So very important to remind women and men who respect them of where we’ve come from and how far back the GOP wants to take us! Thank you, Kathleen Weiner

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March of the Christian soldiers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSnB_Ol-COw

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Daniel, you just reminded me of a news report when Bush was elected. His election was celebrated in a Christian Church in Texas,and in marched white uniformed, jack booted, neo NAZI's, and if I recall correctly this was on the grounds of Texas A&M and Dubya was present.

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My phone won't play that. I made the last payment on my cell phone last month and it has a mind of its own for the past few weeks. Google podcasts quit playing and I could get podcasts in other formats, but not now. I can't get Thom's reports to play, and after I read it, I have to search through numerous other substack's comments to find it. Anybody else have this problem?

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Jul 11·edited Jul 11Liked by Thom Hartmann

I didn't know the NH history of how women were treated-I have lived in the state since 1969 and am a history buff but never heard about it. Thanks Thom!

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Wow! I’ve been encouraging young women to vote or lose their rights but THIS!

All self-respecting women need to get out and vote blue while they can. Our lives and the lives of our daughters and granddaughters are depending on it!

Not to mention how much harder men will also have it if women cannot work and contribute… a sure prescription for economic, physical and mental collapse.

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We have the capacity to sweep. Millions of women who trend Democratic are unregistered. Register more Democrats to empower those votes.


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Vote BLUE up and down-ballot. See BlueVoterGuide.org for assistance.

And tell a friend.

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At some point I read statistics about how many men in the US had dropped out of the workforce and were being supported by women.

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No problem, you girls can go to work and take care of us and the kids!

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Threatened much? If you’re trying to goad women on this chain, you’ve list out. Try staying home with the house stuff, cooking, taking care of tons of kids appts, pick ups, drop offs etc.

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Is this synchronicity? Had no idea you had this up your sleeve when I chimed in late (as usual) with this yesterday:

comment on July 4th Shock: Have the Redcoats Returned to Rule?.

Thom, I am smiling at your well-meaning political correctness, because of course the document says, "...all MEN are created equal." When one then tries to explain, well, "men" meant "all people" in the common usage, one is well on the way down the slippery slope. Because that is true: men were people in their world; women were a lesser creation. I raise the issue now because, for all of the harmful fallout from Dobbs, several generations of women now have no idea of the full panorama of that world view, nor, especially, of the extent to which it is STILL VERY MUCH WITH US. Do you really think it's far-fetched to imagine Alito's pen poised to decree that women only got the vote in 1920, hardly a mandate of the Founders? I recently heard on regular broadcast news radio that some red states are looking at doing away with no-fault divorce. (Look out for your community property, ladies!) But the significance of "no-fault" is partly against the historical/cultural background that women are inherently less trustworthy, less mature in judgement. Why, even when the Comstock Act came about, a woman wasn't considered reliable enough to be a witness in court! So, fine, let's get that divorce business back to his word against hers. Then there is that fear and loathing of female seductiveness; her corrupting power and inherent promiscuity. I'm a bit of an addictive YouTube comments reader, and believe me, it is just the tip of the iceberg when you see 1) I'm OK with abortion long as it's not being used as birth control, and 2) she won't need an abortion if she can just keep her knees together. Now we have "abortion after birth." My wish is that eyes could be more massively opened to the visceral hatred and despite reflected in these ideas, and in the policies that will flow from them. The attack on Mifepristone in the mail is only a hint of what may be in store for us. Because I am sure the troglodyte 6 absolutely believe "all MEN are created equal," and a reversal of ALL these 20th Century "rights" of females will just be restoring god's balance to things.

This space before has recalled how recently a female could qualify for her own credit card: I've recounted my high-earning career Mom being sent back for Dad's co-sign of my first utility account, 1974 or so. Yet one of her favorite words was "sluts!" There are going to be our fellow women whose fear and loathing of "sluts" will drive them to vote for the strongmen who will let the sluts die. How do we reach them to vote for the lives of their daughters, who are not sluts, but might die of pregnancy?

I hear there is a surge in men "solving the problem" by vasectomy. My god! Just tell him to vote blue!

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Not too long ago, a woman, either on Thom's substack or Robert Reich's wanted to abolish no fault divorce, Maybe because her husband had left her high and dry, in which case the onus is on her for choosing a man for a life time employer. Our great great grandmothers, and my on own mother had no other choice, and for that she paid the price.

The no fault divorce was indeed made law as a means for men to escape the bonds of matrimony without proving infidelity, which truthfully was harder to do with women, than with men. But it was a savior for women who languished and suffered under mental, verbal and physical abuse.

