Trump, the master of delaying tactics, will die of old age before he is brought to justice or jailed.


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IMHO he will lose the election and split for UAE.

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Donald will leave his sycophant brown nosers in charge while he awaits coming back to make everybody unhappy except those who worship him.

Donald's Cult is spread all over. The Supreme Court, lesser judges, attorney generals, FBI, secret service, post office and I highly suspect Homeland security in the CIA? And everywhere else in the alphabet soup.

We need to take our government back from the thugs and traitors! We have to win the Congress and the Senate and rearrange the Supreme Court!!! We need to arrest all of the never gone hungry a day in their life mistreated traitors. They just really need a real man to tell them what to think and do. Thinking for themselves doesn't work out too good. Crazy parents raise crazy children...

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Well , well, well. Once again Republican criminality in Office. Now, there’s a surprise. How has Bill Barr , the common thread in all of these heinous cases , not been called out on his putrid political stunts covering years of Republican corrupt rule.

Bill Barr is corruption itself and he goes gloatingly off into the shadows he created . But now that we know he’s there and where he has been , it’s time for Biden to make a statement about corruption in our government, courtesy of That ‘ Grand Old Party’ aka Maga .

Please , Joe, use names.

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5 year statute of limitations.

In case you haven noticed by now, I'm not big on Congressional investigations. Too much politics, very little justice. I believe that the justice department should be all over this, as well as a lot of other Barr interventions, like the coverup of the Italian CIA investigation of Trump, suppression of the Mueller investigation, even the jailing of Michael Cohen to suppress his first book.

Collaterally, Barr is still practicing law and litigating his law license could be the source of compelling discovery .

Besides Barr, Jeff Rosen and other DOJ types may/may not have been involved. In February 2020, former U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia Jessie Liu resigned from the Treasury Department after Trump withdrew her nomination to serve as undersecretary for terrorism and financial crimes. News reports suggest that Liu’s resignation and revoked nomination were related to Trump’s dissatisfaction with her work as U.S. attorney — specifically, Liu’s perceived lack of involvement in politically sensitive investigations, including the cases of Trump ally Roger Stone and former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe.

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Don't forget Barr's involvement in the Epstein mess. That's another entire can of worms. Barr's Father hired Epstein to teach at a Rich Private Boy's School and they both were fired. Why? But Epstein's new career seems to have started afterwards. Alexander Acosta who got Epstein off and became Trump's Secretary of Labor was from Barr's Law Firm. And Barr was in charge of the Federal Prison System and visited Epstein before he committed suicide. In addition one of the two missing prison guards was killed in a hit and run a week afterwards. Barr immediately went to Epstein's home the day after the suicide. This stinks big time.

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Statute of limitations has run.

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I am almost finished binge watching Billions, I know it is dramatization of reality, but it is also enliightening, the intermeshing of money and politics. The wheeling and dealing behind the scenes, the vendettas, the compromises made. It is a wonder that anything good comes of elections.

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I couldn't stand it. My dad was an assistant DA, DA, special prosecutor. My wife once worked in the public corruption section of DOJ. I grew up with this stuff.

I may be naive, but I still believe in the rule of law. Everything is aspirational. Corruption can be fixed. The perfect is the enemy of the practical.

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I qualified my statement about Billions with "dramatization. Just like war movies are over dramatizations of real events.

When you watch a war movie you see, hundreds of "events" in two hours, and all associated with one person,or platoon or company. Those events did happen, but not to the person, the platoon,the company in the time and place in the movie.

They were spread out and happened at different times. I spent a year in Vietnam

I was deployed to over 20 locations and I saw shit that happened at different times in different locations, I even saw ROK's throw a VC out of a helicopter, I saw Puff unleash it's mini guns. And on the night of Tet I watched a Cobra, hanging not more than 50 above the house in which I lived, spit out 20 mm grenades and spray the graveyard with it's minigun, while I was dressed in black pajama's, I had just been awakened and rushed to the roof. I've seen what a bee hive round fired from a 105 mm howitzer can do to a platoon of VC (not pretty). I smelled and saw the 72 body bags of a company of the 173rd Airborne brigade, lying outside the mortuary tent at Dak To,and that's only part of what I have personally seen, and that was only one year.. Hollywood would compress all of that into one movie, about one person, platoon or company.

Same with Suits and Billions. After I retired I had a job as a law firm adminstrator, I got a taste of how law firms operate. Billions maybe fiction, but it does depict the attitudes, the mentality, the wheelings and dealings of hedge funds, private equity funds and the politics that goes on behind the scenes.

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We watched a few seasons of it. If that show is not an exaggeration, we need to figure out how to change the economic system. The question is how?

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By empowering state and federal oversight committees, cabinets and prosecuting attorney's., but money reaches out and corrupts everything.

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History has demonstrated pretty clearly: Republicans have no idea how to govern, but they know how to rule.

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I am over the moon, Harris just selected Tim Walz as VP. The conservative ex Republican never Trumpers of the Bulwark and Lincoln Project were pumping for Josh Shapiro, a conservative Democrat, But Josh would have cost Harris the Muslim vote because he is Jewish. Muslims are the swing demographic in the swing states of Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, along with black males, who sympathize with and many are Muslim.

Muslims threatened to vote against or sit out the election of Biden ran, because of support for Israel, that would have transferred to Shapiro, Harris is stepping out of Biden's shadow when it comes to Israel.

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Bill Barr is a vampire. Hopefully I'm not becoming an untethered weird ass for noticing he's an eternal servant to the profane. Bill Barr is a timeless and tireless angry-inside bridge troll ferrying America's worst specimen's to safe harbor beyond the reach of the law. Looks like donald Jester trump is his most recent passenger.

