. R Kiefer

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Such great history and direction in this Report. Electrification has taken on a newer meaning too. It is the process of getting rid of natural gas in our homes. There's a wealth of information about how switching to electric water-heaters and cooking stoves will eliminate substantial amounts of emissions, while it will help those within the home breathe better.

One other advantage would be to lessen the risk of fire or carbon dioxide poisoning. During many disasters, homes may survive, but the gas lines rupture causing fires; whole neighborhoods have been lost. This happened when Hurricane Sandy hit the New York area.

Turning to the future, we can also do much in the way of architectural changes using airflow to heat or cool. The segment 60 Minutes just did on November 1st called "The MASS model of community-focused architecture" is wonderful and uplifting. It includes how some brilliant young architects partner with one of my heroes, Dr. Paul Farmer who founded Partners in Health, to help build beautiful clinics and hospitals where they are needed the most.

There are many answers, solar, wind, wave, geo-thermal, electrification, efficiency, and fantastic new battery storage methods. DO NOT let the nay-sayers from the right or the energy industries tell you these are pretty "ideas". The prototypes and projects are happening right now. There is money to be made while saving the world, and inventors are happily doing what they love to do. It's a beautiful thing.

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