I've said it before, and I'll say it again...white men have been terrified for centuries that Marcellus will drop his hoe, storm the big house, carry off that sweet, pure, innocent, wife (even after 2.5 kids), and she will return the next day with her hair a mess, dress torn up, a satisfied smile on her face, and say, "Billy Bob Khrushchev (he's from Georgia), you never did it for me. Marcellus showed me what all the fuss is about. So I'm dumping you, and we're going West in his wagon/ off to live with his Seminole relatives."

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And, we can add to your list of Oppression's Greatest Hits, what Zionist Israelis are doing to wipe out Palestinians.

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You just had to get in your antisemitism, didn't you Sarah?. Your deflection has nothing to do with Trump's Racism.

The Truth be known there are peace loving, secular and even religious Jews, and the orthodox Zionist Jews were a minority, until HAMAS flew out of Gaza, slaughtered thousands of babies, infants, women, elderly and disabled, raped women and hauled 240 back as hostages to use, along with their own people, as human shields.

So why don't you bitch about the inhuman radical Muslim terrorists Sarah.

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Give us a break Boris, you could care less about Palestine. The issue is just another convenient tool for you and your saviour Putin.

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Is there something we don't know that would explain why the Biden administration keeps sending more weapons to Israel? It doesn't make sense to me.

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He's a long-time Zionist and does not believe the Palestinian people are human. In addition, he believes Israel is some sort of stabilizing force in the region when they are actually a desabilizing force. Finally, he works for the transnational corporations and has a long history of racist policy (eg his 1994 Crime Bill which kickstarted our private prison industry).

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I don't believe Biden doesn't believe the Palestinian people are not human. I don't agree with all Biden has promoted due to political expediency during his long political career. How do you survive in US politics without going along to get along at times. He will be in a position to do the right thing all the time if he is reelected. Let us see that he is reelected and hold his feet to the fire.

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Gloria, I think Biden wants Jesus to come back because Biden is a good Catholic and the only way these parasitic sadistic bastards are going to get to heaven is if Israel is around when Jesus comes back? So much of the separation of church and state.

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And you are a phony and don't care about the Palestinian people. We see you Boris. Trying to create a divide in the liberal ranks, to benefit Putin's dog, Trump.

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Gloria, a couple of things: (1) The military-industrial complex that President Eisenhower warned against is still real. It exercises serious political and economic clout, and there are long-term contracts involved. (2) IIRC Congress has considerable influence over arms sales (and foreign policy in general), so "the Biden administration" can't be held solely responsible.

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Actually those are smart bombs, dumb bombs with kits that modify them to guided bombs. That way they can be directed to a target, where as gravity (dumb) bombs land just anywhere, They are much more effective and reduce collateral damage. I suspect that they will be used in Syria and Lebanon . not Gaza.

Gaza has no need for 2,000 lb bombs or any bombs, since the IDF has chased HAMAS and Islamic Jihad to Rafah.

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All that you wrote makes it astonishing that ANY black person or, frankly, any woman, would support the Faux Orange Excremental. Maybe they are content to “know their place”. More likely,to me, it’s Stockholm Syndrome, identifying with their oppressors. It is pretty obvious that the SCOTUS’s Uncle Thomas gets up every morning, sees his white wife, looks in the mirror and wonders who that black man is looking back at him, since in his mind, he is so obviously white. Sadly, if tfg succeeds in seizing the “White” House again, they will suffer from their delusions. Unfortunately, so will the rest of us. Vote blue in November, for every office everywhere, and do all that you can to maximize the blue vote. But only if you love the values this country professes, and want this country to exist in recognizable form after that election.

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The black Quislings seem to have a couple of things in common, white spouses or sex mates, and profiting well, financially and socially, from being house slaves, as in Django Unchained's Stephen.

Think of the white entrepreneurs who live in a garage on welfare, till they made it big and became ultra conservatives. How many liberal billionaires do you know? It is all about the money. Money to get power, power to keep the money.

