The GOP is now the NeoConfederacy. There's no getting around this. The South has risen again.

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To answer the question posed in your title, Marge Greene (she doesn't merit three names, at least until she becomes a mass murderer) desires attention and she doesn't have enough talent to acquire attention honestly, so she majors in stating outlandish things because she has seen from Trump, that that works for a great many people.

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After MBS comes MTG ?

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Why is it the US (and other countries) still have this 'white man' paranoia. What a joy it is to me to see mixed-race families and black Americans finally finding a way up the ladder only to be pushed back down again. It doesn't work if you want a happy people.

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If cruelty is the point, a "happy" people is the last result desired. We are a country filled with hate and arrogance. Those of us against the racism and needless hate must continue to fight for justice and rights for all Americans. I fear the fight is futile, but, dammit, fight we must.

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Hello Larry.

I have never understood why colour of skin matters except to keep those people impoverished and then filled with anger. I wish sometimes all of us would be black/brown etc so that we experience the same.

I have discovered we are really not very nice at all and that includes people who have a different point of view, being called names.

Yes I think the fight IS futile but like you I do my best.

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It is not just skin color Jenny. Ideology is the worst, and religion is an ideology.

And even if every one has the same skin color, there is ethnic hostility.

Westerners think black is black, but not so in Africa. The Hutu waged a genocidal war on the Tutsi of Rwanda, ethnic animosity. Hutu have round heads and broad noses, they are also shorter than the Tutsi, the Tutsi have gracile heads and narrow noses.

In the 18th Century revolt in Santo Domingo, that we know as Haiti, the first to be slaughtered were the whites, having done that job and driven them out, mostly to Alabama where they founded what became Marengo County, they then turned on the quadroons, then that done they turned on the mulattos'.

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Which is exactly what I said in my last sentence.

We are not nice people and will always find someone we don't like!

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Ain't that the truth. I am an atheist and I read a lot of questions on Quora, I seldom get beyond he questions, because everyone has a belief or opinion and no much interested, but they have subjects like atheism or religions, Ukraine, the Military, and for me they are of passing interest, but I see a lot of Christians asking question like why do atheists hate Christians, such questions are pure projection. atheists don't hate religions, they just don't believe in them, but to people enthralled by an ideology, not believing is the same as hating.

People are the same, one on one,especially the insecure. They make movies and TV series around the concept of someone acting out because they have been sexually rejected.

In these days people hit persons on the head with hammers, SWATT them, harass them, threaten their lives and even kill them, because they perceive them to be a threat, because they reject them,or threaten to reject them, also a motive by the misogynists and their anti abortion ,"family values".

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America is turning into a school playground!

As for religion.....I know I don't need to be a friend or communicate with anyone who is religious because they would never have my ideas.

Yes. It's a mess. I see it on the comments section now more people have joined.

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The absolute worst situation is to allow these white supremacist ( Republicans ) under the ‘ leadership?’ Of the worst president ever, the former,

DJT. The power to further corrupt this Country and its Constitution, which provides for equality under the law.

At this time , our strongest resource is the truth and integrity. A word none of these Magas could possibly comprehend.( integrity) they’ve had no experience with this word and the meaning .

Democrats or other opponents of these perverse Maga republicans, need to start verbally opposing these shoddy policies of the white right . More than anything else, vote .

Make sure you are registered make sure you know how and where your e going to vote and volunteer to assist others in voting .

It’s a moral issue now . Along with a National necessity.

Bigots are coming out of the woodwork. As Trump becomes more chaotic, ( and it is possible) these fellow lunatics are also becoming more unhinged.

This must be countered with the truth of the Constitution.

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Jan 9·edited Jan 9

Trump's zombies want to win the lottery grand prize without even buying a ticket.

1. "I'm male."

2. "I'm White."

So, "Gimme ! Gimme !! Gimme !!!"

But wait . . . These others want a fair shake : Women. Blacks. Browns. Yellows. Reds.