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Faustian bridge troll 🧌😈

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Aug 6Edited

Is it amateur hour or expertise when you get yourself a pardon before you are charged? Good old-fashioned corruption, Bill Barr style. He is a consummate liar.

Many people wondered why Barr came back to DC to work anywhere near that idiot Trump. It had to be money, and we're not talking about his salary as AG.

You can bet that money isn't in any account we will ever find. As usual, some billionaire crook (who could be anywhere in the world) knows the truth, but WE will never hear it. The fixer has f-ed the American people again.

The burden of proof is a bitch, and as a lawyer, Senator Durbin knows losing these fights has a cost too.

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Since the JFK assassination the Republican party has taken it upon themselves to turn into a criminal organization. They ARE the ones who have orchestrated the theft of trillions of dollars from the American people.

Committing treason and befriending any dictator, communist or capitalist to enrich themselves and their friends and relatives.

Free trade, trickle down, unfunded phony wars, corporate welfare, union busting immigrant labor, capitalist healthcare, interest on the national debt, offshore banking, annual bloated military budgets, bank and savings and loans bailouts, and much more! Over 100 trillion dollars the last 60 years in my humble opinion, stolen from the middle class and the working poor.

When an employer hires thugs he should expect to be robbed. The"family values party", overlooks dishonesty when they benefit for it. They are products of faith-based phony religions, unlimited greed, a weak judicial system and poor parenting.

Only when liars start getting flogged in public, rich and poor, will we be able to afford the thugs rehabilitation and attempt to progress and evolve. Faith, confessions, unlimited greed, is a recipe for a dystopian hell on Earth! Salvation must be earned by doing more good than evil, if a human race is to survive.

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Bill Barr is an Opus Dei Catholic

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If you check his genealogy, he is the modern version of Torquemada, the grand inquisitor of the Spanish Inquisition. If the white supremacists take control, he'll be first to go to the gas chamber.

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It’s hard to imagine Dick Durbin or Merrick Garland showing interest in any of this.

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Tell me who signs the paycheck and I will tell you what opinions they hold

Go to opensecrets.org and search your favorite Congress critter and senator

Here is Dick Durbin's: https://www.opensecrets.org/members-of-congress/dick-durbin/industries?cid=N00004981&cycle=2010

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Less an Atty General than an ongoing FIXER:

Barr made many a Faustian transaction in his "career" at DOJ.

The man sold his soul to various Whitehouse Devils. He gleefully whored-out his intellect.

His integrity? He has none, hence he sold out America, as well as the legal profession.

Clearly, he has a "Coverup" fetish.

Trump called him a "Gutless Pig." . . . I'd say that "Gutless Pig" is not harsh enough.

"Rotten? . . . Commie? . . . Rat Bastard?" Still not harsh enough. Scum? Too mild.

Barr also, illegally, put the nearly released Michael Cohen "Back" in the clink, for not promising to give up his 1st Amendment rights regarding everyone's favorite entertainer, the main miscreant himself, the one, the only, (Thank Christ !!!): Mad King Donald the Orange.

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Trump criticizes many groups and organizations and individuals that actually help him. It is just part of his being persecuted game and pretending to be an outsider and not part of the deep State, when he is the largest head of the deep state.

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When people ask why I am not a fan of Republicans I tell them: Nixon with Agnew having to resign, Watergate. Reagan with Iran-Contra. George HW Bush pardoning the Iran Contra criminals. And poor, Olly North, the Colonel that took the fall for the whole thing. Then there's "W" with Iraq, & Halliburton getting the bid-free contracts on any number of things. Eric Prince with his Blackwater "contractors" that operated outside civil & military law. And the Coup de Grace, trump. The felon-in-chief! That's why I'm not a fan of Republicans!

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Thank you Thom for the historical recap. I was trying to recall these facts as I knew it tied into what was happening now - and you just provided it!

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Hard to imagine Biden going after them

( after all Biden appointed Elliott Abrams to one of his advisory staffs last year ) .

Garland ? Are you kidding !

Even back in the day of Truman they didn’t

go after members of Congress that were in the pocket of German Propaganda Merchants- same old story . But don’t try this at home if you are just a nobody.

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Blows me away how the voters of Trump's MAGA pals will march in lock step to oppose some illusionary Deep State, of which they have no evidence, and ignore the facts of the actual Deep State because it is in their own backyard. If you live in a system within which you have to enforce morals, through laws and/or police state, then the system itself is corrupt. History has proven that only those who choose to put themselves at risk to make quality changes can alter an entrenched system.

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I indulge here in a reaffirming fantasy that Harris, once elected, will complement her former, full-stop trouncing of Barr, the first ever to de-smug his arrogance, when on national TV she left him mumbling, scattered, unable to even respond to her dissemination. But fantasy it is because Barr is too far above the usual recognized reigning opporatives that pull the long strings of the current coup that has been in the hopper for years, if not decades. All the silent, most powerful forces would come to his rescue. Couple this with the fact that the presidency is not a prosecutorial entity per se; she will also be tempered by the visits manned by what is cryptically to as the black frocked men, who are really real and represent the whole big cannons of the biggest money, who will lay out the invisible lay lines that cannot be crossed. Obama, in his great dreams, was clipped in this manner. The biggest money is not above talking about stray bullets. Should Harris immediately fire the mist-dwelling Merrick, who hovers over Justice nearly invisible to the public's searching eye, my hopes would soar, my fantasy realized. If not, keeping this Republican prick in office. it would confirm that the current game will go, largely unchanged unchangable.

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