It shouldn’t surprise us that a political party that swears its first allegiance to billionaires and giant multinational corporations would choose money and profits over health and life...
Thom, this report is extremely enlightening! If it doesn’t wake up some of the “dead beats” in our society, nothing will!
Bottom line with all of this is real simple.
We MUST, MUST, get to the polls every single time there is an election. It doesn’t matter if it’s for local, state, federal. We must vote BLUE 💙💙💙💙 in every election group m here on until we completely eliminate the current Republican Party and replace those in our Congress with younger, more Democratic leaders that want to take us on into the next decades with improvements to our society, our way of life, our democracy, and by all means, KEEPING OUR CONSTITUTION INTACT!
In summer of 2016 I went to Kentucky with a church group to help elderly folks with home repairs. The sweet lady I was working for had a Rush Limbaugh type radio program basting Hillary -hating conspiracies. There was one "supermarket " in a widespread town and many people relied on EBT ( food stamps) in the state which has the highest percapita reliance on this program. Their Senators are Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul.
On Nov 7, about 5 counties in eastern KY that went 80% to 20 for Trump in 2016 and 2020 went 60% Democratic. The candidate, governor Andy Beshear, is a lay Disciple of Christ preacher, and knows the lyrics to all Bill Monroe songs. (It didn't hurt that the Republican was Black.)
If the DNC can replicate Brashear, have a chance throughout coal country. Obama was seen as anti coal and of course, has a "foreign" middle name. Paul is a carpetbagger. Had the DNC run anyone like Brashear the last time, he'd be toast. He opposed the Black Lung reform legislation. He opposes all government benefits.
I feel the same about WVa. Need to replicate Sen. Robert Byrd. Play the fiddle.
Thanks for the revelations about Bashear. It is hard form me to absorbe that Kentuckians, who work in mines and have black lung disease and wind up depending on government benefits, voted for a man opposed to those subjects. It had to be his opponent was a black Republican. The Republicans have it in their head, that if the front a black right winger, they can secure a seat, the MAGAt base isn't falling for it though, and apparently blacks aren't either, except for South Carolina.
Inroads made as to the Governor's re-election: son of, did they call it "Kynect" (sp) because they didn't dare call it "Obamacare." It is stultifying how people get buffaloed into screwing themselves.
Of course I did! It was a clear message about the hypocrisy of their senators who are supposed to represent their constituents, as well as an indicator that red state people were being lied to and brainwashed to vote for Trump. Don’t know what else I could have done
I am a late participator. I have become uncomfortable with "Jenny" attacks and good-hearted defenses representing what looks like wasted energy. When "Jenny" gets to pumping Cornel West, below, I'm not sure about funny smell....
When we were living in the US for 23yrs not many people cared about Politics/world History/or your own History. Schools were insipid. Tests after tests instead of teaching.
Jenny, it’s never too late! Not if we want to save our Democracy and our Constitution. Frumpy 🍓💩🤡 has made it extremely clear what he intends to do WHEN he’s re-elected next year. He fully intends to do away with Democracy as we now know it, do away with the Constitution. Put people in place in the federal agencies that will follow his orders, do away with the local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies replacing them either the military (Army). He will have all the prosecutors, justices, everyone that has “wronged him”, “told lies about him”, and “tried to prosecute him”, locked up in prison, or shot. He will do away with Congress, state legislatures and state governments. Everyone will be answering to him. And lastly, we will not have another election for any government officials.
I am a late participator. I have become uncomfortable with "Jenny" attacks and good-hearted defenses representing what looks like wasted energy. When "Jenny" gets to pumping Cornel West, below, I'm not sure about funny smell...
I agree. I realized sh was one if Frumpy’s cronies after I write my responses to her. But, I’m hard-headed old man. It doesn’t matter who I tell about that pile of 💩💩💩💩. Hopefully it might wake up some of those dead zombies!
By and large, Americans guilty as charged. Asleep as long as the next TV model could be "afforded" on a credit card. The teach-to-the-test culture is a Bush abomination, isn't it? The next stage of "awakening" was the Bush/Gore election brouhaha, which at least introduced fledgling MSNBC as a voice which at least wasn't Limbaugh-parroting. But I have hopes of the insult to the comfort zone inflicted by Injustice Alito.
Yes, they are being misled. Is there 'anything' the lawyers or the Democratic leaders are doing to make it illegal for TV news to continually lie? Who is trying to make the media be punished for their lies? Is this even possible? I think the lies are the number one reason we will lose 2024 and our democracy! It should the top agenda for the Democrats! Is 'nothing' being done in the courts or in congress???? Please inform me of any progress on this problem and how soon we might get *results*!
To any reasonable degree of probability, the numbers in 2023 have to be much worse. States like mine committed us to a forced COVID herd immunity experiment, well documented by the CDC in 2021. In other words DeSantis and our legislators culled our state of proportionally more Republicans, since they die at a higher rate than Democrats. On the other hand we've had immigration of huge numbers of Republicans who apparently admire the policy.
These also happen to be the same states that take more from Federal taxes than they give. Blue states are supporting them.
We have other problems. Although measles was declared eliminated in the United States in 2000, almost 1,300 cases of measles were reported in 31 states in the U.S. in 2019— the greatest number since 1992.
I feel for you, Daniel. I lived in Florida until just over 5 1/2 years ago. I had to get the help out. DeStupid has ruined that state with his gerrymandering of the states voting districts, you guys will never have a decent election ever again. And his rules/laws he’s implemented on the COVUD, education system he’s screwed up. It’s totally gone. I’m not surprised he has any educators of any degree of competence remaining there to teach.
BLM is he best ally MAGA has. This young asshat egoists, are still patting themselves on the back for their stupid Defund the Police.
That is what myopia gets you. Single issue politics is a losing proposition..
ProChoice might be the exception now that the reality of Dobbs has set in. ProChoice advocates were asleep at the switch, taking the status quo for granted.
They weren't even alarmed when Trump appointed pro fascist judges to the bench, not just the Supreme Courtwith 1,500 lawyers vetted by the Federalist Society.
People are blithely unaware that so many lawyers are conservative, not just conservative but die hard right wingers. Not you Daniel.
Over time, law professors became extremely reactionary to the point that some are outright Fascists. I was a member, an officer, of the ABA for over 20 years. The nature of the Administrative law section, which contains some of the most famous Constitutional scholars, has changed 180 degrees since I started. I was also a member of ACUS, the administrative conference of the US.
A member of an Inn of Court that included Scalia, Thomas.
Many Trump appointees were rated unqualified by the ABA.
Thomas and Alito openly apply "natural law" before the text of the Constitution.
Has anybody traced back the origin of "defund the police?" It's such stupid, obvious sabotage, politically, that I toy with (completely speculative) conspiracy theory that it comes from malicious propaganda. Wondering for some time.....
