Everyone knows that Trump is guilty mostly because of his own statements. The lack of action by the Justice Department from day one is criminal especially for those in Congress itself.

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Garland is the problem Clayton. A right wing Republican, appointed by a bipartisan President, who thought that he would get kudos and be popular with Republicans,

And is bipartisanship bit him in the ass.

the second thing he did wrong, was revoke Trumps executive order that embedded his cronies in DOJ, NSA, DHS, when he could have used the same executive order to fire those Trump humpers, and that feckless decision also bit him in the ass when David Weiss jumped up and told Garland, "send me in coach" and now Bidens son Hunter will be a convicted felon.

So much for bipartisanship, when it is a one way street.

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True. The one that bit him the most was another term for the Fed chair.

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You got that right Clayton.

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By not prosecuting Trump and the GOP instigators promptly, Garland got the GOP put in charge of the Congress! The Congress may yet decide this election! I blame Biden for not firing both of them and about 15 others! If Trump gets appointed, it will be the end of America and pretty much all hope for humanity!

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I totally agree, Biden is a weak ass, ameliorating, comity, bipartisan woose when what we needed as a strong, decisive, but not authoritarian, leader.

His 34 years in the Senate taught him the wrong lessons for governing, thankfully Kamala's experience is as a prosecutor and she didn't serve in the Senate long enough to have her mind warped, but long enough to know how it works, and who the problems are.

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The Democratic party should have allowed the people to choose Bernie Sanders. Have you seen him on the campaign trail for Harris lately? He's as energetic and eloquent as ever.

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That said, he's the most effective since LBJ.

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I disagree Clayton I think it was Garland and then Powell?

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If the leaders on Earth were rational thinkers, and believed in science, global warming and common sense, not greedy, lying, sadists. There would be less abortions and more babies. Who can afford to have a baby when the rich are taking almost all the wealth.

As a child my relatives owned a ranch and I got to be around a lot of livestock, a lot of times. Feed them and herd them mostly. I have seen cows get artificially inseminated! Ranchers will stop at nothing to increase the size of their herds! The fascists want women's wombs to belong to them! Along with everything and everyone else!

Without a maximum income this will never stop! The billionaire's compete against each other to see who's going to end up the richest before they die and they could care less about anyone else!

Great humans like Franklin Delano Roosevelt are what enabled these lunatics to make money in the first place! The rational humans keep getting their governments destroyed by barbarians! Unlimited greed must end or it will end the human race! We may have already reached the tipping point of global warming!

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1. Government workers being hunted. Nothing new here.

Open season on "revenuers" throughout Appalachia. I had a stalker. I had a "sovereign citizen" try to lien up my property. Think Okie City.

In "enemy within" accusations, Trump calls out "deep state" government employees of both party. Reagan said the most dangerous words were" I'm from the government and I'm here to help."

2. Jan 6. The people who financed it include a Publix heiress. https://www.peoplesworld.org/article/the-unanswered-question-who-paid-for-trumps-jan-6-insurrection/

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This is Shocking what trump has unleashed on the American people and the World, and just how brainwashed,broken and Violent his followers have become. I would be furious if I'd invested in a House and discovered Maga's lived next door?! There's a program on the A&E channel called "Neighborhood Wars" you should give it a glance?! Great piece this morning ☕ Thom and will reStack ASAP 💯👍🇺🇸💙

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Don't move to rural Arizona or anywhere else rural in America then.

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I live in rural VT. Not an issue here for the most part.

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We have neighbors with a "NOT HER" sign across the street and a "Honk for Trump" sign two doors down. I have only heard three honks in three weeks, two of which were from the same car on different days. Another neighbor told me that the same neighbor on the next block with multiple Trump signs that sent two dogs free after me did the same to her. She also called the police. The Trump signs were placed after the dogs were freed at me. The dogs are friendly but large and frightening when they first run at you when you don't know them. What's more, this neighbor insists it's their sidewalk, and others can't walk there. Of course, it's public, but I stay away from there.

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Yeah, well my neighbor had a big Trump flag flying with Trump who look like Rambo holding a machine gun! Do you live in Arizona 😃?

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Fortunately I am in Vermont where they are few and far between, but unlike you Thom, I won't engage with them. Not. At. All. Permanent ban for me on all levels.

