It is plainly obvious that the Jan. 6 insurrection (DC courts have designated it as such) was only part of a coordinated and extensive plot to overturn the election and retain Trump in office, allowing the Republican Party and its careful owners to rig the future elections in such a way as to retain minority power indefinitely. I don't know how many people should be removed from positions of power and authority for participating in this plot, but it certainly must run into the hundreds if not thousands.....all the Defense Department officials and Secret Service members who wiped their phones in violation of government rules and orders, all the members of Congress who aided the rioters, and who voted to reject the legitimate electoral votes from the states. I know the Democrats do not have the stomach to conduct such an investigation and apply the necessary punishments, so the answer to your question is likely "YES", the truth, the full truth of Jan. 6, will go unknown in the future.....

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Sep 14, 2023·edited Sep 14, 2023

Yes, what you're saying is obvious is laid out in detail in two indictments. Although it's not covered well in msm or (so far) in this forum, thise indictments tell a huge story that the public did not have before. As for members of congress and others that so far aren't named or referenced in indictments, we will need to wait a few weeks or months, and we'll know all about that too.

I really don't get this article that Thom wrote today. The premise is completely bunk, because while there are always parts to stories that go uncovered, we are learning and will be learning all kinds of things about Jan 6 that we wouldn't know in the absence of these indictments and cases.

Someone might need to explain why this is called the "Hartman REPORT" when its recent pieces all tend towards speculation. It's following a msm form which asks questions and speculates, and where leaving enough room for the potential (or allowance) of gap-filling conspiracy theories is at least as important as reporting on what is actually already KNOWN to be FACTS.

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I actually thought Thom's format of using questions was quite brilliant. It's the way I'd like to write something that could be controversial - that way the thought is being put out there, but without adding any personal prejudice the author might parlay. Like saying here's the situation, but I'll frame it in a question, that way you, the reader, decide on whether you think it's truth or conspiracy.

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Sep 14, 2023·edited Sep 14, 2023

Like if I let go of my keys and write an article entitled "will I ever know why my keys fall all the way to the ground?" Well yes, we do know, and sorry no this is not a jfk movie to be made by Oliver stone.

No these legal proceedings are not the jfk assassination at all, and that's simply a false, erroneous comparison esp because of how much important details are being revealed that both msm and forums like this don't cover at all.

Understood that the article doesn't claim it will be like jfk assassination - it just raises the question - but that's a stupid question!

See, I don't remember any email surfacing that laid out how Oswald would get his gun or where he would be located and where any of the shooters would be located on the day JFK's motorcade came through Daley Plaza. I just don't remember that email. But we have such an email for Jan 6, it's just not known in this forum!

The headline refers to "January 6"as a topic, but what is the topic? No doubt the topic has been characterized as what we saw on TV about people rioting and breaking in at the capital and a bunch of people in the Congress that gave them tours and showed them around in previous days.....but that's no longer the essence of the "known" story! The known story now is a huge new one that starts with a December 13 email from Chesebro to Eastman laying out how they would attack and undermine election results - this forum has never even mentioned that email and therefore Hartman isn't even really talking about the real story of January 6 here!

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I think part of our problem with Americans’ short term memory of the tRump s*hit show is the culpability of the MSM in their failure to present the danger to democracy from the trumpet/ MAGAT base. So much reported on the corporate owned networks were click bait entertainment focused segments that rarely delved into anything substantive regarding tRump’s criminal acts in plain sight. Even documenting tRump’s 30,000+ lies was pointless to many because the majority of Americans don’t pay attention to anything substantial. From tRumps first appearances in 2015 starting his campaign, red lights were flashing but the gutless Republicans, the MSM and HRC detractors willfully ignored his unfitness for office. It’s all been treated as a televised wrestling contest with tRump as the pre-ordained winner. So we have a massive public numbness to the real threat by fascist -leaning legislators actively destroying public trust in government and setting up their corporate owned crowned leaders to rule the rest of us for life. I hope the upcoming trials are televised and on prime time for the rest of 2024 and beyond because Americans need to see for once the reality of how badly this criminal rapist conman has conned American voters.

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As regards the corporate media siding with the right wing, it is because money Trumps all.

If it leads it bleeds, conflict gets eyes and clicks, which the monopoly that handles ad placements depends on.

