Amazing and chilling summary of what traitor tRump really is and how America arrived at this point in history Thom. I can’t understand why so many Americans don’t have a clue and/or willfully ignore his history of criminal behavior. I remember the tabloids back in the seventies and eighties that covered all his infidelities and business…
Amazing and chilling summary of what traitor tRump really is and how America arrived at this point in history Thom. I can’t understand why so many Americans don’t have a clue and/or willfully ignore his history of criminal behavior. I remember the tabloids back in the seventies and eighties that covered all his infidelities and business shenanigans and it didn’t take much to recognized an amoral conman then. I argued and begged people not to vote for him and explained that the Republicans (and tRump) had no platform to help the average American. Of course people I talked to went into the anti Hillary BS propaganda that was spit out there on MSM networks and I tried to explain point by point that if Bernie Sanders didn’t win the nomination then Hillary was extremely qualified also. But they truly wouldn’t acknowledge that most of the stuff about her was exaggerated and total BS. My family did come around to acknowledge that
they didn’t vote for tRump and voted for President Biden in 2020 but they didn’t vote for Hillary in 2016. So that shows the power of lies out in the news and right wing media. I live in a “red” district in S. California so I have friends and neighbors who I’m sure are tRump supporters.
The fact that so many Americans voted him in and believed his BS just flabbergasted me. Really?. I am still disgusted by the stupidity and gullibility of voters and the belief that he would make American lives better in any way. I am patiently awaiting the indictment announcements coming at some point. I have a bottle of champagne set aside to celebrate any indictment- I’ll take anything that makes his life miserable! Petty of me I realize but his criminality must be stopped at all cost and Americans need a reckoning on the reality of electing incompetent amoral scam artists like him.
Before you judge all those who wouldn't believe you Kathy, try to understand their perspective - I can say this because I'm one of them. There has been no transparency in the political arena for so many years, centuries probably, that your average citizen can no longer trust anything they hear or see. They're learning, as I've been learning, that there's always a cover-up of some sort going on, and we, the public, never learn about it until much later, if we're luckly. That's why I applaud Thom for his reporting - journalists like him keep hammering away at the walls of secrecy that are erected to keep us in the dark. So have your champagne if you like, but realize that there's many more like Trump waiting in the wings, who'll continue this practice of keeping us in the dark.
Amazing and chilling summary of what traitor tRump really is and how America arrived at this point in history Thom. I can’t understand why so many Americans don’t have a clue and/or willfully ignore his history of criminal behavior. I remember the tabloids back in the seventies and eighties that covered all his infidelities and business shenanigans and it didn’t take much to recognized an amoral conman then. I argued and begged people not to vote for him and explained that the Republicans (and tRump) had no platform to help the average American. Of course people I talked to went into the anti Hillary BS propaganda that was spit out there on MSM networks and I tried to explain point by point that if Bernie Sanders didn’t win the nomination then Hillary was extremely qualified also. But they truly wouldn’t acknowledge that most of the stuff about her was exaggerated and total BS. My family did come around to acknowledge that
they didn’t vote for tRump and voted for President Biden in 2020 but they didn’t vote for Hillary in 2016. So that shows the power of lies out in the news and right wing media. I live in a “red” district in S. California so I have friends and neighbors who I’m sure are tRump supporters.
The fact that so many Americans voted him in and believed his BS just flabbergasted me. Really?. I am still disgusted by the stupidity and gullibility of voters and the belief that he would make American lives better in any way. I am patiently awaiting the indictment announcements coming at some point. I have a bottle of champagne set aside to celebrate any indictment- I’ll take anything that makes his life miserable! Petty of me I realize but his criminality must be stopped at all cost and Americans need a reckoning on the reality of electing incompetent amoral scam artists like him.
Before you judge all those who wouldn't believe you Kathy, try to understand their perspective - I can say this because I'm one of them. There has been no transparency in the political arena for so many years, centuries probably, that your average citizen can no longer trust anything they hear or see. They're learning, as I've been learning, that there's always a cover-up of some sort going on, and we, the public, never learn about it until much later, if we're luckly. That's why I applaud Thom for his reporting - journalists like him keep hammering away at the walls of secrecy that are erected to keep us in the dark. So have your champagne if you like, but realize that there's many more like Trump waiting in the wings, who'll continue this practice of keeping us in the dark.
Maverick, Always the same, it’s always been that way, nothing to see here, everybody move along.
That is one of the major reasons this shit continues and metastasizes with each new generation.
A good read!