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If our elected officials are to fulfill their Constitutional Purpose (i.e., promote our general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty), they must ensure that we invest in a role model public education system available to everyone as well as a role model healthcare system, otherwise equality of opportunity will remain out of reach for way too many of us. In addition, they need to collaborate with our citizens and use best practice-based solutions to invest in and manage our commons. Unfortunately, since money is speech and corporations are people (the powers of corporate personhood), too many of our elected officials choose not to fulfill their Constitutional Purpose, rather they are in office to get reelected, and that takes a lot of hate and fear-filled propaganda.

End the powers of corporate personhood or hate and fear will continue to motivate the poorly educated (and easily manipulated) that Trump grifts for Putin.

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Of course, it is projection. He is going to accuse the BIPOC communities of exactly what he has been doing all of his life. His view of the world does not include anyone else. He only sees himself as a real person. The rest of us are objects to exploit.

The guy is a psychopath through and through just like Putin.

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The rich are salivating at the thoughts of just how much money they could make off of getting rid of the American government and all the poor. When the robber barons start playing favorites there won't be enough jobs to go around and those that can't snag a job that pays enough to live on, because of their color of skin or religious beliefs or disabled or elderly are political views, will then be sent to concentration camps instead of given food stamps.

The larger problem is the war between the ones who have too much money and the ones who have too little money.

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Just think of the millions that will be losing their jobs working for the government. They will all be replaced by right wingy dinghies who are now supporting the tRump to get a job in his new government. That would of course put those who now are working there out of work. Oh they really want to own the lids- literally. They are total unadulterated scum and scum Lords the lot of them from top to bottom. tRump supporters are people that are in many cases out of work and support Trump so that they can get Welfare in the form of government job from the Rump at the cost of taking away the livelihood of millions of other like minorities. This is a sickness, a fascist sickness, that needs to be buried 12 ft under because deep deep deep down there is some good in every fascist. Is that what the rump was trying to say? I don't know..

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Thom, could you do an article on the fascism of Putin? His bigotry, his lies, his assassinations of opposition and defectors.

Here is an excellent article from Comment is Freed substack on Putin the Fanatic, but it doesn't go far enough, devling into Putin. Trump gets a lot of in depth play, from his immorals, hypocrisy, perversions and grift to his criminality, but there is a shortage of in depth of Putin


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Holy Feces, thanks for that Robert, I wonder who else has bought SPAC shares

Trump really is Putin's bitch.

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I've written about the Jungian collective racial subconscious, "hero with a thousand faces" theory many times. I'm no psychiatrist, but hatred is visceral. The amygdala is the organ that invokes the fear factor. With a lot of people, maturation, or maybe emotional age and peer pressure are major factors.

Anecdotally, "Trump likes dogs" and "Trump stole from kids with cancer" ameliorates the hate with some MAGATS.

Exhibit A. https://rvat.org/

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But Trump hates dogs. Dogs can smell him, (so can people if they got close, the smell of sweat, old age, make up and feces in his Depends.

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Especially the latter.

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Yep. I thought it was just a slam, but I read it from a person who was an associate

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Thanks, Thom, for an article on the whiney little bi**ches of the Trump butt kissing GQP. However, the irony is that 66% of Americans are "white", 19 % are "Hispanic", and only 12.9% are "Black". So much for the Replacement Theory.

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The replacement theory will be replacing the unhealthy with the healthy and exterminating the unhealthy, and undesirables. Regardless of a race. The robber barrons, have never been known to kill a healthy worker just for the fun of it. Unless of course they work them to death.

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Sorry, Bob, but you're referring to "eugenics", a very different kettle of fish.

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No - I agree with Bob. The MAGAt’s are/ will be attempting to practice eugenics. They just aren’t calling it that. Even Nikki Haley was saying “America is too old”. Why cut Social Security? Or Medicare? Why keep attacking the ACA? White men are the best paid in this country and the most likely to have a pension. Why are affordable housing programs blocked? So more people can die on the streets? Where are the mental health programs that even the Republicans say are needed. They aren’t available for poor people - because those in existence are full. With the price of cars and the lack of public transportation poor and low income people can’t get to a doctor. Why are the MAGAt’s attempting to cut supplemental food programs while demanding women carry fetuses they don’t want.

