Separation of church and state was one of the reasons our ancestors fled from Europe. I don't care what you believe, just keep it out of my face, and out of schools.

As for dumpster donald, no he won't debate Kamala cuz he's smart enough to know she'll melt his candy ass.

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VP Harris would get the better of Trump in any debate. It didn’t help when Dana Bash and Jake Tapper failed to call out Trump’s Gish gallop of lies and misstatements.

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1. Church and state. We knew this was happening. SCOTUS now in effect includes religion as a suspect criteria under the equal protection clause in the 14th Amendment, which is a violation of the separation concept. .Thomas and Alito admit they apply "natural law" which is Catholic dogma before they interpret the text of the Constitution.

2. 3 million more women registered voters nationally than men. In the past week 100,000 new Democrats registered, mostly female Gen Z. We've been concentrating on unregistered folk who trend Democrat in the swing, blue wall states. Once registered they are reliable voters. We're hoping this will snowball, to neutralize whatever happens in the media, Republican advertising, Trump lost big in 2020. IMHO he can not keep enough of the voters that he did have to win post Jan 6, and post convictions, indictments, etc. . https://rvat.org/

3. Pet owners unite https://danielsolomon.substack.com/p/pet-owners-unite

4. Big texting day for FT 6. Register more Democrats to save the world.


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I agree with you. It seems like the bishops have forgotten how suspicious people were of Catholics in a United States then dominated by Protestantism. A lot of it was due to religious and political differences.

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Dominionism Kathy, has built a bridge between Evangelicals and trad Catholics

Problem is that Americans, even liberals, are not familiar with Dominionism, Christian Reconstruction, Christofascist.

Here is what we are up against, it has other names like New Apostolic Reformation (Mike Johnson) or Opus Dei (Kevin Roberts and the Supreme 6) it is an inter denominational movement.

Here is the enemy exposed. It tries to hide behind the Chalcedon Society.


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Every year SCOTUS attends the Catholic Red Mass traditionally on the Sunday before the first Monday in October, which marks the opening of the Court's annual term. Incredibly even Breyer, a Jew, would attend.

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For me, the Catholic mumbo-jumbo does not equate with reading and interpreting law. Religion is magical thinking based on myths. The only mass SCOTUS should worry about is the mass of people their rulings affect.

Very much appreciate your expertise, Daniel, and the historical info.

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This is true, and I saw it happening in the early 1980s.

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The nativists considered the Irish to be non white, There were signs on lawns, Irish and dogs keep off. You've surely seen the movie Gangs of New York. A dramatization of real life and real people.

When the Irish lost their brogue, their skin color enabled them to become Anglo Saxon (incidentally my DNA is mostly Irish) And now the Irish are as anti Black and brown racist as any Anglo Saxon. Think Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Boston socks, how about the Boston anti bussing riots.

Catholics were discriminated against in Protestant America, they gain power and become the aggressor.

Victim today, victimizer tomorrow.

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Check the Opus Dei folks with Heritage Foundation / Project 2025 connections with this interactive relationship map.


Whay are JD Vance and Ted Cruz so keen on giving police access to women's menstrual data? Follow the money with this map. Hint: Peter Thiel's firm Palantir specializes in analyzing large amounts of data and had got a multi-million dollar contract during the Trump administration for its work with ICE. Thiel is a big donor to both Thiel and Cruz...


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I am a cradle Catholic who isn’t happy with the political activities of our hierarchy. Despite their efforts to act as ward heelers for Republicans, there are quite a few of us who are Democrats we don’t agree with the hierarchy’s attempts to practice medicine without licenses or to forbid women from decisions on their own fertility. They behave as though they haven’t lost their moral authority with concealing their own abusers. I don’t agree with their obsession with pelvic issues, although I do support their efforts to help migrants. I don’t like Archbishop Sample’s gutting Hispanic ministry in Portland.

Other countries do have Catholic politicians who vote in support of legality of abortion and contraception without the church making a big issue of it. It’s only the American hierarchy and GQP pols with the culture war obsessions who do this. I also don’t agree with the Opus Dei members and cooperators who are providing money and power to the Christian Nationalists. They truly have forgotten what Jesus was all about.

The bishops have unfortunately decided that religious freedom to them means the government has to accommodate them. Five of the six right wing SCOTUS justices are Catholic, Gorsuch is a former Catholic turned Episcopalian, but don’t forget

Justice Sotomayor is Catholic too, and she and I don’t support the majority’s damaging decisions.

