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You summarized the oligarchs plan for the GOP very well Thom. Blame Biden for everything and insist that only “their” strongman trump can fix it. Fortunately, I believe that Jan 6 scared a lot of Americans. The Dobbs decision was a “game changer”. Never has a basic “right to bodily autonomy” been taken away from the MAJORITY of the popul…
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You summarized the oligarchs plan for the GOP very well Thom. Blame Biden for everything and insist that only “their” strongman trump can fix it. Fortunately, I believe that Jan 6 scared a lot of Americans. The Dobbs decision was a “game changer”. Never has a basic “right to bodily autonomy” been taken away from the MAJORITY of the population. Whether we are too old to get pregnant doesn’t matter. We had the right to control our lives. Then several humans without uteruses - who have no idea of the repercussions of an unwanted pregnancy took that right away - after first lying to the country on TV by saying they believe in “precedent”. Then those same liars threaten to continue to take apart other Constitutional Amendments. Women know we are at war. Your commentary and others of the plans the oligarchy has for us in Project 2025 to turn this country into a modern day feudal system is horrifying. Either these Republicans are stopped or there will be blood. Sooner or later. Fortunately, we do have Biden as President and that “old man” has seen a lot. His policies have been generally wise and he has been blessed with success economically and in handling the pandemic. Trump for all his “raging” is looking sicker as time passes and his mental health also is deteriorating. Trump’s narcissistic personality will not allow him to give the reins of power to a surrogate, unless it’s Putin himself (or Steve Miller). Either way our intelligence should be able to track it down. Perhaps that is why Tucker Carlson is in Moscow. The Republican House should not have outright rejected the bipartisan Border bill. They showed their hand to many Americans, Republican, Independent and Democrat who want that border secured AND who want aid sent to our allies. Americans are tired of paying their tax dollars to the House Republicans to do Nothing but bitch about Biden. These lazy ass Republican House members expect the American people to work for food stamps but they aren’t willing to discuss a bill to secure the border!!! That is a BASIC function of the Federal Government. We don’t need a strongman - we need to get rid of the Republican Party.
Kay, the whole "pro life" thing is not and never was about life. It is about one thing and one thing only, male control of females. Patriarchalism, which results in misogyny.
Absolutely - if they cared about “life”, these hateful people would care about impoverished pregnant women. They would ensure that these pregnant women and girls had the health care, food, housing and education they require. These “pro-lifers”, would be ensuring that the children they are insisting women and girls bring into the world have a family (somewhere) to love and raise them. That these unwanted children are fed, educated and given the healthcare they also require. Just as their Christian Lord Jesus instructed - but NO - as you correctly point out - it’s about control - not love - and women know it. So - let there be freedom or let there be blood
Absolutely Kay. I have been calling out pro lifers as the fraud they are, since the internet was DOS only, and messages were read posted via FTP.
Pro life is pro lie. The subject is not unborn babies, anymore than Mom's for liberty is about liberty. It is about maintaining a system of male dominance, aka patriarchy, and the worst part, the most virulent supporters are Karen's, women. And i understand why that is. !. They are easily manipulated by hormones (talk of killing unborn babies) and they believe that the established order of male domination best suits them and their needs, by providing them with protection and security.
Remember Phyllis Schafly
Yes Kay, I remember Phyllis Schafly,. and have brought her up many times as an example of a woman who betrayed her own gender, because she was made rich, famous and empowered by the patriarchy.
She, single handedly, launched the campaign, that stopped the Equal Rights Amendment from getting ratified,, Probably doesn't matter, the Supreme court of the Republic of Gilead, led by the Handmaid in chief, would have voided it, just like they voided the Voting Rights act, led by the House slave in chief, Clarence Thomas.
I saw Schafly at Reagan’s convention before he was first elected. She looked arrogant and cold, covered in Anti-ERA crap. I was so-disgusted. I must have been glaring at her when I had to walk past her because she was definitely “aware” of me. Cate Blanchett did a great job playing her in Mrs.America. I never even considered that the SCROTUS (saw that on another post) could void the ERA if it was an Amendment. That’s why I always voted pro-choice because Roe was so dicey. The damage to voting rights is frightening.
Iets face it and caII A spade a spade. There is no Ionger an officiaI RepubIican party, it's been hijacked! We may as weII caII this group MagaFascists in Congress. The probIem Iies reaIIy in the branding and IabeI........Enough is Enough......these are MagaFascists.