The problem for the craven money hungry media, is that an independent media has no future in an autocracy, be it some tin pot dictator, NAZI Germany, Xi's China, Un's N. Korea or Putin's Russia.

The creature they created will eat them.

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Sep 14, 2023·edited Sep 14, 2023

In law school first year criminal course one learns about inchoate crimes, one learns that aiding and abetting a crime makes that person a criminal.

This is a point that will never see anywhere but in these kinds of forums and it's a point that should be yelled and screams from the rooftops.

Perhaps at some point some American will ask - ummmm why, and based on what standards, do these companies get broadcast licenses? (Not holding my breath for it though)

None of this would've been possible without the assistance of Fox News, Twitter, and all the rest of it, who to this day carry every bit of lies and misinformation put out by these criminals and who normalize them and provide cover for them at every turn, all for increased profits.


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It has been so long will even televising the trials be meaningless?????????????????/

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Give us a break. People wait longer at shake shack. What do you base your expectations of timing on? Presumably something other than the way these types of cases typically work in our legal system. Please tell us EXACTLY what leads you to think "it's been long"?

Again, like my response to other comments here I will say that you won't hear any person who has any familiarity with the DOJ or the prosecution of federal and state crimes say anything like this. But if you do, please cite them.

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What a, literally, chilling letter this morning and what a gut-punch the 'punchline' packs!! This is the newsletter I have been hoping to have for all this time, wondering where was the outrage and subsequent accountability? Yes, we are still wondering, but the outline needs to be in front of us - thank you Thom!

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Garland needs to be removed from office immediately before the statute of limitations runs out for sedition in just 5 years.

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Sep 14, 2023·edited Sep 14, 2023

This comment disclosed a general unfamiliarity with the cases that have been brought, what's in the indictment, the thousand-plus cases already successfully brought, seditious conspiracy cases successfully completed and the entire approach to the ongoing prosecution of these cases.

You won't see or hear anyone with legitimate legal credentials say anything like this (because it's so erroneous) but you will see commenters in this forum make the same false claims despite lots of information to the contrary.

People unfamiliar with the ongoing cases are still in yesterdays world thinking about Jan 6 without knowing much about anything that has transpired in the legal system since then, which on a day be day basis is often described as drinking from a firehose, as there is so much of it! Unfortunately not much in this forum though.


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Thanks Bob, I forgot all about the Statute.

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Alarming is right and shows what a lawless/freckless nation we are to allow this insurrection/treason activity not to be addressed immediately but has taken 2-l/2 years and the leaders in our government have not been jailed only their dutiful followers. All those names should be convicted and in jail awaiting trial but no even the convicted don't go to jail where you and I would be if we had done such a treasonous act.

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Thanks for bringing out that Tuberville is definitely a Jan6 plotter - it's obvious what he is doing now - and I think something needs to be passed to enable the Pres to remove this powers or some other committee do that - there HAS to be a way around his control of the situation !!! This is dangerous territory - these Repubs are hell bent on taking over !

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You have ask extremely important questions.

Why didn’t our federal police, investigative, and military agencies do anything when they knew full well in advance that an armed mob was coming to the Capitol to try to overthrow our government, and that many within the mob were armed and willing to kill (and did) to try to accomplish their goal?

Why, afterward, did the Secret Service and the Department of Defense wipe their phones so the data could never be retrieved?

Why has there never been a public examination of most of this? What did then-and-now FBI Director Christopher Wray know, and when did he know it?

Why are so few people openly speculating that corrupt individuals — possibly only a handful — within the FBI, Secret Service, and Department of Defense may have participated in a plot led by Donald Trump to overthrow our government? And how many of Trump’s stooges are still in our government, perhaps waiting for his return?

Why isn’t our media pursuing these questions?

Is it simply because treason is such an unimaginably heinous act? Does journalistic integrity require them to await “smoking gun” evidence that, at the very least, some people within these organizations were knowing or unknowing participants in Trump’s plot to become America’s last president? Is it fear of losing sources in these agencies?

These are all questions we must demand answers to. We deserve to know the truth.

I have another question or two.

Why is it that these justices are allowing all these stall tactics to keep pushing off the trial dates of Trump and his co-conspirators?

Has our justice system gone completely to hell just because there’s someone that’s actually screwed up and been charged, inducted, arrested, and booked not once, but 4 damn times, and just because he’s who he is, the justice system just quits working?

If I go out here and commit treason am I going to get treated this same way?

