Rachel Maddow was a guest with Chris Hayes last night and mentioned how institutions we don’t think about also are also fundamental for our democracy. Like state bar associations that are holding lawyers accountable. These institutions and associations provide a framework for a civil society. It’s not just the courts that regulate behavior.

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Maddow made a good point. We need the regulatory agencies. I recorded Chris Hayes show and will watch it now. Thank you.

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You mean the 30 million dollar woman Rachel Maddow who spent hundreds of hours on Russiagate and 15 minutes on Yemen without mentioning US involevement during the same period? The one who believes the 2016 election was "stolen" just like Trump and his supporters believe 2020 was "stolen?" Just so you know the board of MSNBC is riddled with executives from the health care conglomerates, Wall Street and the health care industry among other transnational corporate interests. That's the prism your "news" is filtered through.https://www.democracynow.org/

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What I find fascinating now is that Trump remains the figurehead of this authoritarian oligarchy, a white Christian Nationalist movement, but he no longer seems to be capable of leading the charge. He has become confused , desperate, and disorganized. He has spent almost $100 M on lawyers with much more to come. He is campaigning mostly to stay out of jail.

But he has the unwavering, uncritical support of Fox News and the rest of the right wing media. Even though Biden is raising more money, Trump has many hidden billionaires propping him up, probably including money from Russia and Saudi Arabia. The Federalist Society and the Heritage Foundation are now on board with destroying the government from within or without. The Supreme Court is certain protecting him from prosecution, as well as protecting red gerrymandered districts. His handlers just let Trump out to give performances and stir up the crowd. He is getting much less effective, as he can only ramble though distorted versions of his top hits. He isn’t holding many rallies any more. His fans flock to them, but they often leave early — but that doesn’t mean they are deserting the movement. Trump’s MAGA movement has metastasized throughout the south and much of the midwest — the planation states are totally under control. We have to confront this by spreading the truth through every media we can. These are not normal times.

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If the U.S.A, were wiped off the map tomorrow, the rest of the world would shrivel up like a prune Oldandintheway.

American demand, American agriculture, American refinering, American Navy,American financing is what keeps the world rocking and rolling

American Navy is a tax free, for the rest of the world, police service that keeps the channels of international commerce open. American taxes subsidize other countries, not just Israel, but those countries Trump called shithole countries, and contribute to economic equilibrium, and thus peace.

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Of course, if America went all isolationist, or if we blew ourselves up in the great plastic bag fire, something somewhere would emerge to fill the void. Would it be a better world? Probably not. But right now we have a lot of people with good jobs living good lives and they like to go places and buy things. We have innovative tech companies as well as a very educated workforce. We have big banks and other capital companies that invest all over the world. Not all Americans benefit from this, certainly not equality, but more than the folks in Bangladesh who make the shirts. Our military protects our commerce and energy needs.

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I totally agree Mr. Old. I totally agree.

I am a beneficiary of the status quo, and have absolutely no complaints... at the moment.

But besides, creature comforts that I enjoy, I fear what is coming barreling down the track like a runaway train. I'm talking of the culture war.

My comment, however, was predicated on the removal of the U.S.A, from the global scene.

Whatever one thinks of the U.S., whatever our deficits.our faults, our shortcomings, imagine. if the USA was subtracted from the world scene.only a suicidal nihilist could wish for such an outcome.

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Thanks for the fascist playbook but also for the list of organizations and media to look to for truth and solutions, Thom.

You would have been proud of how the Dems packed a recent County Commission meeting where I live. Word went out that a Commissioner (who actually was at the Insurrection) had proposed to introduce school "choice", taking the county clerk off the ballot so they could appoint that person, and reforms of our election system. He tabled those proposals.

We know most of what he wants to do is illegal---trust me, the current ELECTED County Clerk told him so! However, Jefferson said it best: “Eternal Vigilance is the price of democracy.”

Let's all go OCCUPY some meetings.

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Apparently my beloved Shasta County just re-elected the fascist by a squeak: there was pushback, and there'll probably be a (hand!) re-count. It's a mess. So sad.

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Mar 30·edited Mar 30

Democracy is not always pretty, but best of luck to you and Shasta. Hope you let them know what you want whatever the outcome, Mmerose.

We need that attitude from the "Give 'em hell, Harry!" times.

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I just saw Thom's TED Talk of eight years ago promoting the 28th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would solve the Citizen's United catastrophe.

Hitler fooled the people by calling his party, the "National Socialist German Worker's Party" because socialism was very popular at the time. As we know, Hitler's party had nothing to do with socialism. Trump uses Hitler's rhetoric the same way, to fool the people.