Compare that to the cultures, within the United States, which have no means for divorce, and divorce for a woman means exile from your own family and friends, but not death.

On the other hand divorce in Muslim cultures is equivalent to a death sentence,because women do not have the means of self sustenance, employment or entrepreneur ship,

They have to resort to prostitution or begging.

In strict Muslim countries a woman can not travel alone, unless accompanied by a male family member, even if it is her own young son.

Coming to America soon, gratis the Heritage Foundation, Federalist Society, SCOTUS, Opus Dei, and Dominionism.

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Tell them to vote blue AND take responsibility with a vasectomy!

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I don't think the capitalist will pay a living wage to the working males to support a family. It will take at least two or three jobs to survive. Especially after the right wingers dissolve the minimum wage. The whole idea sounds totally insane. It sounds like what all those incel males living in mommies basement came up with. Legalized sadism, rape and slavery. I will never look at any church the same way! There needs to be "Enter at your own risk" signs at the doors of the churches! Also the surgeon general needs to require "Warning, religion causes insanity"! notices also on the church doors. It is about time to end public money going to these lunatics!

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I think it will come as a shock to all these religious patriarchs and incels when the Religious Right outlaws pornography, as they state they will, in Project 2025.

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LOL. Is that right?, I haven't yet read all of Project 2025. I need to read it and Agenda 47 Jan.

Porno is the biggest money maker on the internet. The sex drive has been the undoing of every man.

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The largest rally I have ever seen in my little town was when Roe was over-turned. We should be welcoming these misogynistic ideas coming out of the right-wing jerks simply because it gives "birth" but not in the way they want. Born are millions of activists and they are not all women. That is a beautiful thing.

There is another cure for divorce---just don't marry. Nearly half of adults are not married and 29% have never been married. Just like their ridiculous religious ideas, they have lost this culture battle. They lost the culture war a LONG time ago. We need to make sure we vote blue to remind them.

Demographics are going to get them. All the women dominating in college are going to get them. They should be afraid, very afraid. 

We are going to tell them to shove their Project 2025 right where the sun don't shine regardless of who wins this election!

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Misogyny has always been present here, and it wants to overwhelm women.

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One tel I pay attention to is just what and who are the targets of the now succeeding coup. It follows that those targets are what and who they are most afraid of. Work from there and empower as much as possible those targeted. We have reached the point where one of two "gestapo" forces--those redneck thugs who were told to "stand back and stand by" and the more dangerously deranged thugs who have a bible in their hands, already ready to "put people to the question". The history of Christian zealotry, which always has evolved from Christianity left unchecked, enabled by virtuously cloaked intolerance, proves the inevitable direction that is now taking place. The blood of the lamb now demands the blood of the nonbelievers. This article put me in a rage. This article should be relentlessly made available to every trace of the targeted group--women. Spead far and wide by every means possible, this article encapsules that will convince. I have always believed that the more women that populate the ranks of the the political world, the more sane and sure and safe we will all be.

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I heard where more white women voted for Trump than for Biden when Trump was elected and Hillary was defeated by fraud! Those right-wing women are just as dense as the right wing males!

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Many of those women are/were probably already living in an oppressive, patriarchal, misogynistic environment (fathers, brothers, husbands, preachers), and are brainwashed/forced to support what their menfolk tell them to. If you haven’t experienced this, you don’t know what it’s like.

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Jan, my wife's name is also Jan, explained it this way. Right wing women, are those women who have successfuly secured safety and security by reinforcing bondage, in the same way as the house slave as epitomized by Stephen in Django Unchained.

Women like Amy Comey Barrett and Phyllis Schafley, (dec.) have prospered and made careers and money by playing the role of Quislings. It isn't just women, the world is full of Quislings, gays like Log Cabin Republicans, Peter Thiels, blacks like Herschel Walker, Byron Donalds, Mark Robinson, Clarence Thomas, Candace Owens.

Hispanics like Arpaio, Fuentes, Tarrio. Mayra Flores.

And then there are Ali Alexander (born Ali Abdul-Razaq Akbar, and Indian American fascists like Vivek Ramaswamy, Kash Patel, Dinesh D'Souza, people whom Trump would like to strip of their citizenship and deport because they are not "white"

Years ago, a conservative Republican told me "Show me who signs the paycheck and I will tell you what opinion they hold"

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Trump's daughter promised gov funded childcare if her father was elected. After her Dad won, she apologized and said she found out it is not possible.