Y you in mist live in the Dade/Broward county area. The DNC hasn’t given up on you folks in Florida. The problem you are having now is the leadership of it, and the Frmicrsts are not energized at all because they have no power in the state now. And, no matter who heads it up. If the federal lie dint hit the streets every day and start talking to people, then Scott, Rubio, DeStupid, will continue to turn that state into an authoritarian power. You will never get rid of those idiots until they die, then another idiot will simply take their place.
Bottom line, the Democratic Party in Florida has a hell of a hill to climb. I’m not sure the Democrats left in the state are willing to put in the work to try to save the state, and put up the fight that has to be done. You are looking at long court battles, and trying to get the battle in courts in other states because DeStupid has stacked every court in Florida with his people already. That’s why his gerrymandered map made it through the ejection.
Last year we couldn't motivate Black voters to show up to vote for Black candidates. Scott is extremely weak, susceptible. IMHO if we put abortion, marijuana on the ballot we can win.
It is not a slur on Trans, but a slur on the hypocrite Governor. I am sure that he is transvestite or at least wears women's under garments. Most homophobes and transphobes are.
I once worked with a transvestite who spent all day listening to Rush Limbaugh.
A Stanford study wired the genitals of volunteers, to measure sexual arousal, and then showed them photo's of gay porn. But first tested them to determine who was a homophobe and the degree.
The results that the most homophobic were the most aroused, and those that weren't weren't aroused.
Yes, he has, and his Presidential campaign promise is that he has “molded Florida as he will do the entire country. Every state!”
DeStupid is an idiot. His gerrymandering got him that last “landslide win” in the election. What was his margin of winning? 21% or something like that. I guess the hell he did an by a landslide, and end up with a ‘super-majority’ legislature. He only has like one or two at the most prominent Democrat voting areas in the entire state, out of what, 34 or something like that. I don’t truly remember how many precincts Florida has now since he had the legislative redraw it.
And you are correct about Scott and Rubio. Those two are useless as tits on a boar hog!
Alexandria Pelosi, Nancy's daughter, is a documentarian and in she produced a document titled: 2009: Right America: Feeling Wronged – Some Voices from the Campaign Trail
She asked a stereotypical redneck, toothless in bib overalls living in a single wide with trash strewn around, how he felt about food stamps . He replied, he was against them as they went to them lazy coloreds. She pointed out that he received food stamps, to which he replied. That's OK because I earned them, and that is the reason red states don't have Medicaid and other social services.
They believe that welfare exists for "them there nigrahs", and are perfectly happy taking a hit, so long as "them lazy nigrahs" don't get any help
And in 2016 they found a champion and have stuck with him since -the genesis of MAGA.
Wonderful simplicity of message. What is the motive to NOT educate "the masses?" To maintain a low-paid serf class to serve the (pre-selected) oligarch class. Evidence: when too many peons aspire to education, just hamstring them with a debt mountain to climb. Crew for the DeVoss yachts.
Lauren Boebert grew up with a single mom and no father, and her family received welfare when she was young. Why, then, does she want to deprive others of the help she had?
I don't think that she sees the world as you do. For one thing she is a self aggrandizing asshat, narcissistic. and lacks any shred of humanity. Probably a fan of toxic masculinity, as her sponsor and protector.
I was watching Cassidy Hutchinson being interviewed on MSNBC, and she basically admitted how she fell into the Trump orbit, she was a recent college grad, and needed a ladder to climb up, and Trump was the wrung on the ladder., the difference between her and Boebert is that she has a conscience and scruples, or maybe she just figured out that in the long run she hitched her horse to the wrong wagon. I am not a mind reader, so will never know.
I grew up in a project with a single mother earning a dollar an hour as a bank analyst, and I understand and sympathize with, I have empathy, with the disenfranchised. but not with those like Boebert who found their road to wealth and fame, by being a camp following whore for those she perceives to be the winners of the culture wars.
I am listening now to the awesome Chris Hayes and Rachel Maddows's, Why is this happening.?She is reading from her new book Prequel, it is about fascism in America. Past and Present. I learned that when Hitler was asked about blaming the Jews, he replied Somebody has to be blamed for our troubles.
That is exactly what Trump does, only he has a smorgasbord of scapegoats, but this time not the Jews (his daughter, son in law and grandchildren are Jewish, so is his advisor Steven Miller.
However his MAGAt crowd is anti semitic, and it won't be long before he caves to their clamor.
If, he is elected, and that will only happen if certain groups like black males and Hispanics vote or not vote in protest,and if the Tic Tok crowd is influenced by Islamist propaganda, particularly antisemitic,, which is what is happening at this moment
Me too just watched replay Hayes/Maddow on MSNBC broadcast, thanks to MSNBC, I probably never would have "accessed" it otherwise. As for Boebert, I am not sure all of your harsh judgements are necessary to explain her. The one about "fan of toxic masculinity" is interesting. Just being pleasing, enjoying the ride thanks to sugar daddies, how shameful is it that this is all it takes to hold up a token Barbie with an R next to her name to be electable. Ouch!
Gosh. I just re-read my post about five times, and still can't get where I am either dissing you or defending Boebert. In fact, I was affirming your reference to "toxic masculinity," and bemoaning that there is an electorate that boosts "toxic masculinity Barbie" into office. Have mercy!
Just plain opportunist? Who doesn't wonder about "conservative" blacks? There's been reporting that Injustice Thomas was pretty explicit about forgetting about experience or principles to "get ahead." Token ladies can get on the gravy train, too. Kirsten Sinema seems to have gotten her ticket punched. AR-15 Barbie Boebert has done pretty well for herself. Making earthly sense not required.
Ugh. The designated "deserving" vs the designated "undeserving." I am a survivor of the adamantine mindset, even amongst a white family. I think my blood pressure spikes at every instance of the word "lazy." You hit me twice, here, and I'm as white as white is possible.
I understand your situation. You have hot buttons, trigger words, and apparently the word lazy is a trigger. You must have had an unfortunate life.
I am interested in why the word lazy, spikes your blood pressure.
I have a piece of unsought advice. Resist the impulse to personalize the impersonal, it will make your life so much easier, and lower your blood pressure and increase your life span.
Works for me. People, religious believers, ideologues and religious freaks shower me with all kinds epithets, slurs and search to find trigger words, they wash off me like water off a ducks back.
FYI, the racist opinion of blacks is that they are lazy do nothings of no account. And I know I lived in the south.
The triggers are "Pavlov's dog" conditioning that, of course one doesn't personalize to innocent third parties once out of the harmful context. I was being hyperbolic about 'lazy" not directed at me. But I have an anecdote about "young lady." Perfectly well-meaning guy called me that in the common friendly way long ago, now, and I DID have a reaction that got my attention, (completely not expressed to him - kept smiling). But I had a spontaneous anger reaction, and realized that when my mother said that, it meant "Sit down and shut up!" In fact, broadly used in many settings to suppress females. So I've been hip to your kind advice for a long time, but feel free!
My kind of advice? There you go again, I am obviously under your skin, when I say something that triggers you. I simply mentioned that the attitude of those rednecks are that blacks are lazy and undeserving of welfare, while whites are deserving of welfare, and at that point you chose to launch into a defensive tirade.
