Representative Swalwell finally came right out and said it on the record in the recent Judiciary Committee hearing: "My colleagues, none of this today that you are bringing makes sense—your inconsistencies, your hypocrisy, your sycophancy. Unless you are in a cult. And guys, I'm starting to think you're in a cult."

I have had some serious conversations about what is in it for these people. Or maybe, what does Trump/Putin have on them? Most are educated and accomplished, even though saying that makes me a bit sick.

What you've written today points to power as the pay-off. Power over anyone different or weaker that they want to keep on the outside. Superiority and they will help the dictator determine who is on top.

How big of a fool do you have to be to think a psychopath will bring you along and not gut you just like the government and everyone else? They think they are mixing the kool-aid along with Trump. We really have to call them out just like you and Rep. Swalwell, Thom. November is creeping up on us and so are they.

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Trumps tool of control is blackmail. He either has the goods on them (Ms Lindsey Graham) or his cult will primary them.

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I was born before the US entered WWII, and still remember the atrocities of the Nazis. Tfg is no different from Hitler, he’s trying to keep himself out of prison. He has no other agenda than revenge on those he perceives as enemies. That is anyone who opposes his criminality.

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I was born before WWII and can't remember the NAZI's as I was too young, and though Dad was fighting the Japanese in the Pacific, I had no knowledge of that either.

My knowledge of WWII, the NAZI's and the Holocaust started with in the 1950's I read Time Life books and read Five Chimney's The library is where I learned about the War, the NAZI's and the Holocaust.

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I watched "Victory at Sea" and "Twentieth Century" with my father, a Navy veteran and tool and die maker. I read library books about the war in the Pacific in the fifth and sixth grade. I had tears while watching the D-Day Memorial this morning.

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My father was the adjutant, and a Warrant officer, of the 1st Joint Assault Signal Company, 4th Marine Division, 5th Amphibious corp, during the re taking of Roi Namur, Saipan and Tinian. He caught a Chicom 61 MM between the legs at the Hwanchon Dam, after surviving he Chosin reservoir.

I did my time in Vietnam and don't watch memorials. I don't need reminders, but the general public does.

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Thank you for your service, your dad should be proud!

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D Day occurred 6 weeks before I was born in 1944. My Mother’s brother landed on the beaches of Normandy and survived. He later got lost from his company and was hidden for 6 weeks by a French woman. Then joined his fellow solders by walking in the Rhine River at night, with German soldiers camped on either side. We have to stop Trump and his accomplices in November or we will no longer be free. We must get out the vote to save our country!

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If we GOTV, get out the vote, Biden and the Democrats will win. There are many more democratic voters than republican, but due to work, family, and economic barriers like car won't start or no money for gas, many can't get to the polls. We need to organize and advertise efforts to GOTV. Yard signs are very influential where we live. Even homemade signs put out on election day remind neighbors to go to the polls.

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And we need to get every Democratic voter registered. Especially the young people who have aged in since 2020.

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FT 6 uses data mining, not tax rolls to identify unregistered folk who trend Democratic . Yesterday, I sent 60+ texts in MiamiDade with the voterizer link. Also sent postcards that have a QR code to voterizer. https://voterizer.org/


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What is Field Team 6 doing about voter suppression by tRump and his sycophants.

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We find people who were unjustly removed from the rolls and re-register them.

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tRump and his sycophants will not adhere to a fair democratic election. They are already at work purgiing voters that are black and brown. They will use every voter suppression tactic to keep democrats from voting. What are we doing to stop them?

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You don't have to be a retired psychiatrist to see that DJT is a madman, although we might quibble over the exact diagnoses. I have written about Our Mad King (wannabe) Donald's psychological development and current mental health (or lack thereof) on Greeley's Newsletter elsewhere on Substack, for anyone interested in the subject. Thanks, Thom, for all you do and for telling the truth about our current existential threat due to willful ignorance and complicity by the GQP and the monied scoundrels behind them.

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"Madman" may not be in any version of the DSM, but it aptly conveys his self-aggrandizing capacity for, and track record of harm to others. He may be intellectually impaired, as well as "mad", but he has no shortage of slyness or ability to recruit others to effect his nefarious aims.