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We need a new constitution amendment for America’s fifth jubilee in 2026. Its even required in Speaker Johnson’s political policy handbook at Leviticus 25:10 “And you shall consecrate the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout the land to all its inhabitants. It shall be a jubilee for you, when each of you shall return to his property and each of you shall return to his clan.”

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Very few articles anywhere match the value of Hartman's today's piece. Americans victimized by daily assault by fascist advancement, alone in their homes, shades drawn, like a vast, unassembled army stirring in restless anxiety waiting for possible instruction, the battle plans for fighting the very real, growing daily threat of fascism are now delivered. Spelled out in detail, sources listed, cavalry buglers tooting for assembly given. The value here is tangible planning, concentrating on the weapon of mass communication, given force by assembly. By assembly. Find common voices and join. Read and re-read the nuggets of this piece. There is much more than mere pundit opinion here. Finally some real planning.

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“Mere twelve years”—of brutality and murder. We need to fight back before that takes hold. They already have networks. We need to establish a Resistance.

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Still one side fighting with kid gloves. Judge Reggie Walton is credited with unusual pushback against Trump bullying of the judicial system, and still had to interject "even if not intentional." Seriously? I liked the contribution of Catherine Christian, former Manhattan dep. DA, on another MSNBC show today: she quoted a NY law on the books: "Stalking in the 4th Degree:" "If a person intentionally and for no legitimate purpose engages in a course of conduct directed at a specific person, and they should reasonably know that that conduct is likely to cause that person reasonable fear for their safety...(.it's a crime.) No prior gag order required. Right. We're holding our breath for that one to be enforced.

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After my previous reply, I saw this on Joy Reid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4G6JnZRUrRQ the clips of Trump are quite a round-up, but Michael Cohen goes straight to the point of INTENTION: Trump wants "his people" to hunt the victims he aims them at, and do them harm.

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Beautiful piece on this shared moment of darkness, Thom Hartmann. I think your inclusion of truly substantial positives really helps with morale - something we all need to keep up.

Question: Why did VoteVets not make the list of progressive organizations??

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Threats of violence against people standing up for law and decency, and their families, is one of the primary tools of MAGA fascists. It seems the US should have a protest on election day, like Russia after the death of Navalny: go to vote at 12 o'clock and learn that you are not alone with being threatened.

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We have to use many forms of protest and spreading the message before Election Day. The MAGA team is poised to disrupt the election in many different ways. I have NO faith in the current Supreme Court to defend democracy.

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We aren't there YET! We don't have to make a token show at a certain time. We still can double check our registration before the deadline, double check our polling location, double check the open hours of where out drop box may be locked in, get in line early with a bottle of water and maybe a folding chair! etc. etc! It shouldn't be work to vote, but here we are.....

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Saving democracy comes from action and resistance. For example the citizens in the very first democracy in Athens were rallied to resist the approaching Persian fleet with a single word: “victory!”

The Athenian army vastly outnumbered at the battle of marathon overcame the odds and won. But the war wasn’t over and the remaining Persian fleet was sailing to lightly defended Athens. Pheillipides out ran the Persian fleet in the first marathon run of 26.5 miles and delivered the one word citizens want to hear.

Nike, the Greek word for victory and running shoe company, has a longer slogan: “Just do it.” Get out and vote. March if you can’t run. Democracy is worth standing up and resisting tyranny.

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Write letters and emails to you newspapers, local and national, post on social media, write to TV stations. Tell then they need to stop reporting on polls, money and Trump's court cases, they need to point out what voting for the Republicans vs. the Democrats will mean for individuals, cities, states, and the world. Not just the loss of democracy, but Social Security, national security, internal security with fascist government police force, loss of healthcare, more guns everywhere, loss of trading with our current allies and new relationships with Russia instead. People need to know what they are voting for and against. We certainly can't expect any help for the courts.

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The Trump Bible is certainly in line with using so-called faith for perverted ends. (Jefferson edited his book but that was a different thing.) Fortunately it seems some Christians are not happy with his having added the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence and the “God Bless the USA” song to this edition. They know that this is a nation of laws, not a country run under the false cover of religion.

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Since he included the lyrics to “God Bless the USA,” doesn’t he have to pay royalties to Lee Greenwood for the use of the song he wrote?

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You can find me over with the sick and tired of Trump and wish he would shut up and go away crowd.

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This was really great. I think illuminating the dangers AND providing oxygen in the form of hope is the winning combination and gets people paralyzed in fear/desperation to move and work. Please use this as the blueprint: the dangers are real, but here is the opportunity. Even someone as active as me (in real life, not online) needs to hear it to keep working. It’s really important.

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Looking up the difference between “defined” fascism and “defined” communism, one might think they are very different forms of “governance,” But when one looks at the autocracies that have developed around our planet, ostensibly under one or the other of those philosophies, one would be hard-pressed to tell the difference. {We have not seen an ACTUAL national government under actual communism since — I submit, ever.