Am I going to be indicted, arrested, booked, released so I can threaten every judicial person working in my case, influence the jury pool on social media and all the television networks, and commit a crime every time I open my mouth?

Am I going to be able to do all this and stall my court proceedings until forever, or until I die, so I never have to go to trial for my crimes I’m accused of?

This is all a crock of bull💩💩💩💩!

If this was you, or I, that’s committed these 91 felony counts, facing over 500 years in prison, we wouldn’t see the light of day until after trial, and then it world only be the light of day we saw as they took us from the jail to the van transporting us to the federal penitentiary!

As for the happenings up to and including January 6th, that was a farce frim the get-go. That was so screwed up that it hurt to watch it. Those officers at the Capital were set up. By whom? That’s yet to be determined, acknowledged, learned, disclosed, or whatever you want to call it.

Thus is strictly my opinion on how this went down.

President Frumpy had his “people” ( actually I call them his 🐑🐑🐑🐑) in place as the head of the FBI, Secret Service, and in the Pentagon. As the ‘chatter’ came in, some of the wrong Senators learned of it and called in their Senate leaders to let them know and to get something done to protect themselves and everyone else. Nothing was done, because nothing was supposed to be done.

If we recall, at that time, Moscow Mitch was in Frumpy’s hip pocket. He was one of his ‘doers’. If Frumpy said “jump” they’d want to know “how high!”.

So, Moscow Mitch was warned, but that warning stopped there. He was well aware of what was fixing to happen on the 6th, just like Josh Hawley, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and two dozen others in the House of Representatives and the Senate. Every one of them knew that Frumpy had armed extremist coming to assault the Capital on January 6th. Every one of them knew that the building was going ti be destroyed. Some of them gave “tours” to the extremist groups prior to that date so they could familiarize themselves with the layout of the entire building. These “tours” were even conducted in parts of the building where tourist are not allowed! All this was on security tapes, revealed by the January 6th Commission.

Torte wasn’t going to be any law enforcement ‘backup’ for the Capital Police officers on the scene. They weren’t supposed to get riot gear, arm themselves with nothing more than their regular sidearms. And, they were given the order not to engage the attacking crowd.

All this was the mistake of the Capital Chief of Police.

What he should have done was notified his supporting agencies that the Capital was under siege, and needed all immediate assistance, then got on the radio and gave his officers the order to engage with deadly force if necessary to hold them off as long as possible. Assistance had been called.

I orimuse you, if a dozen or so of the rioters had been shot attacking the Capital that day, then the rest, except maybe the extremist, would have scattered like flies!

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Sep 14, 2023·edited Sep 14, 2023

There is a massive conspiracy which we now know had over 40 people working on it and we will know more and more about that. There's so much detail about this that's been disclosed since the January 6 report came out and primarily that is through the two (dc and ga) indictments and the various statements that have made made by the prosecutors in various court proceedings.

This is a backwards upside down article today that tries to take a situation in which the public has learned really really important information and is almost on a daily basis learning more and more important information - and characterize at all as "oh we don't really know much", and will never know the full story.... when this Hartmann report forum has failed (maybe due to summer vacations?) to cover what has been disclosed in the indictments! In the standards we used to have for media in eg the watergate era - the information and related stories covered by these indictments would fully blanket min stream media every day and night.

Former prosecutors and acknowledged experts on the criminal justice system pretty much call Smith's work a "masterpiece," and perhaps at some point someone will bring this to the attention of readers of this daily "report". Instead we see all these complaints about dithering and timing by people who literally know exactly nothing about any of this.

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What if in your hypothetical scenario, the small-town police force (white) knew that the gang of bank robbers (also white) was planning to use the loot to fund the (white) police benevolent association?

So many of the supposedly inexplicables become clear, or at least clearer, if one takes racism into account. For instance, the D.C. National Guard and the Capitol Police have a significant Black membership (and may be majority Black -- I don't know), so of course the white insurrectionists and their allies want to restrict their resources and their mobility. Look at the looniest members of the loony Freedom Caucus, the ones who clearly engaged in suspicious activities in the run-up to 1/6: these people are not now and never have been supporters of civil rights or economic justice for non-white people.