And Triggers are not Pavlov's Dog, not at all. My son has triggers, he is a PhD and a professor that teaches psychology, and if I say the wrong thing, he goes off like a rocket, and he was not conditioned.
I've been around long enough to notice that some words or phrases act like triggers.
A few weeks back I mentioned race horses, and a black male, went off, all he saw was the word race.
And I see through that ploy of analogizing me to oppressive males, who tell women to shut up and sit down. Again you have a tendency to personalize the impersonal.
I've said the same thing to many a man, in fact it is the first time I've said to a woman.
Honestly, and I know you will take this suggestion as a demeaning attack on a woman.
But you really have to do some soul searching and get rid of that chip on your shoulder (and I've said the same thing to men)
It is a bummer and there is enough bullshit in life without carrying around baggage like it was valued treasure.
We all have crap in our past. We have to let it go, so we can move on.
"...ploy of analogizing me to oppressive males." What's more "personalizing" than that? My sharing was about not personalizing: i.e. I didn't blame the guy, I just realized my own reaction to certain conditioning. By the way, I'm pretty sure I typed "kind advice," truly meaning your advice was kindly taken.
It has always been obvious to me that Red State and specifically Republican policies kill people, and in general after 2 generations have lived past Reagan many do not have the institutional knowledge of government existing for the people. I am currently in Europe, where this is really clear. Even if the Netherlands just voted in a Nazi, he is a Nazi who is promising to do things for his people, not just telling them to tighten their belts and pull themselves up by their bootstraps, and eschew government handouts, which is what they pretend health care, child care support, and education support is. So, there is a lot of ignorance as to what the government is supposed to be, and clearly even many who were alive before Reagan seem not to have grasped the concepts. It is very sad indeed.
Jenny, any vote for anyone is a vote for Trump. Nader carried enough votes in Florida, that enabled Trump to claim the electoral votes. Jill Stein did the same in the Great Lakes, and that enabled Trump to carry the electoral college.
Cornell West is a bloviator with a complex, and votes for him will help Trump get elected.
Cornell West's candidacy is designed to capture black votees, and thus relect Trump
Don't take politicians at face value. That's how we got Trump 45.
Never. Not until the majority of Congress critters decide it is time to bite the hands that feed them.
One thing everybody needs and wants is money, the more the better, Not for the sake of money, it is only printed paper, but for what it can do.
When it wasn't money, it was command of a resource like salt or cattle. Even today a person can get killed in Ethiopia if one intrudes on the land of that the Afar tribe commands in the Daliol depression.
However France has the same problem, doesn't it. Money commands politicians. Macron serves Total S.A.
I agree that the health system and other social supports like child care, education are also supports that people will not allow to easily be destroyed. Also, I was just reading a discussion yesterday of the outrage in Italy of how women are not protected from violence from men, because of the killing of a 22 year old university student. While Meloni has been speaking up on this, it might be a point of too little too late.
Still, the drastic measures that Geert Wilders supports are truly awful. I hope that he has a difficulty forming a coalition that will go along with that.
Oh, great. The country that made Berlusconi Prime minister for a total of 9 years. The Wiki page on that guy is emblematic for Italy preceding America as Trump-suckers. In fact: Severgnini, Beppe (15 November 2016). "What a Trump America Can Learn from a Berlusconi Italy". Opinion. The New York Times. Archived from the original on 8 April 2022. Retrieved 21 August 2022. La Dolce Vita, patsies.
Yet you "box" Americans, oddly snarking all over the site of the most aware. And then love on the Italians whose elections "another in a year or so" perpetuated the awful Berlusconi.
I tried your "Euronews" link, with appreciation, but they immediately blocked access with the "agree to conditions" box, and the "continue without agreeing" link was inactive. Am I too paranoid about okaying cookies and the rest of the page of small print? Running "Catalina" on a hoary MacBook, neither one of us is really in the 21st Century.
I tried your "Euronews" link, with appreciation, but they immediately blocked access with the "agree to conditions" box, and the "continue without agreeing" link was inactive. Am I too paranoid about okaying cookies and the rest of the page of small print? Running "Catalina" on a hoary MacBook, neither one of us is really in the 21st Century.
Trump is responsible for the high death toll for a number of reasons. First, he is a sociopath who is incapable of feeling empathy for anyone else. He admitted in his interview with Bob Woodward that he deliberately minimized the severity of the pandemic and undersold the risks we faced. He also later said “I take no responsibility at all” for the numbers of people with long COVID or those who died of the disease. Second, I also think Trump had no clue about what to do about a
pandemic, and he has a well-known contempt for experts. Dr. Birx was willing to cater to Trump’s ego and need for adulation, but Dr. Fauci was not. Trump’s ego caused him to get angry with Dr. Fauci because Trump felt the attention should be on himself. He encouraged his faithful to mock Dr. Fauci and to blame him for altering his advice once scientists learned more about the virus and its working. Trump refused to take responsibility for pandemic planning, left it up to the individual states to take action, and tasked his incompetent and clueless son-in-law to obtain personal protective gear.
Trump refused to invoke his power to speed up production of N95 masks and personal protective gear for hospital workers. He does deserve some credit for funding development of RNA vaccines, but his worshippers fell under the influence of the antivaxxers and seemed to think that they would be immune from
the effects of COVID. Their beliefs killed some of them, left others with long COVID, or seriously sickened others.
The shame of many red states was that their governors refused to take the virus seriously and wanted to keep their states open to benefit big business. The most
callous expression of this was when Texas
Lt. Gov. Dan (Goeb) Patrick said that older people should be willing to give their lives to get the economy moving again. Patrick
claims he was misquoted, but he wasn’t.
Andrew Cuomo of New York (a Democrat) made a dumb decision to put COVID patients in nursing homes, which only made medically fragile people sick. The red state governors like DeSantis, Lee and Abbott refused to take the pandemic seriously, and DeSantis has seriously undercounted the numbers of sick, dead,
Andrew Cuomo and his brother Chris are asshats, they played Humpty and Dumpty on TV.
He is a corrupt pervert. Politics is the career path for mediocre lawyers, with exceptions of course, but look at the hundreds of lawyers that bend over for Trump. No bodies were it not for Trump you would never have heard of them.
Chris Cuomo got fired from CNN for failing to disclose his discussions with his brother Andrew. Andrew’s sexual harassment forced him to resign as governor of New York.
I saw an extended show of the Bob Woodward tapes (Chris Hayes?) It's just so shocking, yet "the Bubble" is so impenetrable. Thom has explicated the date when Trump pivoted from at least trying- I think Jared was tasked with a halfway rational plan - to the whole malicious murderous disinformation campaign. It was when somebody told Trump that minorities and "Left-Coasters" were disproportionately dying. "So far" was not a concept Trump could get his head around, of course! He probably really thought the virus was selective for his enemies. I can't resist sharing again my resentment against the great football hero Aaron Rodgers. His home town Chico, CA in my local TV area; they adore him, understandably, and there is no doubt in my mind that there are people dead in Butte County that would not be but for......