Other than some Kibbutzim, it just does not happen. In little communities maybe, but not on a large scale. }

CONSIDER: Autocracies and oligarchies and rigidly structured societies with a small cadre of elites at the top; industries and commerce tightly aligned with governmental power {with finance and privilege aggregating toward that power elite}; the great masses toiling to keep the wheels turning, occasionally “voting” on elections that don’t really matter; and usually one person with all-but-total authority to call the shots {until enough people get upset with him - usually a ‘him’ - and maybe they shoot him}.

Is that a description of Fascism? Is it a description of a so-called-Communist country you can think of?

Autocracy and Oligarchy {the new Aristocracy …} are all of a piece.

The word Fascism has strong emotional impact. I agree that it’s important for us to recognize that it is on the rise.

Vladimir Putin is not supposedly a “fascist,” but he might as well be. XI is not as absolute as Vlad, but maybe Mao was ..

I think we need to understand autocracy, as well.

We have successfully demonized Fascists and Nazis, but scratch any autocrat, ANY dictator, and there’s a Nazi underneath.

Trump loves Victor Orban AND Vladimir Putin. He’d trade places with either of them.

There you go …

If we think there’s no difference between Joe and Don, think about this.

Yeah, the Dems tend to listen to big money more than we want, but right now OUR VOTES DO MATTER, and we are choosing between a democracy that’s got issues, but IS a democracy …

Or Autocracy. Oligarchy, The new Aristocracy.

Our President as a Dictator on Day One.

It really does matter.

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Rhetoric does not direct human behavior, emotion does, particularly those triggered by survival threat(s). Interesting that even the brilliant investigative journalism of our dear Thom is emotion driven--anger is the great motivator, driven by dopamine in the limbic survival brain, ironically the same module in our central nervous system that Our Mad King (wannabe) Donald so masterfully manipulates. Any thought we are able to recall is only retrievable due to its emotional value, including all rhetoric. So, Fascism takes over a nation first on an emotional level, as rage, and the symbols (words) we attach to it are only important in that they allow us to re-experience the emotion, and dopamine/adrenalin are very pleasurable and addicting. We have allowed ourselves to become a nation of dopamine addicts, our own internal cocaine, as we engage in one violent thought/behavior (including vicarious) after another. Our real problems are human overpopulation, climate collapse, and environmental destruction. All the rest are just the inevitable results.

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You are talking about how our biological inclinations function, Greeley .. Yes, that is the trend in our bodies.

But, we CAN choose to moderate our processes, to a degree, as well. And we’d damned well better, because the pace of the evolution of those instincts falls far short as the world moves forward quickly and evolution crawls …

We WILL be motivated by emotion. We need to be motivated to also stop and think and choose action based on more than our first impulse.

Not all of us will be so motivated.

Let some of us be, eh?

Biology is not ONLY driven by instinct …

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It's not us, it's THEM. Repeating from yesterday, there is a valid argument that it's not Trump as much as it's his willing co-dependent minions. Under Jungian theory racism is endemic, not taught.

Collective racial subconscious? The archetypal "Hero with a Thousand Faces." Jung, who btw was "Aryan" himself, analyzed Hitler as a "medicine man" and voice of a German collective unconscious. First, he said two types of strong men existed in primitive society: the chief who was physically powerful and the medicine man who was strong not in himself but by the power people projected onto him.

Unfortunately the media feeds this theory. Trump may be a demagogue, and he may have a limited sense of reality, but as ridiculous his appearance and demeanor is, most of his cult members identify with him.

Democrats once played that too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CHwYvHM0dMY

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@Dr. Greely. You are right. Mostly visceral. That's why "Trump hates dogs" and Trump stole from kids with cancer" makes MAGATS choke on their beer.

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I think speaking those truths about Trump is beneficial. Speaking about a LOT of people who “love” him viscerally is true, too.

But I think reducing nearly all people to automatons manipulated so completely by someone who might understand our unconscious better than we understand our own … that’s a bit too woo-woo for me. I’m not convinced Jung knew as much as he wished he did, or his followers still think he did. We can talk about how our brains work and what ideas swirl around in there at any particular time … but Jung had delusions about some of that, on a par with magic men in the sky.

YES, too many of us are susceptible to being swayed by cult leaders — and there’s a bandwagon effect about being a crowd that is “swayed” by a carnival barker like Don. Once we’re part of a cult, there is an endorphin hit to being in the group. It iS damned tough to break through the fog to an actual thinking person inside the cult follower —

But we’re not all in the Trump cult. Even all the people voting for him are not doing it for the cult, but for venal autocratic reasons. OR, they are truly just not well informed and can have their minds changed, if we try.

