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My four years in the Air Force in the late '60s were spent at Whiteman AFB where we had 150 nuclear missiles pointed at Russia. Russia has been America's enemy since the end of WWII until Trump's bromance with Putin began in 2016. Prior to Trump, being a "communist sympathizer" was a political kiss of death .
Yes! BUT, BUT -- he's been "romanced" and "primed" by the Former Soviet Union, now Russia, since the 80's, and in 2013 with his Miss Universe Pageant in Moscow things got even more laser-focused on how to get tRump elected -- tRump is a RUSSIAN ASSET! He's COMPROMISED, a TRAITOR and a HUGE NATIONAL SECURITY THREAT. Look at his ACTIONS if nothing else. We need to be shouting this from the roof tops!
See Craig Unger's American Kompromat -- a main source for his book is a former KGB officer who was inside the system, and David Corn and Michael Isikoff's book, Russian Roulette; We danced around this in 2016, but the evidence really is there. Zarina Zabrisky is another incredible source, find her on Twitter, Byline Times, some YouTube, Radicalized Truth Survives w/ Heidi Cuda, Jim Stewartson & HiFi.
Zarina went through the Russian PsyOp training at Leningrad State University to influence westerners, which she escaped & came to the US. She has some great tutorials on YouTube (I think) about Russian brain-washing techniques. Zarina is reporting from Ukraine now, in great danger.
Add in the Russian MindWar and PsyOp that is going on NOW -- created Q-Anon (Mike Flynn et al), one conspiracy theory after another, exacerbating our own prejudices and the divisions within our country to create fear & chaos. We are paddling uphill as fast as we can.
Once again -- tRump is a traitor and a clear and present danger. With his mental decline, things are getting more and more dangerous by the day.
Why has our gov't not exposed this, shut him down? Are the FBI & others complicit? Don't want to expose other Confidential Informants? Too ossified, old school and institutionalized? Don't want to alarm the American people? Whew!
If people are concerned about Biden, let's get busy and turn the messaging around.
Biden's a GOOD President, doing a great job and urned the economy around. He's got a ton of experience, understands the world, has valuable contacts, he happens to be an honored senior citizen (as we like to say in Portland), and he is not senile.
Contrast with tRump: Criminal, rapist, traitor, con artist, at times delusional, fraudster, grifter, unpatriotic, pathological liar, divider
WOW! So much winning! :-)