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The Catholic church has it in it's DNA since Charlemagne plucked a Catholic priest and made him Pope, to crown him as Emperor. Millions have been tortured, racked, burned, hung and slaughtered in the name of Jesus by this cult.

BTW I too was a Catholic, a Knighot of Collumbus, a trad rad member of Catholic Truth, and a subscriber to the Wanderer.

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I can see the evangelicals and catholics going to war in the future.

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I can see it happening too. The Evangelicals would think the Catholics weren’t Christians, so they would view it as a duty to suppress Catholicism. Catholics are Christians, so are the Eastern and Asian Orthodox Churches.

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It will happen as they fight to determine who is going to be primacy in the theocracy.

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Within the Catholic Church, there are groups that still reject the ecumenicism and reform of the '60s. I know people who attend the Latin mass, observe the old rules about meatless Friday, I had friends who were French Canadian, who refused recognize the Roman version. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marcel_Lefebvre

Several variations on the theme. In this hemisphere wars for and against liberation theology. The priests that ran the Sandinistas in Nicaragua were Marxists.

Domestically there is a group that calls itself "Catholic" but is not recognized by Rome, the "National" or the "Old" Catholic Church. The "Old" Santa Barbara Church may/may not actually be more Santeria than Catholic. Internationally there are several "national" official churches. BTW Santa Barbara was decanonized by the Roman Catholic Church, and in her Santeria "path" is Chango or Shango, Santeria god of war.

We had a visible sect that wore Tony Alamo jackets. He called himself Catholic but ran the Pentecostal Alamo Christian Foundation with his wife, Susan, in 1969. The organization is now known as Tony Alamo Christian Ministries and was based in Dyer, Arkansas. Alamo was known for his abusive behavior towards his followers and was convicted of 10 counts of child rape in 2009. He was sentenced to 175 years in prison and died there in May 2017.

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I heard of Tony Alamo, his expensive celebrity jackets, and his sexual abuse. I am familiar with the trads and they detest Pope Francis so much they want to start a schism. There are some trads in communion with Rome, others who have sort of disaffiliated themselves (like the Society of St. Pius X.) Pope John Paul II excommunicated Marcel Lefebvre in 1988 when the Pope expressly forbade Lefebvre from consecrating bishops, and Lefebvre went ahead and did it any way. Then, there are people to the right of SSPX who belong to various sedevacantist groups, like Mel Gibson. They have their ow chapels and follow different “leaders.” I have thought Carlo Viganò might join one of these groups now that he is excommunicated by his own actions.

I was raised as a Vatican II Catholic and don’t apologize for it. I am not nostalgic for the Latin Mass, although I do know some Latin hymns we sing some times for Mass. I wouldn’t mind attending a Spanish language Mass because I could follow it too.

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When I was a trad Catholic. I sang in the Church choir, myself and the organist would sing Latin hymns, I also attended "underground" masses conducted by an old retired priest in Latin, and we waged a guerilla war against Archbishop Hunthausen of Seattle.

I belonged to Catholic Truth, we received the Wanderer, a newspaper put out by retired nuns and it called John XXIII the anti Christ and Pope John Paul and antiPope.

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Once upon a time, I was the lawyer for the "Blue Army" and I am not even Catholic. I think Catholic Charities is the greatest, but there is a lot of institutionalized paranoia. The Jesuits were persecuted by the Dominicans during the Inquisition. Some priests were cleansed by fire, as if they were heretics. As recently as this year, Francis excommunicated bishops. You'd think they'd have rabbit ears for groups like Christian Truth, let alone the "old" Catholics. Domini, Domini.

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The Wanderer is published by one branch of the Matt family. It was originally a newspaper published in German for German speaking Catholics, but after use of German was discouraged in World War I, it started publishing in English. After Vatican II, one of the Matt brothers sided with Vatican II reforms and he continued to publish the Wanderer, which is ultra conservative. The other brother strongly disagreed with Vatican II and started publishing a rival paper called the Remnant. Both papers are still in print and have subscribers.

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Wow, how do you know all of this. I and my friend use to sneak into the church on Sunday before mass and leave copies in the pew.

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Opus Dei was revealed in the Dan Brown book "Angels and Demons" and the subsequent movie! the

gop warned that the vatican would run the country, if JFK was elected! Now we have a convicted sexual predator, convicted fraudster and convicted felon as the gop candidate of POTUS abetted by extremist right wing catholics on the Roberts stench court! somehow the magas welcome the vatican to their cult!