Well written and documented advice. Please tell me what, as an individual very concerned about the loss of our Democarcy forever, I can do to help get out the vote.
Janet, talk to people! That’s most important. Study the candidates and talk to people. You’ll probably piss off, and likely lose, some friends. But, oh well. If we intend to save this democracy, I don’t give a damn who I piss off. Hell, I’ve lost my entire family over this. They are all MAGA freaks! I’m as alone as alone can get. But, at least I strongly feel I’m right in my support of Biden and Harris to repeat another term.
Third party candidates are a shoe-in for Frumpy to be re-elected. That’s a no-no! It’s Biden/Harris. They have to finish what they have started, and hopefully Biden can finish training Harris for the top spot.
Don't worry I am not American IF I was I would vote for him.
Everyone keeps asking 'what can we do?'
The ONLY answer I have which not many will do is vote for Cornel West. This is the only way you can get money out of politics. IF you all had supported Bernie Sanders things might be very different now. BUT you didn't and you are not going to vote a 3rd party again.
Don’t you have your own country to worry about? Why do you care who people in the US vote for? I think it’s likely you’re a troll who clearly knows very little about the US. Why are you here berating people to do dumb things like vote 3rd party?
I actually did vote for Bernie Sanders in the primaries.
Your continued belief that voting for a third party in the US will “help get money out of politics” doesn’t make sense, but I see you live in France & must think the U.S. system is similar to France’s. It is not.
We have a winner take all system in which only two parties can functionally participate, plus we have an antiquated system in the Electoral College, which can prevent the highest vote winner from winning the Presidency. This is what happened in 2016. Hillary Clinton got more votes, but Donald Trump got more electoral college votes, so he was declared the winner.
I just had a thought in connection with this and in connection with what I was writing about yesterday that highlights a point that is often missed. Every time the time changes for the daylight savings adjustment causing a lot of inconvenience and griping, and when we see women and doctors threatened with punishment for having or performing an abortion, or guns killing people unnecessarily, restrictions on what teachers can say in their classrooms, Medicaid expansion being rejected, etc., etc., it is not merely that conservatives are in positions of power. The primary mechanism by which the damages are inflicted on people is through the passage of bad laws implementing bad ideas. Bad laws are being passed in red states at an accelerating pace. We are law-abiding people and we typically obey those bad laws and the laws can easily alter perceptions and the way people behave and think. We need to focus on examining precisely how laws change people and society and how bad laws can be eliminated. Laws are not just words on paper. Some of the worst of these laws have had a phenomenal effect on the culture because of how young people are profoundly affected in their daily lives. I have spent my entire adult life studying how compulsory attendance laws create mayhem and defeat the purposes of schooling and personal educational endeavors. Elections matter because elected officials enact laws and laws matter because they determine how we will think, act, and design a future existence. Voting and democracy have to be about knowing what policies and legislation are about and it will take much more than sound bites and civics classes to turn this ship around. Without democracy in school, we are nowhere.
The question that I find more perplexing is how do we get these statistics out to the general public? The main stream media is simply not interested in sharing verifiable, scientific and well researched information with the public that favors the Democrats. I've given up on trying to influence the main stream media and am focusing on outreach through Spoutible, emails, resistance work.
The "handwriting is on the wall" for 2024 - We MUST GOTV for Dems or watch America become a fascist, authoritarian country led by the oligarchs and corporations they run. I find this a truly frightening, but possible, scenario.
I have been an active participant fighting for democracy, freedom and VOTING rights since I was in high school. In other words, for many many. years. I am a lead Admin in a resistance group that has not stopped caring since 2016 and we have no intention of stopping now.
This is NOT about those who us who spend hours/weeks/years fighting to save democracy. This is about reaching the general public who believe what the nightly news tells them, not bothering to question, do their own research , etc.
Time to ignore Jenny. Worth reviewing the posts. You didn't deserve to waste energy defending your history (kudos from me!) or trying to explain to this poster.
Thom, this report is extremely enlightening! If it doesn’t wake up some of the “dead beats” in our society, nothing will!
Bottom line with all of this is real simple.
We MUST, MUST, get to the polls every single time there is an election. It doesn’t matter if it’s for local, state, federal. We must vote BLUE 💙💙💙💙 in every election group m here on until we completely eliminate the current Republican Party and replace those in our Congress with younger, more Democratic leaders that want to take us on into the next decades with improvements to our society, our way of life, our democracy, and by all means, KEEPING OUR CONSTITUTION INTACT!
The victims don't know they're victims, and don't get news from sources that will inform them.
In summer of 2016 I went to Kentucky with a church group to help elderly folks with home repairs. The sweet lady I was working for had a Rush Limbaugh type radio program basting Hillary -hating conspiracies. There was one "supermarket " in a widespread town and many people relied on EBT ( food stamps) in the state which has the highest percapita reliance on this program. Their Senators are Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul.
Rand Paul is an idiot who thinks his ophthalmology certification made him better able to assess the risks of COVID than an epidemiologist like Dr.
Fauci. During one of Rand Paul’s show hearings, Dr.
Fauci had had enough of
Rand Paul’s interruptions,
rudeness and distorting Dr.
Fauci’s statements that
Dr. Fauci delivered a much needed smackdown to
Rand Paul. Paul has always
put his personal glibertarianism above his duties as a physician and senator.
On Nov 7, about 5 counties in eastern KY that went 80% to 20 for Trump in 2016 and 2020 went 60% Democratic. The candidate, governor Andy Beshear, is a lay Disciple of Christ preacher, and knows the lyrics to all Bill Monroe songs. (It didn't hurt that the Republican was Black.)
If the DNC can replicate Brashear, have a chance throughout coal country. Obama was seen as anti coal and of course, has a "foreign" middle name. Paul is a carpetbagger. Had the DNC run anyone like Brashear the last time, he'd be toast. He opposed the Black Lung reform legislation. He opposes all government benefits.
I feel the same about WVa. Need to replicate Sen. Robert Byrd. Play the fiddle.
Thanks for the revelations about Bashear. It is hard form me to absorbe that Kentuckians, who work in mines and have black lung disease and wind up depending on government benefits, voted for a man opposed to those subjects. It had to be his opponent was a black Republican. The Republicans have it in their head, that if the front a black right winger, they can secure a seat, the MAGAt base isn't falling for it though, and apparently blacks aren't either, except for South Carolina.
Little tricky following Soloman's syntax: Brashear is not the wrong-headed subject. It's Paul who wants to screw the folks who somehow vote for him.
Inroads made as to the Governor's re-election: son of, did they call it "Kynect" (sp) because they didn't dare call it "Obamacare." It is stultifying how people get buffaloed into screwing themselves.
Yes. BUT why did you not pay attention to this at the time?