It's no secret either that there are hotbeds of white supremacy in the military, and the FBI has been dominated by white Republicans top to bottom since the very old days. Take a look at where the GOP is now, and it's easy to imagine that some of that extremism is currently festering in its ranks. It's misleading to think of these people as "corrupt" if "corrupt" suggests pursuing their own individual interests. I suspect many of them think they're saving the country from multiracial barbarism.

As to why the MSM isn't investigating more thoroughly -- well, they seem to think that calling out racism, even extreme white-supremacist racism, is being "divisive," and of course we can't have that unless we can both-sides it and point to extreme Black nationalism to balance the scales (which it doesn't, and can't -- nowhere close). If that's not enough, there are plenty of people in influential places who have the power to limit investigations and keep disagreeable findings under wraps.

I like to believe that we eventually will have a complete picture of what went down in the run-up to 1/6 and afterward. About the JFK assassination -- I doubt it, and truth to tell, I don't care all that much. The CIA was involved in so many despicable projects in that period that it wouldn't surprise me to learn that they, or the FBI, or some military entity, had a hand in it. If the goal was to head off civil rights legislation, they failed, and had to come up with more innovative ways to undermine that, e.g., the Reagan administration and the eventual packing of the Supreme Court with "originalists."

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What baffles me, and the only reason I can think of is selfishness and the power of money and the ego boosting belief that being part of the ruling class is ascendance up the social ladder.

I can think of no other reason for A.liAlexander (nee Ali Abdul-Razaq Akbar, bornin the UAE, Gay Republicans, Blacks for Trump (Kanye, Candace Owens, Herschel Walker, and yes even Cornwell West, not to mention old Quislings like Clarence Thomas, all of the riich and powerful Jews that have clustered around and support(ed) Trump, whose a leader of antisemites, Hispanics like Enrique Torrio and Nick Fuentes, and Cubano's of Florida who are Trumpists, whom the white nationalists consider "mud people", yet stand with their enemy in worshiping the man who called Mexians rapists and drug smugglers.

And how about the Trump whores,the camp followers, including the likes of Boebert and MTG, that are devout followers of the ultra misogynist Trump and the radical, religions right. I would chalk them up to being brain dead zombies, but it is deeper than that. They seem to have a serious case of penis envy,and thus identify with the white, Christian nationalists,with their addiction to guns and violence.

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This is indeed puzzling. About white women (of whom I am one) -- over half of them regularly vote for Republicans, including Trump (twice). I like to think that the overwhelming majority of them are straight (which I am not), but that may be wishful thinking.

Women of color, especially Black women, have a much better track record. My unscientific theory about the Clarence Thomases, Thomas Sowells, Tim Scotts, et al.: (1) There is no shortage of highly qualified Black men (and women) on the Democratic-leaning side of the spectrum. (2) Republicans sometimes try to prove how diverse, inclusive, and non-racist they are, so any reasonably capable Black person stands to get more attention and visibility among Republicans than they would among Democrats, among whom they would be in the middle of the pack.

I don't know enough about Latino/Hispanic cultures to venture much of a guess there, but machismo may play a role -- and XY behavior in general often strikes me as strange.

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Wow Susanna. I do like your reply. You raise an issue or possibility that I never considered.

Rather than be part of a crowd, these Quislings are so narcissitic and needy that they join the Trump humping racists, because that way they stand out, and not just stand out, but see that as a means of increasing their income and social status.

As regards straight women and Trump. Again it is about being on the winning team, part of the pom pom squad.

The 19th Amendment gave women the vote. But does anyone know why. the congress and the majority of state legislatures were in Republican hands in 1919, that is when the Republican party was the party of labor and equal rights, but the motivation behind that was that the Republican party saw an opportunity for a permanent majority.

They knew what every sentient and perceptive people know, is that straight women as a general rule, vote with their husbands, especially then, more so than now, although I fear that the majority of straight women still do. After all they depend, so they think, on the husband as protector and provider, especially for the mini me's, they produce.

As regards Hispanic culture. They are almost all Catholics or Evangelicals and Pentecostals.

That means that they are conservative, and on the right (political right) of the culture war.

The Hispanic culture, because of religion, is misogynistic, and in case anyone takes umbrage, I lived three years in Panama, my ex wife is Panamanian and I've seen up close and personal, the status of women in Hispanic culture., and the Hispanic women, suffer the Stockholm syndrome, as do my American straight women.

What I find appalling is LGBT Republicans who have in your face evidence that the right is homophobic extremis.