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My information on OD comes from members who have left the OD cult mindset and their spiritual elitism. It comes from writers like the late Maria del Carmen Tapia, whom Escriva tossed out as being “incompetent” and “useless.” Escriva was known to have been the proverbial Boss from Hell who verbally abused and berated the people who worked for him. He belittled and berated the numeraries who worked for him.

I don’t consider Dan Brown a particularly reliable source. Brown is not a good writer, and he took seriously the Priory of Sion hoax which was created by a French con man in the 1950s and swallowed wholesale by the writers of “Holy Blood, Holy Grail.” Bart Ehrman does a fairly good job at debunking this whole fiction. In The con man, Pierre Plantard, also put forged documents in the French National Library. Opus Dei isn’t a religious order, it’s a lay led personal prelature that has priests who are associated with it, but they do not have their own religious or monastic orders. Opus Dei’s real problems are its secretiveness, its attempt to merge religious and political power, and its cultish treatment of its ordinary members.

The reason why Opus Dei came to have such influence was because it had the money to bail out the Vatican when the Vatican was experiencing severe financial problems in the early 1980s due to financial mismanagement. OD bailed out the Vatican financially in return for which they were recognized as an official personal prelature and Josemaria Escriva was canonized. I don’t regard Escriva as a saint for his mistreatment of his employees, and don’t regard JPII as a saint because of his refusal to acknowledge the scope and extent of sexual abuse in the church.

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What Trump fears most is being laughed at by Harris or any woman.

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The women are already laughing at him and supporting Kamala!

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Watched MSNBC in passing. Kamala broke Zoom, she held a Zoom session with over 160,000 viewers and raised $1.8 million

We have a star on our hands, and one that can handle Trump and all of the feces he and his MAGAts will fling. A real street fighter, no more of that goody two shoes of going high when they go low.

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Maybe that's why he wants to call her laffin' Kamala, thinking the mockery will get her to suppress her laugh. She knows better. I think she's going to mop the floor with his hideous weave.

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I understand he has refused to debate her.

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The Spanish Civil war was a result of Franco, a disgraced soldier and the Catholic Church joining hands to overthrow the newly elected Republican government. The effects of that long and brutal dictatorship are still felt today. Bodies of the murdered still being discovered. And survivors and their relatives still disenrolling from the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church has always been about power, wealth and control.

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Rome never fell. The Emperor became Pope, the Senate became Cardinals, the Equestrians become Bishops,and Centurians became Priests.

Rome transformed under Constantine from a sectarian power to a secular power, and it's reach extended far beyond political boundaries.

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I left the Catholic Church my senior year in high school, as a Knight Commander in the Knights of the Altar, a teacher in CCD classes for people younger and much older than me, and having almost entered a Maryknoll seminary at age 15 to become a priest? Why? I had read enough church history and theology untethered from the nihil obstats and imprimaturs of the Catholic book censors to see fully its failures and contradictions as an institution and theological system. After fifty-plus years as a confirmed and outspoken atheist, through a strange set of circumstances. I was called to Greek Orthodoxy, being not a drop Greek myself. And finding in its American form everything the Catholic Church lacked. A stress on free will, a commitment to the American tenet of separation on church and state (our priests can’t even vote), a clear understanding of that coerced religion is an oxymoron, a belief that our goal in life is to become as much like Christ as possible, a recognition that sin is an illness, not a crime,that confession is more of a spiritual counseling than an absolution, which only God can give. Oh, and that no man is the equal of God, which is why we have no pope, and in many ways each of us is a theologian in our own lives. We are totally at home with science (our American archbishop’s first encyclical was on climate change), and we accept that faith is exactly that, meaning much about God, most really, is a mystery,and we are comfortable with that, too. We also accept that there may be other paths to God than our own. I have found in Greek Orthodoxy peace, purpose, the strength to keep going in a very difficult and limited life, a welcoming community, and in the end, joy, a feeling alien to me during almost all of my 76 years.