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A very important distinction to make BeeJay. Not only are not all "men created equal" from a practical societal standpoint, neither are all women. If this is the plan for European-American women as outlined by Thom, then Black Women in the United States, which all three of my children are, will catch quantitatively more hell than they. Just like Black men, children and gays do. I appreciate you pointing out the false equivalency.

Explain Marjorie Taylor Greene, Sarah Palin and the like. In fact during the "women's liberation movement" of the 60's and 70's white women spat on Black Women in the United States. Black children received the same treatment by European-American women during the busing era.

Don't shoot the messenger.




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Why should anybody shoot you Rohn. You clearly speak the truth.

I pity the poor black lesbian, she is at the very bottom of societies totem pole and has the weight of all, including black men on top of her.

I am a recovering alcoholic, sober since 1989, thanks to my sponsor, still alive.

My sponsor was a black lesbian named Pat, and her life was shit, compared to mine.

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"Why should anybody shoot you Rohn. You clearly speak the truth."

You have answered your own question within your query, matey. For, what Black Man in the United States has spoken "the truth" without experiencing, in way or another, a Negative Health Outcome?

And there, you have it.

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Oh Rohn and Bob, some of us just LOOK like white women. Never know what is going on in our brains. I think I'm kinda a gay guy in there, and I was in love with the curls, fros, and big hoop earrings in the past. Before cultural appropriation, we could rock a dashiki and a perm.

That was the fun part of the past, and there is no denying the ugly bits or the women you mentioned of today.

Thank the goddess for Kamala, Mae, Beyonce, Simone and on and on. I was torn about the athlete---the gay-guy in me loves Serena's fashion sense.

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I can somewhat relate.

I inform people all of the time that I am a quasi-lesbian.

And absolutely love being one.

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J K Rowling vehemently disagrees Rohn. Rowling is the world's richest and most vehement trans Exclusive Radical Feminists, and excludes anyone who has or had a penis. The bitch owns a 500 ft Yacht, bigger than a minesweeper.

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Congratulations as, for the first time ever, you have caused me to laugh in a manner other than a derisive one.


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Then we have the other side of the equation. What will happen to all of the people in the U.S. who are not Christian believers? Gender aside. Will we be rounded up and put in reeducation camps like the Chinese are doing with the Uyghurs? Will we be forcibly displaced or deported? Will we be punished like the ladies detailed in this article?

I can see under a regime using this Project 2025 template, where non-Christians would have their rights stripped away, like my Irish Catholic forebears under British rule. Unable to own property, unable to vote, unable to work under normal conditions, unable to attend school with Christian children or attend secondary education institutions. Jailed, hanged or deported for the slightest perceived offense.

These were the real conditions my ancestors lived under for over 800 years of British rule. If the Catholics in the U.S think they will get a pass because of who they are, think again. The American protestants have little love for the Catholics. So, first they will come for the non-Christians, and once they have been dealt with, they will come for the Catholics.

You have been warned.

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You nailed it Terry. Project 2025 is nothing more than the blueprint of Dominionism that has been building steam since the 1990's, when founded by R J Rushdoony and Ted Cruz father Rafael. https://www.sullivan-county.com/nf0/fundienazis/royal_race.htm

There is no room for non Christians and even less than faithful Christians are to be excluded even executed, along with adulterers, and juvenile delinquents and the method of execution is stoning, because (very libertarian) stones are free.

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When I moved from MA to FL 32 years ago, I learned (to my surprise and amusement) that Catholics are NOT considered Christians by the good Southern Baptist hypocrites and their evangelical brethren. LOL, once they found out I didn't have a church they lost interest in me.

I don't practice any religion, people like those described in Thom's article today have given religion a very ugly image.

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A little story. The day before I turned 17 I was called into the principals office in a very, very large HS in Philadlephia, and told If I darkened the doorway of the school the next day, they would arrest me and sent me to Daniel Boone, a reform school, unable to find a job, to small to enlist (they rejected me, I was 5'1" weighed 101 lbs (shot up like a bean 9 months later, I moved south with my fathers parents. Lived in a shotgun cabin with my grandparents, in a house owned by my uncle a Southern Baptis Preacher, as you said, a hypocrite, misogynist, mother effing bastard and racist.

He hated Catholics and my best friends were cajuns, a wild bunch of Catholics, we were the town gossip. I brought them to church with me one Sunday and we sat in the front pew. Uncle saw them, face turned beet red and he abandoned his prepared sermon so he could spew his hatred. They laughed. I got hell later, water off a duck's back.