We have to prevail in keeping the fascists out of our government this coming year. How about we do it by convincing people to vote for Joe. YES, understanding why SOME people lionize Mr. Orange does matter, but it is not the Be All and End All.

Let’s get people to vote for Joe. Mostly, by talking about all the good reasons they should …

I think the rest of this woo-woo is too often a distraction..

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People like you -- a media pro -- are needed at Field Team 6, which targets unregistered people who trend Democratic. A completely different target market.

I have personally -- up close and personal -- seen MAGATS have an epiphany. I'm in discussion groups.

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I have checked out the site, Daniel, and expect to do some work with them. Need a little more time and info. In figure I’ll do some mailing, writing, talking - whatever I can do that does not make things worse…

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People are eagerly waiting to hear from you!

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Ha, They just don’t know it yet, right?

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So are all the maggots junk food junkies like their idol?

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Agreed. Both sides have their own Media, Money, News Conferences and Speeches. Both spin information in their favor and disfavor the other side. Meanwhile, "progressives" justify genocide, famine and escalation towards nuclear war to make their own judgment-addled imperialist cabal look right, although history proves they have consistenly been wrong, while blaming everything on the other side. As our institutions collapse whether it's under Democratic Party or Republican leadership, those garnering advantage from reinforcing the echo chamber conveniently ignore the horrors and hypocrisy of their own amoral leadership.

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Barry, I think you are wrong.

{I was going to say “full of baloney,” but I decided to be polite.}

Your “both-sides-ism” is invalid. I am a progressive and I NEVER justify “genocide,” nor even “collective punishment” or victimization of innocents as unavoidable “collateral damage.” And I am not alone in my Progressive principles.

Also, I criticize the Left in general a LOT — especially cult-driven ideologues who hew to a party line and not to thoughtful ideas and strategies. There’s a great deal to be proud of in Left values, if we live by them. And I do see that some people claim to be Left but don’t have the openness to hear people disagree with them, which is anathema to what the word “liberal” means at its core.

BUT, I also see our most-probable way out of the current mire being to prevent the Heritage Society from installing whoever manages to be their Hero-of-of-the-Moment this coming year {right now, it looks like Donnie, but who knows by the summer …}. The Manaforts and Bannons and Heritage Oligarchs behind Trump are using him as their tool, but their aim is fascism, and if you wanna sit here and try to sell the idea that “both sides” are equally as dangerous, vis-a-vis fascism, then somebody needs to push back on your message.

‘Cause it’s bunk.

The Right Republicans have been fully co-opted.

The Left Democrats are at risk, but are not lost to us.

Would you have us abandon the hope of holding our democracy?

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What Biden said in public we know — and I was angry with him.

What he said in private, we do NOT know, but Bibi is not pleased with Joe right now … Maybe Joe did tell him they have to have a “Come to Jesus moment.”

But Joe is STILL an improvement over Donnie, hands down.

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Yes, there is still too much martial orientation to the US global footprint. And I was damned angry at Joe for the hug, and for vetoing the first UN cease-fire resolution, and for mouthing platitudes about a “right to defend,” with “protecting noncombatant civilians and children” stuck on as an afterthought.

But the reality is, there’s a ton of talking going on in that region out of earshot of microphones and not on camera. And we have two actors in Israel who are currently wedded to keeping the violence ongoing — Hamas is getting what it wants from the chaos, and I don’t think Hamas cares a fig about the suffering of Palestinian civilians. And Bibi has been holding the wolves off his butt, with the majority of Israelis wanting HIM gone, too, but leaving him in place as long as the “war” continues.

For sure, Joe Biden does not want to lose votes. He needs votes to keep the Fascists out of Washington.

For sure, Donnie thinks his antics will win him votes to keep him out of jail.

BUT, to see both of them through a single lens as portending equally dire consequences for both our country and the world? You are gravely mistaken.

Biden is moving — he has done it far too slowly — but he has moved toward supporting the call for a cease fire in Gaza. A lot of people in this country are making it tough on him NOT to go there …

Donnie is doing nothing but promise a fasciset administration from Day One. Nothing in this world can influence Donnie to do anything good for anybody but Donnie. But he is proving to be an excellent foil for the Fascists.

I don’t discount your point. I disagree with your conclusion.

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I believe that there is room for both of your opinions. Yes it is sad for all the reasons and good for much of the reasons. Truth lies in respecting and disagreeing nothing more,nothing less

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What happens if prevention isn't enough? It may be hard to organize once they start to implement their grand plans. While I hate that I have to think about the what ifs, I hope that it is being considered. I am willing to do what I have to do, but I won't be able to accomplish anything on my own.

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