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Thanks for the reply! I'm afraid that you and the MSM are giving Our Mad King (wannabe) Donald far, far too much credit for the "slyness" that he has always purchased from lawyers willing to anything, anything at all, for MONEY. DJT's motive is almost uniformly to avoid abandonment and the terror he must have experienced at 2yo, when his mother was suddenly transported to the hospital for an extended stay following the complicated birth of Little Donnie's younger brother, Robert. The GQP supports him as their entertaining public face because he shills for them in every way possible, irregardless of the harm to us or our nation as a whole. And, we must admit, he is a great entertainer. Most of the MSM commentators are still calling him "president Trump", only to hurridly correct themselves. Their brains have worms too, ear worms.

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Doc, I am no psychiatrist, but have had three 2 year olds, 11 great 2 years olds at some point in time, and was myself a 2 year old.

I can't think of anything that would cause some emotional trauma in a two year old.

The only thing I can remember is lying in a hospital bed in a ward, after my tonsils were removed, and being chased by a Billy Goat.

But I am with you as to why the cult worships him. He is their avatar, They see in him the manifestation and reality of everything that he wish for, the savior that assuages their fears and fulfills their needs.

It matters not his flaws,crimes, perversions or what he has done to them, the only thing that matters is that through him they will achieve and maintain white male Christian dominance

And the minorities, be they black brown, gay, and their camp following women, are bought and paid for, just like Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito.

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We now know the truth. What are we going to do about it? The elephant in the room is an uninformed public, voter suppression in all its manifestations to make the election a farce.

I believe we need a million man march on Washington, headed by leading democratic members of congress and celebrities like Taylor Swift to get the youth vote there. Dan Goldman, Sheldon Whitehouse, Jamie Raskin, Thom Hartmann, HCR are just some of the names that come to mind. We're running out of time!

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Thom says all that needs saying, and repeating. There are no neutrals come November. Either you vote blue or you are supporting the fascists and tfg. No middle ground this time. No “protest” vote because you think President Biden is too old or you find one or another of his policies or those of the Democrats not to your liking. Because they HAVE policies, they are trying to strengthen our core values and preserve our institutions. If you sit on your hands or vote red, you are voting to destroy everything those men died for on D-Day and beyond. You are voting for bullies, bigots, and billionaires. Nothing between now and November will change that.

My health is poor, my life narrow as a result, my hold on it tenuous and based on obligation and duty, not because it is in any meaningful way rewarding. A red victory in November will quite possibly trigger a heart attack for me. At least my death and modest life insurance will mean a brief spell of security for my wife, and likely a decent financial bulwark (!) for our grandson. But I will feel a coward on my death bed, because I will not be around to fight with whatever means I have against the darkness that will fall across our country and the world if tfg and the red tide prevail.

All decent, true Americans must vote, and vote blue in November, if we are to keep our country as the work in progress it has been and always should be. If it turns red, it will be lost, almost certainly sooner than later, and irretrievably so. It is that simple, and that important.

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I am in the same boat Roy. It is either Trump or a dictatorship and voidance of the Constitution.

Those who want to flip the finger to Biden and the Democrats will be the first victims of the fascist regime.

Economically I don't see how this country can survive a right wing dictatorship. Our status depends on the commitment, the productivity, the enthusiasm of it's people, and when a Trump dictatorship startes to exact revenge, and carries through with his and Project 2025's threats, the only motivation to get out of bed in the morning will be naked survival.

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OMG! Such magnificent words! Hope you don’t mind I copied some of them down to throw in the faces of some local red traitors (that’s what they are—-I’m not afraid to say it).

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Mudsill is the GOP and 2025 manifesto where over half of American's are to be a permanent lower class living below poverty in order to manufacture millionaires which require the greatest imbalance in the economy to function. Cheap labor as essentially slavery is what supports this system of unearned richness for a few. This explains the policies of the GOP to cut the income of the least. Bullies and cruelty are the characteristics of these individuals. Why does anyone vote for these policies and candidates? Only mentally ill people who enjoy the pain for others could explain this. Not voting is participation in this evil.