Of course I did! It was a clear message about the hypocrisy of their senators who are supposed to represent their constituents, as well as an indicator that red state people were being lied to and brainwashed to vote for Trump. Don’t know what else I could have done
I am a late participator. I have become uncomfortable with "Jenny" attacks and good-hearted defenses representing what looks like wasted energy. When "Jenny" gets to pumping Cornel West, below, I'm not sure about funny smell....
Who do you refer to as "you?" Strange generalization to the most attentive exceptions.
That’s why it’s up to us to tell everyone we can. We just get the word out to everyone, one way or the other!
Too late.
When we were living in the US for 23yrs not many people cared about Politics/world History/or your own History. Schools were insipid. Tests after tests instead of teaching.
It's 'on YOU' America.
Jenny, it’s never too late! Not if we want to save our Democracy and our Constitution. Frumpy 🍓💩🤡 has made it extremely clear what he intends to do WHEN he’s re-elected next year. He fully intends to do away with Democracy as we now know it, do away with the Constitution. Put people in place in the federal agencies that will follow his orders, do away with the local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies replacing them either the military (Army). He will have all the prosecutors, justices, everyone that has “wronged him”, “told lies about him”, and “tried to prosecute him”, locked up in prison, or shot. He will do away with Congress, state legislatures and state governments. Everyone will be answering to him. And lastly, we will not have another election for any government officials.
just now
I am a late participator. I have become uncomfortable with "Jenny" attacks and good-hearted defenses representing what looks like wasted energy. When "Jenny" gets to pumping Cornel West, below, I'm not sure about funny smell...
I agree. I realized sh was one if Frumpy’s cronies after I write my responses to her. But, I’m hard-headed old man. It doesn’t matter who I tell about that pile of 💩💩💩💩. Hopefully it might wake up some of those dead zombies!
WHy is this?
The MSM has been defunct for a long time BUT you Americans did not care! As long as you could buy and ignore Politics you were happy.
By and large, Americans guilty as charged. Asleep as long as the next TV model could be "afforded" on a credit card. The teach-to-the-test culture is a Bush abomination, isn't it? The next stage of "awakening" was the Bush/Gore election brouhaha, which at least introduced fledgling MSNBC as a voice which at least wasn't Limbaugh-parroting. But I have hopes of the insult to the comfort zone inflicted by Injustice Alito.
Yes, they are being misled. Is there 'anything' the lawyers or the Democratic leaders are doing to make it illegal for TV news to continually lie? Who is trying to make the media be punished for their lies? Is this even possible? I think the lies are the number one reason we will lose 2024 and our democracy! It should the top agenda for the Democrats! Is 'nothing' being done in the courts or in congress???? Please inform me of any progress on this problem and how soon we might get *results*!
To any reasonable degree of probability, the numbers in 2023 have to be much worse. States like mine committed us to a forced COVID herd immunity experiment, well documented by the CDC in 2021. In other words DeSantis and our legislators culled our state of proportionally more Republicans, since they die at a higher rate than Democrats. On the other hand we've had immigration of huge numbers of Republicans who apparently admire the policy.
Whereas 111.7 Floridians die per 100,000 from COVID in 2021, only 29.5 did in cold and windy Vermont. I note that Oklahoma, Texas, West Virginia, Alabama, and Mississippi are by far the worst vis a vis COVID.
These also happen to be the same states that take more from Federal taxes than they give. Blue states are supporting them.
We have other problems. Although measles was declared eliminated in the United States in 2000, almost 1,300 cases of measles were reported in 31 states in the U.S. in 2019— the greatest number since 1992.
I feel for you, Daniel. I lived in Florida until just over 5 1/2 years ago. I had to get the help out. DeStupid has ruined that state with his gerrymandering of the states voting districts, you guys will never have a decent election ever again. And his rules/laws he’s implemented on the COVUD, education system he’s screwed up. It’s totally gone. I’m not surprised he has any educators of any degree of competence remaining there to teach.
Cubans were RABID Repubs. Rick Scott did a lot of damage. Marco Rubio is useless. It’s not just DeSatan, but he has taken it to a new level of venal.
Lots of Cubans voted for Obama and HRC. Our main problem is that the DNC has written us off and BLM said some stupid stuff that forced ALL Cubans and Venezuelans to support Republicans.
Where I live, most heavily Cuban American population, the Democrats still comprise a majority but we are represented by 3 MAGATs.
BLM is he best ally MAGA has. This young asshat egoists, are still patting themselves on the back for their stupid Defund the Police.
That is what myopia gets you. Single issue politics is a losing proposition..
ProChoice might be the exception now that the reality of Dobbs has set in. ProChoice advocates were asleep at the switch, taking the status quo for granted.
They weren't even alarmed when Trump appointed pro fascist judges to the bench, not just the Supreme Courtwith 1,500 lawyers vetted by the Federalist Society.
People are blithely unaware that so many lawyers are conservative, not just conservative but die hard right wingers. Not you Daniel.
Over time, law professors became extremely reactionary to the point that some are outright Fascists. I was a member, an officer, of the ABA for over 20 years. The nature of the Administrative law section, which contains some of the most famous Constitutional scholars, has changed 180 degrees since I started. I was also a member of ACUS, the administrative conference of the US.
A member of an Inn of Court that included Scalia, Thomas.
Many Trump appointees were rated unqualified by the ABA.
Thomas and Alito openly apply "natural law" before the text of the Constitution.
Has anybody traced back the origin of "defund the police?" It's such stupid, obvious sabotage, politically, that I toy with (completely speculative) conspiracy theory that it comes from malicious propaganda. Wondering for some time.....
Y you in mist live in the Dade/Broward county area. The DNC hasn’t given up on you folks in Florida. The problem you are having now is the leadership of it, and the Frmicrsts are not energized at all because they have no power in the state now. And, no matter who heads it up. If the federal lie dint hit the streets every day and start talking to people, then Scott, Rubio, DeStupid, will continue to turn that state into an authoritarian power. You will never get rid of those idiots until they die, then another idiot will simply take their place.
Bottom line, the Democratic Party in Florida has a hell of a hill to climb. I’m not sure the Democrats left in the state are willing to put in the work to try to save the state, and put up the fight that has to be done. You are looking at long court battles, and trying to get the battle in courts in other states because DeStupid has stacked every court in Florida with his people already. That’s why his gerrymandered map made it through the ejection.
Last year we couldn't motivate Black voters to show up to vote for Black candidates. Scott is extremely weak, susceptible. IMHO if we put abortion, marijuana on the ballot we can win.
DeSanta are you referring to Rhonda Santis?
He goes by many aliases
Ronda Santis
I prefer Rhonda Santis and here is why
It is not a slur on Trans, but a slur on the hypocrite Governor. I am sure that he is transvestite or at least wears women's under garments. Most homophobes and transphobes are.
I once worked with a transvestite who spent all day listening to Rush Limbaugh.
A Stanford study wired the genitals of volunteers, to measure sexual arousal, and then showed them photo's of gay porn. But first tested them to determine who was a homophobe and the degree.
