When I was undergoing angioplasty in 1993, the cardiologist could not clear a blockage in on of my heart arteries (too many bends to get there!) He noted no problem the organ will produce new capillaries that will supply blood to that art of the heart affected by the blocked artery! 30 years later I am living proof regarding the cardiolo…
When I was undergoing angioplasty in 1993, the cardiologist could not clear a blockage in on of my heart arteries (too many bends to get there!) He noted no problem the organ will produce new capillaries that will supply blood to that art of the heart affected by the blocked artery! 30 years later I am living proof regarding the cardiologist statement. So what Lou!? Society is composed of living organisms, ‘us guys’! Some how I recall my college biology professor explaining how processes which work in the tiniest body organisms also exist in larger entities, he had a fancy term for it! To my point, the narcissistic mega billionaires will find ways to ‘create new capillaries’ if and when Citizens United is overturned in order to distort our electoral system and undermine democracy! I am in awe of those who are constantly vigilant regarding the ways our electoral system is being corrupted!
louis, did I create new capillaries in 2020 campaign when I paid other individuals to write checks in their names when I had reached my poor peoples' limit of
$12,500 /--do billionaires have to have compliance officers? For some candidates did not have a choice of where my donation was reserved: the runoff? The primary? I was not allowed to choose to where my excess went ? primary? Runoff?, Returned to me?
Yes there will always be a loophole – – but i 4 one am utterly thankful For the zealous watch dogs like CRP, PRO-PUBLICA, OPEN SECRETS, even the FEC.
I shop politically, and let the corporation or company know why I shop there or don't --target states they donate according to the needs of their business and their workers and guests, with their mission statement: diversity,
Giving back to the community. their "guests" are urged to vote annually on : TO WHICH NONPROFIT THEIR ANNUAL CORPORATE
And you can surely be confident I will never donate through act blue again --get a Democrat in Congress to listen to that//no way; FTC will handle it ! and that's a hats off to scamguard.com/
When I was undergoing angioplasty in 1993, the cardiologist could not clear a blockage in on of my heart arteries (too many bends to get there!) He noted no problem the organ will produce new capillaries that will supply blood to that art of the heart affected by the blocked artery! 30 years later I am living proof regarding the cardiologist statement. So what Lou!? Society is composed of living organisms, ‘us guys’! Some how I recall my college biology professor explaining how processes which work in the tiniest body organisms also exist in larger entities, he had a fancy term for it! To my point, the narcissistic mega billionaires will find ways to ‘create new capillaries’ if and when Citizens United is overturned in order to distort our electoral system and undermine democracy! I am in awe of those who are constantly vigilant regarding the ways our electoral system is being corrupted!
louis, did I create new capillaries in 2020 campaign when I paid other individuals to write checks in their names when I had reached my poor peoples' limit of
$12,500 /--do billionaires have to have compliance officers? For some candidates did not have a choice of where my donation was reserved: the runoff? The primary? I was not allowed to choose to where my excess went ? primary? Runoff?, Returned to me?
Yes there will always be a loophole – – but i 4 one am utterly thankful For the zealous watch dogs like CRP, PRO-PUBLICA, OPEN SECRETS, even the FEC.
I shop politically, and let the corporation or company know why I shop there or don't --target states they donate according to the needs of their business and their workers and guests, with their mission statement: diversity,
Giving back to the community. their "guests" are urged to vote annually on : TO WHICH NONPROFIT THEIR ANNUAL CORPORATE
And you can surely be confident I will never donate through act blue again --get a Democrat in Congress to listen to that//no way; FTC will handle it ! and that's a hats off to scamguard.com/