Which brings me to our election. The fascist ticket brings to us, if anything, two of Satan’s greatest minions in living memory. That the faux orange felon shrinks from debating VP Harris is much like the demons who shrink from Christ in many episodes in the Gospel. Given the wonders of modern technology, here is my idea: let the DNC use its new, huge war chest to create a series of short “debates” between VP Harris and an AI generated image of the grotesque creature she is fighting for the office of POTUS. have each “debate” made up of his spouting collected obscene snippets on one of various topics of import—climate change, abortion, immigration, Ukraine, the disabled, women generally, social safety nets, crime. Have VP Harris respond in her strong, direct cogent way to each of them. Have the “debates” on TikTok and YouTube—the MSM will report them to if only to howl about not being able to control the narrative, so they will reach a very wide audience and, most directly, the young voters she needs to get to the polls. In addition to the impact on voters, it might cause the flatulent phony to explode in apoplexy as his own words become weapons against him in situations he can neither control nor disrupt. Maybe just a fantasy on my part. But…maybe not. The technology is there. VP Harris should use it. We are engaged in total war for our ideals and the soul of our country, and she should use every means at her disposal to assure victory.

What God’s plan may be I do not presume to know. But our plan, those of us who are true Americans, should be simple, clear, and forceful—to make November a blue tsunami so overwhelming that no amount of fraud, chicanery, criminal interference or the corrupt SCOTUS can withstand or overcome it.

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The Greek Orthodox is even more intolerant and Misogynist than the Latin Church.

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Obviously you know little about it. Or have had a run-in with some local church not in the mainstream. The women in leadership roles in our parish would beg to differ with you. But you know what they say about opinions…and our church says you are welcome to yours.

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So I live among Mormons in Az. The Mormon church disavows plural marriages and says it doesn't support political candidates, the end of public school or insurrectionists etc but it does nothing to stop any of it. Our state legislature is full of insurrectionist Mormons. If you are giving money to an organization such as the Catholic church that is trying to overthrow our country and take away our rights, I would take a good hard look at that.

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The LDS elders say that they disavow plural marriages, but are the three monkeys, when it comes to the Fundamentalist LDS.

They also pretend that the Mountain Meadow Massacre was not planned and organized by

their saint Brigham Young.

The LDS is as misogynist as they come, in fact that is true of all Abrahamic Religions, true also of Hindu and Buddhism.

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Not just the debate with Kamala Harris. I think it’s pretty safe to say that Donald Trump has chickened out his entire life on anything and everything having to do with courage, honor, and integrity.

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Thom, you are correct. The Catholic Church has always been about power. Jesus never set foot in Rome. Peter was the bishop of Antioch. The headquarters of the Catholic Church was put in Rome because it was the centre of power of the day.

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JD Vance seems to think there is no take backsies on his nomination. I heard him say it. If it happens, and it would be delicious if it did, Trump would no doubt make him quit. Wonder what excuse they would use. Representative Elise Stephanik might be his next choice---god knows she is hateful enough! She too is a fantastic boot-licker.

Stephanik believes in a 15 week abortion ban with exceptions, but likes the idea of throwing doctors in prison. I think that puts her closer in line with Trump's position.

If he ditches JD, he is going to want an attack dog. He knows damn well he can win the border battle but lose the war on the abortion issue.

Just want to mention gas and oil leases don't get used half the time. There is an expiration if they don't drill in a specified time. Currently there is also a shortage of equipment, supplies, and labor. Let's hope it stays that way while we "go electric" for cars and homes.

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Alis, I BELIEEEEEVE, that the dems can win the immigration issue by mentioning overpopulation and global warming! The old left, like me, have always opposed overpopoulation and thus immigration, especially ones who reproduce like catholics do. Kamala needs to say, the 1960's liberals told the right this would happen. Also she needs to mention Trump torpedoed the border protection act by telling his cultish congressional party to keep the border open. I know I could win that debate with him, also throw in Reagan legalized about 5 million illegals to bust the unions and bought the dem party. We can't give the bastards an inch!

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Watch the election in Venezuela.


If Maduro loses, could have immigration INTO Venezuela.

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I wonder if a new government will give Venezuelan oil back to Exxon Mobil,and that will stop the sanctions and attempts by the CIA to pull a coup.

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The Cult of Rome's position on gay marriage, abortion, contraception has one origin and purpose. They sought to rule the world via fecundity. Breed like Rabbits.

There was a time when Cardinals, Bishops and Priests married and had families, but it was also during this time that the clergy were filthy rich, accumulating money via the power they had, but they had heirs and left their estates to their heirs, so the Pope Issued a Bull forbidding priests to marry, that way the estate devolved to the church, not the heirs.

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The cover up, revisionism of JD Vance has started.