The results that the most homophobic were the most aroused, and those that weren't weren't aroused.
Yes, he has, and his Presidential campaign promise is that he has “molded Florida as he will do the entire country. Every state!”
DeStupid is an idiot. His gerrymandering got him that last “landslide win” in the election. What was his margin of winning? 21% or something like that. I guess the hell he did an by a landslide, and end up with a ‘super-majority’ legislature. He only has like one or two at the most prominent Democrat voting areas in the entire state, out of what, 34 or something like that. I don’t truly remember how many precincts Florida has now since he had the legislative redraw it.
And you are correct about Scott and Rubio. Those two are useless as tits on a boar hog!
Alexandria Pelosi, Nancy's daughter, is a documentarian and in she produced a document titled: 2009: Right America: Feeling Wronged – Some Voices from the Campaign Trail
She asked a stereotypical redneck, toothless in bib overalls living in a single wide with trash strewn around, how he felt about food stamps . He replied, he was against them as they went to them lazy coloreds. She pointed out that he received food stamps, to which he replied. That's OK because I earned them, and that is the reason red states don't have Medicaid and other social services.
They believe that welfare exists for "them there nigrahs", and are perfectly happy taking a hit, so long as "them lazy nigrahs" don't get any help
And in 2016 they found a champion and have stuck with him since -the genesis of MAGA.
100% agree.
Education for the masses which I keep pointing out.
Wonderful simplicity of message. What is the motive to NOT educate "the masses?" To maintain a low-paid serf class to serve the (pre-selected) oligarch class. Evidence: when too many peons aspire to education, just hamstring them with a debt mountain to climb. Crew for the DeVoss yachts.
Lauren Boebert grew up with a single mom and no father, and her family received welfare when she was young. Why, then, does she want to deprive others of the help she had?
I don't think that she sees the world as you do. For one thing she is a self aggrandizing asshat, narcissistic. and lacks any shred of humanity. Probably a fan of toxic masculinity, as her sponsor and protector.
I was watching Cassidy Hutchinson being interviewed on MSNBC, and she basically admitted how she fell into the Trump orbit, she was a recent college grad, and needed a ladder to climb up, and Trump was the wrung on the ladder., the difference between her and Boebert is that she has a conscience and scruples, or maybe she just figured out that in the long run she hitched her horse to the wrong wagon. I am not a mind reader, so will never know.
I grew up in a project with a single mother earning a dollar an hour as a bank analyst, and I understand and sympathize with, I have empathy, with the disenfranchised. but not with those like Boebert who found their road to wealth and fame, by being a camp following whore for those she perceives to be the winners of the culture wars.
I am listening now to the awesome Chris Hayes and Rachel Maddows's, Why is this happening.?She is reading from her new book Prequel, it is about fascism in America. Past and Present. I learned that when Hitler was asked about blaming the Jews, he replied Somebody has to be blamed for our troubles.
That is exactly what Trump does, only he has a smorgasbord of scapegoats, but this time not the Jews (his daughter, son in law and grandchildren are Jewish, so is his advisor Steven Miller.
However his MAGAt crowd is anti semitic, and it won't be long before he caves to their clamor.
If, he is elected, and that will only happen if certain groups like black males and Hispanics vote or not vote in protest,and if the Tic Tok crowd is influenced by Islamist propaganda, particularly antisemitic,, which is what is happening at this moment
Me too just watched replay Hayes/Maddow on MSNBC broadcast, thanks to MSNBC, I probably never would have "accessed" it otherwise. As for Boebert, I am not sure all of your harsh judgements are necessary to explain her. The one about "fan of toxic masculinity" is interesting. Just being pleasing, enjoying the ride thanks to sugar daddies, how shameful is it that this is all it takes to hold up a token Barbie with an R next to her name to be electable. Ouch!
Toxic harsh judgements Mmerose? Really. Down to earth and realistic. Are you a covert Trumper?Why are you defending Boebert, by dissing me?
Gosh. I just re-read my post about five times, and still can't get where I am either dissing you or defending Boebert. In fact, I was affirming your reference to "toxic masculinity," and bemoaning that there is an electorate that boosts "toxic masculinity Barbie" into office. Have mercy!
Here you go Mmerose:
"As for Boebert, I am not sure all of your harsh judgements are necessary to explain her."
Harsh judgements, that's the phrase. Not
harsh judgements,but observed behavior.
Just plain opportunist? Who doesn't wonder about "conservative" blacks? There's been reporting that Injustice Thomas was pretty explicit about forgetting about experience or principles to "get ahead." Token ladies can get on the gravy train, too. Kirsten Sinema seems to have gotten her ticket punched. AR-15 Barbie Boebert has done pretty well for herself. Making earthly sense not required.
Ugh. The designated "deserving" vs the designated "undeserving." I am a survivor of the adamantine mindset, even amongst a white family. I think my blood pressure spikes at every instance of the word "lazy." You hit me twice, here, and I'm as white as white is possible.
I understand your situation. You have hot buttons, trigger words, and apparently the word lazy is a trigger. You must have had an unfortunate life.
I am interested in why the word lazy, spikes your blood pressure.
I have a piece of unsought advice. Resist the impulse to personalize the impersonal, it will make your life so much easier, and lower your blood pressure and increase your life span.
Works for me. People, religious believers, ideologues and religious freaks shower me with all kinds epithets, slurs and search to find trigger words, they wash off me like water off a ducks back.
FYI, the racist opinion of blacks is that they are lazy do nothings of no account. And I know I lived in the south.
The triggers are "Pavlov's dog" conditioning that, of course one doesn't personalize to innocent third parties once out of the harmful context. I was being hyperbolic about 'lazy" not directed at me. But I have an anecdote about "young lady." Perfectly well-meaning guy called me that in the common friendly way long ago, now, and I DID have a reaction that got my attention, (completely not expressed to him - kept smiling). But I had a spontaneous anger reaction, and realized that when my mother said that, it meant "Sit down and shut up!" In fact, broadly used in many settings to suppress females. So I've been hip to your kind advice for a long time, but feel free!
My kind of advice? There you go again, I am obviously under your skin, when I say something that triggers you. I simply mentioned that the attitude of those rednecks are that blacks are lazy and undeserving of welfare, while whites are deserving of welfare, and at that point you chose to launch into a defensive tirade.
And Triggers are not Pavlov's Dog, not at all. My son has triggers, he is a PhD and a professor that teaches psychology, and if I say the wrong thing, he goes off like a rocket, and he was not conditioned.
I've been around long enough to notice that some words or phrases act like triggers.
A few weeks back I mentioned race horses, and a black male, went off, all he saw was the word race.
And I see through that ploy of analogizing me to oppressive males, who tell women to shut up and sit down. Again you have a tendency to personalize the impersonal.
I've said the same thing to many a man, in fact it is the first time I've said to a woman.
Honestly, and I know you will take this suggestion as a demeaning attack on a woman.