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Biden was not tough enough to fire those that needed it. I hope Harris goes through those problem people like a dose of salts in her first day on the job.

Jack Smith for AG!

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The Republicans are such servants to Trump's petulant whining that they concoct this devious scheme to steal the election for him. They weren't going to wait for proof of electoral cheating by Democrats (like waiting for Godot); they were just going to declare that any part of the Electoral Count Act that stood athwart their scheme was "unconstitutional". Chillingly they declare, "we're no longer playing by [Marquis of] Queensbury Rules".

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Authoritarians and procreation.

Putin like all authoritarians, needs an inexhaustible supply of a self renewing resources: cannon fodder.

So does an agrarian society. With automation and AI the need for human bots on an assembly line is no longer needed, however if there is little or no consumption, because there is little or no medium of exchange, then the only use humans have is manual labor or cannon fodder

The USSR for instance. Chronic and perpetual shortage of rubles, because of their 100% gold standard, there was little consumption, because there was little demand, because there was a shortage of specie.

But there was a high demand for labor , in mines, farms, timber, road building, and heavy industry.

The KGB supplied the labor. Military labor was acquired by conscription, and if refused there was the KGB.

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it is astounding to me that such a large amount of billionaires and millionaires are so virulently right wing, and further tax breaks doesn’t explain it all. I suspect some scammers who just got some serious coin thru unsavory online deals or whatever, having suddenly arrived into greater wealth would do anything to keep it. Any person that watches the trump sees that he turns on all of his helpers. You must climb a higher mountain of compliance every year with him. Tax laws already greatly favor wealth.

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You are right Dan, Although tax breaks and deregulation are a motivator, many if not most of them are trad rad Catholics or fundamentalistic Christians like Tim Dunn and Terry Wilkes, who basically control Texas https://www.cnn.com/2022/07/24/politics/texas-far-right-politics-invs/index.html and there are Zionist Jews like the Adelson's , Steve Wynn

Tom Monaghan, the founder of Domino's, built a Catholic town in Florida https://www.google.com/search?q=ave+maria%2C+florida&rlz=1C1GGRV_enUS751US751&oq=ave+maria%2C+florida&aqs=chrome..69i57j46i433i512j0i512l3j46i512j0i512l3.7819j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

He retired and sold his business for 1 billion dollars Bain Capital, another company owned by a religious extremist. Mitt Romney, who believes he is the White Horse savior prophecized by Joseph Smith. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_Horse_Prophecy

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Thanks, Thom a lot to keep an eye on right. It’s really scary stuff. I am happy to live in a Blue State I don’t live around the racist and backward thinking people. I am focused on keeping our democracy. The other thing is can hate really be right in your face and the people who are racist don’t see themselves that way. Look in the mirror. Democracy, thank you very much. Beautiful day today and there really is always a bright side to things. The Kamala affect. When we fight we win! Yeah I believe that too. Thanks Thom for giving me a voice. Let’s let our voices be heard on Nov. 5th. We will.

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So if Republicans reduce property values we should be able to take a page out of their playbook and have HOA enforced "no republican" communities, right? 🤪😂

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That's funny, G G.

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There’s no shortage of dangerously insane, armed and fascistic people in the United States.

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Interesting development among the psychopaths that makes me wonder if it is one reason Trump and Putin were talking on the phone. North Korean troops have arrived in Russia. The BBC article I read seemed to speculate that they will be stationed on borders freeing Russians troops there to fight in Ukraine.

Are Trump and Putin trying to cut a deal about how he will influence NATO about this? Did Trump promise something to his "friend" Kim Jong Un for helping Putin out?

Putin wants population growth; he wants women to sacrifice their bodies to bring 8 children into the world. Since he is so intent on killing his own young men in a needless war, perhaps he will arrange for the North Korean soldiers to help impregnate the Russian women. Now that's duty North Korean troops might prefer over border patrol!

No wonder President Zelensky was talking about the fact that he wants into NATO or he wants his nukes back now. He has THREE psychopaths looming over Ukraine if Trump wins.

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Trump will send our troops over there to impregnate those women. Our troops are notorious already! Does anyone care about the poor babies? Only about pro birth but not the right to life!

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