Checking one's voter registration will simply not be enough. Millions of new voters must be signed up and motivated to show up (or mail in a ballot) in November. There must be an overwhelming Democratic victory giving us the House, Senate, and presidency or we will be mired in questions and controversies for the next four years.

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That's exactly what FT6 does. Only group that just registers Democrats. Meanwhile DNC and other groups concentrate on GOTV.

You can do it yourself. https://voterizer.org/

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We still have the capacity to sweep. Register more Democrats.


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NC Ashe County Democrats held a successful door knocking campaign on Saturday. Considering this is rural country, we still knocked on 257 doors. Chuck Hubbard is running against Virginia Foxx in the house, throw him some money if your able to! ;)

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On one day in March, FT 6 signed up 11,000 new North Carolina Democratic voters during the FT 6 summit.


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I thought that Republicans were the party of individual freedoms. I guess it's only individual freedoms for Republicans.

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The trouble is they lie, with abandon. They tell Americans they stand for freedoms most people value and since most Americans are "asleep at the wheel," they are believed. There is nothing off limits. Truly, most of us who are reasonable and live on Earth 1, never thought Roe v. Wade would be overturned. The so-called conservative justices insisted it was settled law during their Senate hearings. Don't believe a single assurance these people offer, unless it is to further limit our freedoms, deliver power and wealth to those who generally don't need either and won't share with ordinary folks. We are cattle to these people and we exist to serve "our betters." This has been the cruel way of this world for centuries. Indeed, we have had a brief period where our middle class grew and thrived, but why would you think the powerful would want to increase that trend? When we earn too much money for our own goods, become too well educated, when we have the disposable income that allows us more discretionary power over our own lives, we become a threat to their dominion over us and this must change. Don't think for a minute the Republicans will do anything to help the middle and lower classed, it is their policies that have largely created the circumstances we find ourselves in now while they tell us it is essentially our own faults (synonymous with the Democratic Party).

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Nothing this court decides would surprise me at this point. If Biden does not win along with Democratic majorities in both houses, we will lose many of the rights we take for granted, including the right to speak our minds in this format. Keith olbermann, HCR, and David Feldman also had comments I recommend to shed more light on the situation since the debate. Thanks Thom for reminding us another right which is at stake, the right to marry the person we choose.

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We agree, this emboldened court will continue to strip us of our hard earned rights and opportunities. They don't want us to be successful, unless we do their bidding, which means we help them enforce their agenda on their peers.

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Jul 1Liked by Thom Hartmann

This Supreme Court has gone so overboard that I think we need to expand the court. My preference is one Justice for each Federal District. I think there are 13 at the moment. Should be based on something solid or the next administration could add more and more justices.

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Overcoming history and tradition should be a PRIORITY if it interferes with Equal Justice Under Law. That phrase is carved into the Supreme Court building, and it gives SCOTUS a four word job description.

The LGBTQ+ folks have been contributing to and serving this nation in every capacity possible in the last 250 years. They pay taxes. They can be drafted in the time of war and have served in every war we've had.

So, oh hell no, they are not going back to the 1900's or any other century!

That phrase "One nation under God" should be "One nation under law, indivisible with liberty and equal justice for all." 

Thanks for the warning on this one, Thom. This Report needs to be shared---they all do.

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Vance just did his best to convince people Russia is going to win in Ukraine. You can bet Putin wants Trump to pick him. Disgusting!

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Thiel is like a lot of Log Cabin Republicans and evenLibertarians like Andrew Sullivan. they don't marry, and they believe that their wealth and social status renders them immune/

I've seen Bolivian on Bill Maher, vehemently defend the gay right to marry, then take off on Transgendered..The hypocrisy of I got mine and fuck you use to astound me, especially with the anti immigrant Hispanics. like Joe Arpaio. and there is that right wing extremist naturalized congresswoman from Texas 18th, Mayra Flores, who is for the most extreme right wing positions on everything including immigration.

I personally know another, a Panamanian naturalized via his mother, who is as MAGAt as hate filled they come.

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Here’s a new Biden campaign ad about the debate.

Please share widely especially with the bed-wetters and pearl-clutchers.