Monday I went to wikipedia.org and checked out J D Vance, Turns out he had lived under three names James David Vance''' (born '''James Donald Bowman'named James Donald Bowman at birth. Afterward, he was adopted by his mother's third husband and had his name changed to James David Hamel. Upon his marriage in 2014, he adopted his maternal grandparents' surname of Vance.. Hia adopted name is scrubbed from his wikipedia profile, just like Nixon and Reagans treason was reverted when I tried to post them.

The History and Talk pages of a wikipedia page are more interesting than the article.

Also he was not a Hillbilly, but raised in the suburbs of Cinncinati... a real fraud

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Unfortunately, until the feds invest on massive power grid upgrades, we won’t all be able to drive electric cars.

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The race is on to improve the batteries and the storage of all the electricity that is lost in transmission. In fact, the cars are one way TO store what is generated at night.

We certainly can't get there tomorrow, but we can get there. Climate crisis situations are going to "drive" where we go with this. The polluted summer air has been so bad in Houston, TWICE they have asked people to stop driving their cars. And on another point, we know what a mess their separate grid is in Texas.

Necessity really is the mother of invention. This is a national security issue---there's where the money is for the upgrades. Back to the batteries, those inventions involved there are going to be worth a fortune. You are right Jan, it is all about the money.

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There is a technology even better than electric for vehicles. It is Browns Gas, water is broken down by electricity into hydrogen and oxygen. Hydrogen is used to power the vehicle, and the exhaust is water.


Can An Engine Run On Hydrogen?

Cummins Newsroom: Education and Thought Leadership


Jun 09, 2023 by Jim Nebergall, General Manager of the Hydrogen Engine Business

hydrogen truck cab

Your hydrogen questions answered

Companies working to achieve their decarbonization goals are increasingly interested in hydrogen engines. Over the past year, leading companies like Tata Motors, Buhler Industries and Werner Enterprises have expressed interest in Cummins 15-liter hydrogen engine. More leading companies can take advantage of hydrogen-powered solutions to decarbonize as these technologies become more cost-friendly and widely available. https://www.cummins.com/news/2023/06/09/can-engine-run-hydrogen#:~:text=Yes.,soot%20or%20volatile%20organic%20compounds.

It is not discussed for the same reason that Standard Oil and Firestone bought up the street cars in LA and then sold them off as Diners.

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I don't think Trump gave any thought to JD Vance other than he's attractive and will look attractive on the ticket. Optics are the most important to Trump. And for that reason, Stefanik is out -- Not good looking enough. Too bad Kristy Noem shot her dog!

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The Catholic Church is the richest and most dangerous organization on Earth. I spent grades 1-8 in Catholic school. After first communion I felt that something was wrong. I thought it was me. By grade four I new something was desperately wrong. That's when the abuse started. Also the really intense indoctrination. My father (eighth grade Catholic school only) managed to to keep me in that madhouse through eighth grade after which, being large enough to fight, i refused to have anything further to do with the Church. What was it in me that smelled danger at such an early age? Whatever it was, a vaccine needs to be developed for children soon after birth to make them immune to this disease that affects the majority of the world's population. Not just Christianity. all of the them.

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Where I lived in Philadelphia, a lot of middle class Jews would send their kids to St Ambrose for the education, and they didn't have to take religious courses or indoctrination. But I heard horror stories from my playmates about the Nuns discipline. I was the only Protestant in the Project, which was all white then, a real UN now with Hijabs and abayas aplenty.

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That chicken does look a lot like trump.

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Thanks for my laugh of the day, Bob!

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Opus Dei and LL, are/is hardly little know, it is part of the ongoing schism in the Catholic Church in the USA, existing well before, but now best delineated along pro Francis/anti Francis lines. Archbishop vigano, friend of stevie bannon and a vigilant supporter of the anti Francis folk was recently declared in schism from the church by Francis. We hope for more movement along this path.

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Tax the rich to pay teachers, police and all first responders more. Then, as you mentioned we will have first class people doing these jobs. In turn everyone will benefit.

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The more money Americans make it seems we get more corrupt? The fault lies with poor parenting, religion and unlimited greed. The Earth billionaires are the worst. All the good that they could do that they hoard it.

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All 3 ( poor parenting, religion and greed) are intertwined and will be the downfall of society. We need to weaken the power billionaires have and strength unions. The Fairness Doctrine needs to return and get rid of Citizen United.

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I recommend watching the film Power on Netflix, about the origins of America’s policing, and history thru today. It is chilling.

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