It’s eugenics just like it was with the Nazi’s. They didn’t just kill the Jews. They also eliminated all the other undesirables - like the handicapped.

The MAGAt’s want more slave labor, but when those slaves get sick or old or are handicapped - the MAGAt’s let them die - naturally - but let them die nevertheless.

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Amen Kay!

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Judge Eileen Cannon’s husband,

Josh Lorence, worked for Florida based ex New York mobster John Rosatti.

❗️John Rosatti is Trump’s lifelong friend, and current contributor.

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Do you have a link to document that?

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I replied by email with a screenshot

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I do not. I shared a photo (only) from a group post. Sorry

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Since, in his broken brain, many of us are "vermin," let us pray (hourly) that Donald never gets ahold of any, ANY amount of Zyklon-B pesticide.

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Sir okie dokie, I just researched cyclone b and it was what the Germans used on the Jews in the concentration camps. Thanks for educating me.

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White male privilege was built in the need of protection as being justified by the realities of society. It is the institutions of culture to normalize behavior that unconsciously underpins forms of slavery of the mind. This has always been forms of getting society to make labor saving devices for male control of the needs of society. Control of women lead to male and female roles that save males from forms of daily living labor. The division of labor allowed both brains of humans to get smaller and less an energy burden (eating) that gave both an evolutionary advantage. The growth of both male and female brains for the last 75 years simply comes from forms of equality such as men doing more parental care that traditionally for men to not needing to know as my grandfather never had. The larger brains require more energy (food) but there is not any competition anymore and greater height and weight are sure to occur in the near future from 150 lbs and 5' 10" to 200 lbs and 6' to 7'.

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I would offer that this government and its media is being run by fear and hate of Trump, while Democrats exercise their racism against Muslims. I did get a Biden-Harris campaign e-mail soliciting "Dark Brandon" merch on April Fools to shoe those Republican jokers.

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So far Barry, the department of Justice has not prosecuted any of the insurrectionist of ringleaders and waited two years to start prosecuting Trump and is giving him every break they can to get him elected. Your poor little poopy pants could turn American into a living hell.

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Thom: I just tried to comment on "Is the Republican Argument against Women Voting Getting New Traction: but can not. When I clicked on comments there were 0 Comments. I just renewed my subscription, am I locked out from commenting, if so then why? Also something happened with google mail. I no longer get your notices, likes and comments in my inbox, but in Promotions.

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Hi William - as you were able to comment to ask your question, shows that your subscription is all in order, as otherwise, you would not have been able to ask.

As for the Gmail, that is down to your Gmail account deciding where to store the email when it arrives on your machine and not to do with the way it is send by the system.

Any other questions, please let me know via webmaster@thomhartmann.com

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Actually I asked the question on yesterdays post by Thom, The problem is with Today Apr 3, Article "Is the Republican Argument Against Women Voting Getting New Traction" I can't comment on today's threat, but I can comment on any past thread.

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Google Mail has been doing that to me for over a year. Guess what Google is a dear dear friend of Donald J the Rump. What do you expect his friend to do? There are other email Services out there. Maybe it's time to try one.

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I have two browsers and two yahoo and google accounts.

My google inbox is almost empty and everything now shows up in Updates and promotions, this reply of yours showed up in promotions. And search as I might I can't correct it.

Thanks for the heads up on Google and Trump. Not surprised.

By the way. I have been unable to post a comment on the Apr 3, Thom Hartmann Article, apparently corrected today

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OK, the authoritarian connection is important, but Trump is capitalizing (literally) on something that's been a significant current in U.S. politics at least since the mid-1960s. Plenty of white people saw the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts as "reverse racism." The rest of us saw those acts as the early steps toward reversing the racism that's been endemic since before the USA was established. Its first cousin is "reverse sexism," which likewise is the squawking of a group being told it has to give up the privileges it's long taken for granted. The Republican Party has been dining out on both since the '60s, but it didn't organizing its platform around them till the Reagan administration. Now I wondering if it was "reverse racism" and "reverse sexism" that set the GOP on the road to anti-democracy, aka authoritarianism, rather than the other way round.

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I replied by email with a screen shot

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