Just like the oligarchs, who are killing us with their expensive anti climate campaign and donations, they are killing off mammalian live, because they don't care about the future, their progeny, only their social status, toys and money.

When these people are asked about their legacy, they answer that they don't care, because they will be dead.

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In my opinion, they may have just been mentally destroyed as children growing up and are now certifiably insane? Most all of them have issues with authORatie. Their elders turn them into sociopaths and now they enjoy making everybody miserable like themselves? They are immune to reason and logic and truth and reality in fact they hate them? Unless, it is good for them only and their stuff. Their stuff sometimes includes their family and material possessions also?

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Not sure I agree with their disrespect for authority. I don't believe authorities, what ever they are trying to postulate as truth. My poor mother stood in terror of authority, so much so that she bragged about her friendship with a crossing guard (outside her front door) because she wore a uniform. She would do anything that authority told her, like having a hip replacement at age 77, which never healed, she was still in a wheel chair when she died of congestive heart failure at 79, but the doctor who serviced the nursing home, told her to have a hip replacement surgery. and he was a doctor. She was terrified of and believed teachers and principles as a mother and adult.

My wife who is 70 shares my views, and her parents were ultra conservative and religious.

I was a beatnik and at the end of the beat generation, yet made a career of the military.

The beatniks of the 60's and 70's became conservative as they aged, because as one told me at a Peter, Paul and Mary open air concert.. they own things. A lot of these people if not most, vote Republican and are Trump humpers.

Though I can see, their children being reactionary. I also blame Dr Benjamin Spock, who influenced a whole generation of people who became helicopter parents. The result is a generation who demands immediate satisfaction, and considers rules, even common decency, an object of oppression.

They believe that they have the right to kill, main, harass anyone that they feel is a threat, and the threat is someone or some group or idea, which they perceive as a threat to their social dominance.

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My observation during covid, the right didn't like to be told to wear a mask or get a shot. The right doesn't like to treat all people equally. The right doesn't like to sacrifice for their young especially the men, if you want to call them that. The right doesn't like to say please and thank you or cover their mouths when they cough or keep their dogs from barking. My observations, the right doesn't voluntarily want to evolve, and learn more when they get older which is abnormal.

The right has created many psycho and sociopaths that they now call liberals and blame the left for. Capitalism, religion and the family unit, areresponsible for almost all of the human suffering, yet they are sacred to the right wingers. Today's Republicans are not nearly as virtuous as the Republicans in a say about 1960.

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Agreed. Charlie Sykes of the Bulwark (an extinct line of old time Republicans) said the same thing, that the Republican party of 1960 is dead.

Problem is that I was a Republican until 1964, because I was brainwashed by my mothers God Mother who gave me a subscription to Readers Digest for Xmas every year, and my Econ 101 professor who was a Friedmanite, my Econ 102 prof was a socialist, his text book was by Paul Samuelson. I remained one until about 1989, when circumstances found me in the company of

former hippies, SDS, and Weather Underground..being exposed to them, caused me to rethink and revise my opinions and did a 180 flip.

I arrive at my opinions, I don't acquire them. Of beliefs I have none.

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The billionaire autocrats are not racist in my opinion. They just want to steal all of the national Treasury and make surfs out of all of the American citizens, regardless of race. The capitalists are just hiding behind the racists. The capitalists will gladly let all of them starve and will hire the cheapest labor possible thus destroying the economy because the minimum wage is what's keeping this nation going, of course the autocrats want to get rid of the minimum wage.

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Well I agree with your first statement - in that the top level don't care about any of the bottom level, black or white, we are all supposed to just do our serf thing & make them as wealthy as they want to be. Of course if anybody rebels they want to be able to shoot them dead & eliminate any nuisance humans with silly ideas of their 'rights', but that is not a racial thing - any race will do !

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Get rid of minimum wage, social security., ,Medicare, Medicaid, SNP, Child credit, that is the only way to reduce us to serfs, basically the thrust of the Federalist Papers and Federalist society..

Cream rises to the top, and threatens to displace those already at the top, the solution of the plutocrats is to eliminate the cream, thus secure your position. This is also the unwritten message of Karl Marx. He had no brief against the ruling class, after all it is they that financed him, his brief was against the middle class (the bourgeoisie), he wanted a two class world, the proletariat and the finance elite.