Not so good for uncompetitive White males, hence:

a. Change the rules (e.g., Make the NBA/NFL Great Again !! (read: Lily White))

b. Cheat

c. Threaten

d. Hurt

e. Kill

Meltdown: We are watching a classic, massive psychotic break of people who really don't know their ass from ice cream. They each need a complete psychological workup.

And free transorbital, prefrontal Lobotomies might be in order, too.

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I am proud to be in this fight against racism and fascism. Thanks for this post, Thom!

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My neighbor is Republican, as are most in my vicinity. He said to me, “Do you want a bunch of dark colored people coming into our country?” And, when we were talking about weeding, “Let the Mexicans do it. That’s what they’re good for.”

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Why isn’t this being shouted in the media? Everyone, do your part and share with you TV news stations, ABC, NBC, WXYZ, editors of the papers, just SHARE!! We have to get the word out!

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Jan 9·edited Jan 9

Ron DeSantis is the King of ending DEI.

Diversity is now BANNED in the State of Florida.

Equity is now BANNED in the State of Florida.

Inclusion is now BANNED in the State of Florida.

There will be NO diversity, NO equity, NO inclusion

in the State of Florida.

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She is as nuts as von trump. Living in a non existing world except theirs, permanent state of denial. They all refuse proven facts. They invented the alternative truth. They both (and unfortunately plenty of other corrupted GOPs) belong to the gotham lunatic asylum for the criminally insane. Btw... Does it really exist or did I watch that in some hollywood movie? Note that it is same same nowadays. Lol

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She's less "nuts" and more NeoConfederate.

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I'm gonna use my space laser to hit her right between the eyes.

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Xitter. X first letter in Greek alphabet is pronounced Chi thus Xitter is Chitter, and Ch ios pronouned Sh in chef, champagne, chalet, machine, brochure, parachute and chute.. Pardon the diversion.

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When a few billionaires own more wealth than tens of millions of poor Americans, the poor Americans start fighting each other over jobs. The billionaires are not racist, but most of the poor people of all races are. The billionaires subscribe to the trickle down theory, which does not help the average American worker trying to reach the middle class. The trickle down will cause more crime and violence and poverty and drug abuse and mental illness. I have not heard the autocrats plans for how to deal with the teaming masses of unemployed, impoverished poor people. I really do suspect they are secretly running through their evil little minds, extermination camps for all those they cannot make money off of. Send them to war, give them covid, give them cancer... The poor will be highly replaceable when birth control becomes illegal. The trickle down does not grow the economy for all, just for the extremely rich and that's what really matters. The fascist followers want to steal all of your stuff and take the best jobs. From reading this article, it looks like the fascists are already pushing through the doors of the box store before Christmas.

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I grew up in segregated Jim Crow Georgia, graduated high school in 1955. I’m white but I hated the discrimination. It wa bad for whites as well as Blacks. PV

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Racism is evil. Evil will destroy you. The devil has just tricked you when he gets you to get behind racism. You are thinking you are superior, and all you are really doing is working for the devil and guaranteeing an evil reward(sacrifice) and trip to everlasing hell. Good luck working for this "lover of Mankind"...

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Conservatives do not do nuance. Having a work force based on EDI is valuable as is having diversity in public sector jobs like policing. They really don't GET IT. To them the best test score should give you a job or admission to college. That is their value system. The nuance of embracing all Americans as a business strategy to expand your customer base and get the best work force, apparently they don't get that either.

Most corporations are aware of what EDI does for them. MTG won't admit that. She and the people listening to her still have not figured out that they are the MINORITY. That "R" behind a name now comes with the prejudice and racism they continue to foster.

Just like the head of her cult, Marjorie wants to break any system or person that is bringing about change and true freedom for We the People. We had some great EDI ideas in the '60s, and we are still working on them. The fact it's happening in the work-place, that's smart and profitable.

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