But you really have to do some soul searching and get rid of that chip on your shoulder (and I've said the same thing to men)
It is a bummer and there is enough bullshit in life without carrying around baggage like it was valued treasure.
We all have crap in our past. We have to let it go, so we can move on.
"...ploy of analogizing me to oppressive males." What's more "personalizing" than that? My sharing was about not personalizing: i.e. I didn't blame the guy, I just realized my own reaction to certain conditioning. By the way, I'm pretty sure I typed "kind advice," truly meaning your advice was kindly taken.
Mmerose. Personalizing the impersonal is when I said that a redneck trailer trash said"Them "nigrahs" is lazy"
And then you take off on the word lazy. That is personalizing the impersonal.
However when you analogize me to oppressive males. That is personal, not impersonal.
It has always been obvious to me that Red State and specifically Republican policies kill people, and in general after 2 generations have lived past Reagan many do not have the institutional knowledge of government existing for the people. I am currently in Europe, where this is really clear. Even if the Netherlands just voted in a Nazi, he is a Nazi who is promising to do things for his people, not just telling them to tighten their belts and pull themselves up by their bootstraps, and eschew government handouts, which is what they pretend health care, child care support, and education support is. So, there is a lot of ignorance as to what the government is supposed to be, and clearly even many who were alive before Reagan seem not to have grasped the concepts. It is very sad indeed.
I agree to a certain extent.
I am from France and this news from Holland is bad.
I have the belief that in most EU Country's the 'healthcare system' is the buttress against right wing Govts.
The USA does not have this.
IF France gets Le Pen and she tries to 'downgrade' the Health system she will be OUT.
Already in Italy after Meloni got in I see a 'backlash' because of her homophobia and increasingly ugly rhetoric.
Jenny, any vote for anyone is a vote for Trump. Nader carried enough votes in Florida, that enabled Trump to claim the electoral votes. Jill Stein did the same in the Great Lakes, and that enabled Trump to carry the electoral college.
Cornell West is a bloviator with a complex, and votes for him will help Trump get elected.
Cornell West's candidacy is designed to capture black votees, and thus relect Trump
Don't take politicians at face value. That's how we got Trump 45.
Look. I understand he problem vis a vis Trump.
However can someone please tell me when are you going to get money out of Politics?
Never. Not until the majority of Congress critters decide it is time to bite the hands that feed them.
One thing everybody needs and wants is money, the more the better, Not for the sake of money, it is only printed paper, but for what it can do.
When it wasn't money, it was command of a resource like salt or cattle. Even today a person can get killed in Ethiopia if one intrudes on the land of that the Afar tribe commands in the Daliol depression.
However France has the same problem, doesn't it. Money commands politicians. Macron serves Total S.A.
Link to France exploitation of Africa
Nice country to choose to live in.
I agree that the health system and other social supports like child care, education are also supports that people will not allow to easily be destroyed. Also, I was just reading a discussion yesterday of the outrage in Italy of how women are not protected from violence from men, because of the killing of a 22 year old university student. While Meloni has been speaking up on this, it might be a point of too little too late.
Still, the drastic measures that Geert Wilders supports are truly awful. I hope that he has a difficulty forming a coalition that will go along with that.
In Europe we all love Italy. We know each time there is an election there will be another one in a year or so.
We visit Italy often it's an easy drive from where we are in France.
Have come to know Italian people really well....they are completely nuts and wonderful at the same time.
Meloni will be gone soon.
Oh, great. The country that made Berlusconi Prime minister for a total of 9 years. The Wiki page on that guy is emblematic for Italy preceding America as Trump-suckers. In fact: Severgnini, Beppe (15 November 2016). "What a Trump America Can Learn from a Berlusconi Italy". Opinion. The New York Times. Archived from the original on 8 April 2022. Retrieved 21 August 2022. La Dolce Vita, patsies.
He was in and out of prison those 9ys. Italians are Italian you cannot put them in a box.
Yet you "box" Americans, oddly snarking all over the site of the most aware. And then love on the Italians whose elections "another in a year or so" perpetuated the awful Berlusconi.
7 mins ago
I tried your "Euronews" link, with appreciation, but they immediately blocked access with the "agree to conditions" box, and the "continue without agreeing" link was inactive. Am I too paranoid about okaying cookies and the rest of the page of small print? Running "Catalina" on a hoary MacBook, neither one of us is really in the 21st Century.
Euro news?
Linda Wade put in a couple of links; my response mis-linked. See above!
I tried your "Euronews" link, with appreciation, but they immediately blocked access with the "agree to conditions" box, and the "continue without agreeing" link was inactive. Am I too paranoid about okaying cookies and the rest of the page of small print? Running "Catalina" on a hoary MacBook, neither one of us is really in the 21st Century.
Trump is responsible for the high death toll for a number of reasons. First, he is a sociopath who is incapable of feeling empathy for anyone else. He admitted in his interview with Bob Woodward that he deliberately minimized the severity of the pandemic and undersold the risks we faced. He also later said “I take no responsibility at all” for the numbers of people with long COVID or those who died of the disease. Second, I also think Trump had no clue about what to do about a
pandemic, and he has a well-known contempt for experts. Dr. Birx was willing to cater to Trump’s ego and need for adulation, but Dr. Fauci was not. Trump’s ego caused him to get angry with Dr. Fauci because Trump felt the attention should be on himself. He encouraged his faithful to mock Dr. Fauci and to blame him for altering his advice once scientists learned more about the virus and its working. Trump refused to take responsibility for pandemic planning, left it up to the individual states to take action, and tasked his incompetent and clueless son-in-law to obtain personal protective gear.
Trump refused to invoke his power to speed up production of N95 masks and personal protective gear for hospital workers. He does deserve some credit for funding development of RNA vaccines, but his worshippers fell under the influence of the antivaxxers and seemed to think that they would be immune from
the effects of COVID. Their beliefs killed some of them, left others with long COVID, or seriously sickened others.
The shame of many red states was that their governors refused to take the virus seriously and wanted to keep their states open to benefit big business. The most
callous expression of this was when Texas
Lt. Gov. Dan (Goeb) Patrick said that older people should be willing to give their lives to get the economy moving again. Patrick
claims he was misquoted, but he wasn’t.
Andrew Cuomo of New York (a Democrat) made a dumb decision to put COVID patients in nursing homes, which only made medically fragile people sick. The red state governors like DeSantis, Lee and Abbott refused to take the pandemic seriously, and DeSantis has seriously undercounted the numbers of sick, dead,
and disabled people.
Andrew Cuomo and his brother Chris are asshats, they played Humpty and Dumpty on TV.
He is a corrupt pervert. Politics is the career path for mediocre lawyers, with exceptions of course, but look at the hundreds of lawyers that bend over for Trump. No bodies were it not for Trump you would never have heard of them.
Unfortunately, this is true, and I think Rudy Giuliani amd John Eastman will lose their licenses for associating with Trump.