He opposed slavery, not on moral grounds, but because it cost southern planters more to keep slaves to harvest cotton, which produced expensive cotton, forcing his partner Frederick Engles to buy cheap and inferior Egyptian Cotton.

So he wrote letters to the editors in the south, imploring them to free the slaves and hire them back at market wages, hence cheaper cotton.

Evidently he was unaware of the effect of the Nat Turner rebellion of 1832,which struck fear into the planters,and ended the period of black planters and black slaves.

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Good grief, how many shit-shows can an American keep track of?!

I do like this Report despite the headache. Many people involved with the BIG idea of keeping Trump in power lost track of the actual crimes they were committing. The savvy ones at least figured-out they needed a pardon. The rest just kept destroying evidence and lying.

My question is ---How far reaching is the dragnet that Jack Smith will finish pulling into his prosecution boat? Some of these criminals are wondering too, and I hope they are not sleeping too well.

Cue the theme from Dragnet ("Dum - - - de - DUM - DUM").

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I would like to see MerrickGarland replaced with Jack Smith.

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Great stuff. You put in one place all the material on Jan6 and then some that I've been trying to compile.

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George Santos - how can he stand up in Congress looking like a drag queen in a suit, to defend Speaker McCarthy? Who's running this Republican circus? Are they all reporting to Putin? including Trump? Who else wants to see American democracy and justice take such a hit? MSB perhaps? How the mighty have fallen - American money is still good, but the rest of it?

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Sep 14, 2023·edited Sep 14, 2023

Very strange piece today.

There's a special counsel with wide-ranging investigatory powers, plus similar state legal officers, who are actively investigating and uncovered so much about this topic. Although it hasn't been covered too much here, two "speaking" indictments were issued that have all kinds of juicy details about what the 40 or so coconspirators did in connection with Jan 6 - much of this was not known before. Read those indictments!

In my view, the whole point, and tone of this piece would be better suited to the Mueller report. That was a process in which many of the obstructions and obfuscations that this piece highlights actually worked. Seriously, one really important conclusion highlighted by muller was that all the obstruction, phone wiping, and other impediments, actually worked. According to Mueller, he could not adequately and fully investigate all of the issues because of the obstruction, and lack of cooperation.

When Jesse Owens entered the final stretch of the first race he won in 1936 Olympics, when he was well ahead of the pack, would it have been appropriate to say - will any American ever win such a race? Will we ever know who actually won the race?

That's today's viewpoint.

Instead you should be explaining how DIFFERENT this is than all of these non-relevant pieces of history (jfk etc). Instead, in relation to jack and fani this analysis should draw an analogy not to jfk assassination but to jesse owens:

He achieved international fame at the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin, Germany, by winning four gold medals: 100 meters, long jump, 200 meters, and 4 × 100-meter relay. He was the most successful athlete at the Games and, as a black American man, was credited with "single-handedly crushing Hitler's myth of Aryan supremacy".

The more-specific point is that what should be viewed as "the real story of Jan 6" had formerly been a bunch of insurrectionists we saw at the capitol on TV, but is now is something laid out in a Chesebro email on December 13. And Chesebro was at the capitol as well as whoever else they showed on TV.

We all saw Giuliani and Powell operating in 2020 and doing what they were doing, with the close help of Fox, Twitter, etc. but nobody understood just how illegal it was, or whether they would ever be prosecuted for crimes. And until this summer most of us didnt think of all that as being a critical component part of what we refer to as "Jan 6." Unfortunately most of the commenters here still don't, in part based on the lack of coverage here.

After reading comments here its clear that Hartman Report readers think that "Jan 6" means some stuff they saw on TV with rioters breaking into the capitol - whereas people in the legal world or who have any understanding of the legal developments over the last couple of months think of "Jan 6" as a documented scheme and elaborate efforts undertaken by over 40 people, to deprive American voters of the results of their votes, all as contemplated by Chesbro's Dec 13 email.

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We are not unlike a person with version 1.0 of COVID. A sucker who refused to get the jab, to isolate, or to mask-up b/c Trump told him to shove a light bulb up there, and/or to scarf down a tube of horse de-wormer.

Today? . . . That person's pushing up daisies.

Feckless Dems have brought only a napkin to a knife fight. For what? To stop their bleeding?

The GOP are corrupt, vote-whores. And Trump is their main John; a vote-millionaire.

We'll know the truth about JFK, when we find out who murdered Marilyn Monroe.