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That's a very good ad. I think I understand how Trump was able to look better than Biden at the debate. Trump's strategy was to throw so many whoppers at Biden, so fast, he wasn't able to respond, before another was served up. I've seen other GOP members that use that strategy, apparently it has become a GOP go to strategy, when cornered. Their goal is to confuse their opponent. If they throw enough lies, that take a lot of explaining to unpack, they can overwhelm anyone trying to explain what the truthful position is. It works well for capturing low information spectators.

It was a disgusting debate strategy, used by a deeply morally & disgustingly corrupt conman, that fools the gullible and the insatiably greedy. But not critical thinking people, with compassion, and those that actually care about our country and know the actual backgrounds of these men; and not what right wing media pundants and Donald Trump want us to believe.

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They use that tactic on substack as well, Richard. On Robert Reich, they hurl more charges than one can coherentlhy respond to. Thom's as well, the Putin troll that does by Barry and claims to be D.O. especially his comments are a smorgasboard of attacks.

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Yes, several writers have explained this rhetorical device the Republicans are using against us. We were naive to think Trump would debate fairly. The American people deserve to watch a fair debate focusing on policy, but the Republicans will never win an honest debate on policy as their policies are contrary to what most Americans prefer and on most issues.

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Let’s focus on the big picture such as this issues and many others instead of the insanity of dumping Biden and starting a civil war between Dems. That’s just what the GQP wants.

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We better win this election or it's game over for our American experiment in democracy. Register and GOTV!

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If we are not able to help our fellow Americans understand that this is an "activist" Supreme Court that will take us back 100 years, we stand to lose (over a several year span if the Republican Party controls the levers of government) most or all of what has been achieved since the days of FDR. This court's ruling on presidential immunity was for one purpose alone: to elevate the "unitary executive" to a position where he is untouchable and functions like a monarch. The current incarnation of the Republican Party has shown us it cares little, if at all, for the welfare of ordinary Americans, preferring to hand power and control to the small class of powerful and often wealthy so they may continue to grow in wealth and power off of the backs of working Americans. Families can and will continue to be split up, Christian Nationalism will become the "state religion," and for that matter you can forget about supporting other democratic regimes against the growing worldwide threat of fascist authoritarian leaders. And, for those of you who read this far, don't count on your social security and medicare benefits remaining intact. While they will probably have to strip us of more Constitutional rights before they can simply take our SS and Medicare, do expect them to come after these. Fascist authoritarians do not value human life, except as servants who will bow down and do their bidding. Didn't Trump tell a rally audience he only cares about their votes recently? He is growing bolder and is the beneficiary of about 50 years of so-called activism from the base.

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And as the twisted six on the absconded court pace their playout to embrace the Nazi program of hating and harshly punishing the homosexuals, carefully paced to control public reaction, things will be set free and happening in Bubbaville. Bubba won't wait, nor will he be held much accountable. Even with all the alarms about forests getting thinner, Bubba can always find a tree.

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A daunting task right now given the public impression of Joe Biden. He and the democrats have a lot of work to do to overcome that. We shall see how that works out throughout the summer ahead.

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It is my humble opinion that this insurrection is being fueled by the hatred of gay people! I don't think the religious lunatics will ever accept the gay people until they are all raised together in agnostic villages from babies!

We cannot make the closed-minded, whose brains do not function properly virtuous! They are sadists! The human part of their mind was circumcised when they went to religious training.

We can either accept that fact or try to force them to be human! That is what this whole insurrection is about. The Christians hate the queers so much that they don't care if Trump steals all of our money and we end up looking like 50 of the worst Nations on Earth!

We need a leader that will let the gays all live together, have self supporting penal colonies and self-supporting poor farms that are humane. Bring back manufacturing and stop overpopulation! Neither Trump or Biden are up to the task. Trump is up to stealing the national treasury though and enslaving everyone he hates!

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Gay folks are always a target of fascists, however they are not the only targets, they are merely a convenient target that will foment anger and hatred. If you can get people to ignore their higher, rational mind and retreat to their animal instincts, you create a MAGA movement.

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Why does anyone think this election will be free and fair?

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This was all planned by the GOP. We told the Dem party and they said we were over reacting. Now the Dems are obligated to restructuring the courts. They better get a plan and enforce rules on the Court when its members act without restraint.

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