Chris Cuomo got fired from CNN for failing to disclose his discussions with his brother Andrew. Andrew’s sexual harassment forced him to resign as governor of New York.
I saw an extended show of the Bob Woodward tapes (Chris Hayes?) It's just so shocking, yet "the Bubble" is so impenetrable. Thom has explicated the date when Trump pivoted from at least trying- I think Jared was tasked with a halfway rational plan - to the whole malicious murderous disinformation campaign. It was when somebody told Trump that minorities and "Left-Coasters" were disproportionately dying. "So far" was not a concept Trump could get his head around, of course! He probably really thought the virus was selective for his enemies. I can't resist sharing again my resentment against the great football hero Aaron Rodgers. His home town Chico, CA in my local TV area; they adore him, understandably, and there is no doubt in my mind that there are people dead in Butte County that would not be but for......
Are YOU the United States of America? It seems not.
IF you are a Country it behoves you to watch/learn about your Politics but you did not do this since Reagan.
You certainly haven't Jenny
I am not American but I watch and learn from many Country's.
As do I. And my inbox is full each morning with newsletters from other countries.
What are you saying? Stop talking in riddles.
IF what I say is a 'riddle' to you then so be it. Read and learn?
Bye bye Jenny. Not paying you no more mind.
OK Fine by me.
Well written and documented advice. Please tell me what, as an individual very concerned about the loss of our Democarcy forever, I can do to help get out the vote.
Contact your local Democratic Party: they can give you specifics. Also, check out activist groups like…
Janet, talk to people! That’s most important. Study the candidates and talk to people. You’ll probably piss off, and likely lose, some friends. But, oh well. If we intend to save this democracy, I don’t give a damn who I piss off. Hell, I’ve lost my entire family over this. They are all MAGA freaks! I’m as alone as alone can get. But, at least I strongly feel I’m right in my support of Biden and Harris to repeat another term.
I don't think you can do anything unless you vote for a Candidate like Cornel West.
Money is in Politics ..finish.
A vote for a third party candidate only increases the chance of thump winning. Please rethink your Cornel West vote.
Third party candidates are a shoe-in for Frumpy to be re-elected. That’s a no-no! It’s Biden/Harris. They have to finish what they have started, and hopefully Biden can finish training Harris for the top spot.
Don't worry I am not American IF I was I would vote for him.
Everyone keeps asking 'what can we do?'
The ONLY answer I have which not many will do is vote for Cornel West. This is the only way you can get money out of politics. IF you all had supported Bernie Sanders things might be very different now. BUT you didn't and you are not going to vote a 3rd party again.
I have no sympathy.
Don’t you have your own country to worry about? Why do you care who people in the US vote for? I think it’s likely you’re a troll who clearly knows very little about the US. Why are you here berating people to do dumb things like vote 3rd party?
KL Pierce my sentiments exactly. Not sure why this foreigner is making foolish comments on this site.
Foolish foreigner..............that's rich when America fiddles in World Politics and starts wars all over the World!
KL, I suspect that she is a troll, who is doing her job, to re elect Trump.
The internet is thick with them, Agents of Putin, HAMAS, Trump., they are coming out of the woodwork, the closer to the election we get.
SO I am a troll again. I was a Commie yesterday..what next?
Yup: the Cornel West shout rang an alarm! I had been taking it seriously.
How dare you call me a 'troll' just because I have a different perspective!
I lived in the US for 23yrs and got interested because NO-one outside of my close friends ever talked about Politics!
We left the US when GWBush got in, he writing was on the wall.
Not to mention that my daughter had the worst education.
You must be very you imagine that whatever happens in the US affects everyone around the World?
I actually did vote for Bernie Sanders in the primaries.
Your continued belief that voting for a third party in the US will “help get money out of politics” doesn’t make sense, but I see you live in France & must think the U.S. system is similar to France’s. It is not.
A vote for Cornel West will only help thump.
You would vote for a fascist.?Thanks for clearing that up Jenny.
We have a winner take all system in which only two parties can functionally participate, plus we have an antiquated system in the Electoral College, which can prevent the highest vote winner from winning the Presidency. This is what happened in 2016. Hillary Clinton got more votes, but Donald Trump got more electoral college votes, so he was declared the winner.
...and you call yourselves a Democracy?
Please comment on truth social where you belong. You are amplifying the unfair stereotype Americans have of French smugness
If you think French 'smugness' is about seeing perspective yes then you are correct.
Jenny. We see it too. Our only choice as Democrats is to try to rise up. Even if you think it’s hopeless.
I have been saying 'get out on the streets' for ages.
I just had a thought in connection with this and in connection with what I was writing about yesterday that highlights a point that is often missed. Every time the time changes for the daylight savings adjustment causing a lot of inconvenience and griping, and when we see women and doctors threatened with punishment for having or performing an abortion, or guns killing people unnecessarily, restrictions on what teachers can say in their classrooms, Medicaid expansion being rejected, etc., etc., it is not merely that conservatives are in positions of power. The primary mechanism by which the damages are inflicted on people is through the passage of bad laws implementing bad ideas. Bad laws are being passed in red states at an accelerating pace. We are law-abiding people and we typically obey those bad laws and the laws can easily alter perceptions and the way people behave and think. We need to focus on examining precisely how laws change people and society and how bad laws can be eliminated. Laws are not just words on paper. Some of the worst of these laws have had a phenomenal effect on the culture because of how young people are profoundly affected in their daily lives. I have spent my entire adult life studying how compulsory attendance laws create mayhem and defeat the purposes of schooling and personal educational endeavors. Elections matter because elected officials enact laws and laws matter because they determine how we will think, act, and design a future existence. Voting and democracy have to be about knowing what policies and legislation are about and it will take much more than sound bites and civics classes to turn this ship around. Without democracy in school, we are nowhere.
The question that I find more perplexing is how do we get these statistics out to the general public? The main stream media is simply not interested in sharing verifiable, scientific and well researched information with the public that favors the Democrats. I've given up on trying to influence the main stream media and am focusing on outreach through Spoutible, emails, resistance work.
The "handwriting is on the wall" for 2024 - We MUST GOTV for Dems or watch America become a fascist, authoritarian country led by the oligarchs and corporations they run. I find this a truly frightening, but possible, scenario.
That's up to you. The people.
You did not care about anything since Reagan.
Sort it out yourselves.
I have been an active participant fighting for democracy, freedom and VOTING rights since I was in high school. In other words, for many many. years. I am a lead Admin in a resistance group that has not stopped caring since 2016 and we have no intention of stopping now.
This is NOT about those who us who spend hours/weeks/years fighting to save democracy. This is about reaching the general public who believe what the nightly news tells them, not bothering to question, do their own research , etc.
Time to ignore Jenny. Worth reviewing the posts. You didn't deserve to waste energy defending your history (kudos from me!) or trying to explain to this poster.
Actually, many of us have cared. We didn’t buy the morning in America rhetoric, but we also have a failing political system.
I seriously think it has become clear that "Jenny" is insincere, at best. New developments.