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The kill shot came from the vicinity , but not, the grassy knoll. It is clear from the video, that the kill shot was from in front, not behind, with Jackie scrambling over the trunk (boot) of the car to retrieve a part of his skull blown out by the bullet., that bullet has never been found, to my knowledge, because no one looked.

There was a storm drain in front of the presidential limousine from which the bullet was fired, and the storm drain was connected to a culvert large enough for a man to walk through, upright.

I agree that it was the mafia that pulled the trigger, but it was recruited out of Marseille, France.

Why I do not believe that it was the American mafia behind the hit, is because the Warren Report was chock full of lies and misdirection, since proven, thus it was a coverup, and who in America has the power and money, to front a cover up?

And it wasn't silver certificates that alarmed the money powers, it was the Treasury Notes that JFK had issued. These notes were issued in $@ and $5 denominations and plans were to issue $0 and$20 denominations.

And why was this issued of Treasury notes so dangerous, because once congress authorizes spending, the Treasury then prints bonds and bills, which are then sold to the Association of Primary Dealers in Government Securities (google Dealers in Government Securities), you will find about 25 national and international investment bankers who possess a monopoly privilege of buying government securities, and reselling them to the Federal Reserve, which then uses them as the reserve base, as well as to sovereign funds, like Saudi Arabia and China. The institutions range from Goldman Sachs to Barclays Capitol, (click on Primary Dealers https://www.newyorkfed.org/markets/primarydealers)

A portion of the debt is held back for sale to the public in $5,000 lots, by public I mean Universities, Money Market and Pension funds, perhaps a few billionaires.

Printing Treasure notes, means that Federal Debt is not sold to the APDGS,and thus the Federal Reserve cannot control the economy via interest rates, nor is our debt sold to sovereign funds and foreign investment bankers.

That Silver certificate claim, bandied about, falls in the same category (misdirection), as the reprimand letter for George W. Bush, which was written on a computer, by Bush's staff, to embarrass the Democrats, because it was easy to prove that computer produced documents are spaced, differently than typewriter documents, and the letter was written ante MS Word.

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Here's the thing: The Republicans are no longer a Party.

They are off-site employees, 100% owned by "Dark Money" ever since Clarence and the Supremes said money is free speech.- Which makes NO sense.- That's like saying an Almond Joy is a football game. So, what we have here is the utter failure of 2-party democracy.

The GOP is jointly "owned" by billionaires who want to pay 0% in taxes, they now pay 3.4%. And it is also owned by corporations, who want no regulations or taxes.

These jackholes want to set up strongman rule, which FOX aided with Putin's & Zuckerberg's assistance.

Then they will run a South African style, apartheid, police state.

One where Blacks, Browns, Reds, Yellows, and lower and middle-class Whites work cheap and buy unnecessary crap till death. Their kids will do the same, having been indoctrinated in school on myths and counterfactuals.

Every Congress person who voted for that pathetic buffoon's re-installation, should be rotting in SIng Sing. For LIFE!!! Esp. the traitor Tuberville.

And only a handful of Dems on the Hill, seem to get the stakes.

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Thom, I think these questions should be asked and answered. I am wondering whether it is the big fish being tried first, and then getting to the other ones. The more convictions, the more people are going to turn evidence. So, it is a slow trickle. On the other hand, there may just be too many crooks. The entire Republican party as far as I am concerned, with the ones you have named being some of the most obvious ones. However, as someone who wrote to the NYT in the spring before the election that I was worried that Trump was going to stage a military coup, because he was pretty much telling us that he was going to stage a coup, and they did not publish my concern, which all of my friends at home and work had to hear, as well as family, but particularly my dog walking morning friend because I was so concerned. Then slowly, I started seeing the press reporting that others were concerned. If it has to come from an expert, or a think tank, when what I was saying was obvious, particularly because I knew the statistics of people in the military who said that they knew of White Supremacists in the military was something like 30%, I was very untrusting of the military. So, when the questions were raised about members of the CIA, Secret Service and military, I was not surprised at all. In fact, I had also written my governor months before that that he should be getting rid of the White Supremacists in the State Police and National Guard. Then, when it turns out members of police in our state were in the insurrection I thought about how I wrote this, and if there had been some action these people might have thought twice about their activities. Of course, Trump is the leader of the Bad Boys, so who knows. Do you think the Justice Department will get to these questions? I don't know.

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