So I know.

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Excellent use of HERSTORY to deconstruct the real motives of the MAGATARIAT.

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Good one, Susan.

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The quotes from JD Vance and Kacsmaryk are grotesque! When the latter abhors the "erotic desires of liberated adults," be sure he means "sluts!" Only the thinnest veil separates us from "She made him do it" "She asked for it!" My Mom (perhaps famous here) used to relish recounting her friends who were mothers of boys, how nasty little girls were coming on to their pristine sons in elementary school! On FSTV Thom has referenced the ur-myth of Eve. I point out that "god" could have brought justice down on Eve, but, no: it cursed all females for all time. My point is, this is still with us!

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Not that this invalidates you Mmerose, But something happened when I was 17, that still puzzles me.

I lived under my uncles roof, he was a Southern Baptist Preacher and had his own church.

There was a gal, aged 15, named Glenda Faye, that I was attracted to. We dated, went to the drive in and made out in the back of the car ofmy friend Gene.

I had a serious case of "blue balls", but would not have sex. To reasons, maybe three. 1. I would not force myself, 2. I didn't want to risk getting her pregnant . 3. I didn't want to have to marry her at age 17 and ruin my life.4. My mother raised me to control myself, my urges.

Nether the less Glenda Faye, started telling her friends in church that we had sex.I asked my aunt why she would say such a thing. my aunt replied because that is what she wanted.

A couple of months later I joined the Service, was shipped overseas, spent a year remote, came back looked her up, went on a date again, this time she told me she had been "a bad girl", still didn't have sex with her (beware the honey trap, many men have fallen for it),later found out she was pregnant and found some dupe to marry her.

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By enforcing the Comstock Act — which is still on the books, as Clarence Thomas, Sam Alito, and numerous other Republicans keep reminding us — they will be able to ban the shipment of anything, from drugs to surgical devices, that can be used to produce an abortion. This could even end most hospital-based abortions by essentially outlawing the equipment needed to perform them."

This here is a great display of rightwing, excuse me - American Taliban - hypocrisy and zealotry. On the one hand, the gazillionaire's-as-a-political-party front - the GOP - and their now private court of 6COTUS can't move fast enough and far enough solidifying the "right" to military-grade instruments of death for domestic use.

On the other hand, the American Taliban and 6COTUS are steamrolling half the population through forced birth "protection" of fertilized eggs.

Here's a summary of this conflicted lunacy in one sentence:

The Republican party as the party of the unborn AND the undead willfully ignore - in its entirety - that thing we know as "life", which spans the eternity between their two bookends of conflicting Extremisms.

American Taliban leader, Donald Trump (who held tea with THE Taliban at Camp David), 6COTUS, and the Republican party as-absorbed-by the Heritage Foundation have a very real agenda to punish anyone not sufficiently submissive to their unwelcome advances.

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I call them SKOTUS, the Supreme Klan of the United States.

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Yes, without a doubt.

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I visited a ‘Museum of Torture’ at a castle in France. It wasn’t a ‘Riply’s Believe it or Not’ style exhibit. It was a traveling exhibit demonstrating the history of torture, *and noting those forms of torture still used today* primarily against women, man’s inhumanity. It was an educational exhibit designed to draw attention to today’s torture. It was frightening. And sickening. Men need to stand up to protect their mothers, sisters, wives and daughters. Women need to make sure they vote, and that they explain to younger women what may happen if they don’t.

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I bet there were more men tortured than there were women? That is the only pleasure to sadists get.

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As I've written elsewhere, this kind of thinking will not stop with women. Republicans are likely to try anything they can to turn back the clock. This might be subtle, like informally allowing the revival of Redlining and "Gentlemen’s Agreements", or very blatant. Formal national identity cards could be the least of it, but would be a logical first step in tracking everyone, everywhere, after which we can all get a file showing our degrees of loyalty. And I hope nobody says that it can't happen here.

Many years ago I saw the most extreme case of this kind of thinking. It was from a full professor in my department. He was a very insecure ex-Marine and turned to Nixon as his authority figure, excusing his crimes by saying, "Every president did that." One day he started mumbling about repealing the 13th Amendment. That was enough for me.

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And of course let's not forget about Pakistani acid attacks, still present today.

"With about 200 acid attacks reported annually, Pakistan has a reputation for being one of the deadliest countries for acid attacks. Most of the victims are women.

“Some of the reasons women have been subjected to acid attacks include rejecting marriage proposals, giving birth to daughters instead of sons, and not bringing enough dowry to their in-laws’ houses."