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Agreed Clayton not voting is participation in this evil, now sell that to the numb skulls, the idjits who want to give Biden the finger because they haven't had their bucket list filled

Especially those religious and racial minorities that live in the swing states. States that Biden won by a mere 10,000 or so votes,and which they number 100,000. I doubt that when they discover that he meant what he said, and they are rounded up, deported or have their civil rights taken away, that there regrets will do them or us any good.

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Right now it is crucial for all of the media in this country to tell the truth about what the Republicans are doing, namely, they are lying about the trial that was just held in New York on the charges against Donald trump. Trump was found guilty based on the evidence presented to a jury of citizens, his peers, who then voted unanimously to convict him.

The Republicans know perfectly well that there was nothing dishonest or improper about the trial. Everything was done by the book. They just don't like the result, and now they are lying about the trial even though they know better. The media needs to make it clear that that is what they are doing.

And this nonsense talk about getting revenge and retaliating against Democrats because their favorite Republican got caught and convicted of some crimes is very, very dangerous.

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Been reading all morning about D-Day.

Some sites recall the meaningful memories but then make meager reference to transfer to today's perils that we face. Some make no connection, making memorializing near maudlin indulgence, while Rome is already starting to burn. Looking at youths who are reading the memories of D-Day, they do not relate emotionally as do people who were relatedly there; it is simply a cold fact history lesson, of which they are already familiar. They have seen all the John Wayne movies. Good to see Thom see the real salience, the signicance of what happened then as a quick stepping stone to today's dire threats. The blue's generally have a weakness for emotional recall, the red's have no currency for such indulgence. They are as we speak employing the lying, the disinforming, the pushing of hate buttons that all fascists have used. They revel in their political shape-shifting.

It must be remembered that fascist coups are largely successful. Push Thom, not recall. For those who have not made meaningful history's relatables, their torches will lite no needed bonfires. Be here now.

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We are watching "Hitler and the Nazis: Evil on Trial" on Netflix today. It's chilling how the circumstances in Germany after WW I are so similar to what is happening in the US and how similar Trump's personality is to Hitler's. I read the Hartmann report in the morning, then listen to it while walking my dog and get even more out of it the second time. Getting Biden and the Dems elected and reelect isn't going to be enough to correct the ills of society. Hitler wouldn't have been in power if not for inequality and the failed economy. Reflecting Biden and the Dems is only the beginning of what must be done if we are going to get our self rule back from the oligarchs.

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Who are you writing for Gerald, some poetry/prose contest.?Your message is lost with the need to impress.

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Back to telling people how to write? I reread my post sand concluded you know little about poetry/prose.

Also concluded that your need to correct others in writing and offering other unsolicited helpful hints on how to present themselves where you present yourself. I have noticed you telling others how to write. I have also concluded that you have what psychologists state have ripened into severe narcissistic state+-thinking you can crawl into somebody's head and do all their thinking for them. Avcounts

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Accounts for your often gruff impatience and complete dismissals of other peoples belief systoms. I do not write in any way except what comes to me. I do not struggle with phrases or diction. I have no thesaurus. I could suggest you skip my posts, but somehow I believe you slaver at the sight of them, exhibiting another manifestation of narcissistic drive--you don't only want to win--you HAVE to win.

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I am not telling you how to write, and whether I, in your estimation, know anyhing about poetry or prose is of no consequence. Your writings are too damn florid, and the people you may want to reach, lose their interest because you talk over their heads, and fill your syntax with florid phrases meant to impress.

Dismiss me as narcissistic, that is only your defensive mechanisms at play, a wounded animal fights back with the only tools that he has, tooth and claw.

Dismiss my criticisms, and you will, But you waste your time trying to impress.

I would venture that few get past your second sentence.

And that narcissism of which you depict me is surely a projection.

I have written a number of articles, or rather started them, for wikipedia, and early criticism of me was that I wrote in an archaic style, probably because I have read too much of Shakespeare and Chaucer.

I wan't wounded though. I had to adapt and write for the reading public.

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In a world of critics re my writing, you are in a minority of one.

What does that tell you?

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Look, I like you. Your posts, which are full of historical reference, mostly pertinent, sometimes seeming a bit braggadocio, but I am totally tolerant of style. These formats cannot, should not tolerate personal dramas

The times call for serious endeavors and expressions re dire, very real threats. What say you? Willing to stop the personals? Stick to the salient?

Tolerate the cadences of all?

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Now that is a comment with which I concur, even your assessment of bragadacio. Unavoidable, when making controversial comments, often relying on personal experience, but anticipating challenges.

I never attacked you personally. I agree with the thrust of your comments, I really do. I was, so I thought, just offering some friendly advise as to how to ensure your comments are read by others.

Another poster, actually more thanone, has taken umbrage with me, because I critique their style, which is a strong of consciousness, a long, long paragraph,much in the style of Jack Kerouac'sOn the Road, 320 pages, one paragraph, not evenline breaks, reads like the Torah.


Paragraph's should be short, for eye rest, one, contain one subject,not five,ten or twenty.

I've mentioned Liberty Forum before. There was a woman on it, Askel5, a Catholic, self righteous burdened with guilt because she had an abortion when younger. her postings were homilies, full of adjectives and non sequiturs. The only people who enjoyed them were people like her, who belonged to the same cult

My intentions,Gerald,were honorable, I was just trying to be helpful.

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That tells me

That people don't care, because they don't read your comments

That people don't want to waste their time and get involved in senseless arguments.

To tell the truth, I weighed not saying anything, as I knew your reaction, but it is in me to try to be helpful, even to those that don't appreciate help.

Napoleon said: Don't interfere when your enemy is making a mistake.

I did not perceive you as my enemy Gerald. Perhaps I should change that now.

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LOL. Alrighty then.

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The convicted felon is the biggest liar we know. He now has almost the entire American fascist party and the criminal Catholic inferior Court lying for him, about him and through him.

Let's compare:

THE " Convicted felon" vs Biden

Joe Biden is a good president.

Joe is a good man.

Joe Biden is the Opposite of,

the Convicted 💩 felon.

Vote Blue 🌀 VOTE Biden

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High Holy Cathoic Inferior Court, is the proper title.

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Thanks for the correction William. I got the title down. Holy high catholic inferior Court. I have wondered what these high inquisitors were to be called in the holy highs. What are they smoking.... Or is it crack cocaine?

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Let’s face facts:

Joe Biden is a good president.

Joe is a good man.

Joe Biden is the Opposite of,


Vote Blue 🌀 VOTE Biden

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Yes, Yes, Yes, now convince those myopic narrow minded bastardss that won't to flip him the finger, becuse their real loylaty is to their tribe, not to the country that succors them.

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Thom, once again your post offers truths that too many Americans refuse to acknowledge; that democracy is at the cliff's edge, and fascism rears its ugly head more and more every day. It's so much easier to go about everyday life telling oneself "fascism could not happen here". But it can and it will unless we, the people fighting the good fight, remain ever vigilant and never, ever give up on our belief in a democratic America.

The actions of congressional cult members, people who took an oath to defend our constitution, are both infuriating and frightening. Jackson and Jordan on the Intelligence Committee? MTG spewing her vile, evil hatred from the House floor? A complicit mainstream media, both print and electronic making our job ever harder, while billionaires conspireto return the 🟠💩 to the White House for monetary gains. None of this bodes well for November, does it?

We won't give up nor will we give in to threats of violence and civil unrest.

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I am trying to help my children and grands understand this! They tell me that it can’t happen here……

they say we have too many guns in this country and we won’t let it happen. They didn’t think it would happen in Germany either. They don’t understand the subtlety that the Fascists employ until suddenly they are in control. Hungary with Victor Orban is the latest clear cut example.

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My Mom was a first-born American Jew who always worried that America would fall into the hands of Nazi sympathizers. My brother is a Holocaust scholar and professor who spent his career teaching that this COULD happen in America. He's retired now, stunned and so sad at watching hitler's playbook come to life in America, abetted by Putin and a corporate media that is run by how many "clicks" an article or faux news generates.