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I tried to send this via direct message but it wouldn't send.

Thank you for the like. I listen to your program daily, for the past year or so. You're doing the nation a hell of a great service by standing up against all the fascist BS. You'd be surprised how often you touch on a topics I had just been thinking about. I've read & highly recommend several of your books, & Hidden History of Oligarchs twice,(before that Jane Mayer's 'Dark Money') and have concluded you are a special kind of political genius. I'm not always the sharpest knife in the drawer but I have become long enough in the tooth, that I can recognize genius in others. Often, I can also recognize nefarious mens rei. I could see it in Trump by the time he was publicly begging Russia to infiltrate HRC's emails. He is a man rotten to the core & Putin helped him because he also recognized his depravity, probably long before most Americans. Putin wanted to smear excrement on America's government because just like Trump, he is incapable of inflection or self blame. He also recognized a dishonesty & narcissism only an equally corrupt, mobbed up, narcissist, Russian spy could love (& recruit).

You have to be incredibly busy to do what you do but if you haven't seen it before, this PBS Frontline video documentary, below, about Lt. General Mike Flynn, graphically portrays the kind of Christofascist extremism we are up against. I'm afraid it is the same delusional fundamentalist/extreme partisan thinking that motivates our Supreme Court. Their arrogance, elitism and willingness to con their percieved intellectual inferiors is palpable.


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"A special kind of political genius" is an excellent description of Thom. Well done, Richard.

Nailed the evil-doers profile too!

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Thank you, Alis

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What causes these zealots and monsters to become sadistic? I think it is some combination of irrational fear, having been traumatized, tortured, or brainwashed usually as children, and extreme moralism coming from religious dogma and indoctrination and fanaticism. That cycle must be interrupted somehow. Those men are afraid of women for reasons which are bizarre but traceable to certain basic biological and social realities. One perspective that is well worth looking at is offered in the book, "The Female Thing", by Laura Kipnis. Ultimately, this is about changing perceptions and thought processes and education. None of that essential change can take place in traditional institutions and particularly not in our traditional schools which remain male dominated and controlled by conservatives, religious individuals, and moneyed interests.

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Robert I am going to throw out an observation. From what I've seen,and there is documentation, the more coddled and fondled the male by it's mother and family females, the more misogynist it is when grown, besides being mamma boys, they are prone to the madonna whore mentality. This is true in the Italian, Arab and even orthodox Jew culture.

Where male children are treated as little gods, and even have their private parts fondled, as infants,in some part of the Arab world it is not unusual to have a six year old boy nursing off his mother.

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That has a Freudian sound to me, which is suspect, although there may be documentation which proves something. I would have to see some logical connection which explains the phenomenon. I'm not all that sure that a six year-old nursing necessarily indicates pathology or that boys in that culture being favored is significant beyond the usual connections. But the questions are always worth asking if you have the time to pursue it.

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So Freud is a charge hurled at someone, and once hurled in battle, one must run a way from or defend.

Please do better than assign what you think or pejorative labels to notions.

There is an essence of truth in all ideas and theories, mind you I said essence.

As concerns coddling young male, and having them grow up to be madonna whore ,mammaboys is an observation, not only of me, but of others. Want a study, I don't have time or funding for a study, nor the need to spend hours of research, but carving out my comment about some Arab females suckling a boy child, as something to grab hold of and quibble my observation is, well to put it mildly, a logical fallacy.

But I also stand by that. You might pick up a copy of Sandra McKay's The Iranians, lots of insight there.

I find the last comment of yours of interest though:

" But the questions are always worth asking if you have the time to pursue it."

Oh I had the time, and I pursued it, I most certainly did, that is how I have arrived at my opinions. Lots of times, lots of readings, lots of experience, lots of travel, lots of open mindedness and course lots of opinions.

By the way, by open mindedness I don't mean judgmental, I leave judging to others, I am of the whatever floats your boat mentality. however I find explanation for human behavior in the cultures men create to attain and maintain dominance and control. Lots of similarities, though difference in application.

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I did not express an opinion on Freud. He was probably right about many things. I did not express doubt about how much time you have spent in following your interests. I noted that it all takes time and suggested that I personally do not have the time or particular interest with respect to that issue. But I'm glad you have things to keep you busy.

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I guess I misread when you started out. "How Freudian, of you"

BTW I never read Freud, I was not taught Freud, all I know of him is from popular culture, that he was obsessed with sex and I presume his relationship to childhood.

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