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Jane tell your children that the guns are in the hands of the people that will make it happen. Sinclair wrote a book in the 1930's, It Can't Happen Here". he was wrong"

Sarah Churchills book: It has happened here: https://www.haymarketbooks.org/books/2418-it-did-


It did happen here https://www.haymarketbooks.org/books/2418-it-did-

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Don Don?

Well . . . He's not unlike a skeevy, dope peddler, except, he hawks White votes.

Cuban Marco, Canada Cruz, Speaker Mike, Flip-Flop Snowe, et al?

They are Donald's addicted vote junkies.

Junkies who are so hooked, they'll sellout the only thing that they have left: Their Country.

Who's married-to-the-mob Donnie's supplier? The Kingfish? The Top Cat of vote scammers?

His scheme's a little bit SOHO. Partially Icelandic. Not altogether Cypriot. It's . . .The Russian Connection.

He's that abominable horseman of the apocalypse: Vladdie "D Cup" Putin, of course.

2017 Flashback:


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And this time there won’t be a D Day, because unlike Germany, we are mostly surrounded by ocean so not a threat to Europe (although they may try to help due to NATO, but it won’t be even close to the impact of our entry into WWII).

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Not D-Day. Spanish Civil War. Beware of the lumpen proletariat.

5th column. Invented by General Emilio Mola during the Spanish Civil War in a radio broadcast on October 16, 1936, in which he said that he had una quinta columna (“a fifth column”) of sympathizers for General Franco among the Republicans holding the city of Madrid, and it would join his four columns of troops when they attacked. The term was popularized by Ernest Hemingway and later extended to any traitorous insiders.

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Thank you for the info, Daniel. I have heard references to the fifth column and didn't understand the full meaning; traitorous Trump cultists within our government.

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That describes, Daniel, at least 40% of America. It is an uphill battle for Field team 6 and us.

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The threat to America is not from without, but from within. If you read Rachel Maddows Prelude. We came close in the days leading up to the bombing of Pearl Harbor, within a hair of becoming a full blind NAZI state.,and it is not wild an unimaginable that Japan could have taken the Western part of America, and eventually Japan and Germany would have duked it out.

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And judges such as Aileen Cannon, Clarence Thomas, and Samuel Alito.

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The minority party( cult) in this country are the Maga ‘Republicans’.

They have no soul. They have no heart.

Destruction of good is their goal.

Remember Vladimir Putin is behind this mess. He’s been overtly threatening , more so recently.

I’m believing the information I’m hearing recently that Trump is his tool to “ destroy America from within “ .

And Trump is owned by Putin.

Elizabeth Grahams Substack is a solid source of information regarding Trumps history with Russia. Also Putin has assisted DJT in the election in 2016 and 2020, as well as the current run.

Trump for whatever reason , and there are many , is a vicious destructive violent threat to this country.

He must be stopped .

Assure yourself of being registered to vote . Help other to do the same . Trumps Maga cult has done all kinds of creative things to suppress voting by Democrats.

We also need to go after the lying Oversight Committee in Congress.

They are continually attacking Democracy and demanding investigations into every leader of offices under this Biden information, spending our tax money on BullShit. While James Comer s criminal activities get ignored . His, as well as Jim Jordan who was involved in Trumps first attempt at a coup, the Speaker who was involved in the planning of the Jan 6 attempted coup. They are busy setting up go the next attempt.

In the time between the first attempt and this current attempt they have brain washed many more cult members. This by repetition of Lies by Trump and his followers. It never stops . Filth pours out of Trumps mouth regularly and his copycat liars repeat the same . This is why many of us feel chaotic and anxious as a matter of course since Trump came into power. He is no longer ‘ in power’ so he runs the show with fascist propaganda. It causes widespread confusion anxiety and violence .

But remember Trump is not really in charge . He’s a felonious criminal. Who needs to be locked up .

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Well said, Patricia.

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Thanks , I appreciate it .

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An excellent discourse and summary Patricia.

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Thank you . I appreciate it .

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